The Content Of His (Obama's) Character (or lack of it)

Leave the centrists room to vote for Romney, daveman.

We need those votes to win not only the presidency for Romney but the Senate for the GOP.

The far right nonsense is only hurting, this time around.

You'd have s modicum of credibility if you weren't so passionately defending Obama, boy.
Obama's character is that of a fraud. His books are lies. His schoolastic records are lies. His family stories are lies. This man will go down in history as the first authentic fraud to be elected President.

Yes, I'm sure you are right. :cuckoo:
Listening and Buford are not helping Romney by telling lies about Obama, who can be legitimately confronted on many fronts.

Back off the silliness, gang.

Do you, or do you not, support Obama's false attack on the man alleged your party nominated? Do you think the POTUS should stoop to making demonstrably false statements about his opponent?
I don't know if Romney actually has committed a felony. If he has i am sure the SEC will be pushed to go after him, but like every immoral thing mittens does he is normally within the letter of the law. I don't think misrepresenting yourself to the people of the united states to cover up your outsourcing and deliberate bankrupting of american companies for profit is a felony as his public statements are not sworn statements. It is also why he probably doesn't want the public to see his records as he probably was very accurate in that he was part of Bain when he claims to the people that he wasn't. I don't think it is illegal, but it speaks volumes about his motives and reliability. It also shows him as dishonest and sneaky, but we already knew that. Well, you don't but you are certainly unreliable, sneaky, deceptive, and a confirmed liar yourself.

If there is an actual felony charge there Obama should wait until late august to play that card to it's full extent and have Romney charged. Americans have shitty memories, and you would want that right up in front of them when voting. plus it gives the republicans almost no chance to recover from it. I doubt there is much there that they can do legally as I have confidence that romney knows where the legal line was and did not lie to the SEC, and is only lying to the people.

Do you also wonder if Obama was born in Kenya, or if Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and had explosives planted in the World Trade Center to make it look like they were hit by planes? Do you have any idea how many main stream news organizations have come out and openly stated that all of the Obama allegations about Romney being in charge of Bain are either inaccurate or completely false? Either come out and admit that Romney had no part in what you are accusing him of or be forever branded a conspiracy nut who gets his news from the fringe of the internet and ignores facts when they are laid out for him.
The Obama campaign’s desperate “felony” charge against Mitt Romney ought to serve as a wake-up call for the Romney campaign and for the American public regarding the utter amorality of the president and his functionaries. Although the jejune Boston Globe story was quickly debunked, that of course won’t stop them from pounding home the Big Lie that Romney continued to run Bain in 1999 while he was saving the Winter Olympics as long as it’s useful and “fits the narrative."
Not only was the Globe story not debunked, it has been backed up by the pathological liar Willard's own sworn testimony in proving his residency to run for governor.

Mitt Romney's Own 2002 Testimony Undermines Bain Departure Claim

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney's repeated claim that he played no part in executive decision-making related to Bain Capital after 1999 is false, according to Romney's own testimony in June 2002, in which he admitted to sitting on the board of the LifeLike Co., a dollmaker that was a Bain investment during the period.
Romney has consistently insisted that he was too busy organizing the 2002 Winter Olympics to take part in Bain business between 1999 and that event. But in the testimony, which was provided to The Huffington Post, Romney noted that he regularly traveled back to Massachusetts. "[T]here were a number of social trips and business trips that brought me back to Massachusetts, board meetings, Thanksgiving and so forth," he said.
Romney's sworn testimony was given as part of a hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor.
Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time.


Romney's sworn testimony appears to back up the SEC filings and contradict his personal disclosure forms submitted to Massachusetts officials in 2002, in which he said that he retired from Bain on Feb. 11, 1999. Romney's lawyer at the Massachusetts hearing said that Romney's work in the private sector continued "unabated" while he ran the Olympics: "He succeeded in that three-year period in restoring confidence in the Olympic Games, closing that disastrous deficit and staging one of the most successful Olympic Games ever to occur on U.S. soil. Now while all that was going on, very much in the public eye, what happened to his private and public ties to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? And the answer is they continued unabated just as they had."

Instead of leaving in 1999, Romney suggested in his testimony that he only left Bain after the Olympics in 2002: “I left on the basis of a leave of absence indicating that I, by virtue of that title, would return at the end of the Olympics to my employment at Bain Capital, but subsequently decided not to do so and entered into a departure agreement with my former partners. I use that in the colloquial sense, not legal sense, but my former partners."
The opening statement delivered by Romney's lawyer in the 2002 hearing said Romney "continued to serve on the board of directors of a significant Massachusetts company and to return here for most of its board meetings."

Do you know what cynic means? I will give you a hint, it doesn't mean you ignore facts.

Documents: Romney didn't manage Bain funds - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

[ame=]CNN Report Debunks Latest False Attack From Obama Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
I didn't think I'd be surprised to see Romney scrambling to disassociate himself from Bain--and yet I am. I'm even more surprised that after 18 years of knowing it's his Achilles heel politically, he didn't have a response tonight other than the wounded kitten routine.

Obama's meeeeean.

I guess he expected Obama to have character.
I don't know if Romney actually has committed a felony. If he has i am sure the SEC will be pushed to go after him, but like every immoral thing mittens does he is normally within the letter of the law. I don't think misrepresenting yourself to the people of the united states to cover up your outsourcing and deliberate bankrupting of american companies for profit is a felony as his public statements are not sworn statements. It is also why he probably doesn't want the public to see his records as he probably was very accurate in that he was part of Bain when he claims to the people that he wasn't. I don't think it is illegal, but it speaks volumes about his motives and reliability. It also shows him as dishonest and sneaky, but we already knew that. Well, you don't but you are certainly unreliable, sneaky, deceptive, and a confirmed liar yourself.

If there is an actual felony charge there Obama should wait until late august to play that card to it's full extent and have Romney charged. Americans have shitty memories, and you would want that right up in front of them when voting. plus it gives the republicans almost no chance to recover from it. I doubt there is much there that they can do legally as I have confidence that romney knows where the legal line was and did not lie to the SEC, and is only lying to the people.

Do you also wonder if Obama was born in Kenya, or if Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and had explosives planted in the World Trade Center to make it look like they were hit by planes? Do you have any idea how many main stream news organizations have come out and openly stated that all of the Obama allegations about Romney being in charge of Bain are either inaccurate or completely false? Either come out and admit that Romney had no part in what you are accusing him of or be forever branded a conspiracy nut who gets his news from the fringe of the internet and ignores facts when they are laid out for him.
But Willard The Liar testified that he was still working at Bain in his 2002 hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time. Romney's lawyer in the 2002 hearing said Romney "continued to serve on the board of directors of a significant Massachusetts company and to return here for most of its board meetings."

What you have subconsciously done is prove Willard is a liar.
Thank you.
The Obama campaign’s desperate “felony” charge against Mitt Romney ought to serve as a wake-up call for the Romney campaign and for the American public regarding the utter amorality of the president and his functionaries. Although the jejune Boston Globe story was quickly debunked, that of course won’t stop them from pounding home the Big Lie that Romney continued to run Bain in 1999 while he was saving the Winter Olympics as long as it’s useful and “fits the narrative."
Not only was the Globe story not debunked, it has been backed up by the pathological liar Willard's own sworn testimony in proving his residency to run for governor.

Mitt Romney's Own 2002 Testimony Undermines Bain Departure Claim

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney's repeated claim that he played no part in executive decision-making related to Bain Capital after 1999 is false, according to Romney's own testimony in June 2002, in which he admitted to sitting on the board of the LifeLike Co., a dollmaker that was a Bain investment during the period.
Romney has consistently insisted that he was too busy organizing the 2002 Winter Olympics to take part in Bain business between 1999 and that event. But in the testimony, which was provided to The Huffington Post, Romney noted that he regularly traveled back to Massachusetts. "[T]here were a number of social trips and business trips that brought me back to Massachusetts, board meetings, Thanksgiving and so forth," he said.
Romney's sworn testimony was given as part of a hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor.
Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time.


Romney's sworn testimony appears to back up the SEC filings and contradict his personal disclosure forms submitted to Massachusetts officials in 2002, in which he said that he retired from Bain on Feb. 11, 1999. Romney's lawyer at the Massachusetts hearing said that Romney's work in the private sector continued "unabated" while he ran the Olympics: "He succeeded in that three-year period in restoring confidence in the Olympic Games, closing that disastrous deficit and staging one of the most successful Olympic Games ever to occur on U.S. soil. Now while all that was going on, very much in the public eye, what happened to his private and public ties to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? And the answer is they continued unabated just as they had."

Instead of leaving in 1999, Romney suggested in his testimony that he only left Bain after the Olympics in 2002: “I left on the basis of a leave of absence indicating that I, by virtue of that title, would return at the end of the Olympics to my employment at Bain Capital, but subsequently decided not to do so and entered into a departure agreement with my former partners. I use that in the colloquial sense, not legal sense, but my former partners."
The opening statement delivered by Romney's lawyer in the 2002 hearing said Romney "continued to serve on the board of directors of a significant Massachusetts company and to return here for most of its board meetings."

Do you know what cynic means? I will give you a hint, it doesn't mean you ignore facts.

Documents: Romney didn't manage Bain funds - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

[ame=""]CNN Report Debunks Latest False Attack From Obama Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
You are merely proving that Willard The Liar was lying in his 2002 testimony rather than his claim that he left Bain in 1999. Willard was either lying in 2002 or he is lying now, but either way he is a LIAR.
Them is the FACTS.
I don't know if Romney actually has committed a felony. If he has i am sure the SEC will be pushed to go after him, but like every immoral thing mittens does he is normally within the letter of the law. I don't think misrepresenting yourself to the people of the united states to cover up your outsourcing and deliberate bankrupting of american companies for profit is a felony as his public statements are not sworn statements. It is also why he probably doesn't want the public to see his records as he probably was very accurate in that he was part of Bain when he claims to the people that he wasn't. I don't think it is illegal, but it speaks volumes about his motives and reliability. It also shows him as dishonest and sneaky, but we already knew that. Well, you don't but you are certainly unreliable, sneaky, deceptive, and a confirmed liar yourself.

If there is an actual felony charge there Obama should wait until late august to play that card to it's full extent and have Romney charged. Americans have shitty memories, and you would want that right up in front of them when voting. plus it gives the republicans almost no chance to recover from it. I doubt there is much there that they can do legally as I have confidence that romney knows where the legal line was and did not lie to the SEC, and is only lying to the people.

Do you also wonder if Obama was born in Kenya, or if Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and had explosives planted in the World Trade Center to make it look like they were hit by planes? Do you have any idea how many main stream news organizations have come out and openly stated that all of the Obama allegations about Romney being in charge of Bain are either inaccurate or completely false? Either come out and admit that Romney had no part in what you are accusing him of or be forever branded a conspiracy nut who gets his news from the fringe of the internet and ignores facts when they are laid out for him.
But Willard The Liar testified that he was still working at Bain in his 2002 hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time. Romney's lawyer in the 2002 hearing said Romney "continued to serve on the board of directors of a significant Massachusetts company and to return here for most of its board meetings."

What you have subconsciously done is prove Willard is a liar.
Thank you.

Yes, he did, He also said it wasn't Bain, and the Democratic party, and the Boston Globe, all agreed with him at that time, the reason for that was rather simple, it bolstered their case that he was not a resident of Massachusetts, and was thus unable to run for governor. If he had been still running Bain he could have used that to prove he was actually a resident, and you would know be able to point out how he was contradicting his previous testimony, Instead, all you can do is point back and show that he has been consistent, and that somehow proves he was lying.

But, somehow, the Democrats flipping proves they are telling the truth.

Gotta admit, I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to try to argue that, even Obama had to be smart enough not to catch himself in a trap like that. I was wrong.
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Not only was the Globe story not debunked, it has been backed up by the pathological liar Willard's own sworn testimony in proving his residency to run for governor.

Mitt Romney's Own 2002 Testimony Undermines Bain Departure Claim

WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney's repeated claim that he played no part in executive decision-making related to Bain Capital after 1999 is false, according to Romney's own testimony in June 2002, in which he admitted to sitting on the board of the LifeLike Co., a dollmaker that was a Bain investment during the period.
Romney has consistently insisted that he was too busy organizing the 2002 Winter Olympics to take part in Bain business between 1999 and that event. But in the testimony, which was provided to The Huffington Post, Romney noted that he regularly traveled back to Massachusetts. "[T]here were a number of social trips and business trips that brought me back to Massachusetts, board meetings, Thanksgiving and so forth," he said.
Romney's sworn testimony was given as part of a hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor.
Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time.


Romney's sworn testimony appears to back up the SEC filings and contradict his personal disclosure forms submitted to Massachusetts officials in 2002, in which he said that he retired from Bain on Feb. 11, 1999. Romney's lawyer at the Massachusetts hearing said that Romney's work in the private sector continued "unabated" while he ran the Olympics: "He succeeded in that three-year period in restoring confidence in the Olympic Games, closing that disastrous deficit and staging one of the most successful Olympic Games ever to occur on U.S. soil. Now while all that was going on, very much in the public eye, what happened to his private and public ties to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? And the answer is they continued unabated just as they had."

Instead of leaving in 1999, Romney suggested in his testimony that he only left Bain after the Olympics in 2002: “I left on the basis of a leave of absence indicating that I, by virtue of that title, would return at the end of the Olympics to my employment at Bain Capital, but subsequently decided not to do so and entered into a departure agreement with my former partners. I use that in the colloquial sense, not legal sense, but my former partners."
The opening statement delivered by Romney's lawyer in the 2002 hearing said Romney "continued to serve on the board of directors of a significant Massachusetts company and to return here for most of its board meetings."

Do you know what cynic means? I will give you a hint, it doesn't mean you ignore facts.

Documents: Romney didn't manage Bain funds - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet

[ame=""]CNN Report Debunks Latest False Attack From Obama Campaign - YouTube[/ame]
You are merely proving that Willard The Liar was lying in his 2002 testimony rather than his claim that he left Bain in 1999. Willard was either lying in 2002 or he is lying now, but either way he is a LIAR.
Them is the FACTS.

Umm, he said that he left Bain in 1999 back in 2002, so did the Democrats. As a matter of fact, that is what all the fuss is about, Obama is claiming he lied under oath in 2002 when he said he left Bain, and that he filed false statements with the FEC about leaving Bain in 1997 when he ran for governor of Massachusetts. Since he is saying the same thing at both points in time, how can it be a lie at one point but not the other?

Want to try again?
Do you also wonder if Obama was born in Kenya, or if Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and had explosives planted in the World Trade Center to make it look like they were hit by planes? Do you have any idea how many main stream news organizations have come out and openly stated that all of the Obama allegations about Romney being in charge of Bain are either inaccurate or completely false? Either come out and admit that Romney had no part in what you are accusing him of or be forever branded a conspiracy nut who gets his news from the fringe of the internet and ignores facts when they are laid out for him.
But Willard The Liar testified that he was still working at Bain in his 2002 hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time. Romney's lawyer in the 2002 hearing said Romney "continued to serve on the board of directors of a significant Massachusetts company and to return here for most of its board meetings."

What you have subconsciously done is prove Willard is a liar.
Thank you.

Yes, he did, He also said it wasn't Bain, and the Democratic party, and the Boston Globe, all agreed with him at that time, the reason for that was rather simple, it bolstered their case that he was not a resident of Massachusetts, and was thus unable to run for governor. If he had been still running Bain he could have used that to prove he was actually a resident, and you would know be able to point out how he was contradicting his previous testimony, Instead, all you can do is point back and show that he has been consistent, and that somehow proves he was lying.

But, somehow, the Democrats flipping proves they are telling the truth.

Gotta admit, I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to try to argue that, even Obama had to be smart enough not to catch himself in a trap like that. I was wrong.
Willard The Liar said more than just not being involved with Bain, the liar said he did not have any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way, but testified in 2002 to involvement in at least 3 Bain entities.

Again, Willard The Liar was either lying in 2002 or is lying now. Either way the fact is Willard is a liar.
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You are merely proving that Willard The Liar was lying in his 2002 testimony rather than his claim that he left Bain in 1999. Willard was either lying in 2002 or he is lying now, but either way he is a LIAR.
Them is the FACTS.

Umm, he said that he left Bain in 1999 back in 2002, so did the Democrats. As a matter of fact, that is what all the fuss is about, Obama is claiming he lied under oath in 2002 when he said he left Bain, and that he filed false statements with the FEC about leaving Bain in 1997 when he ran for governor of Massachusetts. Since he is saying the same thing at both points in time, how can it be a lie at one point but not the other?

Want to try again?
Now you are just lying. It seems Willard has rubbed off on you.
But Willard The Liar testified that he was still working at Bain in his 2002 hearing to determine whether he had sufficient residency status in Massachusetts to run for governor. Romney testified that he "remained on the board of the Staples Corporation and Marriott International, the LifeLike Corporation" at the time. Romney's lawyer in the 2002 hearing said Romney "continued to serve on the board of directors of a significant Massachusetts company and to return here for most of its board meetings."

What you have subconsciously done is prove Willard is a liar.
Thank you.

Yes, he did, He also said it wasn't Bain, and the Democratic party, and the Boston Globe, all agreed with him at that time, the reason for that was rather simple, it bolstered their case that he was not a resident of Massachusetts, and was thus unable to run for governor. If he had been still running Bain he could have used that to prove he was actually a resident, and you would know be able to point out how he was contradicting his previous testimony, Instead, all you can do is point back and show that he has been consistent, and that somehow proves he was lying.

But, somehow, the Democrats flipping proves they are telling the truth.

Gotta admit, I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to try to argue that, even Obama had to be smart enough not to catch himself in a trap like that. I was wrong.
Willard The Liar said more than just not being involved with Bain, the liar said he did not have any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way, but testified in 2002 to involvement in at least 2 Bain entities.

Again, Willard The Liar was either lying in 2002 or is lying now. Either way the fact is Willard is a liar.

Yes he did, He has said that since 1999, amazingly enough. Obama has investments in at least one company that pays him foreign investments, do you think he actively controls it?
Yes, he did, He also said it wasn't Bain, and the Democratic party, and the Boston Globe, all agreed with him at that time, the reason for that was rather simple, it bolstered their case that he was not a resident of Massachusetts, and was thus unable to run for governor. If he had been still running Bain he could have used that to prove he was actually a resident, and you would know be able to point out how he was contradicting his previous testimony, Instead, all you can do is point back and show that he has been consistent, and that somehow proves he was lying.

But, somehow, the Democrats flipping proves they are telling the truth.

Gotta admit, I didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to try to argue that, even Obama had to be smart enough not to catch himself in a trap like that. I was wrong.
Willard The Liar said more than just not being involved with Bain, the liar said he did not have any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way, but testified in 2002 to involvement in at least 2 Bain entities.

Again, Willard The Liar was either lying in 2002 or is lying now. Either way the fact is Willard is a liar.

Yes he did, He has said that since 1999, amazingly enough. Obama has investments in at least one company that pays him foreign investments, do you think he actively controls it?
You obviously know Willard is a liar or you wouldn't make such a desperate attempt to change the subject.
Thank you.

Again Willard The Liar's own 2002 sworn testimony puts him on the boards of 3 (THREE) Bain entities. No matter how you spin it Willard was lying in 2002 or he is lying now.
Right wing fruits slander a sitting president for 3 1/2 years , then cry because Obama hits captain plastic with the same gun fucking hilarious .
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Well, I think we can all agree that Obama is going to be a transformative figure, leading us beyond our damaging and deep-seeded race relations problems and fundamentally changing the way Washington DC works, ushering in a new era of cooperation and maturity that goes well beyond partisan politics.

And he's gonna get right on that if elected again. He'll focus in on that like a fuckin' laser beam, seriously.

Papa Obama is very small in character
Like the emperor new clothes
there is nothing there....
Willard The Liar said more than just not being involved with Bain, the liar said he did not have any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way, but testified in 2002 to involvement in at least 2 Bain entities.

Again, Willard The Liar was either lying in 2002 or is lying now. Either way the fact is Willard is a liar.

Yes he did, He has said that since 1999, amazingly enough. Obama has investments in at least one company that pays him foreign investments, do you think he actively controls it?
You obviously know Willard is a liar or you wouldn't make such a desperate attempt to change the subject.
Thank you.

Again Willard The Liar's own 2002 sworn testimony puts him on the boards of 3 (THREE) Bain entities. No matter how you spin it Willard was lying in 2002 or he is lying now.

Is Romney a liar? Yes, of course he is. He is a politician, all politicians lie. He is also a human being, and everybody lies. I have repeatedly said both things on this board, feel free to double check. Knowing that frees me to make fun of idiots that don't live in the real world. Keep posting so I can keep laughing.
Obama's Spending on Attack Ads Soars | RealClearPolitics

President Barack Obama's campaign has spent nearly $100 million on television commercials in selected battleground states, unleashing a sustained early barrage designed to create lasting, negative impressions of Republican Mitt Romney before he and his allies ramp up for the fall.

In a reflection of campaign strategy, more than one-fifth of the president's ad spending has been in Ohio, a state that looms as a must-win for Romney more so than for Obama. Florida ranks second and Virginia third, according to organizations that track media spending and other sources.

About three-quarters of the president's advertising has been critical of Romney as Obama struggles to turn the election into a choice between him and his rival, rather than a referendum on his own handling of the weak economy. Obama's television ad spending dwarfs the Romney campaign's so far by a ratio of 4-to-1 or more. It is at rough parity with the Republican challenger and several outside GOP-led organizations combined. They appear positioned to outspend the president and his allies this fall, perhaps heavily.


Wasn't our Liar-In-Chief supposed to be above all this ?

Please try and tell me this is responsive.....4:1

This guy is turning out to be psychopathic.
You have no cred with the center or the GOP mainstream.

My point is straight on and correct.

Leave off the hatred and work on the economy, and we can win for Romney.

Do it your way,and Romney loses.

Leave the centrists room to vote for Romney, daveman. We need those votes to win not only the presidency for Romney but the Senate for the GOP. The far right nonsense is only hurting, this time around.
You'd have s modicum of credibility if you weren't so passionately defending Obama, boy.

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