The Cliven Bundy Fan-Club DEATHWATCH thread

This is the racist, welfare cowboy thread.

Turtles have nothing to do with this.

If he had paid what he owes, no one except those closest to him would know he's a racist. period.

if he is a racist, that is his own personal decision. it has absolutely no bearing on the legalitly of him grazing cattle

That is true. But the racism is why no one is interested in twisting the story around to make him look good anymore.
Could be, Hossfly, I don't get US American TV where I am, but even that circus would be a direct fallout from something that Bundy did all on his own, without cues, without prodding.

If I understand Conservativism correctly, then one on it's tenets is personal responsibility for one's own actions, right?

(BTW, that principle exists in Liberalism as well, but each side likes to bang the other on the head and say it ain't so).

We can gladly talk about cows and turtles on a cows and turtles thread, I am all for it.

As for "BHO Gestapo", that is bullshit in my book, but I respect your right to express yourself as you wish.
This is the cows and turtles thread, Stat. That was the initial charge along with grazing fees the GeheimStaatsPolizei of Omumble pushed forth onto the public. And it's not working. This event has nothing to do with nor does it compare with Waco. This event is Big Brother versus The People and is the opening salvo as to just who is in charge here; The People or the (elected by The People) Government. To me the issue is the Four Freedoms expounded by FDR and as long as we citizens have breath, no tinpot, wannabe,Kenyan born dictator is going to impede any of those God given rights.

^ rw hyperbole post of the hour :eusa_clap:

You should do standup. Seriously.
Yer right about that, a RWer, a Dittohead and proud of it. It's the Left Wingers who screwed up the country and we have the satisfaction in knowing it's gonna be unscrewed.
Ok, all those super cool Right-Wing gurus who decided to head fer them thar hillz once good old Cliven went all KKK and said that racist stuff about "the Negro".

1.) Sean Hannity - who prolly gave the Clivester more airtime than anyone else:


Fox News Host Sean Hannity Calls Cliven Bundy's Remarks ?Racist' And ?Beyond Repugnant'

Fox News host Sean Hannity said Thursday that Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's racist remarks are “beyond repugnant” and “beyond despicable.”

For the past several weeks, the conservative Fox News network has given a major platform to Bundy. Some of its hosts and guests have portrayed his standoff with authorities over not paying fees to use federal land as a populist fight against an encroaching government. In a two-week stretch this month, Fox News devoted four hours and 40 minutes to Bundy’s story during late afternoon and evening broadcasts, according to progressive watchdog Media Matters.

But Fox News was noticeably silent on Thursday morning as others reacted to Bundy's controversial remarks on race, published Wednesday night by The New York Times. The Times' Adam Nagourney reported that Bundy had wondered during a public press conference if “Negro” people were “better off as slaves."

2.) Greta van Susteren, also from FOX:



Remember when that RESPECTED Democrat Senator Robert Byrd went all KKK--it is funny because he really once was a member of the KKK-- and said '******' on national television in 2001?

Remember all of the condemnation? Remember all those Democrats coming out and saying how repugnant his comment was? NO!? Oh, that's right none of that happened. There was no outrage.

[ame=]Senator Robert Byrd Says White ******* - YouTube[/ame]
The operative word in your statement is "seems".

And the other bolded, in green: I have never, ever said that. I challenge you very directly to find that statement.

Beside, this very thread shows specifically Conservatives who separated themselves from Bundy based on his racist behavior. So, the very existence of OP challenges your claim. I know a great many Conservatives who have not a racist or bigoted bone in their body, but they are not the topic of this thread. Cliven Bundy is.

And I see no reason to constantly have to make a disclaimer like "well, gee, guys, just want to make sure you all 100% for sure know that I don't think that all Conservatives are racists or bigots". No, Jroc, I am not gonna do that. People should be grown up enough to read what is actually written.

This thread is definitely about one man and those who have separated themselves from him for what he did. That is abundantly clear in the OP.

Hope that information helps.

You Clearly without hesitation told me you thought the Tea Party movement was racist, and it was a blanket statement do you deny it?

"Us Jews" that would include yourself right?

Push your narrative...

So, once you all see another rat jumping off the USS-Tea Bundy, just post it here!

Still waiting on words of wisdom from:

Bush, Jeb

Cuz we know they all abhor racism, right?!?!?


Oh, I still think that a good dea of the Tea Party membership is racist,
I still think that Pat Robertson is an anti-semitic asshole who should never be getting attention from any self-respecting Jew anywhere in the world, and I am quite sure that Cliven Bundy is a racist nut. But that doesn't make all Conservatives racists. Not all Conservatives belong to the Tea Party nor to all Conservatives even listen to the likes of a fool like Pat Robertson. In fact, I've gone out of my way on more than one occasion to point out the difference, but I don't feel like having to write a disclaimer every time and you, frankly, should be grown-up enough to know the difference, anyway.

You can either continue to desperately attack me, for whatever reason, or you can stick to the content of the OP. It's your choice. If you are going to decide to hold your own personal drumhead trial for someone with whom you don't agree just because you are acting pissed off, that's your thing, but I guarantee you, that says a lot more about you than it does about me.

Think about it. Hope you are well and prospering.


Thank you, that says more about you then you know. Honesty is the best policy...Keep it real that's what I do.:D
This is the cows and turtles thread, Stat. That was the initial charge along with grazing fees the GeheimStaatsPolizei of Omumble pushed forth onto the public. And it's not working. This event has nothing to do with nor does it compare with Waco. This event is Big Brother versus The People and is the opening salvo as to just who is in charge here; The People or the (elected by The People) Government. To me the issue is the Four Freedoms expounded by FDR and as long as we citizens have breath, no tinpot, wannabe,Kenyan born dictator is going to impede any of those God given rights.

^ rw hyperbole post of the hour :eusa_clap:

You should do standup. Seriously.
Yer right about that, a RWer, a Dittohead and proud of it. It's the Left Wingers who screwed up the country and we have the satisfaction in knowing it's gonna be unscrewed.

is that what Drudge told you old man? And a "dittohead"? Most people outgrow listening to that oxycontin-abusing, hypocrite in their 20's. (oxycontin is synthetic heroin BTW)

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