The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

J. Michael Luttig is a former federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Laurence H. Tribe is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University.

The only question is whether American citizens today can uphold that commitment.

As students of the United States Constitution for many decades—one of us as a U.S. Court of Appeals judge, the other as a professor of constitutional law, and both as constitutional advocates, scholars, and practitioners—we long ago came to the conclusion that the Fourteenth Amendment, the amendment ratified in 1868 that represents our nation’s second founding and a new birth of freedom, contains within it a protection against the dissolution of the republic by a treasonous president.

This protection, embodied in the amendment’s often-overlooked Section 3, automatically excludes from future office and position of power in the United States government—and also from any equivalent office and position of power in the sovereign states and their subdivisions—any person who has taken an oath to support and defend our Constitution and thereafter rebels against that sacred charter, either through overt insurrection or by giving aid or comfort to the Constitution’s enemies.

The historically unprecedented federal and state indictments of former President Donald Trump have prompted many to ask whether his conviction pursuant to any or all of these indictments would be either necessary or sufficient to deny him the office of the presidency in 2024.

Trump Is Constitutionally Prohibited From the Presidency

I agree with Luttig and Tribe. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution seem clear to me! What will SCOTUS do? What do you think?

lol clumsy dissembling as usual. Don't have anything rational to rebut with as usual.
Pretty simple, even for you. Tell us who the minorities the left depends upon who are less bright than white male Humpers.
What a load of horseshit.

Insurrection is a criminal offense, dummy.

Judges do not get to make that determination.

As usual, leftards are lying scum bent on destroying our country.

So's murder, ChoadBreath. Yet OJ didn't have to be convicted of murder in criminal court to be found responsible for Ron Goldman's death in civil court.

You sound like you have some smarts BUT you are not smart enough to see how the system really works. CRIME RUNS THE WORLD AND OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM !!. Of course every judge will dismiss everything Trump will present because EVERY ONE OF THOSE JUDGES ARE IN THE DEEP STATE POCKET, ditto for most of Congress, President, DOJ, FBI, CIA and every 3 letter administration we have. I(f you cannot fathom this, you are educated beyond your intellect and only clever, not smart.

How many "SMART" people ( docs, lawyers, engineers) do stupid shyt like gamble, drugs, smoke ???? They may be CLEVER enough to earn a degree BUT THEY ARE NOT TRULY SMART, FOR IF THEY WERE, THEY WOULD FIND A CURE TO THEIR PROBLEMS.



Paranoid much?
What minorities are they you claim they are exploiting ?
Blacks, who went to the back of the bus when Latino's became popular, then they had to sit with the blacks after they too were dropped in favor of the LBGTQ 'phenomena', and now they will soon be sitting back there too, because we gotz a whole new bunch of foreigners to exploit.
The Constitution can't prohibit or endorse anything, It can't grant you rights or deny you rights, It can't do anything, it is the actions of men, right or wrong, that do these things
Hitler was a fascist. Putin is a fascist and Trump loves dictators and the govt they reside over so he’s a fascist. Pretty simple. He tried to interfere with the election process. Seems pretty apparent he’s into fascism.

So now come the rambling idiotic strawmen and some dumbass pretense at moral authority from some sleaze who supports riots, looting, kiddie grooming, and Hamas scum. lol yet another fail. You're too stupid to win anything but a Darwin Award.
Hitler was a fascist. Putin is a fascist and Trump loves dictators and the govt they reside over so he’s a fascist. Pretty simple. He tried to interfere with the election process. Seems pretty apparent he’s into fascism.
Biden seems to be a might bit friendly with that dictator up North.....just sayin'.

Your a funny guy, dems interfered in recent elections....maybe Trump learned from their examples.
So now come the rambling idiotic strawmen and some dumbass pretense at moral authority from some sleaze who supports riots, looting, kiddie grooming, and Hamas scum. lol yet another fail. You're too stupid to win anything but a Darwin Award.
Dufus ramblings of a Humper.
Biden seems to be a might bit friendly with that dictator up North.....just sayin'.

Your a funny guy, dems interfered in recent elections....maybe Trump learned from their examples.
Show evidence the democrat party tried to interfer with the election.
Show evidence the democrat party tried to interfer with the election.
Missouri vs Biden exposing WH/Dem censoring conservative speech.

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FBI hiding Hunter's laptop.

How about the 'hanging chads'?

Don't forget about Trump stole Hillary's election.

'Trump Russia' created by Hillary and paid for by the dems.

Much of the attention paid to allegations of interference in the 2020 election has focused on former President Donald Trump’s claims of voter fraud and malfeasance. However, potential fraud at the polls is far less disturbing than the growing body of evidence that Democrats, the FBI, Big Tech, and legacy media worked together — right out in the open — to put President Joe Biden in the White House.

Every time a Republican has been elected president over the last few decades, House Democrats have objected to the result
"Do you know that every Jan. 6, every four years, whenever any Republican has been elected president over the course of the last few decades, same date, same time, same place, we have had Democrats on the floor of the House of Representatives, objecting and debating?" Zeldin said Sept. 6. "All sorts of different objections, that’s been our process."
Attempts to object to election results have been made in some fashion by House Democrats in 2001, 2005, and 2017, following the successful campaigns of George W. Bush and Trump, both Republicans. One senator supported the objection in 2005, though the Senate and the House ultimately did not uphold that objection.


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