The Clintons are white supremacists

We won't have the numbers no matter what we do. The only way to possibly win is to show people that conservatism/ capitalism is the most promising policy to have. We are the only country of our kind and people are not coming here because we are yet another socialist shithole. We are different than any other country out there and it's now more important than ever for us to keep immigration to a minimum.

Again, your life isn't miserable because of immigrants.

Your life is miserable because you keep bending over for the one percent.

Immigrants don't do anything for me. If they all left today and not one remained in this country, it would only get better. However many of the 1% are the people who donate to charities, support most of the federal tax collections in this country, give me work either directly or indirectly.
Wow, that many people don't know what YouTube is?????

if you really think you can learn that skill from "YouTube", you are kind of a mope.

Really? So why don't you tell me the last time "I" brought it up to you. You're the one who brings it up all the time--not me. I mean........your condition has worsened so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

Oh, I know exactly what I am doing. I'm pointing out how you are more comfortable in your racism than improving your life.
Immigrants don't do anything for me. If they all left today and not one remained in this country, it would only get better. However many of the 1% are the people who donate to charities, support most of the federal tax collections in this country, give me work either directly or indirectly.

We wouldn't need "charities" if the wealth were evenly and fairly distributed to start with. We probably wouldn't even need most of the government programs you hate, hate, hate.

And if you are dumb enough to think it's the "rich" you give you work, I'm not sure what to say.

Unless you are hauling around Lamborghinis and Caviar all day, most of what you probably haul is stuff working folks use.
We wouldn't need "charities" if the wealth were evenly and fairly distributed to start with. We probably wouldn't even need most of the government programs you hate, hate, hate.

If the federal tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars.
If the federal tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth?

Why would somebody go through the expense to become an RN, the debt, the time consumed only to be paid the same as the garbage man? Nobody would do it.

What makes a country great is getting just rewards for the amount of work or investment you put in. Take away the rewards, and you take away the incentive for people to be successful.

And if you are dumb enough to think it's the "rich" you give you work, I'm not sure what to say.

Of course not. It's those illegals responsible for giving me work. It's those homeless people that are responsible for giving me work.

Unless you are hauling around Lamborghinis and Caviar all day, most of what you probably haul is stuff working folks use.

What do working folks use that the wealthy don't? They don't eat? They don't have computers or televisions? They don't have carpeting, toilets or sinks?

But let's say your uninformed assumption is correct. Who makes those product for the working people?
if you really think you can learn that skill from "YouTube", you are kind of a mope.

Oh come on. Did you ever go to YouTube? You can learn anything from there. A resume? Probably about 100 videos on that from people who are better at it than you.

Oh, I know exactly what I am doing. I'm pointing out how you are more comfortable in your racism than improving your life.

Yeah, you point it out every other response to me. It's called an obsession. It needs to be dealt with.
Of course not. It's those illegals responsible for giving me work. It's those homeless people that are responsible for giving me work.

It's a very sad man who needs to kick down to feel better about himself.

Oh come on. Did you ever go to YouTube? You can learn anything from there. A resume? Probably about 100 videos on that from people who are better at it than you.

Um,no, probably not. I'm rated as one of the top 10 in the Chicago Area, and that was only doing it part time.

Yeah, you point it out every other response to me. It's called an obsession. It needs to be dealt with.

I agree. You need to take responsibility for your own life and need to stop blaming illegals or blacks for your failures.
Why would somebody go through the expense to become an RN, the debt, the time consumed only to be paid the same as the garbage man? Nobody would do it.

Um, guy, here's the thing. Garbagemen in Chicago are pretty well paid. They make $70K a year. The reason why they make that is because their job is pretty unpleasant. An RN in Chicago, 67K...

What makes a country great is getting just rewards for the amount of work or investment you put in. Take away the rewards, and you take away the incentive for people to be successful.

So how does that explain how you can't even get a gig good enough to pay health insurance with all the expertise you have in the field?
Immigrants don't do anything for me. If they all left today and not one remained in this country, it would only get better. However many of the 1% are the people who donate to charities, support most of the federal tax collections in this country, give me work either directly or indirectly.

We wouldn't need "charities" if the wealth were evenly and fairly distributed to start with. We probably wouldn't even need most of the government programs you hate, hate, hate.

And if you are dumb enough to think it's the "rich" you give you work, I'm not sure what to say.

Unless you are hauling around Lamborghinis and Caviar all day, most of what you probably haul is stuff working folks use.
. This post right here is exactly why you fail big time... So you support communism or socialism or worse, where as a few empowered wealthy families control all the power in government, and control the distribution of wealth so all can get a tiny fraction of the pie, but for the fortunate 1% at the top they will be as kings/dictator's in our midst who control us ??? It may have almost gotten to this already in America under Demon-crat leadership, but we are heading in the right direction again under the Trump adminstration, and no one wants to try the Demon-crats way again until they get their act straightened back out.
Um, guy, here's the thing. Garbagemen in Chicago are pretty well paid. They make $70K a year. The reason why they make that is because their job is pretty unpleasant. An RN in Chicago, 67K...

So who in Chicago would be stupid enough to be a RN there? Instead of spending four years in college, being in debt for another ten after you get out, why not just be a garbage man and make money from the time you're 18 years old?

You do know that thanks to unions, our medical staff in this country depleted greatly, don't you? Look at the want ads some time and see how many RN's are needed. So how would you get more people to be RN's? Pay them much more than being a garbage man. Then we patients will have to pay much more for medical care, and your insurance rates hit the roof.

So how does that explain how you can't even get a gig good enough to pay health insurance with all the expertise you have in the field?

I've explained that to you about twenty times already. Do you need twenty one????

Proof positive, the Clintons are white supremacists.

Thank God we have Donald Trump who wants to make some 1.8 million illegals legal.


Urine idiot
It's a very sad man who needs to kick down to feel better about himself.

Not at all. Just pointing out the stupidity of your statement. Yes, we all get our jobs from those evil one-percenters. We all get our products from those evil one-percenters. Those one-percenters are responsible for us having work so we can earn a paycheck.

Um,no, probably not. I'm rated as one of the top 10 in the Chicago Area, and that was only doing it part time.

Oh really? Do you have resume Grammy awards there in Chicago? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

What do you do so special that can't be covered in a video? I've learned a lot of things from YouTube. I saved myself money fixing my own washers and dryers. I saved myself money by installing or repairing toilets or removing animals or insects. In fact I'm glad I don't teach any longer, because many of the things I taught as a music instructor can now be learned from videos.

Trust me, you're not that special where you can't be replaced.

I agree. You need to take responsibility for your own life and need to stop blaming illegals or blacks for your failures.

Why? Because you don't like it when we point out who's at fault for something?
Oh, you mean like writing resumes? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Woooo, scary talent there.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

I never bring it up--you do. That's what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about and why it needs to be treated by a professional.

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....
I've actually thought quite a bit about that, and I've come to the conclusion that our beautiful daughters (19 & 22) know what they know, they know their reality.

So, while things won't ever again be the way they were, my kids really won't know the difference. And since they're both off to great starts, I suspect they'll be happy. And that's all I care about.

It is what it is.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

Wow, that many people don't know what YouTube is?????

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....

Really? So why don't you tell me the last time "I" brought it up to you. You're the one who brings it up all the time--not me. I mean........your condition has worsened so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

I believe, the key to conservatism, is jobs and taxes. It is why we must stop illegal immigration, to be able to supply jobs, so people pay taxes!

Once people pay taxes........I mean actually PAY, they don't want to hear about Democratic ideas that cost money! Everyone wants their taxes as low as possible, or people would purposely over pay, would they not!

Also, the conservatives MUST educate people that NOTHING is FREE! Somebody always pays for it, somehow.

So, insure jobs, pay taxes, and show that nobody gets something for nothing. Easier said then done? Of course it is! But the 1st step is to increase the job participation rate by securing the border. After that, things will turn around the more people work, and actually use their money to pay taxes!
Oh, you mean like writing resumes? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Woooo, scary talent there.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

I never bring it up--you do. That's what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about and why it needs to be treated by a professional.

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....
I've actually thought quite a bit about that, and I've come to the conclusion that our beautiful daughters (19 & 22) know what they know, they know their reality.

So, while things won't ever again be the way they were, my kids really won't know the difference. And since they're both off to great starts, I suspect they'll be happy. And that's all I care about.

It is what it is.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

Wow, that many people don't know what YouTube is?????

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....

Really? So why don't you tell me the last time "I" brought it up to you. You're the one who brings it up all the time--not me. I mean........your condition has worsened so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

I believe, the key to conservatism, is jobs and taxes. It is why we must stop illegal immigration, to be able to supply jobs, so people pay taxes!

Once people pay taxes........I mean actually PAY, they don't want to hear about Democratic ideas that cost money! Everyone wants their taxes as low as possible, or people would purposely over pay, would they not!

Also, the conservatives MUST educate people that NOTHING is FREE! Somebody always pays for it, somehow.

So, insure jobs, pay taxes, and show that nobody gets something for nothing. Easier said then done? Of course it is! But the 1st step is to increase the job participation rate by securing the border. After that, things will turn around the more people work, and actually use their money to pay taxes!

People do vote to raise taxes, just not their own. The Dims come out and tell people they will rob the rich more and more, and people support that.

They don't realize that the rich never lose. Raise their taxes, and they raise the price of their product, move operations overseas taking jobs with them. Not giving their employees pay increases or even making them pay more for their healthcare insurance. They may even eliminate jobs and overtime. But they never lose--we all do.

This is something liberals can't understand. It's like when Moooochelle had her husband make a law that all restaurants have to post calorie count on every item them sell. While that didn't make one fat person skinny, it gave me an idea Trump should implement:

I think that every item we buy in the store should have a global warming cost. It should tell the consumer how much he or she contributed to the environmental cause. Every product we buy today has an intrinsic environmental cost, it's just that we don't realize we're paying it.

If people realized what it's actually costing them for environmental causes, and that it's real money, many would discontinue their support for further environmental regulations and mandates.
Also, the conservatives MUST educate people that NOTHING is FREE! Somebody always pays for it, somehow.
Solid, reasonable, rational, fact-based education is a good thing.

Calling people lazy and freeloaders and commies, not so much.

If the GOP wants to change minds, it has to get away from its talk radio style of communicating with people.
Oh, you mean like writing resumes? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Woooo, scary talent there.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

I never bring it up--you do. That's what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about and why it needs to be treated by a professional.

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....
I've actually thought quite a bit about that, and I've come to the conclusion that our beautiful daughters (19 & 22) know what they know, they know their reality.

So, while things won't ever again be the way they were, my kids really won't know the difference. And since they're both off to great starts, I suspect they'll be happy. And that's all I care about.

It is what it is.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

Wow, that many people don't know what YouTube is?????

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....

Really? So why don't you tell me the last time "I" brought it up to you. You're the one who brings it up all the time--not me. I mean........your condition has worsened so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

I believe, the key to conservatism, is jobs and taxes. It is why we must stop illegal immigration, to be able to supply jobs, so people pay taxes!

Once people pay taxes........I mean actually PAY, they don't want to hear about Democratic ideas that cost money! Everyone wants their taxes as low as possible, or people would purposely over pay, would they not!

Also, the conservatives MUST educate people that NOTHING is FREE! Somebody always pays for it, somehow.

So, insure jobs, pay taxes, and show that nobody gets something for nothing. Easier said then done? Of course it is! But the 1st step is to increase the job participation rate by securing the border. After that, things will turn around the more people work, and actually use their money to pay taxes!

People do vote to raise taxes, just not their own. The Dims come out and tell people they will rob the rich more and more, and people support that.

They don't realize that the rich never lose. Raise their taxes, and they raise the price of their product, move operations overseas taking jobs with them. Not giving their employees pay increases or even making them pay more for their healthcare insurance. They may even eliminate jobs and overtime. But they never lose--we all do.

This is something liberals can't understand. It's like when Moooochelle had her husband make a law that all restaurants have to post calorie count on every item them sell. While that didn't make one fat person skinny, it gave me an idea Trump should implement:

I think that every item we buy in the store should have a global warming cost. It should tell the consumer how much he or she contributed to the environmental cause. Every product we buy today has an intrinsic environmental cost, it's just that we don't realize we're paying it.

If people realized what it's actually costing them for environmental causes, and that it's real money, many would discontinue their support for further environmental regulations and mandates.
. Ray I don't agree with your total support for the rich as if we should never question or have ways to control a situation if it gets out of line. Everything is about leveraging power, and then using that power wisely, and ethically. If the lower rungs have no representation or leverage, then they are stuck. Class warfare will eat us all alive if we don't stay somewhat balanced. Look, alot of the problems have been brought about by the rich undermining their own power through their own wrecklace and idiotic actions.
Oh, you mean like writing resumes? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Woooo, scary talent there.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

I never bring it up--you do. That's what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about and why it needs to be treated by a professional.

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....
I've actually thought quite a bit about that, and I've come to the conclusion that our beautiful daughters (19 & 22) know what they know, they know their reality.

So, while things won't ever again be the way they were, my kids really won't know the difference. And since they're both off to great starts, I suspect they'll be happy. And that's all I care about.

It is what it is.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

Wow, that many people don't know what YouTube is?????

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....

Really? So why don't you tell me the last time "I" brought it up to you. You're the one who brings it up all the time--not me. I mean........your condition has worsened so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

I believe, the key to conservatism, is jobs and taxes. It is why we must stop illegal immigration, to be able to supply jobs, so people pay taxes!

Once people pay taxes........I mean actually PAY, they don't want to hear about Democratic ideas that cost money! Everyone wants their taxes as low as possible, or people would purposely over pay, would they not!

Also, the conservatives MUST educate people that NOTHING is FREE! Somebody always pays for it, somehow.

So, insure jobs, pay taxes, and show that nobody gets something for nothing. Easier said then done? Of course it is! But the 1st step is to increase the job participation rate by securing the border. After that, things will turn around the more people work, and actually use their money to pay taxes!

People do vote to raise taxes, just not their own. The Dims come out and tell people they will rob the rich more and more, and people support that.

They don't realize that the rich never lose. Raise their taxes, and they raise the price of their product, move operations overseas taking jobs with them. Not giving their employees pay increases or even making them pay more for their healthcare insurance. They may even eliminate jobs and overtime. But they never lose--we all do.

This is something liberals can't understand. It's like when Moooochelle had her husband make a law that all restaurants have to post calorie count on every item them sell. While that didn't make one fat person skinny, it gave me an idea Trump should implement:

I think that every item we buy in the store should have a global warming cost. It should tell the consumer how much he or she contributed to the environmental cause. Every product we buy today has an intrinsic environmental cost, it's just that we don't realize we're paying it.

If people realized what it's actually costing them for environmental causes, and that it's real money, many would discontinue their support for further environmental regulations and mandates.
. Ray I don't agree with your total support for the rich as if we should never question or have ways to control a situation if it gets out of line. Everything is about leveraging power, and then using that power wisely, and ethically. If the lower rungs have no representation or leverage, then they are stuck. Class warfare will eat us all alive if we don't stay somewhat balanced. Look, alot of the problems have been brought about by the rich undermining their own power through their own wrecklace and idiotic actions.

It's called moderation. Let me ask: Do we have enough environmental regulations, mandates and laws or not? If we don't, how many more do we need?

It's like I've said so many times. Ask any hardcore environmentalist what they want and how much it would cost before they all shut up? You'll get a blank stare because the environment is endless. They couldn't tell you what would finally make them happy because they will never be happy no matter how many trillions of dollars we throw at the problem.

This has been going on my whole life, and after spending trillions of dollars, losing millions and millions of jobs over the environment, the environmentalists are more angry today than they were 40 years ago.

Like I said, if we all found out what we are paying for all this "clean up" we would probably shit ourselves. The only reason it advances is because we don't know what it costs us every single purchase we make. They take a survey asking a stupid question like "Do you think we need cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well Duh, how do you think they will respond? Of course they say they want cleaner air and cleaner water under the assumption it's not going to cost them a dime.
yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....
I've actually thought quite a bit about that, and I've come to the conclusion that our beautiful daughters (19 & 22) know what they know, they know their reality.

So, while things won't ever again be the way they were, my kids really won't know the difference. And since they're both off to great starts, I suspect they'll be happy. And that's all I care about.

It is what it is.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

Wow, that many people don't know what YouTube is?????

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....

Really? So why don't you tell me the last time "I" brought it up to you. You're the one who brings it up all the time--not me. I mean........your condition has worsened so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

I believe, the key to conservatism, is jobs and taxes. It is why we must stop illegal immigration, to be able to supply jobs, so people pay taxes!

Once people pay taxes........I mean actually PAY, they don't want to hear about Democratic ideas that cost money! Everyone wants their taxes as low as possible, or people would purposely over pay, would they not!

Also, the conservatives MUST educate people that NOTHING is FREE! Somebody always pays for it, somehow.

So, insure jobs, pay taxes, and show that nobody gets something for nothing. Easier said then done? Of course it is! But the 1st step is to increase the job participation rate by securing the border. After that, things will turn around the more people work, and actually use their money to pay taxes!

People do vote to raise taxes, just not their own. The Dims come out and tell people they will rob the rich more and more, and people support that.

They don't realize that the rich never lose. Raise their taxes, and they raise the price of their product, move operations overseas taking jobs with them. Not giving their employees pay increases or even making them pay more for their healthcare insurance. They may even eliminate jobs and overtime. But they never lose--we all do.

This is something liberals can't understand. It's like when Moooochelle had her husband make a law that all restaurants have to post calorie count on every item them sell. While that didn't make one fat person skinny, it gave me an idea Trump should implement:

I think that every item we buy in the store should have a global warming cost. It should tell the consumer how much he or she contributed to the environmental cause. Every product we buy today has an intrinsic environmental cost, it's just that we don't realize we're paying it.

If people realized what it's actually costing them for environmental causes, and that it's real money, many would discontinue their support for further environmental regulations and mandates.
. Ray I don't agree with your total support for the rich as if we should never question or have ways to control a situation if it gets out of line. Everything is about leveraging power, and then using that power wisely, and ethically. If the lower rungs have no representation or leverage, then they are stuck. Class warfare will eat us all alive if we don't stay somewhat balanced. Look, alot of the problems have been brought about by the rich undermining their own power through their own wrecklace and idiotic actions.

It's called moderation. Let me ask: Do we have enough environmental regulations, mandates and laws or not? If we don't, how many more do we need?

It's like I've said so many times. Ask any hardcore environmentalist what they want and how much it would cost before they all shut up? You'll get a blank stare because the environment is endless. They couldn't tell you what would finally make them happy because they will never be happy no matter how many trillions of dollars we throw at the problem.

This has been going on my whole life, and after spending trillions of dollars, losing millions and millions of jobs over the environment, the environmentalists are more angry today than they were 40 years ago.

Like I said, if we all found out what we are paying for all this "clean up" we would probably shit ourselves. The only reason it advances is because we don't know what it costs us every single purchase we make. They take a survey asking a stupid question like "Do you think we need cleaner air and cleaner water?" Well Duh, how do you think they will respond? Of course they say they want cleaner air and cleaner water under the assumption it's not going to cost them a dime.
. Ray, of course they give you a blank stare with no definitive answer to such a question, because the attack on the environment is never ending and/or is always fluid. Otherwise they are in business to keep watch, and to address every new form or attack on the environment that comes next. Now with that said, sure they have become overzealous in their over reaching power given them, and that has become a serious issue during Demon-crat administrations who just might be weaponizing the group for nefarious purposes like wealth redistribution, liberal government programs to be stuffed with cash for ensuring liberal power through oppressive tactics etc.
This post right here is exactly why you fail big time... So you support communism or socialism or worse, where as a few empowered wealthy families control all the power in government, and control the distribution of wealth so all can get a tiny fraction of the pie, but for the fortunate 1% at the top they will be as kings/dictator's in our midst who control us ???

are you some kind of a retard?

Guy, we had a pretty good system when the middle class was unionized and the rich paid their fair share at a high tax rate.
So who in Chicago would be stupid enough to be a RN there? Instead of spending four years in college, being in debt for another ten after you get out, why not just be a garbage man and make money from the time you're 18 years old?

I don't know, maybe you might want to become a nurse because you want to help people? I know this is a really confusing notion to you.

You do know that thanks to unions, our medical staff in this country depleted greatly, don't you? Look at the want ads some time and see how many RN's are needed. So how would you get more people to be RN's? Pay them much more than being a garbage man. Then we patients will have to pay much more for medical care, and your insurance rates hit the roof.

Actually, what depletes it is that nursing doesn't get a lot of respect compared to Doctors. If you are smart enough to be a nurse, you are probably smart enough to be a doctor. There's also the burnout rate. You can't have people spend all their time with sick people and not burn out after a certain point.

Last time I went to the hospital, most of the nurses were Indian and Filipino.

I've explained that to you about twenty times already. Do you need twenty one????

I've heard your lame excuses, I'm jut not buying it. Seriously, guy, take some responsibility. I've been screwed over by employers... and I did something about it. I got better jobs, I started my own business.

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