The Coming U.S.-China Power Struggle

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
The Rise of China Will Not Be Peaceful
By John Mearsheimer, The Australian
November 18, 2005

THE question at hand is simple and profound: will China rise peacefully? My answer is no.

If China continues its impressive economic growth over the next few decades, the US and China are likely to engage in an intense security competition with considerable potential for war. Most of China's neighbours, to include India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Russia and Vietnam, will join with the US to contain China's power.

To predict the future in Asia, one needs a theory that explains how rising powers are likely to act and how other states will react to them.

for full article:,5942,17280158,00.html
Adam's Apple said:
The Rise of China Will Not Be Peaceful
By John Mearsheimer, The Australian
November 18, 2005

THE question at hand is simple and profound: will China rise peacefully? My answer is no.

If China continues its impressive economic growth over the next few decades, the US and China are likely to engage in an intense security competition with considerable potential for war. Most of China's neighbours, to include India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Russia and Vietnam, will join with the US to contain China's power.

To predict the future in Asia, one needs a theory that explains how rising powers are likely to act and how other states will react to them.

for full article:,5942,17280158,00.html

Why do US corporations invest and trade with this total dictatorship to include US and State governments continued catering to and patting this dictatorship on the back while encouraging further trade...smacks of the same old mistake we made... with with Japan! Guess whats comming down the pike... another Pearl Harbor maybe! :firing:
Greed? Refusal to face facts? False hopes? Why do you think the U.S. is so willing and eager to assist Communist China's economic growth?

If we ever have to come to blows with them, I fear it will be a lot worse than Pearl Harbor ever was. I think the Chinese foresee such a conflict with America in their future and are preparing for it.

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