The Clintons are white supremacists

What do you mean at some point? The left has been whining about single-payer for years. If the economy continues in this direction and the only way employers can find quality employees is to offer coverage, they will provide health insurance at any cost. When more employers get on board, those prices will stabilize because you will have many more healthy people in the pool.

First the economy is not going to continue in this direction.
Secondly, There's really no incentive for the shady employers like yours to offer insurance.

What will get more healthy people into the pool is to REQUIRE THEM TO BUY INSURANCE, dummy.

Republicas didn't break up the unions They never had such power. As time went on and workers seen their jobs going overseas, they stopped supporting unions. It's just like Hillary Care. The Republicans haven't had leadership in Congress for over 40 years until Hillary came up with that nonsense. People didn't want it.

Did you miss the whole PATCO thing, where Reagan did exactly that.

Correct. It's just like doing something on your phone or computer you only do once in several years if that. You don't remember how to do it. So you go to the internet, look up some information on it, and eventually find somebody who created a site or a YouTube video to tell you how to do it.

Yeah, I see the people who did that all the time. Their resumes generally look like crap. Then they wonder why they never got any call backs.

It's the parasites that invest hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars that workers simply don't have. It's those parasites that take the risks of all or nothing. Workers don't want to take risks, they just want to go to a job every morning and get paid on Friday. They don't want the pressure, they don't want to work past 8 hours, they don't want to lose sleep when things aren't going so well.

Again, guy, not feeling bad for the parasites.

Look everyone, another Battered Housewife Republican. OF COURSE my employer has to treat me like shit and cancel my health insurance. Look at all the risks he's taking.
Again, guy, not feeling bad for the parasites.

Look everyone, another Battered Housewife Republican. OF COURSE my employer has to treat me like shit and cancel my health insurance. Look at all the risks he's taking.

Well, start your own company see how easy it is to amass over a million dollars in trucks and see how you do.

What we need to do now is reverse everything Obama so things get back to normal in this country. It may take many years, but we need to go in that direction. Once Commie Care is totally out of the way, employers will have no choice but to offer coverage just like they did before that big-eared Bozo screwed up the system.

Yeah, I see the people who did that all the time. Their resumes generally look like crap. Then they wonder why they never got any call backs.

Sure you do.

Did you miss the whole PATCO thing, where Reagan did exactly that.

No, but I thought we had more than one union in this country. You said union(s) as in plural.

First the economy is not going to continue in this direction.
Secondly, There's really no incentive for the shady employers like yours to offer insurance.

What will get more healthy people into the pool is to REQUIRE THEM TO BUY INSURANCE, dummy.

No dummy, the only reason for the mandate is government forcing you to do something you either don't want to do or can't do. The Mulatto required people to buy insurance and many of them didn't, so your theory is proven faulty already:

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady
Well, start your own company see how easy it is to amass over a million dollars in trucks and see how you do.

Again, you totally deserved that beating, I'm sure.


What we need to do now is reverse everything Obama so things get back to normal in this country. It may take many years, but we need to go in that direction. Once Commie Care is totally out of the way, employers will have no choice but to offer coverage just like they did before that big-eared Bozo screwed up the system.

You mean the kind of coverage whey they could collect your money and then call your cancer a "pre-existing condition" when they weren't making money on you anymore? Yeah, man, we totally need to go back to that.

No, but I thought we had more than one union in this country. You said union(s) as in plural.

Bursting up PATCO told the employers that if they busted up their unions, the government would have their back. And they did. And now you can't get health insurance. But, Um, Freedom or something. (See picture above.)

No dummy, the only reason for the mandate is government forcing you to do something you either don't want to do or can't do. The Mulatto required people to buy insurance and many of them didn't, so your theory is proven faulty already:

No, the reason for the mandate is to make sure that insurance companies had the money to do what they promised to do, once you make sure they can't go back on their promises.

Without the mandate, young people can wait until they get sick to sign up. And then drop it when they are better.
You mean the kind of coverage whey they could collect your money and then call your cancer a "pre-existing condition" when they weren't making money on you anymore? Yeah, man, we totally need to go back to that.

Hard to believe that was better than what we have today, huh? Democrats in action for you once again.

Bursting up PATCO told the employers that if they busted up their unions, the government would have their back. And they did. And now you can't get health insurance. But, Um, Freedom or something. (See picture above.)

The controllers were under control of the government. They were not allowed to strike. It was part of taking the job in the first place. They union overplayed it's hand, and it had nothing to do with any other union. Republicans busting up unions is nothing but another liberal lie and myth. People just got smarter is all. It's better to make a little less money than no money at all because your company moved to Brazil to get away from union demands.

No, the reason for the mandate is to make sure that insurance companies had the money to do what they promised to do, once you make sure they can't go back on their promises.

Without the mandate, young people can wait until they get sick to sign up. And then drop it when they are better.

What did the mandate have to do with it? You can still do that now with Commie Care as long as you make it to enrollment time. Anytime you have the two words "force" and government" in the same paragraph, watch out, because you're going to lose more freedom.

Do you really want to know why there was a mandate? Because the federal government kept over 3 billion American tax dollars in 2015; people who couldn't afford the ridiculous costs of those crummy plans and needed every dollar they could get.

Commie Care accomplished what it set out to do, and that was create more government dependents. That was the only goal. You see, if this country ever rid itself of government dependents and victims, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books. That's why between Commie Care and Food Stamps, DumBama created over 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone. And saps like you think politicians actually cared if you had insurance or not. :21:
Hard to believe that was better than what we have today, huh? Democrats in action for you once again.

It wasn't better. It was a lot worse. Seriously, you pay a shitload of money for insurance, and then they let your daughter die anyway because they won't pay for her liver transplant? That's fucking crazy.

The controllers were under control of the government. They were not allowed to strike. It was part of taking the job in the first place. They union overplayed it's hand, and it had nothing to do with any other union. Republicans busting up unions is nothing but another liberal lie and myth. People just got smarter is all. It's better to make a little less money than no money at all because your company moved to Brazil to get away from union demands.

Nobody is moving to Brazil, buddy. And while REpublican awful free trade agreements were also part of the problem, the very fact that you had a president who wouldn't back the unions made it easier for companies to move on them, which they did.

No, people going along with 'Less money for harder work and less rights at work' is not "smart".

What did the mandate have to do with it? You can still do that now with Commie Care as long as you make it to enrollment time. Anytime you have the two words "force" and government" in the same paragraph, watch out, because you're going to lose more freedom.

That only works if your cancer shows up around enrollment time. Cancer is kind of a bastard and it does't do that.

Do you really want to know why there was a mandate? Because the federal government kept over 3 billion American tax dollars in 2015; people who couldn't afford the ridiculous costs of those crummy plans and needed every dollar they could get.

3 Billion out of budget of 4 Trillion? Um, that's a drop in the bucket. And sorry man, those plans were fine.

Commie Care accomplished what it set out to do, and that was create more government dependents. That was the only goal. You see, if this country ever rid itself of government dependents and victims, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.

Here's the problem with that. We tried that. It resulted in the Great Depression and people demanded protections.

That's why between Commie Care and Food Stamps, DumBama created over 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone. And saps like you think politicians actually cared if you had insurance or not.

Uh, what created 40 million more dependents is that the wealthy took away all the jobs or paid jack shite for them. That's what took away the jobs.

Just like when your boss took away your health insurance, and went to Italy on an expensive vacation. And you are thanking him for it.
It wasn't better. It was a lot worse. Seriously, you pay a shitload of money for insurance, and then they let your daughter die anyway because they won't pay for her liver transplant? That's fucking crazy.

What's crazy about reading and understanding your coverage? If you only carry collision on your car and you get into an accident, do you expect your insurance company to pay for your car too? Of course not. Your car was not covered. Or what happens if you have insurance that doesn't cover cosmetic surgery, and you decide you want to try and be a woman?

Insurance companies are obligated by law to provide coverage that you paid for, but that's it.

Nobody is moving to Brazil, buddy. And while REpublican awful free trade agreements were also part of the problem, the very fact that you had a president who wouldn't back the unions made it easier for companies to move on them, which they did.

No, people going along with 'Less money for harder work and less rights at work' is not "smart".

Yes, that's what union guys told me as their shop was moving stuff to Brazil. They told me it's better for the company to leave than to not have raises or get the benefits they wanted from a company. They told me their precious union would find them another union job. Well guess what.........

So what do you want any President to do when unions make demands, send the National Guard to the business and put a gun to the owners head? Unions are not really a government issue--especially the federal government.

That only works if your cancer shows up around enrollment time. Cancer is kind of a bastard and it does't do that.

Nope, if you get cancer anytime, you can sign up for Commie Care when enrollment period comes because it's a preexisting condition.

3 Billion out of budget of 4 Trillion? Um, that's a drop in the bucket. And sorry man, those plans were fine.

No, it's not a drop in the bucket. It's stealing money from hard working Americans and there is nothing good about that. Commie Care plans are overpriced crap. Until I signed up for Commie Care, I never imagined any insurance company could offer such garbage and change so much. I never even had a minimum wage job with that bad of coverage.

Here's the problem with that. We tried that. It resulted in the Great Depression and people demanded protections.

We tried what???

Uh, what created 40 million more dependents is that the wealthy took away all the jobs or paid jack shite for them. That's what took away the jobs.

Just like when your boss took away your health insurance, and went to Italy on an expensive vacation. And you are thanking him for it.

When did I ever say I thanked him for it? One day you will be thanking me when you finally take my advice and see a shrink about your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I've known several people that had it, but your case is the worst one I've seen yet.
So what do you want any President to do when unions make demands, send the National Guard to the business and put a gun to the owners head? Unions are not really a government issue--especially the federal government.

Works for me.

Actually, I had a neat idea what to do. When some asshole moves his factory to China, we takt out commercials.

"This is Bob. Bob put 400 Americans out of work"
Here's the mansion he bought with the money he cheated working people out of.
(Address flashes below )
Here's his wife
This is where that bitch gets her hair done.
Here are his douchebag kids
Here's where they go to school

Make sure you let Bob and his family know what you think about what a great businessman he is."

No, it's not a drop in the bucket. It's stealing money from hard working Americans and there is nothing good about that. Commie Care plans are overpriced crap. Until I signed up for Commie Care, I never imagined any insurance company could offer such garbage and change so much. I never even had a minimum wage job with that bad of coverage.

So you basically suck at negotiating? I was able to get a pretty decent plan for $285 a month, and it wasn't even an O-care plan.
Works for me.

Actually, I had a neat idea what to do. When some asshole moves his factory to China, we takt out commercials.

"This is Bob. Bob put 400 Americans out of work"
Here's the mansion he bought with the money he cheated working people out of.
(Address flashes below )
Here's his wife
This is where that bitch gets her hair done.
Here are his douchebag kids
Here's where they go to school

Make sure you let Bob and his family know what you think about what a great businessman he is."

Sounds good to me because unlike you where I imagine what goes on, I've been interactive in it, so here is how your commercials should go:

Bob is an American. He fought in Iraq while in the Marines. When Bob got out, he used a government loan to open up his widget business.

Bob built his business and provided jobs. About two years ago, his employees unionized. Since then, Bob was forced overpay his workers. Now Bob has lost half of his business to competitors because of price competition. Now Bob has no choice but to leave the state country to remain competitive. Either that or Bob's second option is to close down his widget factory and join his workers in the unemployment line.

It's a shame you know nothing about business. I've been there, I've seen it first hand. I've talked to supervisors and even company owners when they sadly started to close down their shop just to get away from unions. Many were people who lived in this area all of their lives. But what choice did they have? Go out of business to keep union thugs happy?

So you basically suck at negotiating? I was able to get a pretty decent plan for $285 a month, and it wasn't even an O-care plan.

Then you probably have no preexisting conditions. The only insurance that has to accept preexisting conditions is Commie Care plans, and there are no negotiations. As for companies outside of Commie Care, they no longer accept preexisting conditions like they used to before Commie Care.

But be careful about what you have because it sounds way too good to be true. Let me know how Pete's Bar and Insurance company does when you make a major claim.
Sounds good to me because unlike you where I imagine what goes on, I've been interactive in it, so here is how your commercials should go:

Bob is an American.

That's doubtful. No American would screw his fellow Americans for a buck.

He fought in Iraq while in the Marines

Again, unlikely, never saw One Percenters when I was in...

Man, you ARE a battered housewife Republican, aren't you.
It's a shame you know nothing about business. I've been there, I've seen it first hand. I've talked to supervisors and even company owners when they sadly started to close down their shop just to get away from unions. Many were people who lived in this area all of their lives. But what choice did they have? Go out of business to keep union thugs happy?

I know quite a lot about business.

You know what the first thing i learned was.

Managers are lying sacks of shit who will lie to your face and feel good about themselves.

This was the case of EVERY LAST SINGLE PRIVATE SECTOR JOB I ever worked.

So, no, there's never a point where I will feel bad because a Union guy slashed their tires.

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