The Clinton Run DIED Today

Govt was and is still taking in record revenue.......
It is never enough.......

Liberals refuse to acknowledge that we have a "spending problem", not an income problem. We take in about 19% of GDP and have for the past 50 years. Cap federal spending at 19% of GDP and the budget would be balanced immediately. But that is too simple for the nuanced c*nts that inhabit DC.......
Govt was and is still taking in record revenue.......
It is never enough.......

Liberals refuse to acknowledge that we have a "spending problem", not an income problem. We take in about 19% of GDP and have for the past 50 years. Cap federal spending at 19% of GDP and the budget would be balanced immediately. But that is too simple for the nuanced c*nts that inhabit DC.......

And yet we're spending the least on infrastructure then anytime since Reagan. Where is all this going??? Oh'yess, your damn wars and the broken healthcare system you won't allow us to fully fix.

Also, asshole,,,during the 50's and 60's the rich paid far more taxes and we had the biggest middle class in the history of the world. Worked pretty fucking well...Of course, you're going to gut our infrastructure, our science instititions and ability to compete in this world that will lead us having a smaller economy.

You're a fucking moron.
Govt was and is still taking in record revenue.......
It is never enough.......

Liberals refuse to acknowledge that we have a "spending problem", not an income problem. We take in about 19% of GDP and have for the past 50 years. Cap federal spending at 19% of GDP and the budget would be balanced immediately. But that is too simple for the nuanced c*nts that inhabit DC.......

And yet we're spending the least on infrastructure then anytime since Reagan. Where is all this going??? Oh'yess, your damn wars and the broken healthcare system you won't allow us to fully fix.

Also, asshole,,,during the 50's and 60's the rich paid far more taxes and we had the biggest middle class in the history of the world. Worked pretty fucking well...Of course, you're going to gut our infrastructure, our science instititions and ability to compete in this world that will lead us having a smaller economy.

You're a fucking moron.

Look it's Matthew......the one note horn!!

Govt was and is still taking in record revenue.......
It is never enough.......

Liberals refuse to acknowledge that we have a "spending problem", not an income problem. We take in about 19% of GDP and have for the past 50 years. Cap federal spending at 19% of GDP and the budget would be balanced immediately. But that is too simple for the nuanced c*nts that inhabit DC.......

And yet we're spending the least on infrastructure then anytime since Reagan. Where is all this going??? Oh'yess, your damn wars and the broken healthcare system you won't allow us to fully fix.

Also, asshole,,,during the 50's and 60's the rich paid far more taxes and we had the biggest middle class in the history of the world. Worked pretty fucking well...Of course, you're going to gut our infrastructure, our science instititions and ability to compete in this world that will lead us having a smaller economy.

You're a fucking moron.

Try over trillion per yr in transfer payments......whole lot of infrastructure right down the toilet
Govt was and is still taking in record revenue.......
It is never enough.......

Liberals refuse to acknowledge that we have a "spending problem", not an income problem. We take in about 19% of GDP and have for the past 50 years. Cap federal spending at 19% of GDP and the budget would be balanced immediately. But that is too simple for the nuanced c*nts that inhabit DC.......

And yet we're spending the least on infrastructure then anytime since Reagan. Where is all this going??? Oh'yess, your damn wars and the broken healthcare system you won't allow us to fully fix.

Also, asshole,,,during the 50's and 60's the rich paid far more taxes and we had the biggest middle class in the history of the world. Worked pretty fucking well...Of course, you're going to gut our infrastructure, our science instititions and ability to compete in this world that will lead us having a smaller economy.

You're a fucking moron.
And you're an annoying one trick pony.
Folks don't usually take the 5th unless they have something to hide or don't want to reveal something.

Wonder how many of her other aids will take the 5th???
I'm amazed how politicians are allowed to break ( or not enforce) federal laws time and time again and nothing is done to them...Hillary broke fed law by having a private email server.
Govt was and is still taking in record revenue.......
It is never enough.......

Liberals refuse to acknowledge that we have a "spending problem", not an income problem. We take in about 19% of GDP and have for the past 50 years. Cap federal spending at 19% of GDP and the budget would be balanced immediately. But that is too simple for the nuanced c*nts that inhabit DC.......

And yet we're spending the least on infrastructure then anytime since Reagan. Where is all this going??? Oh'yess, your damn wars and the broken healthcare system you won't allow us to fully fix.

Also, asshole,,,during the 50's and 60's the rich paid far more taxes and we had the biggest middle class in the history of the world. Worked pretty fucking well...Of course, you're going to gut our infrastructure, our science instititions and ability to compete in this world that will lead us having a smaller economy.

You're a fucking moron.
Dont call people fucking morons when you post crap like that.
In fact the rich (whoever they are) pay much more now than they did in the 1950s. And quit yammering about science and infrastructure. We have much more of it today than we did in the 1950s.
Folks don't usually take the 5th unless they have something to hide or don't want to reveal something.

Wonder how many of her other aids will take the 5th???
All of them.
At least those that dont flee the country or claim they lied to their personal diary.
We've seen this before. Remember the Clinton scandals in the 90s? The Buddhist nuns who contributed millions of dollars to Clinton's campaign, although they had taken vows of poverty? The bundlers who suddenly fled the country? The people who consistently said they couldnt remember?
This isnt going to be any different. IT's a tried and true Clinton play book and they'll stick with it.

They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server
Hillary had classification authority, per executive order, and she knew what constituted classified information. She still SENT that information out via unsecure email, instead of insuring that it was treated in an appropriate manner.

If that's not proven to be CRIMINAL, at the very least it shows such a lapse in judgement that her clearance should be immediately revoked FOR LIFE!!!! She is simply too big of a risk to our national security.

So the Secretary of State has to go through every email and classify it? guys are tough
Turn out the lights her parties over. It came to a crashing halt when the first of her many aides set to testify invoked the 5th.

"The former aide to Hillary Clinton who helped set up and maintain her private email server has declined to talk to the FBI and the State Department inspector general’s office, as well as a congressional committee, invoking his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself, sources familiar with the investigation confirmed to Yahoo News."

Folks you just can't to that kind of stuff and look honest. Granted the 5th is to protect yourself from giving testimony AGAINST yourself. It does NOT make you innocent it only says what you know could/would convict you of a crime.

"The move by Bryan Pagliano, who served on Clinton’s 2008 campaign and later as a technology officer in the State Department, to decline to cooperate in two federal probes considerably raises the stakes in the Clinton email investigation, the sources said. It confronts the Justice Department with a decision about whether to grant him immunity in exchange for his testimony — a move that could be taken only were the department to escalate the probe into a full-scale criminal investigation, the sources said."

I think they SHOULD grant him immunity just like John Dean from the Nixon era. And despite what liberals are saying that those emails amount to nothing. Well they amount to enough people ARE pleading the 5th. That says a lot.

"Pagliano, who maintained the private email server in the basement of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., was first contacted by the State Department inspector general’s office in June, the sources said. The inspector general was at that point in the early stages of its investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct official business."

Want to know who cleaned it and by whose orders? Immunity for this man could go a long way in knowing the truth. I myself see this as the FATAL blow that shuts Hillary down and opens the doors to OTHER democrats like Sanders who are FAR more honest about themselves their practices and thoughts.

More here.....
Exclusive: Former Clinton aide has rebuffed FBI and State Department investigators in email probe

She should check with Lois Learner how that worked out for her

Folks don't usually take the 5th unless they have something to hide or don't want to reveal something.

Wonder how many of her other aids will take the 5th???

When someone is on a fishing expedition, it is not wise to provide them with more bait
You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server
Hillary had classification authority, per executive order, and she knew what constituted classified information. She still SENT that information out via unsecure email, instead of insuring that it was treated in an appropriate manner.

If that's not proven to be CRIMINAL, at the very least it shows such a lapse in judgement that her clearance should be immediately revoked FOR LIFE!!!! She is simply too big of a risk to our national security.

So the Secretary of State has to go through every email and classify it? guys are tough
But she can go through 60,000+ and decide which ones are personal..

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server
Hillary had classification authority, per executive order, and she knew what constituted classified information. She still SENT that information out via unsecure email, instead of insuring that it was treated in an appropriate manner.

If that's not proven to be CRIMINAL, at the very least it shows such a lapse in judgement that her clearance should be immediately revoked FOR LIFE!!!! She is simply too big of a risk to our national security.

So the Secretary of State has to go through every email and classify it? guys are tough
You must be Dick from the Internet.
Folks don't usually take the 5th unless they have something to hide or don't want to reveal something.

Wonder how many of her other aids will take the 5th???

When someone is on a fishing expedition, it is not wise to provide them with more bait
That's usually called "obstruction of justice" and was one count in the indictment of many in the Nixon Administration.
Folks don't usually take the 5th unless they have something to hide or don't want to reveal something.

Wonder how many of her other aids will take the 5th???

When someone is on a fishing expedition, it is not wise to provide them with more bait
But it WOULD be smart for Congress and the FBI to compel testimony from them by offering immunity....

Worry about the big fish, and let the little ones go...
Folks don't usually take the 5th unless they have something to hide or don't want to reveal something.

Wonder how many of her other aids will take the 5th???

When someone is on a fishing expedition, it is not wise to provide them with more bait
That's usually called "obstruction of justice" and was one count in the indictment of many in the Nixon Administration.

Taking the Fifth is not obstruction of justice, even for Nixon

With Reagan it was called...."I forget"

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