The 'Couldn't Happen Here' File

Where in Sweden is government sanctioned forced sterilization being performed today?

What are you talking about? You are all over the place. Missing the forest for the trees, aren't you?

Articulate in your own words what the point of the OP is.

1) Progressivism, Liberalism, socialism, communism...whatever appellation is applied...all are permutations based on the same ideas.
2) Viewing the collective as a higher value than the individual, the life of any under their purview become inconsequential.
Your daily "they're out to get me" manifesto holds no interest.

That's two tries......and still, not a word about the OP.....

What kind of fool are your?

.....assuming that there are various varieties of fool, and you've been labeled enough to choose one.

Why don't you answer the question, is slavery (cheap labor=greater profit) more a form of capitalism or socialism.
You're pretty good with the copy paste stuff though.

That puts me one up on you....'re not good with anything.
Lmao. Stupid defending stupid. Yes, this thread is a mess.

My 545 neg beats your 464 neg. Still negged! HAH! You are such an idiot.

Omg you are so pokemon dude! You so cool....
Yeah, TK! Obviously, Transformers are MUCH cooler! Right, Plasmaball? Robots in disguise! Fuck yeah, dood!!

Trying to get that snooty liberal thing down, did it piss him off? Then I think I got the hang of it.

Imagine, he has no idea how inflammatory he is. I'm into more gothic games. As referenced by my avatar and signature. Pokemon is so 1998.
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The main proponents of forced sterilization for eugenic purposes in the US were white supremacist racist anti-immigrant conservative types, such as Harry H. Laughlin:

and Charles Davenport

My muse!

Once again you've inadvertently inspired an up-coming OP....

I will be constructing one that lays eugenics and forced sterilizations at the feet of the Progressives....the Liberals....just where it belongs.

Bet you didn't know that President Kennedy's sister was lobotomized by her dad because he believed her to be a 'loose woman.'

Another story of 'Liberals on Parade.'
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To get right to the point, there are two truths that a study of history makes eminently clear:

1) Progressivism, Liberalism, socialism, communism...whatever appellation is applied...all are permutations based on the same ideas.
2) Viewing the collective as a higher value than the individual, the life of any under their purview become inconsequential.

Consider this history of socialist paradises Sweden and Norway....a cautionary tale for Obama voters.

1. "Sweden is the poster state for those who believe in the power of the government to solve all problems. Frequently referred to as a "benevolent" socialist or social democratic state, to distinguish it from the run-of-the-mill socialist butcher shop, such as Cuba, China, North Korea, the USSR, and most of Africa, Latin and Central America, and Asia, Sweden is the Promised Land of the Left. Where the USSR was a departure from the genius of Karl Marx, Sweden shows the potential.

2.... the Swedes have not always acted benevolently, as reported on page A1 of the August 29, 1997,Washington Post,
From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers.

a. ... "there was nothing secret about the sterilization program. It was carried out in the light of public debate at a time when Swedes believed they were creating a society that would be the envy of the world." The Swedish Institute for Racial Biology, founded in 1922, was the first national institute of the kind. The Swedes were also the first to sterilize the mentally ill, beginning in 1934.

b. ...the ruling party at the time — the Social Democrats — "accepted the policy as an essential part of their overall philosophy." This claims is supported by the fact that, as noted above, the Social Democrats came to power in Sweden in 1932. In other words, they waited a mere two years before embarking on a program of eugenics.

c. ... that "90 per cent of [those sterilizied] were women," and that "the practice, which predated and outlived Nazi Germany, started as an attempt to weed out perceived genetic weaknesses, mental or physical defectsand ended as a method of social control." According to Professor Gunnar Broberg, "Young girls were told they would be set free from [mental] homes and prisons ‘if we are allowed to make you calmer.'"

d. .... supporters of the sterilization program were Gunnar and Alva Myrdal, according to a 1991 Swedish radio documentary produced by Bosse Lindquist. Gunnar Myrdal was a socialist economist who shared the 1974 Nobel Prize for Economics with Friedrich Hayek. Gunnar Myrdal has also been praised as a "pioneer" in race relations.

3. Unfortunately, sterilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. As the Irish Times and Agence-France Presse reported on April 7, 1998, a Swedish Television documentary reveals that Sweden lobotomized perhaps 4500 "undesirables," in some cases without the consent of their families:

Some 500 lobotomies were conducted on patients who were not from mental hospitals...including a seven-year-old boy in Umeaa in northern Sweden in 1949. Diagnosed as "mentally retarded, hyperactive", he died during surgery.

4. Sweden, however, is not alone in hiding its past. As the Irish Times also reports,
Since the Swedish revelations, other apparently "clean" countries have found similar skeletons in their cupboards. Both Norway and Denmark had similar policies. And this week a Swiss history professor, Hans Ulrich Jost, said Swiss doctors sterilised mentally-handicapped patients (again most of them women) against their will under a law passed in 1928.
"Even Hitler requested a copy of the law from the canton and from the government in Berne as a basis for Nazi Germany's own racist laws."

5. Europe and the rest of the world indeed ought to face facts and admit their hypocrisy where eugenics and human rights are concerned. Europe and the rest of the world should also give up their search for a magical socialist solution to the material conditions of human existence."

Hmmm, not sure with what the Swiss history has to do with America today, but good resaearching on your part.:eusa_angel:

Where does the current socialist regime in Washington fit into this?

6. Hand in glove:

" Signs of ObamaCare's failings mount daily, including soaring insurance costs, looming provider shortages and inadequate insurance exchanges. Yet the law's most disturbing feature may be the Independent Payment Advisory Board. The IPAB, sometimes called a "death panel," threatens both the Medicare program and the Constitution's separation of powers....

For a vivid illustration of the extent to which life-and-death medical decisions have already been usurped by government bureaucrats, consider the recent refusal by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to waive the rules barring access by 10-year old Sarah Murnaghan to the adult lung-transplant list."

How long will the Obama supporters rely on vincible ignorance???

Yep, why didn't the republicans support 100% national health care and save us all some money? Not sure what your concern is with a 10 year old girls lung, when you have no problem with Bush's murder, torture & rape of other young girls who were innocent.:eusa_shhh:

And if you really care about this little girl I am sure you favor 100% national health care so that will never be a problem again. Oh!! Also you didn't mention that her mom had two healthy lungs, why didn't she donate her own that would be completely compatiable so the poor little girl wouldn't have to be on rejection drugs all her life. How heartless of her uncaring mom to rob another patient of a lung, rather than give her own to her own daughter. Sniff, sniff............ :eusa_angel:

"why didn't the republicans support 100% national health care"

They did.

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)[1] is a U.S. Act of Congress passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). It requires hospitals to provide care to anyone needing emergency healthcare treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. There are no reimbursement provisions. Participating hospitals may only transfer or discharge patients needing emergency treatment under their own informed consent, after stabilization, or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer the treatment.

Know who the President was in 1986?

This statement is pretty much prima facie evidence of your mental instability: "... Bush's murder, torture & rape of other young girls who were innocent."
Omg you are so pokemon dude! You so cool....
Yeah, TK! Obviously, Transformers are MUCH cooler! Right, Plasmaball? Robots in disguise! Fuck yeah, dood!!

Trying to get that snooty liberal thing down, did it piss him off? Then I think I got the hang of it.

Imagine, he has no idea how inflammatory he is. I'm into more gothic games. As referenced by my avatar and signature. Pokemon is so 1998.

You pissed him off by disagreeing with him. The left HATES that. They believe the First Amendment guarantees them a willing audience, unthinking acceptance, and freedom from criticism.

No wonder they're so bitter. :lol:
Yeah, TK! Obviously, Transformers are MUCH cooler! Right, Plasmaball? Robots in disguise! Fuck yeah, dood!!

Trying to get that snooty liberal thing down, did it piss him off? Then I think I got the hang of it.

Imagine, he has no idea how inflammatory he is. I'm into more gothic games. As referenced by my avatar and signature. Pokemon is so 1998.

You pissed him off by disagreeing with him. The left HATES that. They believe the First Amendment guarantees them a willing audience, unthinking acceptance, and freedom from criticism.

No wonder they're so bitter. :lol:

Oh talking out your ass again. Why would I get upset over someone disagreeing with me?
No please go on this should be amusing. I love watching you be full of shit...
Trying to get that snooty liberal thing down, did it piss him off? Then I think I got the hang of it.

Imagine, he has no idea how inflammatory he is. I'm into more gothic games. As referenced by my avatar and signature. Pokemon is so 1998.

You pissed him off by disagreeing with him. The left HATES that. They believe the First Amendment guarantees them a willing audience, unthinking acceptance, and freedom from criticism.

No wonder they're so bitter. :lol:

Oh talking out your ass again. Why would I get upset over someone disagreeing with me?
No please go on this should be amusing. I love watching you be full of shit...
Because, obviously, you get upset with people disagreeing with you. It's obvious.

Don't feel bad. Intolerance of differing views is very common on the left.
Your daily "they're out to get me" manifesto holds no interest.

That's two tries......and still, not a word about the OP.....

What kind of fool are your?

.....assuming that there are various varieties of fool, and you've been labeled enough to choose one.

Why don't you answer the question, is slavery (cheap labor=greater profit) more a form of capitalism or socialism.
You're pretty good with the copy paste stuff though.

Slave labor isn't "cheap labor" - it's forced labor. In that respect, it is much more akin to Socialism than Capitalism. True Capitalism is the voluntary exchange of goods and services. Slavery can only exist when a government structure allows one person to own it is State Cronyism. Socialism does the owning of serfs directly and skips the middlemen.
You pissed him off by disagreeing with him. The left HATES that. They believe the First Amendment guarantees them a willing audience, unthinking acceptance, and freedom from criticism.

No wonder they're so bitter. :lol:

Oh talking out your ass again. Why would I get upset over someone disagreeing with me?
No please go on this should be amusing. I love watching you be full of shit...
Because, obviously, you get upset with people disagreeing with you. It's obvious.

Don't feel bad. Intolerance of differing views is very common on the left.
Lol I love it when people project as if they know myself better than myself.
Trust me you are not that important to get pissed off at.
Hmmm...all very interesting researching this.
The Swedish history is shocking, I agree.
However the first country to implement a policy of eugenics was the US, and it was started on white folk.
Roosevelt was a particular proponent.

In fact, Hitler name-checked the US as a shining example of eugenics.

It causes one to wonder if eugenics is the reason that the US became the world's sole superpower?
Are Americans the super-race that Hitler dreamed of?
Hmmm...all very interesting researching this.
The Swedish history is shocking, I agree.
However the first country to implement a policy of eugenics was the US, and it was started on white folk.
Roosevelt was a particular proponent.

In fact, Hitler name-checked the US as a shining example of eugenics.

It causes one to wonder if eugenics is the reason that the US became the world's sole superpower?
Are Americans the super-race that Hitler dreamed of?

A step further: under the first Progressive President, the United States was actually the first fascist state in the industrial world.

Quite a record the Progressives/socialists/Liberals have, huh?
The rightwing idiocy here is that American liberals, who are the core of the Democratic Party,

want to promote some sort of eugenics based policy, including abortion,

to reduce the birthrate of African-Americans,

from whom the Democratic Party receives 90+% support.

lol, I'm guessing there are even rightwing inmates here who are crazy enough not just to believe that,

but to have what they think is a rational explanation why liberals/Democrats would want to do that.
The rightwing idiocy here is that American liberals, who are the core of the Democratic Party,

want to promote some sort of eugenics based policy, including abortion,

to reduce the birthrate of African-Americans,

from whom the Democratic Party receives 90+% support.

lol, I'm guessing there are even rightwing inmates here who are crazy enough not just to believe that,

but to have what they think is a rational explanation why liberals/Democrats would want to do that.

"You can run, but you can't hide."
The Brown Bomber.
Hmmm...all very interesting researching this.
The Swedish history is shocking, I agree.
However the first country to implement a policy of eugenics was the US, and it was started on white folk.
Roosevelt was a particular proponent.

In fact, Hitler name-checked the US as a shining example of eugenics.

It causes one to wonder if eugenics is the reason that the US became the world's sole superpower?
Are Americans the super-race that Hitler dreamed of?

No federal laws supporting involuntary sterilization were ever passed.

If I'm not mistaken, non-consensual birth control measures are still commonly used on mentally retarded, in institutions, group homes etc.,

such as birth control pills for women,

which I suppose most conservatives also object to. For some reason.
"The aim of the eugenics movement in the United States during the first half of the twentieth century was to prevent the degeneration of the white race.

A central tactic of the movement was the involuntary sterilization of people labeled as feebleminded.

An analysis of the practice of eugenic sterilization provides insight into how the concepts of gender, race, class, and disability are fundamentally intertwined.

I argue that in the early twentieth century, the concept of feeblemindedness came to operate as an umbrella concept that linked off-white ethnicity, poverty, and gendered conceptions of lack of moral character together

and that feeblemindedness thus understood functioned as the signifier of tainted whiteness."

Anna Stubblefield - 'Beyond the Pale': Tainted Whiteness, Cognitive Disability, and Eugenic Sterilization"
As long as people like this live, it can and will happen here. The desire to do nothing else in life except recline at table and have government supplied servants periodically come by and drop succulent grapes into your open and waiting mouths is as old as humanity itself. Obama knows this and does everything in his power to maximize the returns for his promises to do exactly that.

Welfare Queen: ?Who Would Want To Work In America? This Is What The Taxpayers Are Paying For?? | Weasel Zippers

Obama told us what he was going to do at Loyola University in 1998

Those people on welfare along with the working poor constitute a critical mass that if manipulated properly could lead to the installation of a (Communist) in office and maintain him there for a considerable time.

"I'm not really here to look for a job. I'm here just to get me some o those Obamabucks"

"A Democracy will succeed up until the point the people learn how to vote themselves the contents of the nation's treasury"

We're toast at this point in the age of Obama.
Healthcare minus all socialism would be a system where if you could afford it, you'd get it,

and if you couldn't afford it, you'd go without.

The richer you were, all else being equal, the healthier you'd be. The poorer you were, the less healthy you'd be.

That would amount to Mother Nature's eugenics, aka, survival of the fittest with some law of the jungle thrown in.

It is amazing how the human race survived without socialized healthcare. And, it is very obvious that the poor also managed to survive without socialized healthcare. Contrary to your collectivest thought pattern, private charities provided for healthcare for the poor, long before government ever got involved.

In fact, America had excellent and affordable health care, right up to the point where the federal government decided to get involved in the business with the Medicare program. We should have been warned by how well the federal government provided healthcare to native Americans.

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