The Coup against Trump part 2, The CDC edition, use the virus to shut down economy....

Funny how near-sighted our Trump fanatics here are. Did the Chinese shut down their economy to get rid of XiJinping? How about the Europeans?

The fact is the attempt to slow the spread of this virus worked in China (at least so far) and hopefully "social distancing" will work here and in Europe. Maybe the warm weather will help too, as we all should hope. But nobody knows for sure. Our health system is a patchwork, and our central government is unable and unwilling to follow up and treat or quarantine every infected person and take other draconian measures as in China.

The panic here may get much worse than in China, where the population has a different culture and historical experiences and more readily accept sacrifices and the need to be on a war footing. The economic damage here will be immense, especially because our financial system may collapse like an inflated balloon. But we should do better than China given we are per capita far wealthier, have a more developed health system, are not so crowded together in cities and small apartments, and have had forewarning. We shall see.

If this gets out of control, of course it will not be like the plague, and it will mostly be our older folks who will die. Some of those old folks have the big money and power in society, however, and even Trump is now afraid of letting this thing spread in an unrestrained fashion, overwhelm our hospitals, and kill hundreds of thousands or maybe even a million oldsters. That is probably what some cynical young people advocate, however, though they do not usually say it outright.

With all due respect, Tom...would you like to explain to me why THIS virus demands the destruction of our economy when the Swine Flu, the Equine Flu and the Bird Flu did not? What the hell are we doing? People need to take the same precautions for this flu outbreak as they do for the countless OTHER viruses that we deal with every single year! If you're elderly or in bad health...then you need to protect yourself. It you're neither of those things then get on with your life!

Good question. The "destruction of the economy" is something nobody wants, Trump certainly doesn't want that. The Chinese didn't want it either. There were charges that WHO overhyped and too early called the 2009 "Swine Flu" H1N1 outbreak "a pandemic" causing unnecessary panic, just as now some Trump supporters argue Obama was too slow to act since some 12,000 Americans reportedly died of it. But Swine flu had a fatality rate far far lower than even regular flu (some .01%-.03%) and this new coronavirus may have a real fatality rate far far higher (possibly 2%). Some 10-20% of the world's population [maybe 20% in the U.S.] eventually caught Swine Flu (according to Wiki), yet in the U.S. our hospital system was never overwhelmed. I'm no expert, but experience in Italy and China seem to indicate that strong social restrictions are important in preventing a worst case scenario.

Even without any government activity, however, people and businesses would themselves take strong measures, and the economy will take a body blow. For example Trump claimed, correctly, that he was right to early cut off tourist travel from China, but the airlines were already canceling flights then, as pilots and crews were demanding this action. I lived in China for eight years and know how much economic and social sacrifice it took to stop the spread there. Yet they succeeded (at least so far).

It isn't easy to make the right call concerning "shutting down," or to know when to open up again. If the virus is limited folks will say we went too far. If it kills hundreds of thousands or even a million, they will scream we did too little. That is just the political reality in fighting epidemics.

I hate to call you naïve, Tom but if you REALLY believe that the powers that be at the DNC and the main stream media aren't tickled pink that the economy is in the shitter...then all I can say is that you're VERY naïve!
We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?

Fuck the deep states and the left

The leftards were calling the Donald wacist when he stopped travel coming out of china now thier just bitch bitch bitch bitching

I hope it wipes out all the boomer lefties

I was flicking through the channels the other night and on cnn one moron was all vote for joe ...he'll put competent obama era bureaucrats in charge ....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Oldstyle writes:
"I hate to call you naïve, Tom but if you REALLY believe that the powers that be at the DNC and the main stream media aren't tickled pink that the economy is in the shitter...then all I can say is that you're VERY naïve!"

I'm sure professional politicians are always happy when the other side faces crisis and looks incompetent dealing with it. The DNC leaders are certainly happy the crisis came now rather than later. But the DNC doesn't control Wall Street, anymore than they created this virus.

This is a world crisis, and Americans who believe everything good or bad that happens in our society or the world happens either because of Trump or else because of the DNC are, imo, the truly naive ones. I can see you are not a conspiracy theorist like too many Trump fanatics. That's probably why we can discuss intelligently together, despite differences.

I have often criticized Democrats for their identity politics, their TDS anti-Putin obsessions, their foreign and domestic policies. I think what we need to understand is that most of the problems we have in the U.S. are the result of long-term bi-partisan economic and social policies. Similarly most of the ultimately self-defeating imperialist policies of the U.S. abroad are also essentially bipartisan. At least in my view.
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We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?
People are dying all over the world just to help us "get tRump"?

Wow, the American Democratic party is much more powerful than I thought!
Oldstyle writes:
"I hate to call you naïve, Tom but if you REALLY believe that the powers that be at the DNC and the main stream media aren't tickled pink that the economy is in the shitter...then all I can say is that you're VERY naïve!"

I'm sure professional politicians are always happy when the other side faces crisis and looks incompetent dealing with it. The DNC leaders are certainly happy the crisis came now rather than later. But the DNC doesn't control Wall Street, anymore than they created this virus.

This is a world crisis, and Americans who believe everything good or bad that happens in our society or the world happens either because of Trump or else because of the DNC are, imo, the truly naive ones. I can see you are not a conspiracy theorist like too many Trump fanatics. That's probably why we can discuss intelligently together, despite differences.

I have often criticized Democrats for their identity politics, their TDS anti-Putin obsessions, their foreign and domestic policies. I think what we need to understand is that most of the problems we have in the U.S. are the result of long-term bi-partisan economic and social policies. Similarly most of the ultimately self-defeating imperialist policies of the U.S. abroad are also essentially bipartisan. At least in my view.

I never said the DNC controls Wall Street, Tom but you'd be hard pressed to claim they don't control the main stream media these days! My point was that they are loving the fact that this virus is wreaking havoc on the economy because they can't win the election in November with either Bernie Sanders OR Joe Biden if the economy is strong. They need this to get worse and they need the worse to linger! I don't think it's going to work for them though because the timing is bad. The worst of this virus should run it's course in several months and then the economy is going to come roaring back. At least in my view! :)
We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?
People are dying all over the world just to help us "get tRump"?

Wow, the American Democratic party is much more powerful than I thought!

What the DNC and the main stream media are doing the words of Rahm Emanuel...not letting a crisis go to waste! That's not power...that's perversion!
The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level

Is this part of the Coup 2?


Please send what I found to the White House.

March 17, 2020 Official Statement from the Headquarters of The Democratic Party National Committee.​

Dear Comrades,​

As a card carrying Communist I, Melvin R Snofallacuss wish to express our deep and sincere gratitude for the 1809 Italians who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the cause of removing Donald J Trump from office. I also want to thank the 25,000 Italians who have injected Coronavirus into their bodies also in the Great Noble Cause of removing DJT from power.​

I also must thank the deep state in Italy for shutting down the entire economy and individual freedoms of all the Italians who did not submit themselves to our worthy cause.​

As you know all other attempts to remove Trump from office have failed and desperate times call for desperate measures. So thank you Italy for helping to perpetuate our hoax. These desperate measures are working as recognized by the fact that millions in the Cult of Trumpism believe this message is real. Not fake news.​

“Italy on Sunday reported 368 new deaths from the coronavirus outbreak as the country's death toll hit 1,809 while the number of positive cases rose to 24,747 from 21,157 on Saturday, the country's civil protection authority said.”​

Onward Comrades!!!!!
Comrade Melvin R Snofallacuss / DNC PolitBureau, Washington DC​
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Now the virus response is a coup against Trump??????. This thread is beyond moronic. You need serious help if you truly believe this.

It must have forced the blob to declare a national emergency.

The OP is the dumbest motherfucker ever.
We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?
People are dying all over the world just to help us "get tRump"?

Wow, the American Democratic party is much more powerful than I thought!

Did they pay off all those Italians to stage a quarantine? How does that work?
We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?
People are dying all over the world just to help us "get tRump"?

Wow, the American Democratic party is much more powerful than I thought! isn't surprising that you either pretend to be this dense or actually are this dense...

As the first post stated, the virus is real, the democrats are exploiting it to attack Trump.
We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?
People are dying all over the world just to help us "get tRump"?

Wow, the American Democratic party is much more powerful than I thought!

What the DNC and the main stream media are doing the words of Rahm Emanuel...not letting a crisis go to waste! That's not power...that's perversion!


You get the virus you get a fever and a cough for a few days.......if you are a senior citizen you are at greater risk but the vast majority of the population isn't at risk of dying....

As several articles have pointed out, the H1N1 virus was deadlier, longer, before obama acted, and yet we did not shut down the economy.....

We did for this.......that is the difference.....Trump is President going into an election with a strong economy......the anti-Trumpers at the CDC, which includes Rod Rosenstein's sister........imagine that........are likely giving advice that will scare Wall Street, and give cover for Democrat governors to close down sectors of their state economies and the school systems.....
Oldstyle writes:
"I hate to call you naïve, Tom but if you REALLY believe that the powers that be at the DNC and the main stream media aren't tickled pink that the economy is in the shitter...then all I can say is that you're VERY naïve!"

I'm sure professional politicians are always happy when the other side faces crisis and looks incompetent dealing with it. The DNC leaders are certainly happy the crisis came now rather than later. But the DNC doesn't control Wall Street, anymore than they created this virus.

This is a world crisis, and Americans who believe everything good or bad that happens in our society or the world happens either because of Trump or else because of the DNC are, imo, the truly naive ones. I can see you are not a conspiracy theorist like too many Trump fanatics. That's probably why we can discuss intelligently together, despite differences.

I have often criticized Democrats for their identity politics, their TDS anti-Putin obsessions, their foreign and domestic policies. I think what we need to understand is that most of the problems we have in the U.S. are the result of long-term bi-partisan economic and social policies. Similarly most of the ultimately self-defeating imperialist policies of the U.S. abroad are also essentially bipartisan. At least in my view.

I never said the DNC controls Wall Street, Tom but you'd be hard pressed to claim they don't control the main stream media these days! My point was that they are loving the fact that this virus is wreaking havoc on the economy because they can't win the election in November with either Bernie Sanders OR Joe Biden if the economy is strong. They need this to get worse and they need the worse to linger! I don't think it's going to work for them though because the timing is bad. The worst of this virus should run it's course in several months and then the economy is going to come roaring back. At least in my view! :)

Yep......they should have let this linger till June....they allowed too much time for a recovery and for people to start thinking about why we shut everything down for something that hasn't even matched the lethality of the seasonal flu......especially with nothing but time on their hands since they can't go anywhere and are confined to their homes....with kids who aren't in school and can't go anywhere, not even the malls......
We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?
People are dying all over the world just to help us "get tRump"?

Wow, the American Democratic party is much more powerful than I thought!

Did they pay off all those Italians to stage a quarantine? How does that work?
You tell me mang, it's not my conspiracy theory.
As several articles have pointed out, the H1N1 virus was deadlier, longer, before obama acted, and yet we did not shut down the economy.....

We did for this.......that is the difference

Obama declared a national health emergency in April 2009 before anyone died. his response was immediate three months into his presidency. You are a liar.

But beyond that lie. Coronavirus is more dangerous than the swine flu because people that have it can spread it before showing any symptoms.

I don’t expect a Trumporoid to be able to understand the difference.
As several articles have pointed out, the H1N1 virus was deadlier, longer, before obama acted, and yet we did not shut down the economy.....

We did for this.......that is the difference

Obama declared a national health emergency in April 2009 before anyone died. his response was immediate three months into his presidency. You are a liar.

But beyond that lie. Coronavirus is more dangerous than the swine flu because people that have it can spread it before showing any symptoms.

I don’t expect a Trumporoid to be able to understand the difference.

You are a moron.......Trump sealed the border.......obama didn't respond and declare it a national emergency till 10s of thousands had it and 1000 were moron.....

And it isn't more dangerous than the swine flu, you twit...everything is more dangerous to older people.......
We know that the leadership of the FBI under obama, working with the leadership, john brennan, of the CIA, and members of the State Department, worked with the DNC and hilary to create fake information about Trump to initiate illegal surveillance against him and his people ....... this was later used to initiate a years long fake investigation by robert mueller which was then followed up by a fake impeachment to remove him from office.....

How do we know that these same in the Centers For Disease Control, aren't using the virus as a way to attack Trump.....the Coup Part 2?

We know that if you get the virus, you get a fever, a cough, and after a few days you get better....and yes...if you are a senior citizen with underlying conditions, you are at more severe risk...but that is true of the seasonal flu....

How do we know that the measures they are calling for, which are shutting down major sectors of the economy, aren't motivated more by getting Trump, than by realistically dealing with the virus?

The economy was one of Trump's strongest points....and now, through the measures pushed by the CDC, major sectors of the economy are being shut down, and the measures are now being used by democrat governors to shut down state level economies.....

Is this part of the Coup 2?
People are dying all over the world just to help us "get tRump"?

Wow, the American Democratic party is much more powerful than I thought!

Did they pay off all those Italians to stage a quarantine? How does that work?

You mean the Italians with the single payer healthcare system that you liberals want to give all of us Americans? How's that working for them?

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