The Coming Biden Impeachment and Removal

He hasn't done anything out of the realm of his presidency, nothing impeachable...... yet.... And likely won't ever.... He knows the rules and his boundaries, enough so, to stay within them.

Trump didn't know or care about any norms or standards or protocols that we've had a long history of compliance by presidents.
You’re freakin insane if you believe that.
If Republicans take The House, I have no doubt Biden will impeached ... but doubt he will be removed.

I predict that for many election cycles to come, the annual impeachment of the sitting President will become a ritual.

I applaud this as a way to keep Congress distracted from causing any real damage.

So you’re admitting things were better under Trump….
How were things better under Trump? They weren't, in any realm of the imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why he was voted out. That's why 84 million Americans voted NOT to give him a second term. And he confirmed their vote against him, in his seditious actions after the election by falsely promoting that he won by a landslide, the election was stolen from him, and pulling together and executing the 1/6 attack on congress.

I'm afraid you've been conned by Don the Con, the greatest Con artist, ever!!!
I say screw the Saudis.... We can do it, without government!! We just need to sacrifice a little....

We all need to voluntarily cut our gasoline consumption, by 10%. The Saudis supply about 13% to us, but us cutting 10% will be enough....more than enough to cut demand to a degree that brings oil prices down....

Shoot! We are all going to have to do that anyway, if prices go as high as predicted! :eek:

Why not start now, all at once, intentionally, and try to stick it to them, before they screw us up the rear end?

I do realize some people have to use every drop they have been buying of gas, but others can cut more than 10% of their useage.....

It's the kind of moment that J F Kennedy spoke of....

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you, can do, for your country.

this is it.

We have sacrificed enough. That shithole wouldn't even exist if we didn't spend decades and trillions of dollars keeping armies deployed in the Middle East so that despotic regimes weren't constantly at war with one another. Saddam was just the example. If not for our policing of the region, that whole goddamned desert would be a tribal goat fuck like Afghanistan remains. We don't need to "sacrifice" a fuckin thing anymore either, we just need Xiden and all the bed wetting "green" commies to STFU and go to North Korea so we can turn our pumps and pipes back on.
How were things better under Trump? They weren't, in any realm of the imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why he was voted out. That's why 84 million Americans voted NOT to give him a second term. And he confirmed their vote against him, in his seditious actions after the election by falsely promoting that he won by a landslide, the election was stolen from him, and pulling together and executing the 1/6 attack on congress.

I'm afraid you've been conned by Don the Con, the greatest Con artist, ever!!!
Now it's 84 million? Funny how you bed wetters keep finding more and more ballots.
You've got this all wrong.

The prince doing this within 30 days before an election WAS ELECTION INTERFERENCE by a foreign power. The Saudis have NEVER done this before, right prior to an election.

Trump, his best buddy and golf venture partner, likely asked the Prince to do this before the election to interfere with our election.

Do NOT put it past Trump, it is his character to not care about all of us, being hurt by this....he ONLY cares about himself.
I almost agree, but BIden will be the first president impeached AND removed from office if he isn't forced to resign.
I hope you don't believe that. Political whores in the GOP will not allow that, and democrook sociopaths would sooner expose the who corrupt scheme of DC and crash the currency as well as the government before they allowed it to happen.

There was a reason hitlary wasn't prosecuted, Bill wasn't removed, and Bush wasn't even seriously investigated nor was the meat puppet faggot. DC is rotten to the core and once the skin is punctured the whole thing is going too ooze out and stink up the entire fuckin planet.
3 million additional independent candidate voters who chose not to give Trump a second chance, plus the 81 million voters for the democratic candidate...EQUALS 84 million.

I'd be likely to believe 10 million babbling retards mailed in 8 ballots each.

According to some stats, there were less than 135 million voters registered in 2020 making the math impossible. If NO ONE contests 75 million for Trump, there would have only been 60 million votes available for the potato. I can't find those stats anymore. It's as if the census bureau and everyone else "fixed" the mistake. So now the "official" number is 169 million people registered to vote in 2020, yet they expect us to believe there was a 92% voter turn out when in all prior elections the highest turn out was about 65%.

Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2020 | Statista

In 2020, there were 168.31 million people registered to vote in the United States.

Number of registered voters in the United States 1996-2020​

Published by Statista Research Department, Sep 30, 2022
In 2020, there were 168.31 million people registered to vote in the United States. This is a significant increase from the previous election, when 153.07 million people were registered to vote.

"Fact Check" (LOL..) says there were 158 million registered in 2018 So I suppose we are to believe that in between 2018 and 2020 a additional 11 million people rushed out amidst the greatest dempanic and human die-off in global historical hysteria to register to vote against Trump not knowing their choice would be a potato.

A potato that was basically hidden in a basement for 18 months.:safetocomeoutff:

A potato who never got close to winning a primary, and only "won" a primary that was basically incomplete.

A potato that didn't even try to hold any events in a building that could contain 300 people because a candidate talking to an empty room is embarrassing. This was a candidate who spoke to "crowds" that were all basically "journalists".

You can't find too many people proud of their votes for that potato, yet there are millions of people seething about the fact that they're being ruled over by a potato and they're proud as hell for their continued support of Trump. Even if Trump doesn't run, anyone he endorses ought to be a shoe in.

Fact Check: There Were NOT Just 133 Million Registered Voters In November 2020 US Presidential Election | Lead Stories

Were there just 133 million registered voters in the United States for the November 2020 presidential election? No, that's not...
He hasn't done anything out of the realm of his presidency, nothing impeachable...... yet.... And likely won't ever.... He knows the rules and his boundaries, enough so, to stay within them.

Trump didn't know or care about any norms or standards or protocols that we've had a long history of compliance by presidents.
Exactly…well said.
How were things better under Trump? They weren't, in any realm of the imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why he was voted out. That's why 84 million Americans voted NOT to give him a second term. And he confirmed their vote against him, in his seditious actions after the election by falsely promoting that he won by a landslide, the election was stolen from him, and pulling together and executing the 1/6 attack on congress.

I'm afraid you've been conned by Don the Con, the greatest Con artist, ever!!!
Highest unemployment rate and worst economic crash since the Great Depression under Trump.

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