The connection of the image of a dog and a wolf with evil

Hecate was worshipped by far more people. And she is often depicted with her dog or dogs.
This suggests that Hekate is a variant of the evil goddess of the perid blood cults of the matriarchy, such as Cybella.

I understand what you are getting at.

The Statue of Liberty is not a Hekate. I do not know how it happened, but this is the image of the sun god, with an Aryan torch. These are the winners of the cult of dogs and snakes.

I don't know why it's female. But the torch is the same as the Olympic chalice.
According to the website below, Negral is often associated with a bull.
This is an obvious lie.
Negral is associated with the overthrow of the bull cult in Babylon, the Babylonian Bell. This is a variation of Erra, the god of chaos and plague.


Here is the real prototype of the Statue of Liberty.
This is an obvious lie.
Negral is associated with the overthrow of the bull cult in Babylon, the Babylonian Bell. This is a variation of Erra, the god of chaos and plague.

So we should take your word for it, having seen you lie? Or a PhD researcher?
This ambiguity is just now being used by the enemies of the United States. They say that the main symbol of the USA is the goddess of evil, based on these rays on the head. In fact, these are the rays of Helios, and the fact that Hecate had apparently the same thing as that of the Gorgon - snakes instead of hair.
Service dogs, yes. Others no, because they’d become distracted or be distracting, not because they’re dirty or evil.
Is there a ban specifically on dogs or does this apply to any pet?
Is there a ban specifically on dogs or does this apply to any pet?
Don’t know of any specific bans, but who would bring one to church? As I said before, it’s not because they’re evil. That’s just superstition.
How you raise a dog is how they turn out............They are loyal to their family and will fight to the death for their owners in most cases.

They will watch out for your home while you sleep..........They are great animals.

Those who treat them badly..............well they turn on their owners..........Oh well IVAN..........

The break up of the USSR.........those you beat down turned on you.
How you raise a dog is how they turn out............They are loyal to their family and will fight to the death for their owners in most cases.

They will watch out for your home while you sleep..........They are great animals.

Those who treat them badly..............well they turn on their owners..........Oh well IVAN..........

The break up of the USSR.........those you beat down turned on you.
Usually owners think they are raising them well until this dog eats the baby.
Propaganda talked about the kindness of bears, and still talks about it. Naive people believe this and climb to feed them, then they are left without hands, and then they are yelled at that they should not have been naive idiots. But fairy tales about "good bears" are stuffed children from the cradle.
My guess is that Rupol2000 is an Islamist, rather than crazy. Well, believing that the Quran is the word of a deity, is a bit crazy.
They say that bears love honey, but there are almost no wild bees in the forest, they mostly collect nectar from the fields. especially in the taiga forests. Usually bears fish and hunt, they eat meat, but they hide the dead victim so that it rots, because they do not have a wolf bite and it is difficult for them to eat fresh meat.

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