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Crooked Hillary does what is called PROJECTION. She falsely accuses others of her own characteristics.
And Here's What Hillary Wants Voters to Forget

Super predators video

Former Klan member Sen. Robert Byrd

“Otherizing” Barack Obama

“As far as I know” … Obama might be a Muslim

Yet the media continues to ignore this. Story w/videos @ While Hillary Blasts Trump As "Racist" Candidate, Here Are 4 Examples She Wants America to Forget

And 10 more reasons why she's a bigot:


She circulated this =


CAUGHT - Clinton Jokes About "Colored-People's Time" with New York Mayor - On Tape!\

Hillary Clinton calls for police reform, national use of force standards

Now, let's see any of you Leftists refute any of this. Just one bit!
The wingnuts are totally lost, first a Black president, now a woman president, mental health institutions will be on high alert.
Wow the RWnuts are melting down in record numbers today.
That would be the LIBS, NYC, because so much truth is coming out and burying Hillary and her apologists alive.

Speaking of 'apologists', have you apologized for calling board members 'Liars' for recalling how Hillary praised Robert 'kkk' that the videos of it have been posted?!
The wingnuts are totally lost, first a Black president, now a woman president, mental health institutions will be on high alert.
Interesting how the 1st woman candidate tried to throw a black man under the bus for her e-mail scandal then a black woman for her pay-to-play scandal...and libs stay eerily quiet.
"It's a 'Vast Right Wing' Conspiracy
It's a 'Vast Alternate Right Wing' Conspiracy
Bark, Bark, Bark..."

There's just one's HILLARY'S name on all those e-mails, not anyone's from the 'right' or the 'alt right' (whatever the hell that is in her dain bramaged head)!
and Russia wants the Donald to win meanwhile Hilly is beefing up their tech and cyber war capability

Both candidates live in a paranoid conspiratorial world. It's the nature of running for that office and half the people are cheering you on on the other half is trying to tear you down.

It's certainly not unique to Hillary's campaign.
It's all typical alt-right bullshit. They're even trying to disavow the term, though it was invented by paleoconservative guru Paul Gottfried back in 2008! Paul Gottfried - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
who is paul gottfried? never heard of him before.
Paul Edward Gottfried (born November 21, 1941) is an American paleoconservative political philosopher, intellectual historian, columnist and former Horace Raffensperger Professor of Humanities at Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, as well as a Guggenheim recipient. He is currently H. L. Mencken Club President.

He is the author of numerous books and articles detailing the influences which various German thinkers (such as Hegeland Schelling) have exerted on American conservative political theory, and was a friend of many political and intellectual figures: such as Richard Nixon, Pat Buchanan, John Lukacs, Thomas Molnar, Will Herberg, Samuel T. Francis, Paul Piccone, Murray Rothbard, Eugene Genovese, Christopher Lasch, and Robert Nisbet. Gottfried is a paleoconservative critic of neoconservativism within the Republican Party. In fact, the term paleoconservative was first used by Paul Gottfried and Thomas Fleming, with the "paleo" prefix meaning "old" in opposition to the "neo", or "new", conservatives. Gottfried is also notable as the first person to use the term "Alternative Right", when referring specifically to developments within American right-wing politics, in 2008. The term has since gained wide currency with the rise of the so-called "alt-right".
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