The Confederacy and States' Rights

Sunni Man, if that is true, then the South should have lost because of certain defects included in our founding document. Some, such as representation and freedom from religious intolerance, have been worked out peacefully. But the issue of slavery had to be eliminated by warfare because of the South's inhumanity to mankind, its hatred of personal liberty.

And, Kevin, the Sons of the South nonsense is getting old. The Confederates, like our Republicans in the last election, lost. Choices have consequences. Deal with it.
. But the issue of slavery had to be eliminated by warfare because of the South's inhumanity to mankind, its hatred of personal liberty.
Did you soak this up before you could talk?
Is that any brain in there?
The Issue of slavery could have been eliminated without warfare - Lincoln chose to wage war.
Do you know that in the North it was frequently referred to as Mr. Lincoln's War?
Personal liberty is LOST when people cannot freely choose to go their won way.
Otherwise the Declaration of Independence has no weight.

Were you born retarded or did you drink/drug your brain into its current stupor?
Do you know, Sunni Man, the South could have eliminated slavery gradually with state compensation whenever it want to. It didn't want to is the point, my boy! The Declaration of Independence was only an incomplete paper flying in the wind with slavery legal in our wonderful country.

Freedom means everybody, including you, boyo, and the slave men and women. The South was a bastion of hell, not of liberty. I am so glad it lost, and feel something close to hatred for the men and women who denied liberty to others in the name of their own liberty. Hypocrites!
Freedom means everybody, including you, boyo, and the slave men and women. The South was a bastion of hell, not of liberty. I am so glad it lost, and feel something close to hatred for the men and women who denied liberty to others in the name of their own liberty. Hypocrites!
Right - Newsflash for the Totally Clueless
No one alive today was alive during the American Civil War.
Not one person.
The socialist programs are set to turn the USA into a bastion of 'hell, not of liberty' for all the minority of sentient voters who do not wish to pay for someone else.
The Confederates, like our Republicans in the last election, lost. Choices have consequences. Deal with it.
The neo-Confederates can't deal with reality. They live in a fantasy world where loosers are winners and where their heroes are loosers. No other society that I know about does this sort of thing. Other countries that lost to the US and were occupied by them has forgiven them after the war was finally over.
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Thank you for making the point that slaves needed to be freed otherwise the Declaration of Independence has no weight.

So free the current batch of slaves by letting states NOW freely secede.
Or was freeing the slaves then different from freeing the slaves now.
Freedom means everybody, including you, boyo, and the slave men and women. The South was a bastion of hell, not of liberty. I am so glad it lost, and feel something close to hatred for the men and women who denied liberty to others in the name of their own liberty. Hypocrites!
Right - Newsflash for the Totally Clueless
No one alive today was alive during the American Civil War.
Not one person.
The socialist programs are set to turn the USA into a bastion of 'hell, not of liberty' for all the minority of sentient voters who do not wish to pay for someone else.

Non sequitur there, Stucker. You don't care about your fellow human, that is obvious.
. But the issue of slavery had to be eliminated by warfare because of the South's inhumanity to mankind, its hatred of personal liberty.
Did you soak this up before you could talk?
Is that any brain in there?
The Issue of slavery could have been eliminated without warfare - Lincoln chose to wage war.
Do you know that in the North it was frequently referred to as Mr. Lincoln's War?
Personal liberty is LOST when people cannot freely choose to go their won way.
Otherwise the Declaration of Independence has no weight.

Were you born retarded or did you drink/drug your brain into its current stupor?

Lincoln RESPONDED to Southern Aggression. Anyone that continues to claim otherwise is either lying or to stupid to understand reality.

The South withdrew from the Union and Lincoln did NOTHING. The South raised armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South seized Federal forts and Federal armories to outfit their armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South trained, armed and moved armies about and Lincoln did NOTHING.

He ONLY responded AFTER Federal troops were fired on by the South.
So free the current batch of slaves by letting states NOW freely secede. Or was freeing the slaves then different from freeing the slaves now.

Charles, you are not a slave in the U.S. You live in the freest country with the greatest economic opportunity ever before seen on earth. You can leave the U.S. any time you want. You are free to go and free to stay as you want.
. But the issue of slavery had to be eliminated by warfare because of the South's inhumanity to mankind, its hatred of personal liberty.
Did you soak this up before you could talk?
Is that any brain in there?
The Issue of slavery could have been eliminated without warfare - Lincoln chose to wage war.
Do you know that in the North it was frequently referred to as Mr. Lincoln's War?
Personal liberty is LOST when people cannot freely choose to go their won way.
Otherwise the Declaration of Independence has no weight.

Were you born retarded or did you drink/drug your brain into its current stupor?

Lincoln RESPONDED to Southern Aggression. Anyone that continues to claim otherwise is either lying or to stupid to understand reality.

The South withdrew from the Union and Lincoln did NOTHING. The South raised armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South seized Federal forts and Federal armories to outfit their armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South trained, armed and moved armies about and Lincoln did NOTHING.

He ONLY responded AFTER Federal troops were fired on by the South.

The south responded to an invasion by Lincoln's troops. They had no right to maintain a Union base in the Confederacy.
Did you soak this up before you could talk?
Is that any brain in there?
The Issue of slavery could have been eliminated without warfare - Lincoln chose to wage war.
Do you know that in the North it was frequently referred to as Mr. Lincoln's War?
Personal liberty is LOST when people cannot freely choose to go their won way.
Otherwise the Declaration of Independence has no weight.

Were you born retarded or did you drink/drug your brain into its current stupor?

Lincoln RESPONDED to Southern Aggression. Anyone that continues to claim otherwise is either lying or to stupid to understand reality.

The South withdrew from the Union and Lincoln did NOTHING. The South raised armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South seized Federal forts and Federal armories to outfit their armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South trained, armed and moved armies about and Lincoln did NOTHING.

He ONLY responded AFTER Federal troops were fired on by the South.

The south responded to an invasion by Lincoln's troops. They had no right to maintain a Union base in the Confederacy.

YOU FUCKING RETARD. We have been over this before. The Southern States CEDED the land to the Federal Government LONG before they decided to leave the Union. IT WAS NOT THEIRS TO DEMAND A RETURN OF. It belonged to the Federal Government.

The North did not invade the South until LONG after the South fired on Federal Troops and started a shooting war. Lincoln did not even raise an Army until the South fired on Federal Troops.

Using your logic that some how magically the land still belonged to the States, then Kentucky and Tennessee had to give back most of their States to Virginia and North Carolina. A large chunk of the middle of the Country once belonged to Texas, I suppose using your logic that too was now Texas property again cause they withdrew from the Union.
Lincoln managed public opinion in order to provide an opportunity for the northern Democrats to put aside political difference and defend the Union. Lincoln's goals were simple: (1) The Union was indivisible so the South could not secede. (2) Maintain and regain control of federal properties through the country. (3) To enforce the constitutional electoral process of the Constitution ~~ Lincoln was president, and the South would submit to that fact or be destroyed. The fools chose the bad road.
Lincoln RESPONDED to Southern Aggression. Anyone that continues to claim otherwise is either lying or to stupid to understand reality.

The South withdrew from the Union and Lincoln did NOTHING. The South raised armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South seized Federal forts and Federal armories to outfit their armies and Lincoln did NOTHING.

The South trained, armed and moved armies about and Lincoln did NOTHING.

He ONLY responded AFTER Federal troops were fired on by the South.

The south responded to an invasion by Lincoln's troops. They had no right to maintain a Union base in the Confederacy.

YOU FUCKING RETARD. We have been over this before. The Southern States CEDED the land to the Federal Government LONG before they decided to leave the Union. IT WAS NOT THEIRS TO DEMAND A RETURN OF. It belonged to the Federal Government.

The North did not invade the South until LONG after the South fired on Federal Troops and started a shooting war. Lincoln did not even raise an Army until the South fired on Federal Troops.

Using your logic that some how magically the land still belonged to the States, then Kentucky and Tennessee had to give back most of their States to Virginia and North Carolina. A large chunk of the middle of the Country once belonged to Texas, I suppose using your logic that too was now Texas property again cause they withdrew from the Union.

It's not nice to call names.
The south responded to an invasion by Lincoln's troops. They had no right to maintain a Union base in the Confederacy.

YOU FUCKING RETARD. We have been over this before. The Southern States CEDED the land to the Federal Government LONG before they decided to leave the Union. IT WAS NOT THEIRS TO DEMAND A RETURN OF. It belonged to the Federal Government.

The North did not invade the South until LONG after the South fired on Federal Troops and started a shooting war. Lincoln did not even raise an Army until the South fired on Federal Troops.

Using your logic that some how magically the land still belonged to the States, then Kentucky and Tennessee had to give back most of their States to Virginia and North Carolina. A large chunk of the middle of the Country once belonged to Texas, I suppose using your logic that too was now Texas property again cause they withdrew from the Union.

It's not nice to call names.

Stop posting retarded crap. The South ceded those forts YEARS before 1860 to the Federal Government, you know it as well as I know it, yet you INSIST on claiming they were State Property.
YOU FUCKING RETARD. We have been over this before. The Southern States CEDED the land to the Federal Government LONG before they decided to leave the Union. IT WAS NOT THEIRS TO DEMAND A RETURN OF. It belonged to the Federal Government.

The North did not invade the South until LONG after the South fired on Federal Troops and started a shooting war. Lincoln did not even raise an Army until the South fired on Federal Troops.

Using your logic that some how magically the land still belonged to the States, then Kentucky and Tennessee had to give back most of their States to Virginia and North Carolina. A large chunk of the middle of the Country once belonged to Texas, I suppose using your logic that too was now Texas property again cause they withdrew from the Union.

It's not nice to call names.

Stop posting retarded crap. The South ceded those forts YEARS before 1860 to the Federal Government, you know it as well as I know it, yet you INSIST on claiming they were State Property.

No, I insist on claiming that the south attempted to purchase all federal property within their borders, and Lincoln refused to meet with them. I insist on claiming that the south was clearly willing to allow Fort Sumter to run out of supplies and be peacefully abandoned by the Union troops before Lincoln forced their hand. I insist on claiming that in response to this evidence it is clear that Lincoln had every intention of escalating the conflict to violence by sending ships to resupply Fort Sumter. What I have never insisted on is that Fort Sumter was owned by South Carolina. It was Union property in the borders of the Confederacy, and they weren't willing to allow that arrangement to continue. They tried peaceful means, but Lincoln forced them to act aggressively. To suggest that Lincoln did not orchestrate this series of events to unfold in exactly the manner it did is sheer ignorance.
Hang on, you are moving from whether southern secession was legal to whether Lincoln maneuvered the CSA into beginning The War of Southern Agression. Of course it was, and of course he did. Brillantly. Are you complaining just to complain?
Lincoln managed public opinion in order to provide an opportunity for the northern Democrats to put aside political difference and defend the Union.

We get it. 'Freedom for All'
As long as they are part of Your socialist dream.
Everyone else gets to be your slaves.
You and Barry two Massa's from the same pod.
How interesting, Charles Stucker!

You use the term 'slave' to indicate what you feel to be the deprivation of your personal liberty to do as you please at the local level and what you feel to be tyranny at the federal level over your life. That is similar to how the word was used by confederates so long ago at that important era in our history.

What you, and the Confederates, fail to understand is that electoral due process in both 1860 and 2008 were followed. You are legally, morally, and ethically bound to uphold that process. Choices have consequences. Our party's choices led to our party's defeat last year.

You may be a 'slave', if you wish. I will be an American and uphold the system, knowing that the pendelum will yet swing one more time. Hopefully this time, you and your ilk in the party will not be on board.
We get it. 'Freedom for All'
As long as they are part of Your socialist dream.
Everyone else gets to be your slaves.
You and Barry two Massa's from the same pod.
When your literal body gets put naked on the auction block to be bought and sold as a horse or cattle, then you can come back and tell us taxation or universal health care
is akin to slavery.
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