The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

Oh, really ? What has the gop done for the black community ? Healthcare ? Nope ? Small business investments ? Nope. Right to choose ? Nope. You’ve done shit.
LOL................can't address the evidence of dem election interference, so you now try and change the topic......

How progressive/Marxist of you.............. :biggrin:
Trump had a record number of blacks working. What have you racist Dems done for the black community? Kept them in poverty for decades while promising them free money. Kept their neighborhoods ghettos with violent crime as the norm. Done all you can to destroy the family unit. So you’ve done worse than shit. So take your lies and hit the bricks.
How stupid is this guy, right now under Biden It is the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in this country , Can anyone show more concisely how stupid they are then Latrines Comment.
LOL................can't address the evidence of dem election interference, so you now try and change the topic......

How progressive/Marxist of you.............. :biggrin:
Diaper Don should be on trial for treason and if found guilty should be put to death. Hey people have you heard how badly Diaper Don smells , it was said that he is like walking past a state fair satellite a the end of the day.
LOL................can't address the evidence of dem election interference, so you now try and change the topic......

How progressive/Marxist of you.............. :biggrin:
Of course you have evidence and you’re not just making up shit. Too bad no one ever thought to give the evidence to a judge…61 times. You need to advise the Trump team of one. Not many lawyers left.
LOL................can't address the evidence of dem election interference, so you now try and change the topic......

How progressive/Marxist of you.............. :biggrin:
Btw, get your terms straight. You‘re struggling with your name calling.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh What??????????????????????????
It is the interpretation right or wrong by men that causes them to put the Constitution's limits into effect. Like the Court deciding that Corporations have the same 1st amendment rights as people, and allowing unlimited campaign funding which renders your vote insignificant. The actions of men. Just what it says.
How stupid is this guy, right now under Biden It is the lowest unemployment rate for blacks in this country , Can anyone show more concisely how stupid they are then Latrines Comment.
What are you smoking? Your post is an indication you are in the dnc

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It says no such thing. The constitution is a political document and describes the eligibility of candidates based upon political constrictions not by trial. It’s empowered to. conduct their own investigations and make political decsions in eligibility.

ok, explain your version of how this works. A court somewhere just says “he was a part of an insurrection” and that’s that? He’s disqualified?
How Nazi Fascist of you, small time.

It is the interpretation right or wrong by men that causes them to put the Constitution's limits into effect. Like the Court deciding that Corporations have the same 1st amendment rights as people, and allowing unlimited campaign funding which renders your vote insignificant. The actions of men. Just what it says.

Who was President ON JANUARY 6 you idiot? By all means keep digging deeper with the stupidity. :dig:
No logic , supreme stupidity.
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ok, explain your version of how this works. A court somewhere just says “he was a part of an insurrection” and that’s that? He’s disqualified?
I can do better than that. Go on line and read the Colorado SC majority decision.
ok, explain your version of how this works. A court somewhere just says “he was a part of an insurrection” and that’s that? He’s disqualified?
Somewhat like that.
Evidence was presented that supported the allegations that he had engaged in insurrection.
The judge agreed that the evidence was sufficient and therefore Trump could not be on the ballot per the standard set in the 14th amd.
This is what you demanded and I provided......can you hear me now?

You are the one on here chirping for the dark side of the farce.
There is absolutely no interference that was enough to do anything , and the few micro cases where just about all the rights haters that DID IT. SO i SAY LETS JUST DUMP YOUR PARTY , THEY CHEATED.

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