The connection of the image of a dog and a wolf with evil

from: Cultural depictions of dogs - Wikipedia.
"Cultural depictions of dogs in art has become more elaborate as individual breeds evolved and the relationships between human and canine developed. Hunting scenes were popular in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Dogs were depicted to symbolize guidance, protection, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness, alertness, and love.[1]

As dogs became more domesticated, they were shown as companion animals, often painted sitting on a lady's lap. Throughout art history, mainly in Western art, there is an overwhelming presence of dogs as status symbols and pets in painting. The dogs were brought to houses and were allowed to live in the house. They were cherished as part of the family, and were regarded highly by the upper classes, who used them for hunting and could afford to feed them. Hunting dogs were generally connected to the aristocracy. Only the nobility were allowed to keep hunting dogs, and this would signal status."


The Goddess Hecate with a dog.


Ancient Greek riders with their dogs.


Coat of arms of the Hungarian town of Ebes.


A French painting from a book on Hunting dogs.
The wolf is also an unofficial symbol of the thieves' caste in Russia and the former USSR. Thieves' songs most often glorify him.
There is a "romantic" image of a lone wolf (although this is a lie, wolves are pack animals)

It is not a lie. Young males often leave the pack at the age of 1 or 2.
Idiots always yap at geniuses, calling them crazy.

It's nothing but facts, you fucking autistic nerd. Where are you looking for signs of madness? Because it doesn't fit into the patterns of a miserable redneck like you?

Yes, you do continue to yap too much.

Your "facts" are sorely lacking, as I have shown.
Anyone who hates dogs, I hate.
Hatred is too "proud" sounds, only contempt

Do you know that the lion is the bedding of the lionesses of the pride, that they have a matriarchy? Lionesses use the male as a whore, the same as wild pigs.
Hatred is too "proud" sounds, only contempt

Do you know that the lion is the bedding of the lionesses of the pride, that they have a matriarchy? Lionesses use the male as a whore, the same as wild pigs.

Whore? Applying human standards to wild animals is a sign of ignorance.

The male lions are at the center of the pride hierarchy. But the females do most of the hunting.
Many churches have a day to bless people pets. Dogs are welcome into the church on those days.

Can you take a cow into a church in Russia?
In Russia, there is a specific ban on dogs in church.
Traditionally, they are also not allowed into the house, but usually now it is no longer followed.
And absolutely all the vocabulary and idioms associated with the wolf and the dog is offensive in the Slavic languages
Yes. There is no ban on any kind of animals except dogs.
You are Russian? Thankfully, most are not like you. Dogs are allowed in churches if they are service or ESAs (emotional support animals).

Did a dog bite you or something as a kid? How could anyone hate dogs??

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