The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

J. Michael Luttig is a former federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.

Laurence H. Tribe is the Carl M. Loeb University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University.

The only question is whether American citizens today can uphold that commitment.

As students of the United States Constitution for many decades—one of us as a U.S. Court of Appeals judge, the other as a professor of constitutional law, and both as constitutional advocates, scholars, and practitioners—we long ago came to the conclusion that the Fourteenth Amendment, the amendment ratified in 1868 that represents our nation’s second founding and a new birth of freedom, contains within it a protection against the dissolution of the republic by a treasonous president.

This protection, embodied in the amendment’s often-overlooked Section 3, automatically excludes from future office and position of power in the United States government—and also from any equivalent office and position of power in the sovereign states and their subdivisions—any person who has taken an oath to support and defend our Constitution and thereafter rebels against that sacred charter, either through overt insurrection or by giving aid or comfort to the Constitution’s enemies.

The historically unprecedented federal and state indictments of former President Donald Trump have prompted many to ask whether his conviction pursuant to any or all of these indictments would be either necessary or sufficient to deny him the office of the presidency in 2024.

Trump Is Constitutionally Prohibited From the Presidency

I agree with Luttig and Tribe. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution seem clear to me! What will SCOTUS do? What do you think?

Cool Lakhota, since it's that easy, I declare you robbed a bank. The law says you're a convict.
Here is Colorado Secretary of State explaining that Trump must be kept off the ballot because he is a threat to Democracy....


Democrats say they will save us from Democracy by denying us the right to vote for whom we wish.

It's dystopian.

"Unelected state judges, without a trial, a hearing, or any due process, convicted a former president of a federal crime, 2000 miles outside of their jurisdiction, and disenfranchised 6 million Americans."



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Screw you. It was a decision by the Colorado Supreme Court. Now, going to be heard by the US Supreme Court. It had best be heard quick. If Trump is found guilty, and the Supremes have to take that into account, they will (being the original constructionist, they are) rule him not eligible. It is as simple as that, and a lot depend on what happens first, trial or Supremes hearing the appeal first or the trial being first. If the Supremes uphold the judgement (as nowhere in that amendment does it even mention conviction) he could still run. That is, if you can get 2/3 of the US House and 2/3 of the US Senate to overrule. Good luck to you and yours, Gomer.
Lol, this guy is truly deranged. Poor little traitor.
The SCOTUS, may punt this thing. Roberts biggest fear has always been the court looking too political, and he knows any decision that is rendered will infuriate half of the country who will be convinced the court's decision is based on political beliefs of the Justices.

We'll see.
The word you’re looking for is “overturn”.
No. That would imply legal action won, recount won in enough quantity, you know, all the legal steps he tried and lost before trying to overthrow the election.
SC(r)OTUS will do exactly as their billionaire handlers tell them to do.

Which by means that Trump won’t be running. Leonard Leo and his white Christian nationalist theocrats don’t want another 4 years of Trump’s fiscal incompetence and insanity.
Which by means that Trump won’t be running. Leonard Leo and his white Christian nationalist theocrats don’t want another 4 years of Trump’s fiscal incompetence and insanity.
Of course they do. He's been very good to them, as is the chaos he creates simply by existing.
Of course they do. He's been very good to them, as is the chaos he creates simply by existing.

The guys who bought the Supreme Court are no friends of Donald Trump and no they don’t like he chaos he sews.

Please note that Trump hasn’t won hardly any cases in front of this SC.

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