The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

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No it doesn't. It says you can't be held to answer for the same "crime". For the entire history of this country civil actions have not been part of the "crime" restriction of the 5th Amendment.

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That is not was A14S5 says Congress shall have the power. It does not say:
  • They have sole power, where such power is precluded from the state in state matters.
  • It also does not says it removed the states A1S4 power to administer federal elections.

We are. If a person engages in insurrection, rebellion, or provides aid or comfort to those that do - that is a DISqualification.

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Of course it does, as Justice Gorsuch noted while on the 10th Circuit in the Hassen v. Colorado case. A state has a legitimate interest in protecting the integrity and process of elections to exclude candidates who are prohibited from holding the office.

Double Jeopardy doesn't apply to civil matters, only criminal. Neither impeachment nor the Colorado court action are criminal trials.

There is no requirement in A14S3 that a criminal conviction have resulted, only that the person "engaged".


No it doesn't. It says you can't be held to answer for the same "crime". For the entire history of this country civil actions have not been part of the "crime" restriction of the 5th Amendment.

There are 2 parts to the 5th amendment. The first part is “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger;”

This just saying you can’t be held to answer for a capital crime unless indicted by a grand jury.

Then there is, “NORshall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; ”

This is saying a person can’t be held in jeopardy for the same offense twice.

Also, any judgement that results in prison time has to be a criminal offense. I don’t believe you can get prison time from a civil trial.

That is not was A14S5 says Congress shall have the power. It does not say:
  • They have sole power, where such power is precluded from the state in state matters.
  • It also does not says it removed the states A1S4 power to administer federal elections.
I don’t know where you’re getting all of that from, A14S5 says “
The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

It doesn’t say anything about state powers in there. It places the power for disqualification in the hands of the federal Congress. Are you suggesting that states can also impeach a president?

A1S4: “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

All A1S4 does is give states the power to determine how elections for representatives and senators are held. It gives no power to the state for presidential qualification or disqualification.

We are. If a person engages in insurrection, rebellion, or provides aid or comfort to those that do - that is a DISqualification.

Sure, and back to the beginning we go. What determines if someone has engaged in insurrection or rebellion? Someone just has to say it? What are the penalties for insurrection or rebellion? And STILL nobody has charged Trump with insurrection or rebellion. Those are actual laws, that one has to be charged with. Again, are you suggesting we can send someone to prison just because we “say” they committed a crime? No, we cannot, due process is afforded to even presidents you don’t like.

You keep forgetting section 5…and the powers of federal congress in enforcement of the article 14. If that wasn’t the case, there would have been no need to even write section 5.

But, as the *3 magistrate judge's opinion makes clear and we expressly reaffirm here, a state's legitimate interest in protecting the integrity and practical functioning of the political process permits it to exclude from the ballot candidates who are constitutionally prohibited from assuming office. See

And when Trump is constitutionally prohibited from assuming office, via charge and conviction in a federal court, a state can then remove him from the ballot.

Double Jeopardy doesn't apply to civil matters, only criminal. Neither impeachment nor the Colorado court action are criminal trials.

It doesn’t say that, it says that in capital matters, one must be indicted by a grand jury, but further down, it says NOR shall any person be held in jeopardy twice for the same offense. And again, if you’re calling this a civil action, then at most he pays a fine. It still doesn’t disqualify him from office.

There is no requirement in A14S3 that a criminal conviction have resulted, only that the person "engaged".

Again, so someone can just “deem” that he engaged in insurrection? Again, you seem to stop reading at section 3, and that’s all there is. It is not self enforcing. It takes action from Congress, as defined in S5.
And when Trump is constitutionally prohibited from assuming office, via charge and conviction in a federal court, a state can then remove him from the ballot.
It says no such thing. The constitution is a political document and describes the eligibility of candidates based upon political constrictions not by trial. It’s empowered to. conduct their own investigations and make political decsions in eligibility.
Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome your new President, Donald J. Trump! :)
Welcomed by the greatest crowd ever for a swearing in; greater than the last one which was really, quite small.
Trump as president will have to hide like all dictators do, from his not so adoring populace. We don’t like frauds.,
The Constitution can't prohibit or endorse anything, It can't grant you rights or deny you rights, It can't do anything, it is the actions of men, right or wrong, that do these things
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What??????????????????????????

Diaper Don': Internet celebrates 'Trump smells' trending on social media MSN This information is coming from Trump Insiders.​

Blacks, who went to the back of the bus when Latino's became popular, then they had to sit with the blacks after they too were dropped in favor of the LBGTQ 'phenomena', and now they will soon be sitting back there too, because we gotz a whole new bunch of foreigners to exploit.
Oh, really ? What has the gop done for the black community ? Healthcare ? Nope ? Small business investments ? Nope. Right to choose ? Nope. You’ve done shit.
Oh, really ? What has the gop done for the black community ? Healthcare ? Nope ? Small business investments ? Nope. Right to choose ? Nope. You’ve done shit.
Real median income grew by 7.9% for Blacks in 2019
Healthcare. Blacks benefit from any improvement in healthcare, just like whites
Small Business Investment. Small businesses benefit from lower taxes and reduced regulation.
Right to choose? What right is that? What choices have Dims enabled? All the do is impose regulations and reduce choices.
Real median income grew by 7.9% for Blacks in 2019
Healthcare. Blacks benefit from any improvement in healthcare, just like whites
Small Business Investment. Small businesses benefit from lower taxes and reduced regulation.
Right to choose? What right is that? What choices have Dims enabled? All the do is impose regulations and reduce choices.
Bullshit. Any gain was wiped out by the traditional gop recession. Obamacare provided HC for all those people out of work while they would have suffered Waring for Trump to replace it with NOTHING. He tried to drop it but coukd not and had no plan.

The economy always improves for blacks under gop. 3.4% unemployment ? Never under repugnants.

you did nothing for minorities till Biden came in.
It says no such thing. The constitution is a political document and describes the eligibility of candidates based upon political constrictions not by trial. It’s empowered to. conduct their own investigations and make political decsions in eligibility.
Congress decides.
Oh, really ? What has the gop done for the black community ? Healthcare ? Nope ? Small business investments ? Nope. Right to choose ? Nope. You’ve done shit.
What did demofks do?
Real median income grew by 7.9% for Blacks in 2019
Healthcare. Blacks benefit from any improvement in healthcare, just like whites
Small Business Investment. Small businesses benefit from lower taxes and reduced regulation.
Right to choose? What right is that? What choices have Dims enabled? All the do is impose regulations and reduce choices.
Black unemployment hit record low under Biden
It says no such thing. The constitution is a political document and describes the eligibility of candidates based upon political constrictions not by trial. It’s empowered to. conduct their own investigations and make political decsions in eligibility.

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