The Coronavirus: What They’re Not Telling You

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.

Yeah, you're right. He should have told everyone to board themselves up in their homes! Every man for himself! Panic! Riots! Bare shelves! YEEEEAAAAA!

Meantime, you gave no such concern when Obama was in office.

You’re not very clever. Trump and his administration attempted to downplay this for weeks. Claimed he had it under control. Air tight.

They look foolish now.

Trump had it under control then. Has it under control now. Doing all that they can do, now waiting for Nancy Pelosi to get her head out of her ass. The rest is up to nature.

I don’t know. Something about a 75 fold increase in cases in 2 weeks doesn’t exactly sound like it’s totally under control.
Maybe you should get your head out of you ass then and consider that in Italy, they have a 300X greater chance of getting infected and a 700X greater chance of dying from it?

So there were only 22 cases 2 weeks ago? Because there's only 1670 reported cases now! Ever consider that those other people were simply incubating and not new cases?

I'm not worried. But if I was a democrat in CA, WA or NYC and very old with my life hinging on DJT, I'd be scared as shit. Sucks to be you.

I can tell you’re worried, but not about the virus. Your life does hinge on DJT, doesn’t it.

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.
We have a major pandemic that started in China and Trump banned travel to and from there. Colfax called him racist now he blames Trump for not being honest. Crazy.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it.

Pretty funny considering that the truth is aimed at YOU, butthole!

You're so damned stupid you don't even realize when your being proven wrong and made an ass of!
you are loud and dumb. this shit has been spread for days on this board. the obama administration declared a public health emergency on april 27, 2009.

U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency in Wake of Swine Flu

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.
We have a major pandemic that started in China and Trump banned travel to and from there. Colfax called him racist now he blames Trump for not being honest. Crazy.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it.

Pretty funny considering that the truth is aimed at YOU, butthole!

You're so damned stupid you don't even realize when your being proven wrong and made an ass of!

Someone got triggered.

Nighty night snowflake.
10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Christopher A. Ferrara
Never Let a Good Coronavirus Go to Waste. First it was the Russian Collusion Hoax, based upon nothing but a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC in order to promote the media-fueled fever dream that Trump “colluded with Russia” to steal the election of 2016.
~~ snip ~~
None of these hoaxes have accomplished anything but a rise in Trump’s approval numbers. Every “bombshell” has ended with the sound of the DMC sitting on a whoopee cushion.
But now the DNC really thinks it has him. The Coronavirus Hoax, the latest attempt to undo Trump, is actually based upon something that exists: a virus that makes people sick. The trick here is to turn what is essentially a flu-like illness, whose effects on most people are minor, into the Black Plague so as to provoke worldwide panic, tank the Stock Market, cause a drastic slowdown of the American and global economies, and then blame it all on Trump.
But let’s look at the facts the Fake News shock troops deliberately hide while promoting a “get Trump at all costs” panic narrative.
First of all, they tell us to fear “the Coronavirus,” as if it were some ominous new pathogen of which medical science has no understanding. What they don’t tell us is what even the leftist-controlled World Health Organization (WHO)—now also fanning the flames of fear—explained on its own website: “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.”
Got that? Even the common cold is caused by a corona virus.
~~ snip ~~
Fear, not force, is the demagogue’s most powerful prod. A show of force can disperse a crowd, but fear can move entire populations in a specific direction. And the source of fear need be nothing more significant than a virus whose effects are dwarfed by the annual flu season.

What is really terrifying is not COVID-19, but rather the prospect that the demagogues might well succeed in exploiting it to achieve their end. They are not about to let a good coronavirus go to waste.

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s so I think most of us already had a taste of it. Isn't it odd that the Chinese Level 4 bio lab is located just outside the city of Wuhan where this virus made it's first appearance?
Americans have to learn that they are being manipulated by the self serving MSM, misinformed propagandized and politicized instead of being informed.
The list of fraudulent MSM narratives listed by Ferrara in just the last few years makes one wonder just how naïve the U.S. citizens really are.
You have to wonder where the PMS Leftist were when these coronaviruses were spreading during the Obama administration. Were H1N1, MRSA, and SARS just as, or more than virulent than the Wuhan Covid-19? Yes I'd say so... Therefore this outbreak is being overblown and used by the Left as terror weapon...

Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and ...
It is likely that these viruses will continue to emerge and to evolve and cause both human and veterinary outbreaks owing to their ability to recombine, mutate, and infect multiple species and cell types. Future research on coronaviruses will continue to investigate many aspects of …

what they're not telling you..........Trump made the virus in the basement of Mar-a-Largo and hand sent it by pigeon express to every victim and then ordered all the pigeons to pull a kamikaze.
Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.
We have a major pandemic that started in China and Trump banned travel to and from there. Colfax called him racist now he blames Trump for not being honest. Crazy.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it.

Pretty funny considering that the truth is aimed at YOU, butthole!

You're so damned stupid you don't even realize when your being proven wrong and made an ass of!

Someone got triggered.

Nighty night snowflake.

Better run and put some Vaseline on that gaulded ass of yours.

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.
We have a major pandemic that started in China and Trump banned travel to and from there. Colfax called him racist now he blames Trump for not being honest. Crazy.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it.
That you’re crazy? Doesn’t hurt me.
Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.
We have a major pandemic that started in China and Trump banned travel to and from there. Colfax called him racist now he blames Trump for not being honest. Crazy.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it.

Pretty funny considering that the truth is aimed at YOU, butthole!

You're so damned stupid you don't even realize when your being proven wrong and made an ass of!

Someone got triggered.

Nighty night snowflake.
Self reflection is important
you are loud and dumb. this shit has been spread for days on this board. the obama administration declared a public health emergency on april 27, 2009.

U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency in Wake of Swine Flu

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?
How many schools and sports leagues were shut down during swine flu?

726 schools in spring 2009
Where was the news coverage? This was after the fact. What pro sports leagues shut down? No way was there the hype and fear-mongering like this one. Obama was potus.

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?
How many schools and sports leagues were shut down during swine flu?

726 schools in spring 2009
Where was the news coverage? This was after the fact. What pro sports leagues shut down? No way was there the hype and fear-mongering like this one. Obama was potus.
ridiculous. there was the typical fearmongering. but obama was a responsible serious person, not an internet troll like trump.

Flu outbreak: Walking the line between hyping and helping

10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Christopher A. Ferrara
Never Let a Good Coronavirus Go to Waste. First it was the Russian Collusion Hoax, based upon nothing but a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC in order to promote the media-fueled fever dream that Trump “colluded with Russia” to steal the election of 2016.
~~ snip ~~
None of these hoaxes have accomplished anything but a rise in Trump’s approval numbers. Every “bombshell” has ended with the sound of the DMC sitting on a whoopee cushion.
But now the DNC really thinks it has him. The Coronavirus Hoax, the latest attempt to undo Trump, is actually based upon something that exists: a virus that makes people sick. The trick here is to turn what is essentially a flu-like illness, whose effects on most people are minor, into the Black Plague so as to provoke worldwide panic, tank the Stock Market, cause a drastic slowdown of the American and global economies, and then blame it all on Trump.
But let’s look at the facts the Fake News shock troops deliberately hide while promoting a “get Trump at all costs” panic narrative.
First of all, they tell us to fear “the Coronavirus,” as if it were some ominous new pathogen of which medical science has no understanding. What they don’t tell us is what even the leftist-controlled World Health Organization (WHO)—now also fanning the flames of fear—explained on its own website: “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.”
Got that? Even the common cold is caused by a corona virus.
~~ snip ~~
Fear, not force, is the demagogue’s most powerful prod. A show of force can disperse a crowd, but fear can move entire populations in a specific direction. And the source of fear need be nothing more significant than a virus whose effects are dwarfed by the annual flu season.

What is really terrifying is not COVID-19, but rather the prospect that the demagogues might well succeed in exploiting it to achieve their end. They are not about to let a good coronavirus go to waste.

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s so I think most of us already had a taste of it. Isn't it odd that the Chinese Level 4 bio lab is located just outside the city of Wuhan where this virus made it's first appearance?
Americans have to learn that they are being manipulated by the self serving MSM, misinformed propagandized and politicized instead of being informed.
The list of fraudulent MSM narratives listed by Ferrara in just the last few years makes one wonder just how naïve the U.S. citizens really are.
You have to wonder where the PMS Leftist were when these coronaviruses were spreading during the Obama administration. Were H1N1, MRSA, and SARS just as, or more than virulent than the Wuhan Covid-19? Yes I'd say so... Therefore this outbreak is being overblown and used by the Left as terror weapon...

Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and ...
It is likely that these viruses will continue to emerge and to evolve and cause both human and veterinary outbreaks owing to their ability to recombine, mutate, and infect multiple species and cell types. Future research on coronaviruses will continue to investigate many aspects of …
I don’t know what you’re point is exactly by pointing out that Coronavirus has many subtypes.

The issue is that this is a novel strain with substantially increased mortality rates, not just compared to other Coronavirus strains, but even when compared to influenza.

When we were kids, we got the measles and the mumps. I lived through that no problem. Measles have a mortality rating of 18. Covid-19 has a rating of 2.

You’re confusing things. There’s a few graphics going around showing a transmissibility rate of 18 for measles and 2 for COVID-19. The mortality rate of Measels is 0.1%. The mortality rate for COVID -19 is 2.3%.

I believe that the mortality rate for Covid-19 is premature and will prove to be less deadly than H1N1, and MRSA.

"The best estimates for South Korea put COVID-19's fatality rate at 0.6%, and a recent study released on the death the rate in China -- but outside hard-hit Wuhan -- hovered just above that, at 0.7%."
"H1N1 influenza (swine flu) tends to cause high morbidity but low mortality rates (1%-4%)."
"Recovery from mild sepsis is common, but mortality rates are approximately 15% and mortality rate for severe sepsis or septic shock is approximately 50%. For MRSA patients the mortality rate is 20 – 50%." Both endemic during the Obama administration."
"The mortality rate for SARS was 9.6%, whereas COVID-19 seems to kill between 1% and 2% of those infected."​

Hmm...., Why weren't Progressive Marxist Socialists so concerned when the H1N1, SARS, MRSA hit the U.S. during the Obama administration?

Do you have a link to that.....I am trying to spread the word to people around me........
you are loud and dumb. this shit has been spread for days on this board. the obama administration declared a public health emergency on april 27, 2009.

U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency in Wake of Swine Flu

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?
How many schools and sports leagues were shut down during swine flu?

726 schools in spring 2009
Where was the news coverage? This was after the fact. What pro sports leagues shut down? No way was there the hype and fear-mongering like this one. Obama was potus.
ridiculous. there was the typical fearmongering. but obama was a responsible serious person, not an internet troll like trump.

Flu outbreak: Walking the line between hyping and helping

View attachment 312137

Wrong...the democrats with press credentials protected obama, they are attacking Trump...

Corona is essentially a mild flu and the press are using it to create panic.....willing to burn down the country to beat Trump.
Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?
How many schools and sports leagues were shut down during swine flu?

726 schools in spring 2009
Where was the news coverage? This was after the fact. What pro sports leagues shut down? No way was there the hype and fear-mongering like this one. Obama was potus.
ridiculous. there was the typical fearmongering. but obama was a responsible serious person, not an internet troll like trump.

Flu outbreak: Walking the line between hyping and helping

View attachment 312137

Wrong...the democrats with press credentials protected obama, they are attacking Trump...

Corona is essentially a mild flu and the press are using it to create panic.....willing to burn down the country to beat Trump.
go shoot at the virus, you imbecile.

i am not interested in your trumpy queefs.
you are loud and dumb. this shit has been spread for days on this board. the obama administration declared a public health emergency on april 27, 2009.

U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency in Wake of Swine Flu

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.
We have a major pandemic that started in China and Trump banned travel to and from there. Colfax called him racist now he blames Trump for not being honest. Crazy.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it.
That you’re crazy? Doesn’t hurt me.

You lack honesty.
Your opinion on the mortality rate is irrelevant. You either have data or you don’t. Are you willing to roll the dice on the mortality rate?

SARS was during Bush. MRSA has been around for decades. Obama declared a national emergency on H1N1 and it was absolutely a huge deal.

Didn't Obama wait until 1,000 people died? Trump has already pulled out all the stops on only 38 people!

What's your "data" say about the 42 million deaths last year caused by abortions?

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing 42 Million People
no. obama did not wait until 1000 died.
no. research yourself instead of parrotting. 27.04.2009
So in other words, you don't know. Shit.

In April 2009, H1N1 Became a Pandemic; 6 Months Later, After 1,000 U.S. Deaths, Obama Finally Declared it a Public Health Emergency

Obama waited six months after H1N1 became a pandemic to declare a public health emergency.
The truth:
the Obama administration declared H1N1 a public health emergency on April 26, 2009.

That was when only 20 cases of H1N1 — and no deaths — around the country had been confirmed.
Two days later, the administration made an initial funding request for H1N1 to Congress. Eventually $7.65 billion was allocated for a vaccine and other measures.

H1N1 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on June 11, 2009.

In other words, the Obama administration’s public health emergency declaration came more than six weeks before the pandemic designation.
you are loud and dumb. this shit has been spread for days on this board. the obama administration declared a public health emergency on april 27, 2009.

U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency in Wake of Swine Flu

Nothing in your story contradicts anything I reported. But they considered Swine "very rare" at 20,000 infections per year. So far, we have HOW MANY?

Two weeks ago Trump said it was 15 cases and going to be zero very soon.

It’s now over 1000.
We have a major pandemic that started in China and Trump banned travel to and from there. Colfax called him racist now he blames Trump for not being honest. Crazy.

Truth hurts, doesn’t it.

Pretty funny considering that the truth is aimed at YOU, butthole!

You're so damned stupid you don't even realize when your being proven wrong and made an ass of!

10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Christopher A. Ferrara
Never Let a Good Coronavirus Go to Waste. First it was the Russian Collusion Hoax, based upon nothing but a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC in order to promote the media-fueled fever dream that Trump “colluded with Russia” to steal the election of 2016.
~~ snip ~~
None of these hoaxes have accomplished anything but a rise in Trump’s approval numbers. Every “bombshell” has ended with the sound of the DMC sitting on a whoopee cushion.
But now the DNC really thinks it has him. The Coronavirus Hoax, the latest attempt to undo Trump, is actually based upon something that exists: a virus that makes people sick. The trick here is to turn what is essentially a flu-like illness, whose effects on most people are minor, into the Black Plague so as to provoke worldwide panic, tank the Stock Market, cause a drastic slowdown of the American and global economies, and then blame it all on Trump.
But let’s look at the facts the Fake News shock troops deliberately hide while promoting a “get Trump at all costs” panic narrative.
First of all, they tell us to fear “the Coronavirus,” as if it were some ominous new pathogen of which medical science has no understanding. What they don’t tell us is what even the leftist-controlled World Health Organization (WHO)—now also fanning the flames of fear—explained on its own website: “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.”
Got that? Even the common cold is caused by a corona virus.
~~ snip ~~
Fear, not force, is the demagogue’s most powerful prod. A show of force can disperse a crowd, but fear can move entire populations in a specific direction. And the source of fear need be nothing more significant than a virus whose effects are dwarfed by the annual flu season.

What is really terrifying is not COVID-19, but rather the prospect that the demagogues might well succeed in exploiting it to achieve their end. They are not about to let a good coronavirus go to waste.

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s so I think most of us already had a taste of it. Isn't it odd that the Chinese Level 4 bio lab is located just outside the city of Wuhan where this virus made it's first appearance?
Americans have to learn that they are being manipulated by the self serving MSM, misinformed propagandized and politicized instead of being informed.
The list of fraudulent MSM narratives listed by Ferrara in just the last few years makes one wonder just how naïve the U.S. citizens really are.
You have to wonder where the PMS Leftist were when these coronaviruses were spreading during the Obama administration. Were H1N1, MRSA, and SARS just as, or more than virulent than the Wuhan Covid-19? Yes I'd say so... Therefore this outbreak is being overblown and used by the Left as terror weapon...

Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and ...
It is likely that these viruses will continue to emerge and to evolve and cause both human and veterinary outbreaks owing to their ability to recombine, mutate, and infect multiple species and cell types. Future research on coronaviruses will continue to investigate many aspects of …
I don’t know what you’re point is exactly by pointing out that Coronavirus has many subtypes.

The issue is that this is a novel strain with substantially increased mortality rates, not just compared to other Coronavirus strains, but even when compared to influenza.

Blah blah blah.....Trump eats puppies....blah blah blah blah.... corona....blah blah blah..
must impeach.....blah blah...headaches sore throats...blah blah.
10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Christopher A. Ferrara
Never Let a Good Coronavirus Go to Waste. First it was the Russian Collusion Hoax, based upon nothing but a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC in order to promote the media-fueled fever dream that Trump “colluded with Russia” to steal the election of 2016.
~~ snip ~~
None of these hoaxes have accomplished anything but a rise in Trump’s approval numbers. Every “bombshell” has ended with the sound of the DMC sitting on a whoopee cushion.
But now the DNC really thinks it has him. The Coronavirus Hoax, the latest attempt to undo Trump, is actually based upon something that exists: a virus that makes people sick. The trick here is to turn what is essentially a flu-like illness, whose effects on most people are minor, into the Black Plague so as to provoke worldwide panic, tank the Stock Market, cause a drastic slowdown of the American and global economies, and then blame it all on Trump.
But let’s look at the facts the Fake News shock troops deliberately hide while promoting a “get Trump at all costs” panic narrative.
First of all, they tell us to fear “the Coronavirus,” as if it were some ominous new pathogen of which medical science has no understanding. What they don’t tell us is what even the leftist-controlled World Health Organization (WHO)—now also fanning the flames of fear—explained on its own website: “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.”
Got that? Even the common cold is caused by a corona virus.
~~ snip ~~
Fear, not force, is the demagogue’s most powerful prod. A show of force can disperse a crowd, but fear can move entire populations in a specific direction. And the source of fear need be nothing more significant than a virus whose effects are dwarfed by the annual flu season.

What is really terrifying is not COVID-19, but rather the prospect that the demagogues might well succeed in exploiting it to achieve their end. They are not about to let a good coronavirus go to waste.

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s so I think most of us already had a taste of it. Isn't it odd that the Chinese Level 4 bio lab is located just outside the city of Wuhan where this virus made it's first appearance?
Americans have to learn that they are being manipulated by the self serving MSM, misinformed propagandized and politicized instead of being informed.
The list of fraudulent MSM narratives listed by Ferrara in just the last few years makes one wonder just how naïve the U.S. citizens really are.
You have to wonder where the PMS Leftist were when these coronaviruses were spreading during the Obama administration. Were H1N1, MRSA, and SARS just as, or more than virulent than the Wuhan Covid-19? Yes I'd say so... Therefore this outbreak is being overblown and used by the Left as terror weapon...

Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and ...
It is likely that these viruses will continue to emerge and to evolve and cause both human and veterinary outbreaks owing to their ability to recombine, mutate, and infect multiple species and cell types. Future research on coronaviruses will continue to investigate many aspects of …
I don’t know what you’re point is exactly by pointing out that Coronavirus has many subtypes.

The issue is that this is a novel strain with substantially increased mortality rates, not just compared to other Coronavirus strains, but even when compared to influenza.

Blah blah blah.....Trump eats puppies....blah blah blah blah.... corona....blah blah blah..
must impeach.....blah blah...headaches sore throats...blah blah.

This is the attitude that’s going to get us all in a heap of trouble.
The American doctor working with WHO is Eziekiel Emanuel. This is the brother of Rahm "never let a crisis go to waste" Emanuel.

Connect these two dots.

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