The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

That’s reading the constitution and the law. Are you suggesting it’s not a criminal statute? If that’s the case, then trying to convict trump goes afoul of the double jeopardy laws, since he has already been tried for this in impeachment.

The left used to say “well that’s different because that’s an impeachment, and this is a criminal trial” as a way of saying it doesn’t run afoul of double jeopardy, ok, then, if it’s a criminal trial, which, since the penalties are prison and monetary fines, it is a criminal trial, then a charge and conviction under the insurrection statute is mandatory.

You say I’m wrong, tell me what part?
It doesn’t have to be a criminal statute. It’s no different than the 35 year or older or need to be a natural citizen. It’s just the qualifications of holding office, like Obama being a natural citizen.
It's not about trust. It's about not liking the alternative.

I rather have faith in the judicial system, with all it's protections and rules to prevent abuse. I don't always like the outcome, and sometimes mistakes are made but abuse is hard.

You rather have faith in the word of Trump because you feel he's looking out for you. No matter how many times he has lied and screwed other people for personal benefit.
Look at how this conversation has progressed. It went from having a discussion about Trump being removed from the ballot to you basically admitting that you prefer a Trump dictatorship over a constitutional Republic. I want to say I understand how that happens and I appreciate the candor, but that to me is kind of incredible. To have a US citizen express a willingness to live in a dictatorship. The reason that happened is because you elected Trump and he has forced you to defend one outrageous act after another. So now it's become automatic. He can do and say things completely at odds with what would have probably been your perception of what America is 6 or 7 years ago, to now defending dictatorship.
If you have to support stupid , you will look stupid doing it. If you think you have to support trump , you will look stupid doing it.
If you have to support stupid , you will look stupid doing it. If you think you have to support trump , you will look stupid doing it.
Some how they’ve been defending his stupidity for years. Makes you wonder who they are trying to impress. They and their fellow Humpers all bragging who can sound more illiterate than the other.
You know what I find interesting.

-Trump can argue more than 60 times in court that the election was stolen from him. That's alright.

-Those lawsuits can be lost, his lawyers sanctioned for arguing them, some of them being disbarred in the process. And that's alright.

-Then despite him having lost those lawsuits he can still argue all those judges were wrong. And that's alright.

-Then he can demand the DOJ lie to the states about the findings of the investigations done by them. Something he thinks better off after these officials threaten to quit. And that's alright.

- After that he can come up with an unsupported assertion that the Vice-president has the right to ignore the certified election results if he so chooses. And that's alright.

-Then when he refuses to do that he can try to pressure him by asking his supporters to go to the Capitol and that's alright.

Of course he can't be held responsible for those supporters breaking into the Capitol as a result.

Yet the only way "highly credentialed lawyers and judges" can decide that Trump is an insurrectionist, and insurrectionist are barred from running for president is 'hate'.
You sound like you have some smarts BUT you are not smart enough to see how the system really works. CRIME RUNS THE WORLD AND OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM !!. Of course every judge will dismiss everything Trump will present because EVERY ONE OF THOSE JUDGES ARE IN THE DEEP STATE POCKET, ditto for most of Congress, President, DOJ, FBI, CIA and every 3 letter administration we have. I(f you cannot fathom this, you are educated beyond your intellect and only clever, not smart.

How many "SMART" people ( docs, lawyers, engineers) do stupid shyt like gamble, drugs, smoke ???? They may be CLEVER enough to earn a degree BUT THEY ARE NOT TRULY SMART, FOR IF THEY WERE, THEY WOULD FIND A CURE TO THEIR PROBLEMS.

He is facing trial ninety something counts, so he is going to trial. What does that have to do with the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Maybe you should read it, at least.
Maybe YOU should read it. Since you have no idea what you’re spewing about, as usual. The 14th Amendment puts insurrection in the hands of CONGRESS to charge. Since there are fines and jail time involved, it’s a CRIMINAL charge, not civil. Enjoy Trump being exonerated again here and enjoy his victory next year.
What a load of horseshit.

Insurrection is a criminal offense, dummy.

Judges do not get to make that determination.

As usual, leftards are lying scum bent on destroying our country.
They always stop at their twisted interpretation of section 3. They don’t go on to section 5 where it is given to Congress to charge insurrection and it is made a criminal offense, not civil.
Take your advice you worthless troll “mod”. Section 5. Mic drop. Run along and cry more.
And just what legislation has congress passed to negate the actions, Colorado took regarding Section 3 and that states rights to run it's own elections?
Some how they’ve been defending his stupidity for years. Makes you wonder who they are trying to impress. They and their fellow Humpers all bragging who can sound more illiterate than the other.
You sound like you have some smarts BUT you are not smart enough to see how the system really works. CRIME RUNS THE WORLD AND OUR POLITICAL SYSTEM !!. Of course every judge will dismiss everything Trump will present because EVERY ONE OF THOSE JUDGES ARE IN THE DEEP STATE POCKET, ditto for most of Congress, President, DOJ, FBI, CIA and every 3 letter administration we have. I(f you cannot fathom this, you are educated beyond your intellect and only clever, not smart.

How many "SMART" people ( docs, lawyers, engineers) do stupid shyt like gamble, drugs, smoke ???? They may be CLEVER enough to earn a degree BUT THEY ARE NOT TRULY SMART, FOR IF THEY WERE, THEY WOULD FIND A CURE TO THEIR PROBLEMS.

Deep state goof ball. His sky is falling, poor guy! Love these nut jobs.
J. Michael Luttig is a former federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Laurence H. Tribe is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University.

The only question is whether American citizens today can uphold that commitment.

As students of the United States Constitution for many decades—one of us as a U.S. Court of Appeals judge, the other as a professor of constitutional law, and both as constitutional advocates, scholars, and practitioners—we long ago came to the conclusion that the Fourteenth Amendment, the amendment ratified in 1868 that represents our nation’s second founding and a new birth of freedom, contains within it a protection against the dissolution of the republic by a treasonous president.

This protection, embodied in the amendment’s often-overlooked Section 3, automatically excludes from future office and position of power in the United States government—and also from any equivalent office and position of power in the sovereign states and their subdivisions—any person who has taken an oath to support and defend our Constitution and thereafter rebels against that sacred charter, either through overt insurrection or by giving aid or comfort to the Constitution’s enemies.

The historically unprecedented federal and state indictments of former President Donald Trump have prompted many to ask whether his conviction pursuant to any or all of these indictments would be either necessary or sufficient to deny him the office of the presidency in 2024.

Trump Is Constitutionally Prohibited From the Presidency

I agree with Luttig and Tribe. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution seem clear to me! What will SCOTUS do? What do you think?

You're gonna bawl when SCOTUS slaps you down

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