The Coming Postal Bailout


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
yes, another Quango ( a brit term) for quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization needs a cash infusion...why? lets see...

The Coming Postal Bailout


The odds of a multibillion-dollar rescue package went way up this week when Postal Service management reported a $2.2 billion loss for the first quarter, more than 25% higher than last year despite the economic recovery. It now appears that the $15 billion line of credit the feds have offered USPS will be used up by the end of this year, with low odds on ever being paid back.

If that isn't ugly enough, the Postal Service expects $42 billion in additional losses over the next four years. Mail volume and revenues have suffered what Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe concedes are "unprecedented declines" since 2006, with projections of another drop of 20 billion letters mailed by the end of the decade, down from 171 million this year, thanks to competition from electronic mail.

If this were a private business, the obvious response to these losses would be urgent cost-cutting to avoid insolvency. Instead, Postal Service management recently concluded negotiations offering the 205,000-member American Postal Workers Union a new four-and-a-half-year contract that will provide a 3.5% pay raise over three years, dole out automatic cost of living wage hikes after 2012, and expand no-layoff protections.

Postal officials say this is the best deal they could get and that, had they not agreed to it, an arbitrator would have been even more generous to the union. But given that 80% of postal costs are for wages and benefits, this contract is unhinged from all fiscal reality.

Even worse is a bill co-sponsored by Senators Tom Carper of Delaware and Susan Collins of Maine, the Chairman and ranking Member on the postal oversight committee. They want to toss a $50 billion to $75 billion life raft to USPS by having the feds underwrite pension obligations for currently retired postal workers. We hope the tea party folks are paying attention because this bailout would cost about three times the first-year savings from the just-completed 2011 federal budget deal.

and so it goes, more at-
Review & Outlook: The Coming Postal Bailout -
Why don't they just nix Saturday service and get it over with.
They're so desperate to save money, they contracted with Seimens for real-time monitoring of facility energy usage. Yet, I walk into my local P.O. and there's the sun beating in with the A/C running full bore.
Why don't they just nix Saturday service and get it over with.
They're so desperate to save money, they contracted with Seimens for real-time monitoring of facility energy usage. Yet, I walk into my local P.O. and there's the sun beating in with the A/C running full bore.

hey ask them, I agree. I can live without it, but you know, they have employees they need to pay.
Post Office needs to refocus it's mission. Cut down on delivery days and eliminate deliveries in rural areas. Politicians in Red States will have to agree to less service
Why don't they just nix Saturday service and get it over with.
They're so desperate to save money, they contracted with Seimens for real-time monitoring of facility energy usage. Yet, I walk into my local P.O. and there's the sun beating in with the A/C running full bore.

hey ask them, I agree. I can live without it, but you know, they have employees they need to pay.

The postal service does a very good job for a fee that is way to low. Any price increases are met with extremely stiff opposition. So it's little wonder they are losing money.

The alternative is to change the Constitution to eliminate the Post office and completely privatize it. But of course..without a government run postal service..costs would go through the roof on shipping.
Why don't they just nix Saturday service and get it over with.
They're so desperate to save money, they contracted with Seimens for real-time monitoring of facility energy usage. Yet, I walk into my local P.O. and there's the sun beating in with the A/C running full bore.

hey ask them, I agree. I can live without it, but you know, they have employees they need to pay.

The postal service does a very good job for a fee that is way to low. Any price increases are met with extremely stiff opposition. So it's little wonder they are losing money.


The alternative is to change the Constitution to eliminate the Post office and completely privatize it. But of course..without a government run postal service..costs would go through the roof on shipping.

hey ask them, I agree. I can live without it, but you know, they have employees they need to pay.


The alternative is to change the Constitution to eliminate the Post office and completely privatize it. But of course..without a government run postal service..costs would go through the roof on shipping.


Section 8 - Powers of Congress
To establish Post Offices and Post Roads
The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -

NALC: GOP hostility kills prefunding legislation, aided and abetted by misguided USPS priorities - postalnews blog
uhm what the heck is that? where does that address what I asked for base don your responses??

do you want to address the issue or make more excuses.

and maybe something a little more objective? did you read the OP...answer- no. thx anyway.
The post office will deliver a letter from the end of my driveway to my brothers house in California in less than a week for 44 cents.

I would not deliver a letter to the other side of town for that
My daughter and I still write hand written thank you notes, address them, put a stamp on them and mail them.

Somehow email seems so impersonal when thanking someone for something, or sending a birthday card, etc.

I love getting mail, and I love the fact we can mail letters to anywhere in the world.

I'd hate to see the Post Office go away. :(

But cutting Saturday service could be one way to save some money, eh?

For a start.
My daughter and I still write hand written thank you notes, address them, put a stamp on them and mail them.

Somehow email seems so impersonal when thanking someone for something, or sending a birthday card, etc.

I love getting mail, and I love the fact we can mail letters to anywhere in the world.

I'd hate to see the Post Office go away. :(

But cutting Saturday service could be one way to save some money, eh?

For a start.

The post office is not going away. It's mandated by the constitution that the government provide a postal service. would take a change in the constitution to close down the post office.

Chance of that happening is zip.
The post office will deliver a letter from the end of my driveway to my brothers house in California in less than a week for 44 cents.

I would not deliver a letter on the other side of town for that


if you had also had a monopoly, no legacy costs for infrastructure and millions of them to deliver, sure you would.

they are operating at an operational loss, every year.

blaming excessive pension contributions ( which is still a shadowy calculation between 2 funds they must fund) for their inability to meet their operational costs outside restructuring necessary to meet the new paradigm is an excuse, its not the crux of the matter.In short their bus. model sux.

they must a) realize they are in a dieing market, b) adjust to the predicated loss of customer base due to the moving away from hard copy mail etc. and c) adjust pensions and contributions they provide now and their work force supplies vis a vis what they are on the hook for as their employees who Do contribute shrinks as the years go on....putting who on the hook to make up the loss?
My daughter and I still write hand written thank you notes, address them, put a stamp on them and mail them.

Somehow email seems so impersonal when thanking someone for something, or sending a birthday card, etc.

I love getting mail, and I love the fact we can mail letters to anywhere in the world.

I'd hate to see the Post Office go away. :(

But cutting Saturday service could be one way to save some money, eh?

For a start.

I agree. I think they should stay. But not at the taxpayers expense. Let them get competitive or let them get out of the business. I bet a private corporation in a right to work state could make sending letters and christmas cards a lucrative business.
uhm what the heck is that? where does that address what I asked for base don your responses??

do you want to address the issue or make more excuses.

and maybe something a little more objective? did you read the OP...answer- no. thx anyway.

Sorry if you don't consider the US constitution an objective source.

But yeah..a postal blog pointing out Bush blocking of a Reid initiative to properly fund the post office is a little subjective.

Doesn't change the fact it happened.
My daughter and I still write hand written thank you notes, address them, put a stamp on them and mail them.

Somehow email seems so impersonal when thanking someone for something, or sending a birthday card, etc.

I love getting mail, and I love the fact we can mail letters to anywhere in the world.

I'd hate to see the Post Office go away. :(

But cutting Saturday service could be one way to save some money, eh?

For a start.

I agree. I think they should stay. But not at the taxpayers expense. Let them get competitive or let them get out of the business. I bet a private corporation in a right to work state could make sending letters and christmas cards a lucrative business.


You're in favor of changing the Constitution?
My daughter and I still write hand written thank you notes, address them, put a stamp on them and mail them.

Somehow email seems so impersonal when thanking someone for something, or sending a birthday card, etc.

I love getting mail, and I love the fact we can mail letters to anywhere in the world.

I'd hate to see the Post Office go away. :(

But cutting Saturday service could be one way to save some money, eh?

For a start.

The post office is not going away. It's mandated by the constitution that the government provide a postal service. would take a change in the constitution to close down the post office.

Chance of that happening is zip.

:lol:yup, arrange the deck chairs and go down with the ship, what a wonderfully thoughtful argument

take one red and 2 blues, be happy, be productive..... The gubermint says so!!!!!!!:lol:
My daughter and I still write hand written thank you notes, address them, put a stamp on them and mail them.

Somehow email seems so impersonal when thanking someone for something, or sending a birthday card, etc.

I love getting mail, and I love the fact we can mail letters to anywhere in the world.

I'd hate to see the Post Office go away. :(

But cutting Saturday service could be one way to save some money, eh?

For a start.

The post office is not going away. It's mandated by the constitution that the government provide a postal service. would take a change in the constitution to close down the post office.

Chance of that happening is zip.

:lol:yup, arrange the deck chairs and go down with the ship, what a wonderfully thoughtful argument

take one red and 2 blues, be happy, be productive..... The gubermint says so!!!!!!!:lol:


What do you think the chances of amending the constitution in this matter are?
uhm what the heck is that? where does that address what I asked for base don your responses??

do you want to address the issue or make more excuses.

and maybe something a little more objective? did you read the OP...answer- no. thx anyway.

Sorry if you don't consider the US constitution an objective source.

But yeah..a postal blog pointing out Bush blocking of a Reid initiative to properly fund the post office is a little subjective.

Doesn't change the fact it happened.

the us const. is not what I asked for as to a link, jesus Christ. you made statements back them up, just saying cause government says so is not an answer.

your statement-
The alternative is to change the Constitution to eliminate the Post office and completely privatize it. But of course..without a government run postal service..costs would go through the roof on shipping.

hey its cold!

but the sun rises every morning!!!!
Why don't they just nix Saturday service and get it over with.
They're so desperate to save money, they contracted with Seimens for real-time monitoring of facility energy usage. Yet, I walk into my local P.O. and there's the sun beating in with the A/C running full bore.

"Why don't they just nix Saturday service ..."

1. In 1971, the “Post Office Department” was turned into a quasi-governmental corporation, the US Postal Service, which has a federally mandated monopoly on regular mail delivery. The majority of the USPS board are presidential appointees. There are no government appropriations, and a ‘Postal Rate Commission’ that determines rates. In the ‘70’s the USPS tried to close 12,000 underperforming or underutilized post offices, but politicians amended the Postal Reorganization Act to prohibit the closings. In ’77 the same thing happened when the USPS tried to suspend Saturday delivery. The result lost $2.8 billion in ’08 and expects to lose another $3 to $6 billion in 2009.Who will ultimately be responsible for paying these debts? The taxpayer. Such is it when government masquerades as free market entities. Beck Arguing with Idiots.pdf

And the reasoning is pretty much the same reason they can't get subsidized rail service to raise prices and close underutilized station.


2. If actual corporations are allowed to perform under free market capitalism rules, where the decisions are based on profit, productivity, and efficiency, the taxpayer is not left holding the bag. By its nature, government in a democracy cannot act in this manner: there are too many special interests that must be accommodated.
In 'Demosclerosis:: The Silent Killer of American Government', Jonathan Rauch points out that 7 out of 10 Americans belong to an interest group, and one out of four belong to at least four!
The post office is not going away. It's mandated by the constitution that the government provide a postal service. would take a change in the constitution to close down the post office.

Chance of that happening is zip.

:lol:yup, arrange the deck chairs and go down with the ship, what a wonderfully thoughtful argument

take one red and 2 blues, be happy, be productive..... The gubermint says so!!!!!!!:lol:


What do you think the chances of amending the constitution in this matter are?

I have not the foggiest, is that the issue, really? cause thats really lazy way of debate, it can't or won't happen, so thats that, that speaks to your big gov. mindset as well it appears.

let them roll on and pretty soon you'll be paying ( I won't) 2-3 bucks a letter becasue they refuse to restructure or the thought that allowing competition is to awful to consider, becasue, its the law.....etc....thanx for coming by.

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