The Corrupt Management At Wells-Fargo

No...I don't have to because you did....
Show where I did.
Post #6

No...I don't have to because you did....
Show where I did.
Post #6
Explain how post #6 proves the financial sector is nationalized.
It's self explanatory.....
Then explain it. Or are you a fucking moron and too stupid?

Explain how post #6 proves the financial sector is nationalized.
It's self explanatory.....
Then explain it. Or are you a fucking moron and too stupid?
Well it is never too late to educate yourself. Nowadays with the internet at our fingertips even on phones it is easy. Of course if you only access conspiracy or heavily partisan propaganda sites you will only learn falsehoods. Anyways good luck to you.

Explain how post #6 proves the financial sector is nationalized.
It's self explanatory.....
Then explain it. Or are you a fucking moron and too stupid?
Well it is never too late to educate yourself. Nowadays with the internet at our fingertips even on phones it is easy. Of course if you only access conspiracy or heavily partisan propaganda sites you will only learn falsehoods. Anyways good luck to you.
You did a fine job of educating us....thanks!!!
Clearly this happened because the financial sector is just bogged right down with regulations, and if we eliminated them all they will police themselves just fine! Sure there might be a massive global depression they cause initially, but eventually the great free market will correct itself and all will be well happily ever after!

Ironically, you destroyed your own position right in your own post. While attempting to be sarcastic, you accidentally pointed out that despite the millions on millions of regulations we have... fraud can still happen. Apparently your endless piles of non-stop controls and regulations, still failed to stop even the most simple of fraudulent activities..... making a fake account.

I think you would be hard pressed to show even one single example of a highly regulated industry, that you have succeeded in regulating all the problems away.

Millions o' regulations! Millions!

Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well looks like you are wrong as usual, the financial industry was deregulated, and they screwed up the world economy. But let me guess, they just weren't deregulated enough! Why if we just left them to their own devices they would do the best for everyone and we will all live happily ever after lol.

So what you are saying is that you are ignorant, and arrogant. If you don't realize that the US banking system is one of the most regulated banking systems in the entire world.... then you have identified yourself as to uneducated on this topic, to be taken seriously by anyone.

There is no system anywhere on this Earth, more regulated than our system. Period.

If you don't know that, then you are not qualified to talk about this topic. You can still do so, of course, but only from the position of an uninformed fool.

Explain how post #6 proves the financial sector is nationalized.
It's self explanatory.....
Then explain it. Or are you a fucking moron and too stupid?
Well it is never too late to educate yourself. Nowadays with the internet at our fingertips even on phones it is easy. Of course if you only access conspiracy or heavily partisan propaganda sites you will only learn falsehoods. Anyways good luck to you.

And yet.... you are still not educated, and all the internet information at your fingertips, you are still ignorant.

Take your own advice, before trying to give it to others.

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