The 'Classified' Documents DOJ / FBI Raid Targeted ARE ALREADY UNCLASSIFIED...& They Knew It

6 years of 'we got him this time'....

6 years of failure....

Breeds massive desperation.
Wait until their media finally bursts their last bubble and admits he cannot be stopped from running. They are going to go apeshit in the streets. Expect a Saint Floyd di Fentanyl redux on steroids.
trump would have had to declare them declassified in some manner WHILE STILL PRESIDENT

Just taking them does not do that and in fact violates the Presidential Records Preservation Act
Even if that were accurate, there is zero reason to believe he took anything of critical national security importance. That act was created to protect the National Archives access to the full records of presidential terms. There has NEVER BEFORE been this kind of bullshit reaction undertaken even when he has been cooperating freely. You people are fucking celebrating the destruction of America and deserve to be crushed for it.
If they knew this and failed to tell the judge, this could blow up massively on the already discredited FBI, Garland and Brandon.
They'll repeat the stall and delay strategy and keep that info - like the probable cause affidavit being "sealed", until after the midterms.
They'll repeat the stall and delay strategy and keep that info - like the probable cause affidavit being "sealed", until after the midterms.
The judge should be furious if he got intentionally deceived. He could make some serious waves for the applicant agent as well as for the AG.
That is exactly what is catching up with trump right NOW.

Are you saying you are going on a hunt?
Is everyone going to pick sides and meet in a field?
The FBI has lost all credibility they lie to many times. They lied to the FISA court.
Need to ask why Trump and his lawyer’s are silent…

As you wrote “ Ongoing investigation “ so the FBI ain’t going to tell you.
So interesting where is Trump going to go? Twitter? The democrat controlled propaganda media?
"The President, after all, is the 'Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States'" according to Article II of the Constitution, the court's majority wrote. "His authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security ... flows primarily from this constitutional investment of power in the President, and exists quite apart from any explicit congressional grant."

Feel free to link to anything that refutes the right of POTUS to classify OR declassify documents.
The End.

It's the president that determines what's classified about 1000% more than the FBI and wtf is actually going on here with this fuckery?
Wait until their media finally bursts their last bubble and admits he cannot be stopped from running. They are going to go apeshit in the streets. Expect a Saint Floyd di Fentanyl redux on steroids.
Certainly George Floyd was no saint, but that cop should have helped him with his ODing on that Chinese Fentanyl shit. I guess hard drugs are out for everywhere in America, huh?

I tell ya wut, I wouldn't take a chance on getting that fentanyl bullshit that nobody ever wanted. Good thing I got my cocaine and heroin back in the days before Fentanyl.

That stuff will kill ya. Not the poppy-based heroin or Coca-leaf-based cocaine; Those things are kinda natural, actually. That synthetic Fentanyl stuff. I cannot understand how the cartels allow that. Seems like it would cut into their everything.

I know I'm too scared of Fentanyl to buy cocaine in 2022.
Fuck that! There was no BS like that back in the day. No.

Fentanyl is like super oxycontin in concentrated form , fuck all that.

No. The risks of that made me realize I do not need drugs. I don't care if there's a bare twat in my face and It's good-looking and I can smell it. I ain't fucking with that.

No sir or ma'am. :nono:
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Patel did not want to get into what the specific documents were, predicting claims from the left that he was disclosing “classified” material, but said, “It’s information that Trump felt spoke to matters regarding everything from Russiagate to the Ukraine impeachment fiasco to major national security matters of great public importance — anything the president felt the American people had a right to know is in there and more.”
Documents at Mar-a-Lago Marked 'Classified' Were Already Declassified [emphasis added; and notice the date]

I followed up on the OP. Great OP! 👍

Here’s another thought. Look at the highlighted portion. I wonder if it’s that particular material being in Trump’s possession that is most concerning to the Democraps? They know the midterms are coming. They must know what will be in store for them. Pelosi and Schiff and various other Democrap colliders may be in a cold sweat.
Documents at Mar-a-Lago Marked 'Classified' Were Already Declassified [emphasis added; and notice the date]

I followed up on the OP. Great OP! 👍

Here’s another thought. Look at the highlighted portion. I wonder if it’s that particular material being in Trump’s possession that is most concerning to the Democraps? They know the midterms are coming. They must know what will be in store for them. Pelosi and Schiff and various other Democrap colliders may be in a cold sweat.
I think that is exactly what was happening. Trump had the map where all the bodies are buried . And they had to get them . I'm sure they have them saved on another format this day and age ... time to open the blinds and let the sunshine in... you can tell how scared they are of 45. I'm afraid for Trump and his family , lefty will stop at nothing to stop Trump. He is the last obstacle. If Trump fails I'm afraid that's it.
I think that is exactly what was happening. Trump had the map where all the bodies are buried . And they had to get them . I'm sure they have them saved on another format this day and age ... time to open the blinds and let the sunshine in... you can tell how scared they are of 45. I'm afraid for Trump and his family , lefty will stop at nothing to stop Trump. He is the last obstacle. If Trump fails I'm afraid that's it.
These folks are sick. They seem dangerous. Like cornered rabid raccoons.

The weird part is: I’ve noted for a long time that Trump has his faults. In some ways, he can be too petty. He can be too vain. He seems a bit thin-skinned. He has said cringy stuff. I get all that.

But he nevertheless also seems to be chaffed but the imbecility of our governmental bureaucracy. He seems to GET the absurdity of how our government places Americans BEHIND the peoples of other lands.

I think Kerick is right. I fear that Trump’s very life may be in danger, now.

I have no faith in the good will of our current regime. Brandon is a senile demented old racist piece of shot stage prop. The real powers behind him are insidious. They need to be shut the fuck down.
Even if that were accurate, there is zero reason to believe he took anything of critical national security importance. That act was created to protect the National Archives access to the full records of presidential terms. There has NEVER BEFORE been this kind of bullshit reaction undertaken even when he has been cooperating freely. You people are fucking celebrating the destruction of America and deserve to be crushed for it.
And yet Trump REMOVED a van load of WH docs...and then failed to return all of them.

For what purpose?

And in violation of the law

"zero reason to believe"?

He has given out information of critical national security in the past. He no longer has that "right"
And yet Trump REMOVED a van load of WH docs...and then failed to return all of them.

For what purpose?

And in violation of the law

"zero reason to believe"?

He has given out information of critical national security in the past. He no longer has that "right"
For what purpose? Maybe to be transparent . Scared much?

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