The Collapsing American Middle Class

And 50% tax over 10 million income, 60% over 30 million, 70% over 50 million.

And 50% tax over 10 million income, 60% over 30 million, 70% over 50 million.

Nobody in the US has a personal income of those figures. Anyone with a taxable income of $1M or more has the majority of the monies funneled through a corporation for tax savings.
Vote Dem and fix that then. And corporate tax bs.

Vote Dem and fix that then. And corporate tax bs.

I've voted for Democrats since I could legally vote, 40 years. The problem is the sociopath middle class that votes Republican.

There is nothing wrong with our corporate tax structure.

Employers need to be forced to pay more, after all, we've raised prices to pay for additional employee pay, but never passed it on to employees.
so why do 55% of giant corps pay nothing? Not sociopath, just duped. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine, this is a disgrace.

This person is the "super DUPEr, incompetent pooper!" He does NOT understand that most people are taking off their "hat's" and starting to ask both their parties questions, for which they have no answers. If I didn't know better, I would think that franco was a secret identity, for Debbie, Blabbermouth, (I know nothing, nothing) Shultz.

You want to talk about the brainwashed far right winger, who will only vote for Cruz? Well, here you have blanko-franco, and all he knows is HRC should NEVER be questioned. (hey, maybe franco is not blabbermouth, but really Valerie.............who is really blabbermouth, lol)

The country is in trouble, YOUR President has consistently lied to you, and franco.......aka........Valerie, aka, blabbermouth wants the status quo. When Nixon lied, he got impeached! When Bush was supposed to have lied, (Bush lied, and people died) all the left did was scream. Now we have Obama who's lies have negatively affected anyone with a job, and HRC wants to continue the policies.

How dumb are you?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Any actual argument, or just bs GOP propaganda talking points. Obama doesn't lie. His predictions go awry if you spin enough Pubcrappe. The GOP NEVER stops lying. Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry. Obama had control for 2 years. His policies cause this mess lol. STUPID
FOR TWENTY FOUR DAYS, idiot. Everyone you know is a liar or a dupe, dupe.
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left
Gee who knew terms were only 24 days
Read it, know nothing functional shyttehead. Franken not seated till 7/7/2009, Teddy OUT, out of session, Scott Whatisname seated 2/2010>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
TOTAL GOP CLUSTERFUCK. And STILL 80 months of growth with NO GOP bubble/bust/scandal.
Dumbass you still controlled both Houses....your artificial parameters mean nothing. .....
If the New BS GOP can and do block everything, that's real control, brainwashed functional shyttehead.
Block everything????? LMMAAOOOO Repubs have been surrendering since McCain offered co-leadership......Bohner and Ryan contine to reach across the aisle to pass Obama crap

Being honest, you know that's not true.
But the GOP does what they were voted in to do.
FOR TWENTY FOUR DAYS, idiot. Everyone you know is a liar or a dupe, dupe.
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left
Gee who knew terms were only 24 days
Read it, know nothing functional shyttehead. Franken not seated till 7/7/2009, Teddy OUT, out of session, Scott Whatisname seated 2/2010>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
TOTAL GOP CLUSTERFUCK. And STILL 80 months of growth with NO GOP bubble/bust/scandal.
Dumbass you still controlled both Houses....your artificial parameters mean nothing. .....
If the New BS GOP can and do block everything, that's real control, brainwashed functional shyttehead.
Block everything????? LMMAAOOOO Repubs have been surrendering since McCain offered co-leadership......Bohner and Ryan contine to reach across the aisle to pass Obama crap
What the hell? Such as? lol
Being honest.....they didnt offer co - leadeship...try being honest if ya were you would admit bi-partisanship means repubs vote for dem issues while dems call them extreme
Gee who knew terms were only 24 days
Read it, know nothing functional shyttehead. Franken not seated till 7/7/2009, Teddy OUT, out of session, Scott Whatisname seated 2/2010>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
TOTAL GOP CLUSTERFUCK. And STILL 80 months of growth with NO GOP bubble/bust/scandal.
Dumbass you still controlled both Houses....your artificial parameters mean nothing. .....
If the New BS GOP can and do block everything, that's real control, brainwashed functional shyttehead.
Block everything????? LMMAAOOOO Repubs have been surrendering since McCain offered co-leadership......Bohner and Ryan contine to reach across the aisle to pass Obama crap
What the hell? Such as? lol
ALl you read is talking points isnt it.......another party know nothing like the bodeca
Just to head this deflection off; this is due to the leadership of BOTH parties being bought by the corporate crony network.

This is not a slam on Dems alone, but all the bastards that undermine our lives and economic future in DC by carrying corporate water for them.

The Bruised and Battered Middle Class

Likewise, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have the 10 areas with the highest share of lower-income earners. With the exception of New Mexico, all those states have favored either Republicans or Democrats in four straight presidential elections.

The metro regions with the highest percentage of middle-income households, though, are disproportionately located in swing states or states that the Trump campaign believes are ripe for the New York billionaire's economic message. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have one, and Wisconsin alone has four.

"That tells me the trends described in this report are going to benefit the more populist candidates," said Alan Tonelson, an economic policy analyst who is critical of U.S. trade policy. "That seems to me to translate into good news for Trump … [Clinton] doesn't have very deep roots as a trade policy critic."
If our political system is bent on favoring those that are either uneducated poor minorities or those that are highly educated and white, when the center collapses and middle class disappears, then what happens? Reminds me of the French revolution, when you lose the bourgeoisie, the rich inevitably lose their heads.
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Holy fuck.....seriously? The "Fed works"??? They extend credit from nothing and then charge interest and it is compounded interest at that. You just proved that you are very uninformed...typical for a leftard. The leftards had majority in both the Senate and the House from 2007 to 2011 and the Barrypuppet was in the WH for two years of and the fuck do you not know that???
Brainwashed bs. W vetoed everything before Obama. Under Obama, the Dems had 60 votes in the Senate for 24 days in session, all spent on ACA. As usual, the dupes live in an imaginary fantasy from Fox or WHATEVER- all the same twaddle. Over 200 GOP GOP filibusters 2009-11.


Bush didn't have a filibuster proof senate what the fuck was your point? They still; backdoored the ACA b y changing the rules as they went along because their corporate masters wanted the ACA pushed through. Barrypuppet had a pen and a tell me, what incredibly great piece of legislation did Barrypuppet want that would have helped the middle class that was blocked that he couldn't just sign off on? I want to hear it. If he and his leftard pals had such great ideas? Barrypuppet had the ability to push it using the media.
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.
Holy fuck.....seriously? The "Fed works"??? They extend credit from nothing and then charge interest and it is compounded interest at that. You just proved that you are very uninformed...typical for a leftard. The leftards had majority in both the Senate and the House from 2007 to 2011 and the Barrypuppet was in the WH for two years of and the fuck do you not know that???
Brainwashed bs. W vetoed everything before Obama. Under Obama, the Dems had 60 votes in the Senate for 24 days in session, all spent on ACA. As usual, the dupes live in an imaginary fantasy from Fox or WHATEVER- all the same twaddle. Over 200 GOP GOP filibusters 2009-11.


Bush didn't have a filibuster proof senate what the fuck was your point? They still; backdoored the ACA b y changing the rules as they went along because their corporate masters wanted the ACA pushed through. Barrypuppet had a pen and a tell me, what incredibly great piece of legislation did Barrypuppet want that would have helped the middle class that was blocked that he couldn't just sign off on? I want to hear it. If he and his leftard pals had such great ideas? Barrypuppet had the ability to push it using the media.
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.

Colleges are incorporated as well. I looked at the CAFR of the University of Wisconsin and they have a surplus of a BILLION dollars...a friggin state university. You don't see nor do you understand the big picture at all. You hear me, but you ain't listening. The very "gubermint" that you want to solve all your problems are the very ones that support this debt slavery system.
Holy fuck, you had a 59 to 41 lead in the Senate and and overwhelming majority in the House and had the WH. What incredibly great legislation did the Barrypuppet want to have pushed through that was blocked? It's all a fucking smoke screen because neither party gives a shit...they are corporate officers...nothing more or less.

Sixty is the magic number in the Senate.

So what? Was the ideas that the dems were pushing through so fucking bad that they couldn't persuade or buy off even one single Repub? And that's only if conservative democrats voted along party lines. As I recall, quite a few leftards had to be convinced to support the ACA just so long as some pork was put into it that would benefit their state.

So what?

Because 60 is an actual majority in the Senate.

No, dumb ass.....51 is all that is needed. 60 is required for a filibuster proof majority and not the same thing. So if you have been voting "demcrat" and you don't know this? shows just how ignorant you are.

60 is required for a filibuster proof majority

Thank you for proving my point.

You had no point because you were wrong.

You had no point because you were wrong.

A true majority is 60. You should have paid attention in 'skool.'
According to the story, the reason the American middle class is collapsing is wage disparity and cost disparity. Daaah! What political party do the wage and cost setters belong? Hint: It's not Democrats.

The answer is;

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 600 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

You sir/lady, are a Marxist who thinks they are smarter than everyone else. That just shows how dumb you actually are!

You sir/lady, are a Marxist who thinks they are smarter than everyone else. That just shows how dumb you actually are!

No, I'm a capitalist.

You can't refute my post, so I am smarter than you.
So what? Was the ideas that the dems were pushing through so fucking bad that they couldn't persuade or buy off even one single Repub? And that's only if conservative democrats voted along party lines. As I recall, quite a few leftards had to be convinced to support the ACA just so long as some pork was put into it that would benefit their state.

So what?

Because 60 is an actual majority in the Senate.

No, dumb ass.....51 is all that is needed. 60 is required for a filibuster proof majority and not the same thing. So if you have been voting "demcrat" and you don't know this? shows just how ignorant you are.

60 is required for a filibuster proof majority

Thank you for proving my point.

You had no point because you were wrong.

You had no point because you were wrong.

A true majority is 60. You should have paid attention in 'skool.'

No, a majority is 51...they put in a majority leader not at 60...but 51 plus. You are the one that is ignorant. Under your thought process? There would not be a senate majority leader. I am fine with "schooling" you....God knows you need it.
According to the story, the reason the American middle class is collapsing is wage disparity and cost disparity. Daaah! What political party do the wage and cost setters belong? Hint: It's not Democrats.

The answer is;

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 600 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.

You sir/lady, are a Marxist who thinks they are smarter than everyone else. That just shows how dumb you actually are!

You sir/lady, are a Marxist who thinks they are smarter than everyone else. That just shows how dumb you actually are!

No, I'm a capitalist.

You can't refute my post, so I am smarter than you.

You are not smarter than anyone.....not by a longshot.
Just to head this deflection off; this is due to the leadership of BOTH parties being bought by the corporate crony network.

This is not a slam on Dems alone, but all the bastards that undermine our lives and economic future in DC by carrying corporate water for them.

The Bruised and Battered Middle Class

Likewise, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have the 10 areas with the highest share of lower-income earners. With the exception of New Mexico, all those states have favored either Republicans or Democrats in four straight presidential elections.

The metro regions with the highest percentage of middle-income households, though, are disproportionately located in swing states or states that the Trump campaign believes are ripe for the New York billionaire's economic message. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have one, and Wisconsin alone has four.

"That tells me the trends described in this report are going to benefit the more populist candidates," said Alan Tonelson, an economic policy analyst who is critical of U.S. trade policy. "That seems to me to translate into good news for Trump … [Clinton] doesn't have very deep roots as a trade policy critic."

It's sad how greed drives you pathetic money grabbers to destroy the richest nation in the history of man.

Get a job, lazy ass, and you'll do fine
Brainwashed bs. W vetoed everything before Obama. Under Obama, the Dems had 60 votes in the Senate for 24 days in session, all spent on ACA. As usual, the dupes live in an imaginary fantasy from Fox or WHATEVER- all the same twaddle. Over 200 GOP GOP filibusters 2009-11.


Bush didn't have a filibuster proof senate what the fuck was your point? They still; backdoored the ACA b y changing the rules as they went along because their corporate masters wanted the ACA pushed through. Barrypuppet had a pen and a tell me, what incredibly great piece of legislation did Barrypuppet want that would have helped the middle class that was blocked that he couldn't just sign off on? I want to hear it. If he and his leftard pals had such great ideas? Barrypuppet had the ability to push it using the media.
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.
Brainwashed bs. W vetoed everything before Obama. Under Obama, the Dems had 60 votes in the Senate for 24 days in session, all spent on ACA. As usual, the dupes live in an imaginary fantasy from Fox or WHATEVER- all the same twaddle. Over 200 GOP GOP filibusters 2009-11.


Bush didn't have a filibuster proof senate what the fuck was your point? They still; backdoored the ACA b y changing the rules as they went along because their corporate masters wanted the ACA pushed through. Barrypuppet had a pen and a tell me, what incredibly great piece of legislation did Barrypuppet want that would have helped the middle class that was blocked that he couldn't just sign off on? I want to hear it. If he and his leftard pals had such great ideas? Barrypuppet had the ability to push it using the media.
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.

Colleges are incorporated as well. I looked at the CAFR of the University of Wisconsin and they have a surplus of a BILLION dollars...a friggin state university. You don't see nor do you understand the big picture at all. You hear me, but you ain't listening. The very "gubermint" that you want to solve all your problems are the very ones that support this debt slavery system.
GOP gov't, dumbass. You'll never figure it out watching reading GOP propaganda. Duh.
Just to head this deflection off; this is due to the leadership of BOTH parties being bought by the corporate crony network.

This is not a slam on Dems alone, but all the bastards that undermine our lives and economic future in DC by carrying corporate water for them.

The Bruised and Battered Middle Class

Likewise, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have the 10 areas with the highest share of lower-income earners. With the exception of New Mexico, all those states have favored either Republicans or Democrats in four straight presidential elections.

The metro regions with the highest percentage of middle-income households, though, are disproportionately located in swing states or states that the Trump campaign believes are ripe for the New York billionaire's economic message. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have one, and Wisconsin alone has four.

"That tells me the trends described in this report are going to benefit the more populist candidates," said Alan Tonelson, an economic policy analyst who is critical of U.S. trade policy. "That seems to me to translate into good news for Trump … [Clinton] doesn't have very deep roots as a trade policy critic."

It's sad how greed drives you pathetic money grabbers to destroy the richest nation in the history of man.

Get a job, lazy ass, and you'll do fine
Idiot dupe, the people destroying it are the bought off, pander to the greedy idiot rich and refuse to invest in America, screw the workers, GOP. "Get a job" is insulting idiocy.
Get a job, lazy ass, and you'll do fine
I have worked since I was 14 years old and did not have a solid month off till I was 43 years old. I got my degree by taking night classes from 1976 to 1995 where I got my degree at the University of Maryland with a 3.6 GPA.

I worked after a 3 month break looking for work in 2003 till 2013 when I slipped a disc in my back, at the T7 and T8 disc. A car accident in 2014 herniated the L4 L5 disc in my Lumbar and I had material hanging about half an inch down into my spinal canal. I was on disability for two years with considerable pain.

I spent five long years in the US Army infantry, 11B1, from 1978 to 1983, which is probably more time than you spent serving your country and I have an honorable discharge.

Reading some punk ass know-it-all like you telling me that I am a lazy ass simply affirms that you are an ignorant, arrogant little mindless boy.
Bush didn't have a filibuster proof senate what the fuck was your point? They still; backdoored the ACA b y changing the rules as they went along because their corporate masters wanted the ACA pushed through. Barrypuppet had a pen and a tell me, what incredibly great piece of legislation did Barrypuppet want that would have helped the middle class that was blocked that he couldn't just sign off on? I want to hear it. If he and his leftard pals had such great ideas? Barrypuppet had the ability to push it using the media.
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.
Bush didn't have a filibuster proof senate what the fuck was your point? They still; backdoored the ACA b y changing the rules as they went along because their corporate masters wanted the ACA pushed through. Barrypuppet had a pen and a tell me, what incredibly great piece of legislation did Barrypuppet want that would have helped the middle class that was blocked that he couldn't just sign off on? I want to hear it. If he and his leftard pals had such great ideas? Barrypuppet had the ability to push it using the media.
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.

Colleges are incorporated as well. I looked at the CAFR of the University of Wisconsin and they have a surplus of a BILLION dollars...a friggin state university. You don't see nor do you understand the big picture at all. You hear me, but you ain't listening. The very "gubermint" that you want to solve all your problems are the very ones that support this debt slavery system.
GOP gov't, dumbass. You'll never figure it out watching reading GOP propaganda. Duh.

Seriously, you are fucking dense........your beloved "gubermint" is just one huge composite entity......but keep waving that rainbow colored leftard flag if it makes you feel better.

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