The Confederacy and States' Rights

The German soldiers of the Reich fought for their country, but I don't honor Naziism. The Confederates fought for their country, but I don't honor their despicable cause, to continue a White Race Master Democracy.

The % of Southerners who owned slaves was very small.

They fought to protect their families and homes from northern invaders.

Slavery was a secondary concern.
All Confederate soldiers should be treated with the same respect and honor as the Union soldiers.

Both fought for a better nation and the ideals associated with patriotism and love of country.

Treasonous racist fools should be treated with the same respect as those who were loyal to their country? Do you think Nazis should be treated the same as US soldiers by the US because "Both fought for a better nation and the ideals associated with patriotism and love of country"?
The German soldiers of the Reich fought for their country, but I don't honor Naziism. The Confederates fought for their country, but I don't honor their despicable cause, to continue a White Race Master Democracy.

The % of Southerners who owned slaves was very small.

They fought to protect their families and homes from northern invaders.

Slavery was a secondary concern.
25 - 30% of a population is not "very small."
The German soldiers of the Reich fought for their country, but I don't honor Naziism. The Confederates fought for their country, but I don't honor their despicable cause, to continue a White Race Master Democracy.

The % of Southerners who owned slaves was very small.

They fought to protect their families and homes from northern invaders.

Slavery was a secondary concern.

The % of Rebs who owned slaves is irrelevant to the Rebs in their Declaration of Causes of Secession. Additionally, therein is the primary (not "secondary") concern: racist slavery. If they wanted to protect their families and homes, then they would have joined the Union as many did and were saved from destruction of their homes.
Famous Treasonous traitors


The German soldiers of the Reich fought for their country, but I don't honor Naziism. The Confederates fought for their country, but I don't honor their despicable cause, to continue a White Race Master Democracy.

The % of Southerners who owned slaves was very small.

They fought to protect their families and homes from northern invaders.

Slavery was a secondary concern.

One out of every four southern families owned at least one slave. The other southern families endorsed the peculiar insitutiton because it regulated the place of blacks in a Master Race White Democracy. All of the secession ordinances earlier provided on this thread support that.

Your argument is false, Sunni Man.
Such "famous treasonous traitors" were winners who have the priviledge to write and judge history. The Soviets had the right to try the Nazis for killing Jews, while absolving the former who killed more than the latter.
So, basically paperview's arguing that the ******* were the majority and were still too stupid to claim their own liberation until it was handed to them by the White man? That kinda bolsters the slaveowners' claims about the natural order of things, doesn't it?
☭proletarian☭;1823840 said:
So, basically paperview's arguing that the ******* were the majority and were still too stupid to claim their own liberation until it was handed to them by the White man? That kinda bolsters the slaveowners' claims about the natural order of things, doesn't it?

The slaves weren't allowed to read by the Rebs. True, they were ignorant as a consequence. They were outnumbered by whites in other states. Note that the states which had a greater % of slaves than whites seceded first! Yes, the slaves did need whites to free them. It wasn't natural for a "Christian" society of men to prohibit reading (even the Bible), nor the seperation of families at slave auctions, nor the raping of women by owners, nor the beating of slaves with whips, nor all of the evil atrocities of the Rebs.
The slaves weren't allowed to read by the Rebs.

You need a book to tell you that your condition sucks? Then you must be truly stupid.

Yes, the slaves did need whites to free them.

Then they should remember that and thank the White man every day for taking pity on a lesser creature. Lots of other people in the world have freed themselves with or without help.
It wasn't natural for a "Christian" society of men to prohibit reading (even the Bible)

read up on your European history, especially the parts about the CHurch and the bible
, nor the seperation of families at slave auctions

which has what to do with the subject at hand?
, nor the raping of women by owners,

Like the Union general who told his men they had a right to rape any southern woman who looked at them?

nor the beating of slaves with whips, nor all of the evil atrocities of the Rebs.
I've only ever heard 'Reps' used to refer to Republicans; what are you referring to?
The slaves condition was not natural as the Rebs (short for "Rebels" not "Reps") claimed.

Which Union general gave permission to rape? I know that that Union tried both Union and Confederates for raping whites and slaves. Rape is commonplace for occupying armies. A German woman I knew told me that her father hid her in the hay in the barn to protect her from the Soviet rapist invaders and wished the Americans to be their occupiers.

I've got work to do. TTYL.
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Any defense of the Confederacy is a defense of slavery. Both are inhumane abominations.

Following that logic any defense of the Union is a defense of slavery.

How do you figure? The Union didn't war against Brittan nor fight a war to preserve slavery like the racist treasonist Rebs.

I was referring to the fact that the Union had slavery during the Civil War. So if you defend them you're defending slavery. But the case could be made for the Revolutionary War as well. The British offered freedom to any slaves that joined them against the U.S. So maybe they did have the moral high ground?
I absolutely love the idiocy of the argument that the South was justified in attacking Federal Forts because Lincoln wouldn't sell the forts.

The President of the United States has no power, no authority , no right to sell Federal Property. Never has and probably never will. Congress was not in session and could not be addressed until it was. South Carolina KNEW this as well as every Politician in the South.

They were not interested in a peaceful solution at all. That would be why they raised armies, incited revolt, seized Federal property and attacked a federal Fort. Lincoln had done NOTHING at all until the fort was attacked. NOTHING. Once the Federal Government was attacked he did the only thing he could, he called for the raising of the Militia to put down armed rebellion.

Yeah, because we know Lincoln was VERY concerned with following the Constitution down to the letter.

The slaves condition was not natural as the Rebs (short for "Rebels" not "Reps") claimed.

Which Union general gave permission to rape? I know that that Union tried both Union and Confederates for raping whites and slaves. Rape is commonplace for occupying armies. A German woman I knew told me that her father hid her in the hay in the barn to protect her from the Soviet rapist invaders and wished the Americans to be their occupiers.

I've got work to do. TTYL.

Sherman's men were big on rape.

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