The Clintons are white supremacists

Not at all. Just pointing out the stupidity of your statement. Yes, we all get our jobs from those evil one-percenters. We all get our products from those evil one-percenters. Those one-percenters are responsible for us having work so we can earn a paycheck.

No, we don't.

We get our jobs from our fellow citizens using the goods and services we produce. You mistake a parasite for a vital organ.

What do you do so special that can't be covered in a video? I've learned a lot of things from YouTube. I saved myself money fixing my own washers and dryers. I saved myself money by installing or repairing toilets or removing animals or insects. In fact I'm glad I don't teach any longer, because many of the things I taught as a music instructor can now be learned from videos.

Here's how I can tell you can't learn what I do from a YouTube video.

You are still at a sucky job that won't give you health insurance.

Why? Because you don't like it when we point out who's at fault for something?

NO, I don't like when I have to deal with racist tools who keep voting to fuck it up for the rest of us.
Here's how I can tell you can't learn what I do from a YouTube video.

You are still at a sucky job that won't give you health insurance.

You know, I never looked into it, but I bet they have a bunch of videos of the dangers of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

No, we don't.

We get our jobs from our fellow citizens using the goods and services we produce. You mistake a parasite for a vital organ.

And where do our fellow citizens get their money from? Who produces those products that they buy?
I don't know, maybe you might want to become a nurse because you want to help people? I know this is a really confusing notion to you.

You may, but are you willing to go hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to help people and get paid as much as a garbage man? I don't think you have the abilities to be an RN if you're that stupid.

Actually, what depletes it is that nursing doesn't get a lot of respect compared to Doctors. If you are smart enough to be a nurse, you are probably smart enough to be a doctor. There's also the burnout rate. You can't have people spend all their time with sick people and not burn out after a certain point.

Last time I went to the hospital, most of the nurses were Indian and Filipino.

You get burned out at any job. I get burned out at mine. But the truth is people are not going into medical fields because it doesn't pay enough. Today with less unions around, it's likely more people might look into it. But look at any medical profession and see the high demand for those people.

I've heard your lame excuses, I'm jut not buying it. Seriously, guy, take some responsibility. I've been screwed over by employers... and I did something about it. I got better jobs, I started my own business.

Did government restrict you from 95% of the jobs in your field like they do to me? Did you ever try to find a new job with health insurance after the age of 50?
I won't go so far as to call them White supremist, but ...

HIlary certainly doesn't like Jews.
"Fucking Jew bastard".
Hillary Clinton to Bill's campaign manager Paul Fray

And Slick Willie doesn't like Black people,
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee,"
Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy on Obama.

And where do our fellow citizens get their money from? Who produces those products that they buy?

again, you mistake a parasite for a vital organ. The rich don't produce anything.

So who is responsible for your cell phone working, the poor? Who is responsible for this internet you're using, the garbage man? How does food get to your store?
So who is responsible for your cell phone working, the poor? Who is responsible for this internet you're using, the garbage man? How does food get to your store?

Who is responsible for my cell phone working.

Well... the guy who goes out and maintains the towers for a working man's wage.

Oh, yeah, and the government created the internet. It was started by the DoD to connect various databases.

So you have two weak arguments.

You may, but are you willing to go hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to help people and get paid as much as a garbage man? I don't think you have the abilities to be an RN if you're that stupid.

First, I don't know anyone who goes 'Hundreds of thousands of dollars" into debt. there are usually scholarships for women who want to pursue nursing. Second, you do get to work inside a well heated building in a clean environment... so probably most people would still find nursing a preferable job if it weren't for all the sick and dying people.

You get burned out at any job. I get burned out at mine. But the truth is people are not going into medical fields because it doesn't pay enough. Today with less unions around, it's likely more people might look into it. But look at any medical profession and see the high demand for those people.

Again, has a lot more to do with the fact that Americans are stupider than fuck. We are the stupidest people in the industrialized world. We are the only modern people who look at the fucking bible and say, "Yup that shit with the talking snake really happened". In short, most of us are too dumb to get into nursing and medical schools, which is why we have to import Filipinas and Indians to do it.

Did government restrict you from 95% of the jobs in your field like they do to me? Did you ever try to find a new job with health insurance after the age of 50?

No. But I don't take that claim credibly. I simply can't believe that the government restricts you from 95% of the jobs you could have. But even if they did, there's still that 5% you could apply for and aren't.

Oh, I've had no problem finding jobs after age 50 that paid health insurance. I didn't even have a problem buying my own insurance at age 55 when I started my own business. (It was a lot cheaper than I thought it would be.)
Who is responsible for my cell phone working.

Well... the guy who goes out and maintains the towers for a working man's wage.

Oh, yeah, and the government created the internet. It was started by the DoD to connect various databases.

So you have two weak arguments.

And just how would the guy who maintains the towers be able to do that job if nobody made the investments to build that tower in the first place?

First, I don't know anyone who goes 'Hundreds of thousands of dollars" into debt. there are usually scholarships for women who want to pursue nursing. Second, you do get to work inside a well heated building in a clean environment... so probably most people would still find nursing a preferable job if it weren't for all the sick and dying people.

Yeah, that would be a drawback into working with the sick, wouldn't it?

Medical personnel are needed all around the country from warmer climates to colder climates. But the truth is it simply is a bad investment. I just stopped by the clinic on my way home today for some blood work, and the first thing I did when I got in my car was Purell my hands; germs all around that place Im sure. I wouldn't want to work in a clinic or hospital.

Again, has a lot more to do with the fact that Americans are stupider than fuck. We are the stupidest people in the industrialized world. We are the only modern people who look at the fucking bible and say, "Yup that shit with the talking snake really happened". In short, most of us are too dumb to get into nursing and medical schools, which is why we have to import Filipinas and Indians to do it.

Too dumb to spend all that time and money to make as much as a garbage man?

No. But I don't take that claim credibly. I simply can't believe that the government restricts you from 95% of the jobs you could have. But even if they did, there's still that 5% you could apply for and aren't.

Oh, I've had no problem finding jobs after age 50 that paid health insurance. I didn't even have a problem buying my own insurance at age 55 when I started my own business. (It was a lot cheaper than I thought it would be.)

Yes, there are about 5% of the jobs I can go to, but they are no better than the one I have now. You see, when your big-eared clown started Commie Care, many businesses did what my employer did. They dropped coverage for their employees. Had he not been elected and given commie control over the houses, those jobs would probably still provide health insurance coverage. But then again, if that freak never made it to the White House, I would probably still have my coverage as well.

Proof positive, the Clintons are white supremacists.

Thank God we have Donald Trump who wants to make some 1.8 million illegals legal.


i think they are deplorable white supremacists.
And just how would the guy who maintains the towers be able to do that job if nobody made the investments to build that tower in the first place?

Okay, guy, you got it ass-backwards. The guy maintaining it is paid because every month, we all pay our phone bills. Not because Daddy Warbucks is paying him. Again, you mistake a PARASITE for a vital organ.

Yeah, that would be a drawback into working with the sick, wouldn't it?

Medical personnel are needed all around the country from warmer climates to colder climates. But the truth is it simply is a bad investment. I just stopped by the clinic on my way home today for some blood work, and the first thing I did when I got in my car was Purell my hands; germs all around that place Im sure. I wouldn't want to work in a clinic or hospital.

Of course you wouldn't. Driving in a straight line is as complicated as it gets for you.

Too dumb to spend all that time and money to make as much as a garbage man?

Here's the problem. YOu don't want to pay the nurse more, you want to pay the garbageman less.

Yes, there are about 5% of the jobs I can go to, but they are no better than the one I have now. You see, when your big-eared clown started Commie Care, many businesses did what my employer did. They dropped coverage for their employees. Had he not been elected and given commie control over the houses, those jobs would probably still provide health insurance coverage. But then again, if that freak never made it to the White House, I would probably still have my coverage as well.

Aaaaannnnnd we're back to blaming the black guy for your failures.
Okay, guy, you got it ass-backwards. The guy maintaining it is paid because every month, we all pay our phone bills. Not because Daddy Warbucks is paying him. Again, you mistake a PARASITE for a vital organ.

How do the phones work without multi-million dollar investments into technology? After all, that's why we pay our phone bills. Why is it you don't make out your cell phone check to the guy on the towers, the customer service reps, the maintenance people or the technical service department?

Because they are employees of the people that created the cell phone company.

Of course you wouldn't. Driving in a straight line is as complicated as it gets for you.

A job you could never do. It certainly doesn't have the skills needed to write resumes. :777:

Here's the problem. YOu don't want to pay the nurse more, you want to pay the garbageman less.

Of course I do. People should get paid according their skill level.

Aaaaannnnnd we're back to blaming the black guy for your failures.

We can't do that. The problems started because of the black guy, but let's not blame him.
How do the phones work without multi-million dollar investments into technology? After all, that's why we pay our phone bills. Why is it you don't make out your cell phone check to the guy on the towers, the customer service reps, the maintenance people or the technical service department?

Because they are employees of the people that created the cell phone company.

Actually, the phones work because 1) The government heavily subsidizes them and 2) Working class engineers are making the innovations. Again the rich are parasites who've convinced you that they are a vital organ.

A job you could never do. It certainly doesn't have the skills needed to write resumes.

Actually, I drove a truck for years when I was in the Army. No big whoop.
And since you can't get away from your suckass job, maybe you should look into a professional resume writer. I just can't think of one of my competitors I dislike enough to wish you on.

Of course I do. People should get paid according their skill level.

Says the guy whose skill is "Driving in a straight line" and "can't get health insurance."

We can't do that. The problems started because of the black guy, but let's not blame him.

No, guy, it started when you fail to gain additional job skills as you got older. You see, I never wanted to be doing the same thing I did in my 20s to be what I did in my 50's. I went back and I got additional skills. I started a side business that grew into a full time business. And while I've had a lot of setbacks when Republicans got into office and fucked things up. (Again, not a bug, it's a design feature) I simply adapted.

Now, I kind of feel bad for you, being in a bad place,but what are you doing to fix that?

The advise I give my clients. The trick is to get up one more time than they knock you down.
Actually, the phones work because 1) The government heavily subsidizes them and 2) Working class engineers are making the innovations. Again the rich are parasites who've convinced you that they are a vital organ.

The government doesn't subsidize anything. Cell phone companies are quite self reliant on their product and services they sell although I don't know the deals between cell phone companies and Obama phones.

if you dig ditches for a living, you could dig all day long and not get paid a dime. It takes a leader who invested their own money to create a construction company so you have a job. The people who create the company are the vital organ. They did something you could never do or have the guts to do. If they weren't the vital organ, the workers would earn more money than the company.

Actually, I drove a truck for years when I was in the Army. No big whoop.
And since you can't get away from your suckass job, maybe you should look into a professional resume writer. I just can't think of one of my competitors I dislike enough to wish you on.

That would be the dumbest thing I could do. Why would I do a job that a video can teach people how to do it for themselves? Yeah, you'll get fools that will pay you for it, but on the other hand, there are people that pay good money to get their palms read or future told to them.

Says the guy whose skill is "Driving in a straight line" and "can't get health insurance."

First you tell me you drove a truck and then tell me all we do is drive in straight lines. This tells me you are lying and know nothing about driving anything other than your electric car.

Now, I kind of feel bad for you, being in a bad place,but what are you doing to fix that?

I'm voting Republican. They already removed the mandates which will help kill that commie legislation, and maybe down the road things will get back to normal again.
The government doesn't subsidize anything. Cell phone companies are quite self reliant on their product and services they sell although I don't know the deals between cell phone companies and Obama phones.

Weren't you the guys whining about Obama Phones a few years back? Who do you think pushed for that?

if you dig ditches for a living, you could dig all day long and not get paid a dime. It takes a leader who invested their own money to create a construction company so you have a job. The people who create the company are the vital organ. They did something you could never do or have the guts to do. If they weren't the vital organ, the workers would earn more money than the company.

Except nobody would dig a ditch unless there was a need for a ditch...i.e. consumer demand. And a lot of ditches are dug because the government pays to have them dug.

That would be the dumbest thing I could do. Why would I do a job that a video can teach people how to do it for themselves? Yeah, you'll get fools that will pay you for it, but on the other hand, there are people that pay good money to get their palms read or future told to them.

Um, actually, I've had Ph.D.'s and M.D.'s come to me to have their resumes updated. People with a lot more qualifications than you'll ever have. If you are so dumb you think this is something you can learn on a "youtube" video, then you are deluded.

First you tell me you drove a truck and then tell me all we do is drive in straight lines. This tells me you are lying and know nothing about driving anything other than your electric car.

So your argument is that your job occasionally involved turning, and that's really complicated?

I'm voting Republican. They already removed the mandates which will help kill that commie legislation, and maybe down the road things will get back to normal again.

Dude, first and foremost, voting Republican is what got you into this mess.

Second, removing the mandate doesn't really help you. Your boss still doesn't have to provide you health insurance and now that he's enjoying vacations in Italy, he probably won't.
Except nobody would dig a ditch unless there was a need for a ditch...i.e. consumer demand. And a lot of ditches are dug because the government pays to have them dug.

A lot? Driving isn't the only thing you know nothing about. How is somebody supposed to dig a ditch when he doesn't know who needs a ditch dug? How would he do that without the equipment like a back hoe? When people need major construction work, they don't go through the yellow pages looking for ditch diggers, electricians, plumbers....... they hire contractors who have those people or subcontract the work out.

Um, actually, I've had Ph.D.'s and M.D.'s come to me to have their resumes updated. People with a lot more qualifications than you'll ever have. If you are so dumb you think this is something you can learn on a "youtube" video, then you are deluded.

My nephew has a masters degree, and he doesn't' even know how to repair a hole in the wall. My sister is a college graduate that doesn't even understand how to start a lawnmower.

Many people who have a college degree can't do the most basic things in life. Their mind is geared one way.

So your argument is that your job occasionally involved turning, and that's really complicated?

Right, you'd shit yourself trying to pilot a 53 foot trailer in a snow storm. I back in that trailer in places some can't even back a van into. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Dude, first and foremost, voting Republican is what got you into this mess.

Second, removing the mandate doesn't really help you. Your boss still doesn't have to provide you health insurance and now that he's enjoying vacations in Italy, he probably won't.

How did voting Republican get me into this mess? Every single Republican voted against Commie Care.

Here's how Commie Care is going to collapse: First off people who really never needed insurance will drop it thanks to the removal of the mandate. Those would be younger healthier people who have been the backbone of the program all along. Next, people that wanted to keep it will be using more than they pay in causing insurance rates to hit the roof and become unaffordable. After that, all those people will be looking for jobs that have coverage. That will cause more employers to go back to offering coverage and Commie Care will just be a black mark in our history.
A lot? Driving isn't the only thing you know nothing about. How is somebody supposed to dig a ditch when he doesn't know who needs a ditch dug? How would he do that without the equipment like a back hoe? When people need major construction work, they don't go through the yellow pages looking for ditch diggers, electricians, plumbers....... they hire contractors who have those people or subcontract the work out.

which again, only happens because there is a common need paid for either through consumer action or through government subsidy.

No need for rich people at all.

Parasites masquarading as vital organs.

My nephew has a masters degree, and he doesn't' even know how to repair a hole in the wall. My sister is a college graduate that doesn't even understand how to start a lawnmower.

Many people who have a college degree can't do the most basic things in life. Their mind is geared one way.

Exactly my point. When you only change jobs once every 5 years, there's really no need to be good at writing a resume. It's not a skill most people develop. You don't spend time thinking about things like keywords and the 30 second rule and applicant tracking software. You might have heard these things exist, but you don't know how to do them.

"Ummm, Keywords? Right. "Goals Oriented, team player" those are keywords, right?"

(This is really funny if you write resumes.)

My personal favorite is when people take their job description from HR and drop it into their resume, verbatim, with third person verb tenses intact.

How did voting Republican get me into this mess? Every single Republican voted against Commie Care.

Well, let's see.

First, they broke up the unions that evened the playing field between employers and workers.

Then they refused to address the issue in the 1990's when Hillary proposed HillaryCare, which would have solved your problem just fine.

Then they came up with O-care under it's original title, RomneyCare. Or "Operation let's make big insurance richer, even though they are 90% of the problem"

Here's how Commie Care is going to collapse: First off people who really never needed insurance will drop it thanks to the removal of the mandate. Those would be younger healthier people who have been the backbone of the program all along. Next, people that wanted to keep it will be using more than they pay in causing insurance rates to hit the roof and become unaffordable. After that, all those people will be looking for jobs that have coverage. That will cause more employers to go back to offering coverage and Commie Care will just be a black mark in our history.

Here's the problem with that. There's actually LESS incentive for people to offer insurance under those circumstances. If insurance rates hit the roof, there's no reason for employers to pick up the tab for that.

What kept people insured was that if you dropped insurance and got sick, you couldn't get new insurance because of "pre-existing conditions". Now that insurance companies can't pull that shit anymore, people won't buy until they get sick. And they won't sign up for their employers plans, either.

So what you describe would probably result in someone proposing single payer at some point.
Here's the problem with that. There's actually LESS incentive for people to offer insurance under those circumstances. If insurance rates hit the roof, there's no reason for employers to pick up the tab for that.

What kept people insured was that if you dropped insurance and got sick, you couldn't get new insurance because of "pre-existing conditions". Now that insurance companies can't pull that shit anymore, people won't buy until they get sick. And they won't sign up for their employers plans, either.

So what you describe would probably result in someone proposing single payer at some point.

What do you mean at some point? The left has been whining about single-payer for years. If the economy continues in this direction and the only way employers can find quality employees is to offer coverage, they will provide health insurance at any cost. When more employers get on board, those prices will stabilize because you will have many more healthy people in the pool.

Well, let's see.

First, they broke up the unions that evened the playing field between employers and workers.

Then they refused to address the issue in the 1990's when Hillary proposed HillaryCare, which would have solved your problem just fine.

Then they came up with O-care under it's original title, RomneyCare. Or "Operation let's make big insurance richer, even though they are 90% of the problem"

Republicas didn't break up the unions They never had such power. As time went on and workers seen their jobs going overseas, they stopped supporting unions. It's just like Hillary Care. The Republicans haven't had leadership in Congress for over 40 years until Hillary came up with that nonsense. People didn't want it.

Romney had nothing to do with Commie Care. He was always against national healthcare.

Exactly my point. When you only change jobs once every 5 years, there's really no need to be good at writing a resume. It's not a skill most people develop. You don't spend time thinking about things like keywords and the 30 second rule and applicant tracking software. You might have heard these things exist, but you don't know how to do them.

"Ummm, Keywords? Right. "Goals Oriented, team player" those are keywords, right?"

(This is really funny if you write resumes.)

My personal favorite is when people take their job description from HR and drop it into their resume, verbatim, with third person verb tenses intact.

Correct. It's just like doing something on your phone or computer you only do once in several years if that. You don't remember how to do it. So you go to the internet, look up some information on it, and eventually find somebody who created a site or a YouTube video to tell you how to do it.

which again, only happens because there is a common need paid for either through consumer action or through government subsidy.

No need for rich people at all.

Parasites masquarading as vital organs.

It's the parasites that invest hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars that workers simply don't have. It's those parasites that take the risks of all or nothing. Workers don't want to take risks, they just want to go to a job every morning and get paid on Friday. They don't want the pressure, they don't want to work past 8 hours, they don't want to lose sleep when things aren't going so well.

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