The Constitution doesn't cover foreign people, end of story


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
The Constitution doesn't cover foreign people.

There is no "civil rights" issue.

The ACLU is not a branch if government.

The government can ban anyone at any time.
Foreign people here do have rights, they just don't have all of the rights that Americans have.
The Constitution doesn't cover foreign people.

There is no "civil rights" issue.

The ACLU is not a branch if government.

The government can ban anyone at any time.

Yet another authority on the US Constitution.

OP - you're wrong.

You see, this idea has prevented my from pursuing a life in America (though some have told me the U.S Constitution protects all in America equally) and it has also prevented me from sharing specific details with the U.S government (I have shared certain details and names with important U.S agencies already, but not to the extent I would feel comfortable doing from Canada quite frankly). Experiencing Canada for all of my 40+ years and knowing what I know about Canada and it's lack of liberty and commitment to human rights, I would have no problem leaving Canada for good, but I would only do so if the country I entered granted me citizenship. I am married also, so I'm in a unique situation, but that's another story.

Canada is basically a flop house for many immigrants. Nationalism, patriotism and the like are not only in low supply here, but, in many cases it is frowned upon. We are the most globalist nation in the world, I was once a naive supporter of this system, but I have watched it devolve into a failed ideology. We even had some Syrian refugees who came here last year who have already left Canada and headed back to the Middle East due to lack of opportunity and happiness. How absurd is that?!?! I bet you my right arm if they had landed in America they wouldn't have left for a million dollars.

Trump is right when he states that America wants good, hard working, ambition immigrants who share American values and who love America. Those are important components of a strong, safe, successful immigration system. You might be surprised (or not), to know that there are many people living outside of America who have fallen in love with the American ideals, especially when they contrast them with their own nations lack of such ideals, even citizens of European nations. As you are an American, you don't realize how invaluable your constitution and democratic institutions are.

This is where citizenship is extremely important, but not always easy to obtain. Why would anyone want to live and contribute in another nation if not as an equal?

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