The conservative congress accomplishment thread !


Gold Member
Oct 2, 2015
well it's been almost a year since the last election cycle . Remember all the gop shit talk of all they were gonna do once they had control.?

Well what have they done? Didn't repeal obamacare, didn't try exactly .

Last I remember they were trying to get rid of the estate tax for multi millionaires . Have they actually done anything ??!
How could they repeal ACA exactly? They cant override a Presidential veto..
Basically, the GOP is nothing but a bunch of Establishment, Anti-American asswipes that hate America as much as the left.
Ok, just fuck it....Here

How could they repeal ACA exactly? They cant override a Presidential veto..
Basically, the GOP is nothing but a bunch of Establishment, Anti-American asswipes that hate America as much as the left.

So u don't even try ? They tried literally 40x before they had control . Then not so much when they had the majority .
The vast majority, of Washington politicians are progressives... Both sides of the isle. Washingtons dysfunction is due the the town is ruled by progressives.

Embrace the suck
How could they repeal ACA exactly? They cant override a Presidential veto..
Basically, the GOP is nothing but a bunch of Establishment, Anti-American asswipes that hate America as much as the left.

So u don't even try ? They tried literally 40x before they had control . Then not so much when they had the majority .
They did try. It is a fuckin waste anyways. Like I said, they cant override a veto..
I mean, do you WANT them to waste even MORE of our money?
Aside from ending Obama's record-setting deficit spending and helping us to have balanced budgets, I agree, the Washington Establishment GOP has given Obama everything he wants. When the start showing a backbone Democrats block all legislation, Obama threatens to veto it, and Boehnrr/McConnell back down.

The vast majority, of Washington politicians are progressives... Both sides of the isle. Washingtons dysfunction is due the the town is ruled by progressives.

Embrace the suck

The "dysfunction" comes from folks with the mindset that government is really meant to make the rich, richer.
Well, if you all recall, I pointed out several times before the election that Mitch McConnell went out of his way to avoid telling the country what the Republicans would accomplish if they won.

Clearly, the man knew they are all impotent jackals at this point who are only there to enjoy the perks of their offices.

"Whose turn is it today to go out and make some theater for the rubes?"
The vast majority, of Washington politicians are progressives... Both sides of the isle. Washingtons dysfunction is due the the town is ruled by progressives.

Embrace the suck

The "dysfunction" comes from folks with the mindset that government is really meant to make the rich, richer.
The government shouldn't have their hand in it either way :thup:
Of course the Libs are going to try to say they haven't blocked any GOP legislation, even when Reid let 100 GOP bills passed in the House pile up on his desk because he would not even let them reach the Senate floor for DISCUSSION, let alone for a vote. YET these same Liberals, who rammed the ACA and failed nearly $1 trillion Stimulus bill into law and who were 3 seats shy of a SUPER MAJORITY control of Congress claim they could not do more to 'help' the American people because the GOP who were so massively out-numbered 'blocked' them!

:bs1: :lmao:
well it's been almost a year since the last election cycle . Remember all the gop shit talk of all they were gonna do once they had control.?

Well what have they done? Didn't repeal obamacare, didn't try exactly .

Last I remember they were trying to get rid of the estate tax for multi millionaires . Have they actually done anything ??!
Look, man, the American Politboro has a 98 percent re-election rate in the House and an 80 percent re-election rate in the Senate. They can be caught in bed with a boy AND a dead hooker, it makes no difference. They are staying in office until they damn well feel like leaving.

"I throw puppies into rush hour traffic, yes. So what?"
The vast majority, of Washington politicians are progressives... Both sides of the isle. Washingtons dysfunction is due the the town is ruled by progressives.

Embrace the suck

The "dysfunction" comes from folks with the mindset that government is really meant to make the rich, richer.
The government shouldn't have their hand in it either way :thup:
Section 8.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

To establish post offices and post roads;

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;
9 percent approval rating, 98 percent re-election rate.

We have the government we deserve.
I dunno, aure makes the crooked millionaire politicians richer....
But really . Has congress passed anything ? Some might say its not a bad thing if they didn't .

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