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The coming civil war in the US

impoverished, broken middle class worker who will begin a major attack on the public workers, and their unions.

No, they will revolt against the rich aristocracy that now owns over 95% of the wealth because they have been successful in destroying most of the unions..

Most public workers and union workers are middle class.

More bullshit from what ever side your on.:cuckoo:

Smedley Butler was a great American.

Not like a Sean Hannity "you're a great American because you agree with my bullshit", but an actual great American.

BTW, if you wanted to be completely factually accurate, there should be two MOHs under his portrait.
There are some who have been saying for decades that another civil war is coming to the US, and have differed over what it will that causes it to start, but in my mind, one of the thrusts will be for the impoverished, broken middle class worker who will begin a major attack on the public workers, and their unions.

The public unions have for far too long, been damaging the cities and states' ability to function, by forcing ever higher taxes to pay for their ever increasing salaries, benefits and pensions - which start for many public workers in their early 40s.

This scenario is totally unsustainable, and will lead to a major internal conflict, if I am correct:

Editorial: $100K pension club is growing - Sacramento Opinion - Sacramento Editorial | Sacramento Bee

Group Shines Light on Hefty Government Pensions - WSJ.com

"One of the top 10 pensioners listed is from Sacramento. Donald Gerth, No. 3 on the list, retired in 2003 after 19 years as president of California State University, Sacramento. Gerth receives a $278,555 annual pension, or $23,171.22 a month."

This is just fucking insane.

You're HNAV, aren't you.
impoverished, broken middle class worker who will begin a major attack on the public workers, and their unions.

No, they will revolt against the rich aristocracy that now owns over 95% of the wealth because they have been successful in destroying most of the unions..

Most public workers and union workers are middle class.

More bullshit from what ever side your on.:cuckoo:

Smedley Butler was a great American.

Not like a Sean Hannity "you're a great American because you agree with my bullshit", but an actual great American.

BTW, if you wanted to be completely factually accurate, there should be two MOHs under his portrait.

Thank you on this Holiday weekened for compelling me to look up a little bit about Gen. Butler.

Yes. A TRUE Great American.
No, they will revolt against the rich aristocracy that now owns over 95% of the wealth because they have been successful in destroying most of the unions..

Most public workers and union workers are middle class.

More bullshit from what ever side your on.:cuckoo:

Smedley Butler was a great American.

Not like a Sean Hannity "you're a great American because you agree with my bullshit", but an actual great American.

BTW, if you wanted to be completely factually accurate, there should be two MOHs under his portrait.

Thank you on this Holiday weekened for compelling me to look up a little bit about Gen. Butler.

Yes. A TRUE Great American.

N/P. He was a true warrior. He wasn't perfect, after he left the USMC he felt that he had been a "gangster for capitalism" and wrote a very interesting speech called "War Is A Racket" about it (worth a read). He was recruited by some fanatics to be a part of a political coup, but he eventually saw through that and disassociated with them.
You REALLY think this will lead to a civil war?

Before the civil war happened one state was going to put up slavery to a vote so a whole bunch of people from both sides moved to that state to try to swing the vote to their side. The two split up into camps and ended up in near open warfare with each other (houses were burned, people were killed).

I can't think of any modern issue with that much hatred between the two sides.

Look at what is happening nationwide; there is a huge, huge movement right now of people from the Northeast and West coast into the South and SW, who do NOT have massive numbers of public employees, who are the primary drivers of city/state costs and hence higher taxes.

What will happen next?

Exactly what is happening in California, where now that the bankrupt state has exhausted its ability to squeeze its residents harder for an even greater share of their diminishing assets, and b/c of its credit rating can no longer borrow its way out, is trying to foist the responsibility to fund its ever growing expenditures on the country as a whole, via a federal bailout.

What will happen when you have 15 Californias, and so many wealth creators like myself, who have moved to better-run states now living in the south say: "no fucking way, I am not paying ever higher federal taxes to support these public workers"?

You will either have a civil war, or a potential breakup of the nation into sections as the NY Times suggested a few weeks back.
You REALLY think this will lead to a civil war?

Before the civil war happened one state was going to put up slavery to a vote so a whole bunch of people from both sides moved to that state to try to swing the vote to their side. The two split up into camps and ended up in near open warfare with each other (houses were burned, people were killed).

I can't think of any modern issue with that much hatred between the two sides.

I hope you're right, but I haven't seen so much hatred and venom in all my 40 years of involvement in politics. Even credentialed historians can't seem to pinpoint when it began (what the trigger was), but it seems to get worse not better.
You REALLY think this will lead to a civil war?

Before the civil war happened one state was going to put up slavery to a vote so a whole bunch of people from both sides moved to that state to try to swing the vote to their side. The two split up into camps and ended up in near open warfare with each other (houses were burned, people were killed).

I can't think of any modern issue with that much hatred between the two sides.

Look at what is happening nationwide; there is a huge, huge movement right now of people from the Northeast and West coast into the South and SW, who do NOT have massive numbers of public employees, who are the primary drivers of city/state costs and hence higher taxes.

What will happen next?

Exactly what is happening in California, where now that the bankrupt state has exhausted its ability to squeeze its residents harder for an even greater share of their diminishing assets, and b/c of its credit rating can no longer borrow its way out, is trying to foist the responsibility to fund its ever growing expenditures on the country as a whole, via a federal bailout.

What will happen when you have 15 Californias, and so many wealth creators like myself, who have moved to better-run states now living in the south say: "no fucking way, I am not paying ever higher federal taxes to support these public workers"?

You will either have a civil war, or a potential breakup of the nation into sections as the NY Times suggested a few weeks back.

You do realize, I hope, that the reason California is in so much trouble is that states MUST balance their budgets, unlike the federal government which can legally issue Treasury Bonds to cover deficits, or simply go over budget and carry the debt over.

What I find odd about California actually is what's odd about the crazy mindset all across the country: People WANT social programs and so they get installed, then they don't want to pay for them. In California there was a special referrendum to raise taxes to pay for the programs everyone wants to keep, but the voters said no. Go figure. Now they're paying the consequences.

Nationally, the Democrats are historically the Tax-And-Spend Party, but the GOP is basically the Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway Party.
Nationally, the Democrats are historically the Tax-And-Spend Party, but the GOP is basically the Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway Party.

And yet, people continue to elect people from one party or the other, instead of looking for politicians who are truly fiscally sound.
Nationally, the Democrats are historically the Tax-And-Spend Party, but the GOP is basically the Don't-Tax-But-Spend-Anyway Party.

And yet, people continue to elect people from one party or the other, instead of looking for politicians who are truly fiscally sound.

Well, there's a lot of talk on both sides about how politicians don't have the political will to do what's right - whatever "right" actually means to an individual - so in the end things keep going on the same way.
Still have the Union Jack flying from the flagpole do ya?

Uh, no.

Treason against our country, which is the United States. Not Great Britan.

Funny how you neo-secessionists alway reference the Revolutionary War to defend yourselves, while omitting the Civil War.

History repeats itself, and you guys aren't saying anything the South wasn't saying to take up arms to protect it's "peculiar insititution".

BTW, don't give me a load of crap about how the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

I'll just cite the "cornerstone speech".
Look at what is happening nationwide; there is a huge, huge movement right now of people from the Northeast and West coast into the South and SW, who do NOT have massive numbers of public employees, who are the primary drivers of city/state costs and hence higher taxes.

What will happen next?

Exactly what is happening in California, where now that the bankrupt state has exhausted its ability to squeeze its residents harder for an even greater share of their diminishing assets, and b/c of its credit rating can no longer borrow its way out, is trying to foist the responsibility to fund its ever growing expenditures on the country as a whole, via a federal bailout.

What will happen when you have 15 Californias, and so many wealth creators like myself, who have moved to better-run states now living in the south say: "no fucking way, I am not paying ever higher federal taxes to support these public workers"?

You will either have a civil war, or a potential breakup of the nation into sections as the NY Times suggested a few weeks back.

When the war pops off, I am sure your experience gained from 20 years of service pulling "clandestine operations" for the government will be in high demand.

BTW, Hillary looks pretty tired in your picture. Do you think she needs a vacation?
BTW, don't give me a load of crap about how the Civil War wasn't about slavery.

Wait, so you think it WAS about slavery? :lol:

It was absolutely about slavery.

Even the "Tariff of Abominations" was tied to slavery.

Don't take my word for it, though:

Cornerstone Speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution — African slavery as it exists amongst us — the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted.

(Jefferson's) ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. ... Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner–stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition.

That would be the Vice President of the Confederacy saying that the cornerstone of the confederacy was the perseveration of slavery in 1861 (prior to Sumter).
Pensions are going to be the catalyst for the coming right wing revolt?

Yeah, right.

We all know why you guys are going bonkers.

Anyone that takes up arms against their nation, deserves what they get:

To be crushed by the federal Army.


Im sure that's what the Britains throught... They sure showed those Americans didnt they?
When the war pops off, I am sure your experience gained from 20 years of service pulling "clandestine operations" for the government will be in high demand.

My hope is by the time the country starts to break apart, as the NY Times predicted, I'll be too old to care - and I will have bought my kids and their families an island off the coast of Canada where they could settle. It'll have to be a very tall one as the seas are going to be rising right along with the fat pensions for these fucking asshole union members, who aren't worth 10% of what they are getting paid...

BTW, Hillary looks pretty tired in your picture. Do you think she needs a vacation?

She isn't yawning, she's just opening wide to take Obama in as she caves in on yet another issue - again showing her resolve and committment to her true principles, just like hubby Bill. Its really her best ML imitation ;)
What ignorant statements. You dishonor the integrity of Rhodes Scholars everywhere.

Integrity? With scholars like Wesley Clark, Bill Clinton and Rachel Maddow, you are concerned that some anonymous person on a message baord is going to dishonor the integrity of Rhodes Scholars?
Pensions are going to be the catalyst for the coming right wing revolt?

Yeah, right.

We all know why you guys are going bonkers.

Anyone that takes up arms against their nation, deserves what they get:

To be crushed by the federal Army.


Im sure that's what the Britains throught... They sure showed those Americans didnt they?

Prior to the invention of the machine gun, explosives as standard issue, mechanized Infantry, CAS, and Armor, the average citizen could expect to match the firepower of the average federal soldier.

Times have changed a bit. Something the neo-secessionists always seem to omit from their MDMP.

Any modern rebellion unit would quickly be crushed. People are ill advised to take up arms against their nation.

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