The Coward Hillary Couldn't Even Face Her Supporters..

Nov 1, 2014
Hillary Clinton Didn’t Show Up for Own Concession Speech on Election Night

The Evening Standard claimed that Clinton didn’t give the concession speech, after the race was called after 1:30 AM Eastern time, because she was so upset and couldn’t bear to give it. The wording of the article itself lends itself to this narrative of a fragile, upset woman:

And when the moment came early today to admit that her lifelong dream of becoming America’s first woman president had been dashed, she simply couldn’t face the world.

The devastated Democratic candidate remained locked in her New York hotel room as it became clear that her glass ceiling had come crashing down around her.
When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.
Hillary Clinton Didn’t Show Up for Own Concession Speech on Election Night

The Evening Standard claimed that Clinton didn’t give the concession speech, after the race was called after 1:30 AM Eastern time, because she was so upset and couldn’t bear to give it. The wording of the article itself lends itself to this narrative of a fragile, upset woman:

And when the moment came early today to admit that her lifelong dream of becoming America’s first woman president had been dashed, she simply couldn’t face the world.

The devastated Democratic candidate remained locked in her New York hotel room as it became clear that her glass ceiling had come crashing down around her.
First of, she conceded on election night personally to Trump. I know you guys feel you have a right to make this is painful as possible for her, but that says more about you then her. Secondly it's rich to call her a coward when Trump not Hillary refused to say beforehand he would concede. Thirdly spinning a narrative unfairly has been the tactic towards her throughout this process. So in this one OP, you expose the lack of empathy, dishonesty and hypocrisy that has marred this win. And made this an election not about qualification and ideas but about anger and fear.
Not making a concession speech is one thing, but after the race was lost, not to say a few words of thanks to your supporters who worked so hard is rather rude. Even a Hillary apologist ought to be able to see that.
What did you expect. Hillary is about HILLARY. PERIOD.

It wasn't about thanking her supporters. She goes to give a shit about them.

Her handling of the situation last night PROVES how bad she would have been as POTUS.
Hillary Clinton Didn’t Show Up for Own Concession Speech on Election Night

The Evening Standard claimed that Clinton didn’t give the concession speech, after the race was called after 1:30 AM Eastern time, because she was so upset and couldn’t bear to give it. The wording of the article itself lends itself to this narrative of a fragile, upset woman:

And when the moment came early today to admit that her lifelong dream of becoming America’s first woman president had been dashed, she simply couldn’t face the world.

The devastated Democratic candidate remained locked in her New York hotel room as it became clear that her glass ceiling had come crashing down around her.
First of, she conceded on election night personally to Trump. I know you guys feel you have a right to make this is painful as possible for her, but that says more about you then her. Secondly it's rich to call her a coward when Trump not Hillary refused to say beforehand he would concede. Thirdly spinning a narrative unfairly has been the tactic towards her throughout this process. So in this one OP, you expose the lack of empathy, dishonesty and hypocrisy that has marred this win. And made this an election not about qualification and ideas but about anger and fear.
I feel sorry for Hillary's supporters, not soulless hacks like you. They stood there for hours and when the electoral votes didn't tally up, they were literally in tears. It's those people she abandoned. And you think I give a TRIPLE FLYING FAHRVERGNUGEN how this affects Clinton? That just shows how ignorant you are. She owed it to those people to show up, and she should be despised for staying locked up in her hotel room because she's a FUCKING COWARD!

Get it now?
Hillary Clinton Didn’t Show Up for Own Concession Speech on Election Night

The Evening Standard claimed that Clinton didn’t give the concession speech, after the race was called after 1:30 AM Eastern time, because she was so upset and couldn’t bear to give it. The wording of the article itself lends itself to this narrative of a fragile, upset woman:

And when the moment came early today to admit that her lifelong dream of becoming America’s first woman president had been dashed, she simply couldn’t face the world.

The devastated Democratic candidate remained locked in her New York hotel room as it became clear that her glass ceiling had come crashing down around her.

In all fairness, by the time Hillary had finished that third bottle of Scotch, she was in no condition to make a concession speech. Besides, he staff hadn't cleaned up all the glass from the dishes she had been throwing at them.....
When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.

Kerry gave his the following day.
it looked like an expensive shindig, the whole stage setup and everything with the map of america all lit up and all those suckers who took out loans and maxed out their credit cards to pay for hillary's campaign. she could at least give five minutes to blame the russians one last time.
She probably had to be sedated to keep her from destroying shit.

Next stop, prison.

When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.

Kerry gave his the following day.
So cowardice is common among Democrats? It's understandable when an election is so close that the results aren't clear, as was the case in 2000 when Gore's concession speech came a few days later, but this election was very unmistakable in its results. There's no excuse for Hillary leaving those people in New York in pain and crying. She never cared about them, they were peons, a means to an end for her.

Character is revealed by one's actions and she has none.
When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.

Kerry gave his the following day.
So cowardice is common among Democrats? It's understandable when an election is so close that the results aren't clear, as was the case in 2000 when Gore's concession speech came a few days later, but this election was very unmistakable in its results. There's no excuse for Hillary leaving those people in New York in pain and crying. She never cared about them, they were peons, a means to an end for her.

Character is revealed by one's actions and she has none.

Eh, I'm not seeing the cowardice. You seem to only see what you want to see.
When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.

Kerry gave his the following day.
So cowardice is common among Democrats? It's understandable when an election is so close that the results aren't clear, as was the case in 2000 when Gore's concession speech came a few days later, but this election was very unmistakable in its results. There's no excuse for Hillary leaving those people in New York in pain and crying. She never cared about them, they were peons, a means to an end for her.

Character is revealed by one's actions and she has none.

Eh, I'm not seeing the cowardice. You seem to only see what you want to see.
Of course not because you're a soulless hack. You could drop off the face of the earth and I wouldn't care. I care about those supporters who were pining for some words of consolation and comfort. They didn't deserve to be abandoned like that and I was very sad for them.
Hillary Clinton Didn’t Show Up for Own Concession Speech on Election Night

The Evening Standard claimed that Clinton didn’t give the concession speech, after the race was called after 1:30 AM Eastern time, because she was so upset and couldn’t bear to give it. The wording of the article itself lends itself to this narrative of a fragile, upset woman:

And when the moment came early today to admit that her lifelong dream of becoming America’s first woman president had been dashed, she simply couldn’t face the world.

The devastated Democratic candidate remained locked in her New York hotel room as it became clear that her glass ceiling had come crashing down around her.
First of, she conceded on election night personally to Trump. I know you guys feel you have a right to make this is painful as possible for her, but that says more about you then her. Secondly it's rich to call her a coward when Trump not Hillary refused to say beforehand he would concede. Thirdly spinning a narrative unfairly has been the tactic towards her throughout this process. So in this one OP, you expose the lack of empathy, dishonesty and hypocrisy that has marred this win. And made this an election not about qualification and ideas but about anger and fear.
I feel sorry for Hillary's supporters, not soulless hacks like you. They stood there for hours and when the electoral votes didn't tally up, they were literally in tears. It's those people she abandoned. And you think I give a TRIPLE FLYING FAHRVERGNUGEN how this affects Clinton? That just shows how ignorant you are. She owed it to those people to show up, and she should be despised for staying locked up in her hotel room because she's a FUCKING COWARD!

Get it now?
Oh I got it a while ago. I get that the fact that she did thank and publicly conceded the election before the people that supported her today. I get that she personally conceded to Trump the moment Trump hit 270, and I get that none of that makes a difference to someone like you because that doesn't fit in your narrative that Hillary is someone that deserves public scorn. I hope that you get, that you guys have no more excuses, no one to blame anymore. The next 2 years possibly 4 you will be in charge of everything. Whatever happens is on you. I for one hope, that I'm wrong of the damage those years will do to the US and the world. I am sure tough that if I'm right you and all the people who voted for Trump, will claim they have been duped and as such are not responsible.
When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.

Kerry gave his the following day.
So cowardice is common among Democrats? It's understandable when an election is so close that the results aren't clear, as was the case in 2000 when Gore's concession speech came a few days later, but this election was very unmistakable in its results. There's no excuse for Hillary leaving those people in New York in pain and crying. She never cared about them, they were peons, a means to an end for her.

Character is revealed by one's actions and she has none.

Eh, I'm not seeing the cowardice. You seem to only see what you want to see.
Of course not because you're a soulless hack. You could drop off the face of the earth and I wouldn't care. I care about those supporters who were pining for some words of consolation and comfort. They didn't deserve to be abandoned like that and I was very sad for them.

Shut the fuck up you degenerate. Your words are completely hollow and utterly meaningless. You weren't "sad" for them, you fucking fraud.
When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.

Well I want to defend Hillary. Losing was bad enough, she didnt need to see her followers, would you want to see that sea of ugly?
When was the last time the loser of an election refused to even show up to give a concession speech? This only confirms what the American voter felt about this woman all along, that she lacks character. She's very brave when droning children in foreign nations or arranging for her rivals, political or otherwise to be audited or whacked....but ask this woman to talk to her downcast and crying supporters to offer them some words of comfort and her inner coward shows itself.

Kerry gave his the following day.
So cowardice is common among Democrats? It's understandable when an election is so close that the results aren't clear, as was the case in 2000 when Gore's concession speech came a few days later, but this election was very unmistakable in its results. There's no excuse for Hillary leaving those people in New York in pain and crying. She never cared about them, they were peons, a means to an end for her.

Character is revealed by one's actions and she has none.

Eh, I'm not seeing the cowardice. You seem to only see what you want to see.
Of course not because you're a soulless hack. You could drop off the face of the earth and I wouldn't care. I care about those supporters who were pining for some words of consolation and comfort. They didn't deserve to be abandoned like that and I was very sad for them.

Shut the fuck up you degenerate. Your words are completely hollow and utterly meaningless. You weren't "sad" for them, you fucking fraud.
Oof! Sounds like I hit a nerve. Maybe to an unfeeling jackal like you, it's a strange concept for somebody to have empathy for Hillary's shafted supporters, but for compassionate conservatives, it comes naturally for us to feel bad for everyone hurt by Hillary, her supporters and Bernie's too.
Kerry gave his the following day.
So cowardice is common among Democrats? It's understandable when an election is so close that the results aren't clear, as was the case in 2000 when Gore's concession speech came a few days later, but this election was very unmistakable in its results. There's no excuse for Hillary leaving those people in New York in pain and crying. She never cared about them, they were peons, a means to an end for her.

Character is revealed by one's actions and she has none.

Eh, I'm not seeing the cowardice. You seem to only see what you want to see.
Of course not because you're a soulless hack. You could drop off the face of the earth and I wouldn't care. I care about those supporters who were pining for some words of consolation and comfort. They didn't deserve to be abandoned like that and I was very sad for them.

Shut the fuck up you degenerate. Your words are completely hollow and utterly meaningless. You weren't "sad" for them, you fucking fraud.
Oof! Sounds like I hit a nerve. Maybe to an unfeeling jackal like you, it's a strange concept for somebody to have empathy for Hillary's shafted supporters, but for compassionate conservatives, it comes naturally for us to feel bad for everyone hurt by Hillary, her supporters and Bernie's too.

You're not fooling anyone. Sociopaths don't have empathy, especially conservative scum.
That was pretty shocking. She should have come out and addressed her supporters. She owed them that much. I think it gets back to the fact she is very ill. She may not have been physically capable of showing up. Her absence was pretty bizarre.

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