The Clintons are white supremacists

Of course, Bill Clinton is/was no white supremacist, the OP was merely making a (good) point about what has happened to the Democratic party.
I think the point was that when Republicans take such a stance, they are called racists, but when Democrats do it, they are just being Americans.
Sure. What they want to avoid is what has happened to the party.

Their party is no different than it was 20 years ago. Now they just try to label everything racist. "Good morning how are you?" is now considered racist by the left.

The good thing is they are not smart enough to realize what a mistake they are making, and keep on making it. I work with people all day long. When the subject comes up--even by people not politically involved, they constantly ask "Why is every Fn thing racist today???"

People are just good and fed up with the rhetoric. That's why Hillary's Deplorable comment ushered in Trump. We don't want to be such a fragile society where we have to worry about the Thought Police coming to take us away to be reprogrammed.
Oh, I disagree. The Regressive takeover of the party has been building over time, maybe 20 years or so, but when into overdrive when Obama was elected. That's when the Regressives calculated that demographics were permanently on their side and that it was their time to enforce their illiberal leftist authoritarianism. Because they figured they had the numbers.

But they were wrong, they acted too early. They went too far too fast, and pissed off just enough people to put Trump in the White House.

And they're pretty confident that the tide will go back in their direction, beginning in November. Permanently.
Of course, Bill Clinton is/was no white supremacist, the OP was merely making a (good) point about what has happened to the Democratic party.
I think the point was that when Republicans take such a stance, they are called racists, but when Democrats do it, they are just being Americans.
Sure. What they want to avoid is what has happened to the party.

Their party is no different than it was 20 years ago. Now they just try to label everything racist. "Good morning how are you?" is now considered racist by the left.

The good thing is they are not smart enough to realize what a mistake they are making, and keep on making it. I work with people all day long. When the subject comes up--even by people not politically involved, they constantly ask "Why is every Fn thing racist today???"

People are just good and fed up with the rhetoric. That's why Hillary's Deplorable comment ushered in Trump. We don't want to be such a fragile society where we have to worry about the Thought Police coming to take us away to be reprogrammed.
Oh, I disagree. The Regressive takeover of the party has been building over time, maybe 20 years or so, but when into overdrive when Obama was elected. That's when the Regressives calculated that demographics were permanently on their side and that it was their time to enforce their illiberal leftist authoritarianism. Because they figured they had the numbers.

But they were wrong, they acted too early. They went too far too fast, and pissed off just enough people to put Trump in the White House.

And they're pretty confident that the tide will go back in their direction, beginning in November. Permanently.

Not at all. Even they realize they won't have that kind of ability for some time; at least until they make whites a minority in this country which is their obvious goal. What they don't understand is that white people are slowly waking up to that reality.
Of course, Bill Clinton is/was no white supremacist, the OP was merely making a (good) point about what has happened to the Democratic party.
I think the point was that when Republicans take such a stance, they are called racists, but when Democrats do it, they are just being Americans.
Sure. What they want to avoid is what has happened to the party.

Their party is no different than it was 20 years ago. Now they just try to label everything racist. "Good morning how are you?" is now considered racist by the left.

The good thing is they are not smart enough to realize what a mistake they are making, and keep on making it. I work with people all day long. When the subject comes up--even by people not politically involved, they constantly ask "Why is every Fn thing racist today???"

People are just good and fed up with the rhetoric. That's why Hillary's Deplorable comment ushered in Trump. We don't want to be such a fragile society where we have to worry about the Thought Police coming to take us away to be reprogrammed.
Oh, I disagree. The Regressive takeover of the party has been building over time, maybe 20 years or so, but when into overdrive when Obama was elected. That's when the Regressives calculated that demographics were permanently on their side and that it was their time to enforce their illiberal leftist authoritarianism. Because they figured they had the numbers.

But they were wrong, they acted too early. They went too far too fast, and pissed off just enough people to put Trump in the White House.

And they're pretty confident that the tide will go back in their direction, beginning in November. Permanently.

Not at all. Even they realize they won't have that kind of ability for some time; at least until they make whites a minority in this country which is their obvious goal. What they don't understand is that white people are slowly waking up to that reality.
Well, the question is whether the GOP has the numbers, and if not, if they can attract new people.
Their party is no different than it was 20 years ago. Now they just try to label everything racist. "Good morning how are you?" is now considered racist by the left.

The good thing is they are not smart enough to realize what a mistake they are making, and keep on making it. I work with people all day long. When the subject comes up--even by people not politically involved, they constantly ask "Why is every Fn thing racist today???"

Funny, I've never had that discussion. it's amazing how you do.

People are just good and fed up with the rhetoric. That's why Hillary's Deplorable comment ushered in Trump. We don't want to be such a fragile society where we have to worry about the Thought Police coming to take us away to be reprogrammed.

No, Hillary won the popular vote. What ushered in Trump was the Electoral College (invented by slave owners).

Nobody thinks you have enough bandwidth in your head to "reprogram" Ray.

"My boss cancelled by health insurance, let's blame the black guy!!!"
Not at all. Even they realize they won't have that kind of ability for some time; at least until they make whites a minority in this country which is their obvious goal. What they don't understand is that white people are slowly waking up to that reality.

Again, you're delusional, buddy. EDUCATED white people are embarrassed as shit by Trump. Educated white people realize that minorities are not the enemy. It's only the ignorant ones who fall for Trump's rhetoric.

Well, the question is whether the GOP has the numbers, and if not, if they can attract new people.

No, not really. The thing is, the Republicans TRIED to expand their reach into the Minority communities with George W. Bush. He made improvements in Hispanic and Black outreach. And the GOP rejected that and doubled and tripled down on the racism with Trump. So probably after the next recession, when everyone admits that voting in Trump was a bad idea while Mueller frog marches him out of the White House, the GOP will still be fighting for that ever shrinking number of white folks.
Funny, I've never had that discussion. it's amazing how you do.

That's because people like you are zoned out when any such conversation takes place. Leftists have this amazing ability to hear only what they wish to hear, and be totally deaf to any other.

No, Hillary won the popular vote. What ushered in Trump was the Electoral College (invented by slave owners).

Nobody thinks you have enough bandwidth in your head to "reprogram" Ray.

"My boss cancelled by health insurance, let's blame the black guy!!!"

So who do you blame for your OCD that you refuse to get treatment for--white people?
Oh, I disagree. The Regressive takeover of the party has been building over time, maybe 20 years or so, but when into overdrive when Obama was elected. That's when the Regressives calculated that demographics were permanently on their side and that it was their time to enforce their illiberal leftist authoritarianism. Because they figured they had the numbers.

Oh, noes, the "Regressives"....

Also known as liberals with balls!

boo-hoo, Ann Coulter can't speak at Berkeley because they realized they were an institution of learning, not ignorance.

But they were wrong, they acted too early. They went too far too fast, and pissed off just enough people to put Trump in the White House.

Sign. No, buddy. The "Regressives" didn't own the train wreck that was Hillary Clinton. That was you Third Way moderates who take a poll to see what your opinion is and give up the Sudentanland on the first day of negotiation.

Trump got the same ignorant as shit 46% of the population that will always vote Republican, no matter how bad they fuck it up.

He only won because a lot of dumb-asses voted third party because "Hillary was just as bad because emails" and she "had it in the bag".

If the Dems had run a vibrant candidate who stood for real principles and articulated them, instead of the candidate they even admitted in 2008 was a bad idea, Trump would be a bad memory hosting his game show.
That's because people like you are zoned out when any such conversation takes place. Leftists have this amazing ability to hear only what they wish to hear, and be totally deaf to any other.

well, maybe i just hang with a better educated class of people. You kn ow, people with a bigger skill set than' "Drive in a straight line"

So who do you blame for your OCD that you refuse to get treatment for--white people?

Naw, man, I just find it amusing that you keep being angry at the wrong people and take no responsibility for your life.

My boss cancelled my health coverage, I'd be sending out resumes like a madman! I wouldn't be whining about how the Black Guy did it a year after the black guy retired.
Ray From Cleveland, what conservatives are not seeing is that, to a large extent, the Regressives are right - they're going to have the numbers.

To make it worse, conservatives are doing absolutely nothing to attract minority voters, damn near PROUDLY so. I know your argument - "We shouldn't HAVE to pander to minorities, they should just understand how fabulous conservatism is" - but what you're missing is that minorities are now used to it. You're not going to attract anyone by ignoring what attracts them.

So everything that worries you - bigger government, open borders, whatever - is on the way unless conservatives wake up. I see zero (0) sign of that happening right now.
Ray From Cleveland, what conservatives are not seeing is that, to a large extent, the Regressives are right - they're going to have the numbers.

To make it worse, conservatives are doing absolutely nothing to attract minority voters, damn near PROUDLY so. I know your argument - "We shouldn't HAVE to pander to minorities, they should just understand how fabulous conservatism is" - but what you're missing is that minorities are now used to it. You're not going to attract anyone by ignoring what attracts them.

So everything that worries you - bigger government, open borders, whatever - is on the way unless conservatives wake up. I see zero (0) sign of that happening right now.

Wake up to what? And what is your suggestion, that we just give in?

And how do you attract minority voters, by giving them free stuff like the Democrats?

Because of the left, this country is in jeopardy of becoming another socialist hellhole. Giving into that is like Israel giving in to the Palestinians and just committing suicide to make them happy.

I think this country is still worth fighting for. The great experiment isn't over just yet.
well, maybe i just hang with a better educated class of people. You kn ow, people with a bigger skill set than' "Drive in a straight line"

Oh, you mean like writing resumes? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Woooo, scary talent there.

Naw, man, I just find it amusing that you keep being angry at the wrong people and take no responsibility for your life.

My boss cancelled my health coverage, I'd be sending out resumes like a madman! I wouldn't be whining about how the Black Guy did it a year after the black guy retired.

I never bring it up--you do. That's what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about and why it needs to be treated by a professional.
Ray From Cleveland, what conservatives are not seeing is that, to a large extent, the Regressives are right - they're going to have the numbers.

To make it worse, conservatives are doing absolutely nothing to attract minority voters, damn near PROUDLY so. I know your argument - "We shouldn't HAVE to pander to minorities, they should just understand how fabulous conservatism is" - but what you're missing is that minorities are now used to it. You're not going to attract anyone by ignoring what attracts them.

So everything that worries you - bigger government, open borders, whatever - is on the way unless conservatives wake up. I see zero (0) sign of that happening right now.

Wake up to what? And what is your suggestion, that we just give in?

And how do you attract minority voters, by giving them free stuff like the Democrats?

Because of the left, this country is in jeopardy of becoming another socialist hellhole. Giving into that is like Israel giving in to the Palestinians and just committing suicide to make them happy.

I think this country is still worth fighting for. The great experiment isn't over just yet.
That's my point. Conservatives are looking at this in a very rigid, binary way: Either we do nothing, or we promise them everything. No in between, no creative thought.

That's up to you. I'm just saying that the clock is ticking, and soon you won't have the numbers.
That's up to you. I'm just saying that the clock is ticking, and soon you won't have the numbers.

We won't have the numbers no matter what we do. The only way to possibly win is to show people that conservatism/ capitalism is the most promising policy to have. We are the only country of our kind and people are not coming here because we are yet another socialist shithole. We are different than any other country out there and it's now more important than ever for us to keep immigration to a minimum.
That's up to you. I'm just saying that the clock is ticking, and soon you won't have the numbers.

We won't have the numbers no matter what we do. The only way to possibly win is to show people that conservatism/ capitalism is the most promising policy to have. We are the only country of our kind and people are not coming here because we are yet another socialist shithole. We are different than any other country out there and it's now more important than ever for us to keep immigration to a minimum.
Well, that goes back to my original point. If you feel you can effectively "show people that conservatism/ capitalism is the most promising policy to have", then you'll get your way.

I just don't seeing much progress there, yet.
That's up to you. I'm just saying that the clock is ticking, and soon you won't have the numbers.

We won't have the numbers no matter what we do. The only way to possibly win is to show people that conservatism/ capitalism is the most promising policy to have. We are the only country of our kind and people are not coming here because we are yet another socialist shithole. We are different than any other country out there and it's now more important than ever for us to keep immigration to a minimum.
Well, that goes back to my original point. If you feel you can effectively "show people that conservatism/ capitalism is the most promising policy to have", then you'll get your way.

I just don't seeing much progress there, yet.

Well, then enjoy this country while it's still here. Once Democrats eliminate whites and we become a one-party nation, the great experiment will be over. I'll be off this planet by then thank God, but maybe if you're young enough, you might be able to tell your grandchildren how great of a country this once was.
Oh, you mean like writing resumes? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Woooo, scary talent there.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

I never bring it up--you do. That's what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about and why it needs to be treated by a professional.

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....
Well, then enjoy this country while it's still here. Once Democrats eliminate whites and we become a one-party nation, the great experiment will be over. I'll be off this planet by then thank God, but maybe if you're young enough, you might be able to tell your grandchildren how great of a country this once was.

Whites won't be eliminated.... sorry man. Might be a point where it just won't be special anymore, but I'm good with that.

America stopped being great when we listened to the Republicans and got rid of the unions and other things that created a middle class. Now dumb white trash whines about they don't have the lives their fathers had, and never understand why when their boss goes to Italy on their insurance dime. .
We won't have the numbers no matter what we do. The only way to possibly win is to show people that conservatism/ capitalism is the most promising policy to have. We are the only country of our kind and people are not coming here because we are yet another socialist shithole. We are different than any other country out there and it's now more important than ever for us to keep immigration to a minimum.

Again, your life isn't miserable because of immigrants.

Your life is miserable because you keep bending over for the one percent.
Oh, you mean like writing resumes? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Woooo, scary talent there.

yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

I never bring it up--you do. That's what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is all about and why it needs to be treated by a professional.

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....
I've actually thought quite a bit about that, and I've come to the conclusion that our beautiful daughters (19 & 22) know what they know, they know their reality.

So, while things won't ever again be the way they were, my kids really won't know the difference. And since they're both off to great starts, I suspect they'll be happy. And that's all I care about.

It is what it is.
yet you'd be amazed how many people can't....

Wow, that many people don't know what YouTube is?????

I wouldn't know about it if you didn't bring it up on your constant, "The Black Man made my life miserable" rants....

Really? So why don't you tell me the last time "I" brought it up to you. You're the one who brings it up all the time--not me. I mean........your condition has worsened so much that you don't even realize you're doing it.

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