the Congressional Progressive Caucus has 100 members. what if they all ran for Senate? that's the kind of political revolution we need, my friends

Most of them would lose and hand swing and moderately Democratic seats over to the Republicans.
I'm not here to throw partisan stones...but SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE. there has to be a breakthrough for progressive policies at SOME POINT.
until every seat is filled by one party there is no one party rule....and that is what you were advocating....
i never said all of them will win

some will win, some will lose, like Journey sang...but 60 progressive voices in the Senate to break the filibuster would be an amiable goal
here's part 2 of the plan:

all these guys run for the House to replace the folks who run for Senate

progressives see what is possible, like MLK taught us, while conservatives have no hope that a better day is coming, like Reagan taught them
You can always tell if he took his meds or not when he goes progressive. Either that, or he just likes to stir the shit pot so he can lick the spoon.

Stirring is what Basque does best!

imagine if progressives dominated the Senate, we wouldn't need all this BS

No thank you!
I'm not here to throw partisan stones...but SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE. there has to be a breakthrough for progressive policies at SOME POINT.
Progressive policies already have. We are living with failures of them after all the successes. I go to the sores a few times a week. The prices are a rising. Not in a even way but in a way where the things you like are more expensive. So from self sufficient oil in total control to relying on globalism with the middle east being given more power has started us back that route again. Inflation tax is the most cruel. And many people are to stupid to realize it. People suffer in massive uneven ways with that.
As a 100-member coalition, progressives remain a major power center in Democrat decisions. They will have a huge role to play in as the looming, intergenerational battle over House Democrats' next leaders after Pelosi and her longtime deputies (Clyburn and Hoyer) step aside
I'm not here to throw partisan stones...but SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE. there has to be a breakthrough for progressive policies at SOME POINT.
The Electoral College is weighted so that a minority of Republicans in low population states can dominate the Senate.
imagine if progressives dominated the Senate, we wouldn't need all this BS

Decades ago, the trump Nazis promised to protect, defend, and to die in their service to the mighty "job creators". This vow by the trump Nazis stands, even if wages paid by the wonderful "job creators" put all average Americans into the streets.

Since the 1960s, the trump Nazis have been so completely brainwashed they believe that, should the three branches of government ever comply with the wishes of the majority, the nation would fall to "Socialism".

So, to be truly "patriotic", the trump Nazis must bow and scrape before their capitalist gods.

This mindset has controlled the trump Nazis for over a half-century. Any attempt by progressive members of Congress to wrest control of our government from the iron grip of Big Business and the United States' 640 billionaires, so as to return political power to the people, would send the trump Nazis over the edge,

Happily, the deadly COVID Delta variant, coupled with the absolute refusal of Republicans like Ron DeSantis to permit city, county, and other community elected leaders to enforce CDC safety measures, the trump Nazis' are looking at months of ample opportunities to appease their capitalist gods. The American people can only hope a major contingent of trump Nazis makes this ultimate sacrifice to their holy cause.

What if they all got a pink pony for Christmas and the magic pixy dust fairy showed up at their campaign rallies. I'll just file this OP in the cabinet titled most unlikely things to ever happen.

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