The 'Classified' Documents DOJ / FBI Raid Targeted ARE ALREADY UNCLASSIFIED...& They Knew It

Everyone knew what was in those boxes, Trump's lawyers and Trump were cooperating with archives in the slow process of declassifying. I don't believe that was what this warrant was all about. IMO, this warrant was about a fishing expedition trying to dig up dirt on Trump, it just couldn't be anything else.
What this was all about is exactly what they got, the 'story', all over the media, blown up larger than life, just another attempt to smear Trump and try to ruin him politically and any other way they can. It will be something else that their minions across the country and the 'media' can just keep bringing up over and over again over the next election cycle as if it had some significance or meaning. It's the same MO as every other illegal bullshit scam they've done over the last 6 years and gotten away with. Yet the utter morons in here and elsewhere will keep backing them and turning a blind eye to the left's criminal activity over and over again. They ignore it to their peril, or their children's and grandchildren's peril, because this will eventually result in the loss of the republic and be replaced with the evil that's leading the destruction. If they still think this is about Trump at this point, then there's no hope for them.
As reported and I have pointed out repeatedly, President Trump is the DECLASSIFYING AGENT for all of the classified documents he intended to tale with him when he left office / the WH.

That means he could- AND DID - personally declassify all of the documents he took with him BEFORE HE LEFT.

“Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.”

Once declassified, the documents markings must be updated, which takes time to do. Once the documents have been declassified, however, the declassification is recorded and the process of updating the markings begin. The documents, however, remain 'Unclassified'.

It is being reported that the DOJ and FBI wanted to raid / collect the UNCLASS documents whose markings had not been fully updated and potentially charge Trump with having classified documents.

“The White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified."



The WH Counsel was aware of the declassification of the documents - its on record.

The DOJ was aware of the documents being declassified because Trump's team was already working with them on it and had turned over 15 boxes of documents voluntarily to have them checked out!

The FBI LIED AGAIN, claimi h Trump had taken CLASSIFIED docu.ents, which was already on record and communicated as NOT the case.

There was no need for a search warrant.

There was no need for an historic, unprecedented edented, dangerous political raid.

It's all being reported....

....but let's see how Garland, Wray, & Biden can spin / manufacture shit to get out of this one!

Thats assuming the documents in question are THOSE documents. Its entirely possible the Trump had other documents that he never declassified, specifically because he didnt want the public or anyone else to see them.

Personally, i dont believe they found any such documents in this raid, which is why the FBI, the DOJ and Democrats are fucked. People will lose their careers over this, a few years from now. Some people may even go to jail because, the GOP is going to invesitgate the fuck out of all the shit from the past 4 years and if anyone forgot to cross a T or dot an I, they will reap the whirlwind.
What this was all about is exactly what they got, the 'story', all over the media, blown up larger than life, just another attempt to smear Trump and try to ruin him politically and any other way they can. It will be something else that their minions across the country and the 'media' can just keep bringing up over and over again over the next election cycle as if it had some significance or meaning. It's the same MO as every other illegal bullshit scam they've done over the last 6 years and gotten away with. Yet the utter morons in here and elsewhere will keep backing them and turning a blind eye to the left's criminal activity over and over again. They ignore it to their peril, or their children's and grandchildren's peril, because this will eventually result in the loss of the republic and be replaced with the evil that's leading the destruction. If they still think this is about Trump at this point, then there's no hope for them.

Why did Trump take the documents?
I live for the day when you fools finally wake up and realize that this out of control mob in DC can and WILL stomp on YOUR rights as well, someday. Disgusting and childish reactions from adults who should know better.
Doesn't it just blow your mind that they sit there cheerleading illegal activity on the part of our government because of the hate they've been taught thru the very propaganda machines that have lied to them for years? Even after finding out that everything they are told is bullshit, they still defend it and repeat it as if it were 'truth' to this day. I always used to wonder how the Holocaust happened, but you can clearly see how when you listen to these fools ramble on and on in here every day, truly pathetic.
Something is important enough to Trump that he's willing to break the law. All the documents belong to the government.
Poor snowflake Clinton broke the law the Trump witch hunt is just that a witch hunt.
As reported and I have pointed out repeatedly, President Trump is the DECLASSIFYING AGENT for all of the classified documents he intended to tale with him when he left office / the WH.

That means he could- AND DID - personally declassify all of the documents he took with him BEFORE HE LEFT.

“Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves.”

Once declassified, the documents markings must be updated, which takes time to do. Once the documents have been declassified, however, the declassification is recorded and the process of updating the markings begin. The documents, however, remain 'Unclassified'.

It is being reported that the DOJ and FBI wanted to raid / collect the UNCLASS documents whose markings had not been fully updated and potentially charge Trump with having classified documents.

“The White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified."



The WH Counsel was aware of the declassification of the documents - its on record.

The DOJ was aware of the documents being declassified because Trump's team was already working with them on it and had turned over 15 boxes of documents voluntarily to have them checked out!

The FBI LIED AGAIN, claimi h Trump had taken CLASSIFIED docu.ents, which was already on record and communicated as NOT the case.

There was no need for a search warrant.

There was no need for an historic, unprecedented edented, dangerous political raid.

It's all being reported....

....but let's see how Garland, Wray, & Biden can spin / manufacture shit to get out of this one!

Don't fall into the trap of trying to refute fantasy.

We have had 6 years of theatre.

It is and has all been fake .

One big infomercial after another.
And yet Trump REMOVED a van load of WH docs...and then failed to return all of them.

For what purpose?

And in violation of the law

"zero reason to believe"?

He has given out information of critical national security in the past. He no longer has that "right"
You do know Trump was working with the archives and the democrat jackboot thugs inserted their thuggery
The FBI going to get fucked on this

(some of) The FBI agents were on camera -

They have families -
People should protest at their homes, go to their kid's schools, let everyone know that their fathers are terrorists.
Follow them into restaurants and get in their face.
Let them know that they are not welcome there.
(some of) The FBI agents were on camera -

They have families -
People should protest at their homes, go to their kid's schools, let everyone know that their fathers are terrorists.
Follow them into restaurants and get in their face.
Let them know that they are not welcome there.
Hey, I see what you did there....
You do know Trump was working with the archives and the democrat jackboot thugs inserted their thuggery
What I know was that he stole those docs and returned some a year ago. He has refused to return the rest

I also know they found Chinese agents wandering around Mar A Lago in the past
(some of) The FBI agents were on camera -

They have families -
People should protest at their homes, go to their kid's schools, let everyone know that their fathers are terrorists.
Follow them into restaurants and get in their face.
Let them know that they are not welcome there.

Trump tactics. Why did Trump take the documents to begin with?
What part of "that is illegal" do you not get?
That would obviously be completely illegal. Are you so surprised that im able to entertain possibilities other than the one that suits my party best? Its called having a balanced perspective and integrity, shit dick.
That would obviously be completely illegal. Are you so surprised that im able to entertain possibilities other than the one that suits my party best? Its called having a balanced perspective and integrity, shit dick.
Glad you understand that what was done was necessary
Doesn't it just blow your mind that they sit there cheerleading illegal activity on the part of our government because of the hate they've been taught thru the very propaganda machines that have lied to them for years? Even after finding out that everything they are told is bullshit, they still defend it and repeat it as if it were 'truth' to this day. I always used to wonder how the Holocaust happened, but you can clearly see how when you listen to these fools ramble on and on in here every day, truly pathetic.
People’s rights are stomper on every day by law enforcement and the response from the right has been to defend the police without question.

Spare us your concern for peoples rights.

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