The Constitution, War Powers, Congress, and the American Military: A Study of Betrayal


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
I admit I'd not looked at the Constitution in this light, but, it does stand to reason. I remember from the Obama campaign when I started to really look at where we are as a Country, and my oldest son, recently Honorably discharged from the Navy (as I was many years ago) made the statement one day when we were talking about Romney and Obama; this Country, the United States is not what we've been led to believe it is.

The following might be a good idea as to why we aren't.

In current times, what is heard ad nauseum, are silly pronouncements by so-called “representatives of the people,” and pompous asses in the media that something is unconstitutional, but what does this even mean? Considering the convoluted and vague language, the massive powers given to government, and the fact that appointed agents of the very politicians that abuse it interpret it, there is not even any semblance of honesty present. Add the ever-increasing tyrannical powers now claimed by the executive branch, and the entirety of this constitutional process is nothing more than a farce. But then, was this not always the case?

In today’s news, given the brutal and murderous wars and assassinations taking place at the hands of the U.S. war machine, the Congress is voting on its own war powers, powers already in place. Interestingly, the Constitution states that only Congress can declare war, so that same body voting on resolutions that are already solidified in their precious constitution is absolutely asinine.
Sometimes i think we've come full circle constitutionally, evolving into what is counter productive to it Gdjjr.

And that war powers act, what do i know? i might have been a softmore in HS ,back at theend of the draft when seniors were signing up.

the story i heard was Nixon got bagged bombing Cambodia , which you're probably up on more than I am. So a PO'd Congress decides to come down on him (and his wingman Kissy) with the war powers act of 1973

essentially stating Congress decides what where and when 'war' is declared. But this backfired in that any given potus can send troops and armada's around this rock w/out any declaration

they simply call it something else....police action.....operation 2nd term....whatever...

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essentially stating Congress decides what where and when 'war' is declared. But this backfired in that any given potus can send troops and armada's around this rock w/out any declaration
I assign it to Bush jr's "authorizing the use of military action"- it may have happened earlier but I didn't pay a lot of attention when I was younger- I've argued many a time about what Declare means. It's a Public Proclamation/announcement, not an authorization to use military action. It may have come about, covertly, under Johnson with the war on poverty crap- later under Nixon with the war on drugs- neither authorized the use of military force, but the word war indicates physical conflict and confrontation- both of which happened domestically but they couldn't really publicly Declare war on the citizens which is a physical confrontation authorizing the use of military action- round and round it goes adding to the Confusion-
maybe what we really need is a war on bullsh*t Gdjjr....~S~

Yep. And that could start with ceasing to call everything a "war", and with everybody having a second look - and possibly yet another - at one's very own pronouncements.

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