The Clinton Run DIED Today

The lib/commie/prog/dems see nothing wrong with hiLIARy using her secret e-mail server. They see nothing wrong with her ever evolving stories and careful choice of weasel words. Why would they? They saw nothing wrong with Bill Clinton lying to the American people, or his laughable "what is is" defense. Bill is the moral compass and she is the dutiful wife. Plus, it's her turn!!

If you disagree, then you're a misogynist and a racist!!

This is the best election cycle of my lifetime!!


No harm no foul

You have yet to demonstrate any harm. Without that....the best you have is a security violation and no "crime"
Not ready to go there just yet. Her husband was a serial pervert who was bangin interns in the Oval Office. Didn't hurt his career. And we currently have a Muslim foreigner in the White House. So i would say anything goes at this point. She might not be done.
This gives Sanders everything he needs to just walk past her.

Sanders is a Communist wingnut. Hillary's not worried about him. I despise her, but she's not done yet.
Her staff taking the 5th is not going to help.

Worked for that IRS **** Lerner. She's doing just fine. Hasn't spent a minute in jail.
And that bitch pled the fifth AFTER she made a statement
The lib/commie/prog/dems see nothing wrong with hiLIARy using her secret e-mail server. They see nothing wrong with her ever evolving stories and careful choice of weasel words. Why would they? They saw nothing wrong with Bill Clinton lying to the American people, or his laughable "what is is" defense. Bill is the moral compass and she is the dutiful wife. Plus, it's her turn!!

If you disagree, then you're a misogynist and a racist!!

This is the best election cycle of my lifetime!!

Everything bad that has happened to the middle class over the last 45 years was caused by Republicans, yet you defend them, which makes you delusional, stupid, ignorant, or a paid plant. Which is it?
They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

Keep looking
I love this!!!

The investigation is ongoing, but you seem to have intimate knowledge of it.

Please identify who is leaking information about an ongoing FBI investigation to you, so that we can verify it.
Oh yes...seen that one before

The "investigation" will continue right up till the election and then be dropped once it is no longer needed

To Republicans...the accusation is just as useful as an actual conviction
Then tell me who is violating federal law by feeding you information about an ongoing FBI investigation.

You can't?

Then quit talking out your ass...

Come back when you have actual evidence of a crime and not an after the fact security violation
The investigation is ongoing...

Do you think the FBI is doing that out of boredom while they wait on the next box of doughnuts?

Just give them time.

WingNut is afraid that the Obomanation will use the FBI indictment as an inducement for the Hildebeast to GET THE FUCK OUT OR GO TO JAIL, and let the Manchurian muslims PUPPET, Joe "The World's Dumbest Politician" Biden into the race.... The fucking DemocRATS have already POLLED JoJo HIGHER in approval than the Hildebeast...

Biden Scores Higher Than Chappaqua's Clinton In Poll ...
CHAPPAQUA, N.Y. – Vice President Joe Biden polled better than Chappaqua's Hillary Clinton when put against Republican challengers in a hypothetical election ...

And being he's as dumb as a rock, he'll do Obuma's bidding even when the poser is out of office...


Valerie Jarrett is already TAGGED to be Biden's puppet master as she is Obuma's!


Sit back, we have 6-9 months for this to play out.... a Comedy Of Errors!
Hillery supporters aren't interested in honesty,its only about a win over the other guy.

It's about survival of the middle class. Everything bad that has happened to the middle class in the last 45 years was done by Republicans.

Obuma letting the Bush Tax Cuts for the Middle Class expire, immediately comes to mind!

They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?

They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand

They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????
taking the 5th or did you miss that part?

Did you miss the part where the Clinton team wanted him to testify?

Oh wait. I'm guessing your sources "forgot" to mention that the Hillary team wanted him to testify, and that instead they pretended Hillary ordered him to take the fifth.

I submit this post for some sort of award. Perhaps, the Dumb-Ass Award...there ought to be one of those.,

The Poster takes the spin of "the Hillary Team" as if it was the Gospel.

There is almost no one left foolish enough to do that....Democrat or Republican.

They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server

They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server
Hillary had classification authority, per executive order, and she knew what constituted classified information. She still SENT that information out via unsecure email, instead of insuring that it was treated in an appropriate manner.

If that's not proven to be CRIMINAL, at the very least it shows such a lapse in judgement that her clearance should be immediately revoked FOR LIFE!!!! She is simply too big of a risk to our national security.

They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server
Hillary had classification authority, per executive order, and she knew what constituted classified information. She still SENT that information out via unsecure email, instead of insuring that it was treated in an appropriate manner.

If that's not proven to be CRIMINAL, at the very least it shows such a lapse in judgement that her clearance should be immediately revoked FOR LIFE!!!! She is simply too big of a risk to our national security.
One email in particular was about North Korean nuclear materials movement gleaned from spy satellites.
Such information is classified top secret upon creation and way above the Secretary of States pay grade to declare unclassified.

Page 1
16 January 1964
1. The purpose of this notice is to provide guidance for the I
classification in the Special Center of documents containing photographic
and SIGINT products from sensitive manned overflight reconnaissance and
from satellite reconnaissance. (The classification of information concern“
ing collection operations is a separate matter not covered by this instruction. )
2. TALENT material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais-
sance operations from sensitive manned aircraft overflights.
3. KEYHOLE material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais-
sance operations from satellites.
4. Code Words currently in use include -for TALENT
material, RUFF for KEYHOLE photographic interpretation material and
25X1Aga _f0r KEYHOLE srom'r material.
5. KEYHOLE associated material may vary in classification from
TOP SECRET Codeword to SECRET. To assist in such determination,
classification guidance is provided below: a
CONTROL'CHANNELS - is the classification given to KEYHOLE

photographs intended for interpretation and to intelligence derived

from, or based on, those photographs. Examples are:

(1) KEYHOLE photographs and analyses of the photographs.

(2) KEYHOLE Target Lists and KEYHOLE Requirements


Sanitized - Approved For Release: ClA-RDP67R00587A000100140024-5
Can I give Republicans some advice?

If you really want to beat Hillary, do it on the issues rather than bogus scandals

The investigations are not bogus. They are allegations of serious security matters. It is so serious that her aides are taking the 5th to run from being in real trouble.

By the way, she said that she instructed her aides to be forthcoming in the investigation so why is one invoking the 5th? Another lie on her part?

She has been really stupid by having her own servers that was used for state business, which by the way is illegal.

She has told lies. For instance, Bill said he has only sent two emails in whole life but yet she said the servers were set up to be used by him. A blatant lie.

She said there were no classified documents but that is not what is reported by the investigators.

She said her servers were always in a secure place guarded by Secret Service and then we find out they were in bathroom somewhere miles away.

Then you have the whole issue of her using the power of her office to shakedown foreign governments and accumulating $141,000,000 in the scam.

These lies, corruption and and stupidity on her part points to bad character. Not the type of person we need as President of the US.

I don't think she is smart enough to know the issues. She was a 4th rate corrupt (Rose Law Firm scandal) lawyer that married well, even though her husband is a scumbag. She was a failed First Lady that couldn't do the one job (healthcare) that was assigned to her. She was given the Senator's seat in New York only because of her name. She accomplished nothing as Senator. Not one piece of legislation with her name on it.

Trump said today that she was the worst Secretary of State this country ever had and he was right. The Bitch of Benghazi screwed up everything she touched. She was only in the job to shakedown foreign governments for her Clinton Foundation scam.

Somebody tells her what her libtard talking points for the day should be otherwise she wouldn't know an issue from a hole in the ground. She is not very bright and she is dishonest.

The only reason the dumbass Moon Bats would vote for her is because she has a "D" by her name because she sure as hell doesn't have any accomplishments.
What you have is Republicans once again overplaying a weak hand

At best you have a security violation worthy of reprimand.
What you don't have is a crime or espionage. There is no evidence that any classified information ended up in the hands of someone who shouldn't receive it

Republican outrage does not equate to a crime
As of last reported they have gone through one tenth of one percent of the hard drive,and have found classified stuff,it amazes me how the prtzal logic is applied, you run a dozen stop signs but don't hit anyone its all ok.
They have yet to find an email that was classified at the time it was sent

Keep looking
Even Hillary doesnt' say she didnt have a classified email on her server at the time it was sent.
Katie Pavlich - Latest Clinton Email Server Dump Reveals 150 More Documents Flagged For Classified Information
When government witch hunts are involved - it is often wise to plead the 5th.
An investigation is now a "witch hunt"? Were you saying teh same thing when Scooter Libby was being investigated? No, of course not, you big ole stinkin hypocrite.
You know nothing about security classification.

During my life I have had Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, Top Secret Crypto, "L" and "Q" clearances. I am not an expert but I do know a little bit about it. I have attended probably more than a hundred training sessions and briefings where the rules were explained to me.

The subject matter determines classification. Classification occurs when the document is created. It is not a stamp. I suspect 99% of what Clinton did while Secretary of State was classified.

It is bullshit to suggest that Clinton had non classified documents in her possession on her own private server that magically became classified after it left her possession. That is the kind of bullshit that Gruberidiots would believe.

By the way, you are wrong. The reports from the IG office says they were classified. The State Department office is denying it but that is only the cover that the moron Patrick Kennedy is providing for Hillary.

Why anybody would try to defend the bitch nowadays after all the exposed corruption, lies and incompetence is beyond belief. Of course Moon Bats have always been pretty stupid, don't you agree?
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server
Hillary had classification authority, per executive order, and she knew what constituted classified information. She still SENT that information out via unsecure email, instead of insuring that it was treated in an appropriate manner.

If that's not proven to be CRIMINAL, at the very least it shows such a lapse in judgement that her clearance should be immediately revoked FOR LIFE!!!! She is simply too big of a risk to our national security.
One email in particular was about North Korean nuclear materials movement gleaned from spy satellites.
Such information is classified top secret upon creation and way above the Secretary of States pay grade to declare unclassified.

Page 1
16 January 1964
1. The purpose of this notice is to provide guidance for the I
classification in the Special Center of documents containing photographic
and SIGINT products from sensitive manned overflight reconnaissance and
from satellite reconnaissance. (The classification of information concern“
ing collection operations is a separate matter not covered by this instruction. )
2. TALENT material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais-
sance operations from sensitive manned aircraft overflights.
3. KEYHOLE material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais-
sance operations from satellites.
4. Code Words currently in use include -for TALENT
material, RUFF for KEYHOLE photographic interpretation material and
25X1Aga _f0r KEYHOLE srom'r material.
5. KEYHOLE associated material may vary in classification from
TOP SECRET Codeword to SECRET. To assist in such determination,
classification guidance is provided below: a
CONTROL'CHANNELS - is the classification given to KEYHOLE

photographs intended for interpretation and to intelligence derived

from, or based on, those photographs. Examples are:

(1) KEYHOLE photographs and analyses of the photographs.

(2) KEYHOLE Target Lists and KEYHOLE Requirements


Sanitized - Approved For Release: ClA-RDP67R00587A000100140024-5
That is why Hillary can't be trusted. In her position, that information was readily indntifiable, and she was in a position to make sure it was secured (but not in a position to declassify it and release it).

And she put it on thumb drives and gave it to Kendall (who did not have the clearance or need-to-know to possess it).

And Platte River got it too, even though they had NO security clearance.
I have had a clearance for well over half my life

There is a difference between security violations and criminal activity

You are still playing a weak hand
You know, I had a security clearance too, and the military made it very clear to me what kind of information was classified immediately upon creation, and what potentially classified information looked like.

Why is it that Libs claim to have had a clearance, but wouldn't recognize TS/NOFOR if it bit them on the ass????

Classified information is marked as such and proper handling is then required. You have yet to prove Clinton accepted classified information on an unclassified server
Hillary had classification authority, per executive order, and she knew what constituted classified information. She still SENT that information out via unsecure email, instead of insuring that it was treated in an appropriate manner.

If that's not proven to be CRIMINAL, at the very least it shows such a lapse in judgement that her clearance should be immediately revoked FOR LIFE!!!! She is simply too big of a risk to our national security.
One email in particular was about North Korean nuclear materials movement gleaned from spy satellites.
Such information is classified top secret upon creation and way above the Secretary of States pay grade to declare unclassified.

Page 1
16 January 1964
1. The purpose of this notice is to provide guidance for the I
classification in the Special Center of documents containing photographic
and SIGINT products from sensitive manned overflight reconnaissance and
from satellite reconnaissance. (The classification of information concern“
ing collection operations is a separate matter not covered by this instruction. )
2. TALENT material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais-
sance operations from sensitive manned aircraft overflights.
3. KEYHOLE material is the product obtained from U. S. reconnais-
sance operations from satellites.
4. Code Words currently in use include -for TALENT
material, RUFF for KEYHOLE photographic interpretation material and
25X1Aga _f0r KEYHOLE srom'r material.
5. KEYHOLE associated material may vary in classification from
TOP SECRET Codeword to SECRET. To assist in such determination,
classification guidance is provided below: a
CONTROL'CHANNELS - is the classification given to KEYHOLE

photographs intended for interpretation and to intelligence derived

from, or based on, those photographs. Examples are:

(1) KEYHOLE photographs and analyses of the photographs.

(2) KEYHOLE Target Lists and KEYHOLE Requirements


Sanitized - Approved For Release: ClA-RDP67R00587A000100140024-5
That is why Hillary can't be trusted. In her position, that information was readily indntifiable, and she was in a position to make sure it was secured (but not in a position to declassify it and release it).

And she put it on thumb drives and gave it to Kendall (who did not have the clearance or need-to-know to possess it).

And Platte River got it too, even though they had NO security clearance.
Let's put it this way: The Russians and Chinese have a better idea of what was on her server than the US Congress or State Dept.
Not ready to go there just yet. Her husband was a serial pervert who was bangin interns in the Oval Office. Didn't hurt his career. And we currently have a Muslim foreigner in the White House. So i would say anything goes at this point. She might not be done.
But that Muslim in office won't lift a finger to help her unless she intends to blackmail Obama over something.

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