The Collapsing American Middle Class

Just to head this deflection off; this is due to the leadership of BOTH parties being bought by the corporate crony network.

This is not a slam on Dems alone, but all the bastards that undermine our lives and economic future in DC by carrying corporate water for them.

The Bruised and Battered Middle Class

Likewise, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas have the 10 areas with the highest share of lower-income earners. With the exception of New Mexico, all those states have favored either Republicans or Democrats in four straight presidential elections.

The metro regions with the highest percentage of middle-income households, though, are disproportionately located in swing states or states that the Trump campaign believes are ripe for the New York billionaire's economic message. Pennsylvania and Ohio each have one, and Wisconsin alone has four.

"That tells me the trends described in this report are going to benefit the more populist candidates," said Alan Tonelson, an economic policy analyst who is critical of U.S. trade policy. "That seems to me to translate into good news for Trump … [Clinton] doesn't have very deep roots as a trade policy critic."

It's sad how greed drives you pathetic money grabbers to destroy the richest nation in the history of man.

Get a job, lazy ass, and you'll do fine

Dude, are you busting on Jim Bowie? He is telling it like it is....this has nothing to do with political lines. This is a fucking reality and eventually it will hit you and can bank on that. Liberals fucking suck....agree with you on that but what is going on right now has nothing to do with political affiliations.
Housing prices are one example of an issue, Mortgage and rent prices are outpacing income by those in the middle class. I am stuck in mortgage I can't pay off for another twenty years for a house that isn't worth that much, banks are really milking this. My dad bought a home and paid it off in 25 years (in 1950 something ) on an income of 250 dollars monthly. I look around at huge growth of section 8 Government subsidized housing for the poor, I help subsidize the POOR when I don't get any breaks? For what?
Get a job, lazy ass, and you'll do fine
I have worked since I was 14 years old and did not have a solid month off till I was 43 years old. I got my degree by taking night classes from 1976 to 1995 where I got my degree at the University of Maryland with a 3.6 GPA.

I worked after a 3 month break looking for work in 2003 till 2013 when I slipped a disc in my back, at the T7 and T8 disc. A car accident in 2014 herniated the L4 L5 disc in my Lumbar and I had material hanging about half an inch down into my spinal canal. I was on disability for two years with considerable pain.

I spent five long years in the US Army infantry, 11B1, from 1978 to 1983, which is probably more time than you spent serving your country and I have an honorable discharge.

Reading some punk ass know-it-all like you telling me that I am a lazy ass simply affirms that you are an ignorant, arrogant little mindless boy.

Sorry, Jim.....I "liked" Kaz's post not knowing that he was replying to you...I have since rescinded it. You are where others will be when it comes to the availibilty of decent jobs. Hang in there, my friend.....
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.
The GOP doesn't WANT to pass anything. They love this pander to the greedy idiot billionaire Raygunist mess. see reconciliation bs.

I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.

Colleges are incorporated as well. I looked at the CAFR of the University of Wisconsin and they have a surplus of a BILLION dollars...a friggin state university. You don't see nor do you understand the big picture at all. You hear me, but you ain't listening. The very "gubermint" that you want to solve all your problems are the very ones that support this debt slavery system.
GOP gov't, dumbass. You'll never figure it out watching reading GOP propaganda. Duh.

Seriously, you are fucking dense........your beloved "gubermint" is just one huge composite entity......but keep waving that rainbow colored leftard flag if it makes you feel better.
More tin foil! It's a conspiraceeeee!
Housing prices are one example of an issue, Mortgage and rent prices are outpacing income by those in the middle class. I am stuck in mortgage I can't pay off for another twenty years for a house that isn't worth that much, banks are really milking this. My dad bought a home and paid it off in 25 years (in 1950 something ) on an income of 250 dollars monthly. I look around at huge growth of section 8 Government subsidized housing for the poor, I help subsidize the POOR when I don't get any breaks? For what?
The laws haven't changed, just the rape of the nonrich by GOP tax rates/policy the last 30 years...
I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.
I can't remember the last act, statute or code passed by these scum in D.C that has ever benefitted the American people more than it did the corporate entity that they represent. Your beloved "gubermint" is you understand that?
It is a for profit venture. They are corporate officers of the IMF...nothing more or less. Those that come onbaord are told how the game is played and those that don't play ball have a very short shelf life.
Anything for college loans being cheaper. Payroll tax cut. Medicaid for the poor. Most anything Dems try, dupe. And Pubs BLOCK. Change the channel and cheer up. Ay caramba.

Colleges are incorporated as well. I looked at the CAFR of the University of Wisconsin and they have a surplus of a BILLION dollars...a friggin state university. You don't see nor do you understand the big picture at all. You hear me, but you ain't listening. The very "gubermint" that you want to solve all your problems are the very ones that support this debt slavery system.
GOP gov't, dumbass. You'll never figure it out watching reading GOP propaganda. Duh.

Seriously, you are fucking dense........your beloved "gubermint" is just one huge composite entity......but keep waving that rainbow colored leftard flag if it makes you feel better.
More tin foil! It's a conspiraceeeee!

I know more than you...infinitely more which is why I don't have any affiliation to any political party and separated myself from this corporate entity. Wave that "demcrat flag" are not persuading anyone to change their minds.
Trump makes his money from buying out real estate developments that have gone sideways at fire sale prices then he rescues them for huge gains, and secondly from selling his brand, 'Trump'. His name as a brand makes him hundreds of millions a year, and if he delivers on his promises to the working class....I cant even guess what 'Trump' will be valued at as a brand.

THAT is his incentive, as well as being a renowned hero for beating the corporate ass holes running the country into the ground. I think the money is not as important to him as the craving for the status of hero to the nations middle class.

I agree. Even if not for the financial incentive, his ego would cause him to go for hero status to the average person. He could retire now and never worry about money, well, at least till the socialists take it from him.
Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.
Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.

The Dems declared themselves protectors of the poor. They also claim they want to help middle class, but that never happens. They also tell the lower income earners that they will tax the wealthy more yet they haven't done that and they've had chances in the past. Truth is that libs love wealth as much as the right. And almost all congress members, despite bitching that they need a raise, manage to become millionaires while in office.

Look at Hillary campaign contributors and see all the mean, nasty wealthy people.

The left protects the wealthiest people. They don't really help the poor at all or we wouldn't have so many. They merely strive to keep them stuck in their lot in life with promises of more entitlements. The left has never been a friend to middle class. We pay for everything and are disappearing. Obamacare and ridiculous regulations have destroyed many small businesses.

Unemployment is actually very high. Millions aren't even counted anymore and it gives the illusion that the numbers dropped. Libs were furious when UE under Bush was 4.7% and Pelosi tried to tell us a few years ago that 10% might be the new norm.

Now they claim 5% but they don't count those who threw in the towel and probably lost everything before winding up on welfare and maybe working a part-time job.

I think the left destroyed those middle class jobs just so more would end up fighting for the minimum wage jobs and they could kill more businesses by raising the wages.

Everything they do is part of a plan and that has nothing to do with actually helping people. They need America divided, angry, broke, in chaos and on it's knees so they can fundamentally transform it. Destruction of morals and decency is in progress. Gun grabbing must come next if their plan is to work. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant.
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Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.

The Dems declared themselves protectors of the poor. They also claim they want to help middle class, but that never happens. They also tell the lower income earners that they will tax the wealthy more yet they haven't done that and they've had chances in the past. Truth is that libs love wealth as much as the right. And almost all congress members, despite bitching that they need a raise, manage to become millionaires while in office.

Look at Hillary campaign contributors and see all the mean, nasty wealthy people.

The left protects the wealthiest people. They don't really help the poor at all or we wouldn't have so many. They merely strive to keep them stuck in their lot in life with promises of more entitlements. The left has never been a friend to middle class. We pay for everything and are disappearing. Obamacare and ridiculous regulations have destroyed many small businesses.

Unemployment is actually very high. Millions aren't even counted anymore and it gives the illusion that the numbers dropped. Libs were furious when UE under Bush was 4.7% and Pelosi tried to tell us a few years ago that 10% might be the new norm.

Now they claim 5% but they don't count those who threw in the towel and probably lost everything before winding up on welfare and maybe working a part-time job.
So WHO would be a viable alternative to Clinton OR TRUMP?
Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.

The Dems declared themselves protectors of the poor. They also claim they want to help middle class, but that never happens. They also tell the lower income earners that they will tax the wealthy more yet they haven't done that and they've had chances in the past. Truth is that libs love wealth as much as the right. And almost all congress members, despite bitching that they need a raise, manage to become millionaires while in office.

Look at Hillary campaign contributors and see all the mean, nasty wealthy people.

The left protects the wealthiest people. They don't really help the poor at all or we wouldn't have so many. They merely strive to keep them stuck in their lot in life with promises of more entitlements. The left has never been a friend to middle class. We pay for everything and are disappearing. Obamacare and ridiculous regulations have destroyed many small businesses.

Unemployment is actually very high. Millions aren't even counted anymore and it gives the illusion that the numbers dropped. Libs were furious when UE under Bush was 4.7% and Pelosi tried to tell us a few years ago that 10% might be the new norm.

Now they claim 5% but they don't count those who threw in the towel and probably lost everything before winding up on welfare and maybe working a part-time job.
So WHO would be a viable alternative to Clinton OR TRUMP?
Sanders and Nordic Socialism
Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.

The Dems declared themselves protectors of the poor. They also claim they want to help middle class, but that never happens. They also tell the lower income earners that they will tax the wealthy more yet they haven't done that and they've had chances in the past. Truth is that libs love wealth as much as the right. And almost all congress members, despite bitching that they need a raise, manage to become millionaires while in office.

Look at Hillary campaign contributors and see all the mean, nasty wealthy people.

The left protects the wealthiest people. They don't really help the poor at all or we wouldn't have so many. They merely strive to keep them stuck in their lot in life with promises of more entitlements. The left has never been a friend to middle class. We pay for everything and are disappearing. Obamacare and ridiculous regulations have destroyed many small businesses.

Unemployment is actually very high. Millions aren't even counted anymore and it gives the illusion that the numbers dropped. Libs were furious when UE under Bush was 4.7% and Pelosi tried to tell us a few years ago that 10% might be the new norm.

Now they claim 5% but they don't count those who threw in the towel and probably lost everything before winding up on welfare and maybe working a part-time job.
So WHO would be a viable alternative to Clinton OR TRUMP?
Sanders and Nordic Socialism
I think if you all believe that rich people are the problem then you are wrong. I was never hurt when someone else got rich in this country but since so many people believe this garbage we are just going to have to ride this out until the end. Eventually people will see how ineffective 'liberal' policies are.
Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.

The Dems declared themselves protectors of the poor. They also claim they want to help middle class, but that never happens. They also tell the lower income earners that they will tax the wealthy more yet they haven't done that and they've had chances in the past. Truth is that libs love wealth as much as the right. And almost all congress members, despite bitching that they need a raise, manage to become millionaires while in office.

Look at Hillary campaign contributors and see all the mean, nasty wealthy people.

The left protects the wealthiest people. They don't really help the poor at all or we wouldn't have so many. They merely strive to keep them stuck in their lot in life with promises of more entitlements. The left has never been a friend to middle class. We pay for everything and are disappearing. Obamacare and ridiculous regulations have destroyed many small businesses.

Unemployment is actually very high. Millions aren't even counted anymore and it gives the illusion that the numbers dropped. Libs were furious when UE under Bush was 4.7% and Pelosi tried to tell us a few years ago that 10% might be the new norm.

Now they claim 5% but they don't count those who threw in the towel and probably lost everything before winding up on welfare and maybe working a part-time job.

I think the left destroyed those middle class jobs just so more would end up fighting for the minimum wage jobs and they could kill more businesses by raising the wages.

Everything they do is part of a plan and that has nothing to do with actually helping people. They need America divided, angry, broke, in chaos and on it's knees so they can fundamentally transform it. Destruction of morals and decency is in progress. Gun grabbing must come next if their plan is to work. Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant.
80 months of growth, no GOP bubble, dupe. Background checks are not grabbing. You live in a dupe/racist fantasy world. And your bs candidate says Foster smells fishy. Absolute idiocy.
I think if you all believe that rich people are the problem then you are wrong. I was never hurt when someone else got rich in this country but since so many people believe this garbage we are just going to have to ride this out until the end. Eventually people will see how ineffective 'liberal' policies are.
Thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and turning the ME into a world disaster, AND a corrupt 2nd GOP World depression. Great job, hater dupes.
I think if you all believe that rich people are the problem then you are wrong. I was never hurt when someone else got rich in this country but since so many people believe this garbage we are just going to have to ride this out until the end. Eventually people will see how ineffective 'liberal' policies are.
Nah, just greedyidiot lyingGOP rich people...
Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Take Obama care, more pandering to the many poor taking from the middle class from the minds of the elititeist liberals. I was doing fine until this little scheme popped up. It helps the poor. It hurt me, and others in the middleclass. The rich liberals unlike Robin Hood, rob the middle class, not the rich. And the rich appose taxes on the wealthy, funny how all that works.

The Dems declared themselves protectors of the poor. They also claim they want to help middle class, but that never happens. They also tell the lower income earners that they will tax the wealthy more yet they haven't done that and they've had chances in the past. Truth is that libs love wealth as much as the right. And almost all congress members, despite bitching that they need a raise, manage to become millionaires while in office.

Look at Hillary campaign contributors and see all the mean, nasty wealthy people.

The left protects the wealthiest people. They don't really help the poor at all or we wouldn't have so many. They merely strive to keep them stuck in their lot in life with promises of more entitlements. The left has never been a friend to middle class. We pay for everything and are disappearing. Obamacare and ridiculous regulations have destroyed many small businesses.

Unemployment is actually very high. Millions aren't even counted anymore and it gives the illusion that the numbers dropped. Libs were furious when UE under Bush was 4.7% and Pelosi tried to tell us a few years ago that 10% might be the new norm.

Now they claim 5% but they don't count those who threw in the towel and probably lost everything before winding up on welfare and maybe working a part-time job.
So WHO would be a viable alternative to Clinton OR TRUMP?
Sanders and Nordic Socialism
Yes. Sanders is specifically addressing the root of our problems in this nation; the too big to fail banks and the multinational corporations they use to lobby congress.

And the Digital age is not a jobs friendly revolution in technology, and for social stability we will have to adopt similar programs to what the Nordic Model Socialists have in place, and I think a Universal Basic Income is likely to be a part of that framework.

Sanders democratic socialism is the future.

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