The creationists are BACK

Is there a special clause in the constitution regarding sex toys?

Apples and footballs.

Your municipality has latitude to enforce decency laws to cover such matters.

As they should when it comes to speaking at graduation. Fair is fair.

Uh, no. Religion is a distinctly constitutional issue. The same laws that ensure that your own right to practice your religion are not infringed upon (which I am assuming is true as you haven't been able to give an example of being deprived of your religious freedoms) also protect others from being compelled to participate in another person's religion.

The founding fathers, who you love to reference, put that in there.

It's a double edged sword.

You have a problem with people who reference the founding fathers? Gee, that's too bad. Why don't you try and shut me up.

That girl has a right to speak about anything she wants at her graduation. All someone has to do is find a corrupt judge, which is what they did. She has done nothing wrong.
I target the LAW.
I, unlike you, could care less what anyone thinks about me. That is how you operate, band wagon rah rah chants. Immature and undisciplined. That is why you can only get a government job.
I never said anything about "marching on schools". Don't have to.
We have THE LAW on our side. You have nothing but hot air.
Everyone knows you are a very undisciplined buffoon. You would not last 10 minutes in anything I have ever done for the last 40 years.

Oh, that's right, you're the *alleged* PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who helped to write the PI Guide for Dummies and wait, aren't you a renowned expert on wolf behavior, physics and Everything Else as well? I forgot how incredibly important you are...I'm so glad you reminded me. Again. I'm not sure how that jibes with your (repeated) assertion that you don't have to prove yourself.

But that relates directly to dick size. The smaller your dick, the less logical and more likely to constantly make things up about yourself to make yourself seem more prepossessing.

Anyway, that's all quite entertaining...except for the law part. You know even less about the law than you do about physics, religion, and the nature of the snowy plover. The law does not support requiring people to hide in their homes to worship. If you have one, trot it out. Meanwhile, please show me where in the Constitution it says you have the right to dictate to others how to worship, or to prevent them from worshiping as they please.

I'll wait with my Weak Milk.
These people who always have to give their resume as part of their debate are usually full of shit. They have to display their alleged accomplishments to cover their inability to present a substantive rebuttal.
I pay them no mind.
These fucking libs think they have a whole bunch of rights no one else has. And they think their rights can be used to suppress the rights of others. They play the game of lowest common denominator. Libs are successful only when they can dumb down society.
This judge's ruling is an example of that dumbing down.

I was an ambassador to Mozasmbique during the Ford administration and then worked with the CIA in a secret mission of international importance concerning stolen nuclear weapons in 1984 under the Reagan administration, but you don't see me bragging about it on the internet.
Promoting 'gays' is promoting a false god: promiscuity. It is promoting a 'faith' over another.

That is your religous belief. The church I go to does not believe that. We accept everyone and do not judge them.
Are you claiming we should go by your way and teach that in the schools?
You keep your business to yourself with your religous beliefs. They have no place in the public schools.
If you want your kids to be taught that there is something wrong with gays then that is okay. But I am there to fight you on that if you carry that over into the public schools. You can't do it and it will not be allowed.
Get used to it. You may not like that but tough. That is the way it is. Either you go by the rules and teach your kids to go by the rules or suffer the consequences.

Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.
Oh, that's right, you're the *alleged* PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who helped to write the PI Guide for Dummies and wait, aren't you a renowned expert on wolf behavior, physics and Everything Else as well? I forgot how incredibly important you are...I'm so glad you reminded me. Again. I'm not sure how that jibes with your (repeated) assertion that you don't have to prove yourself.

But that relates directly to dick size. The smaller your dick, the less logical and more likely to constantly make things up about yourself to make yourself seem more prepossessing.

Anyway, that's all quite entertaining...except for the law part. You know even less about the law than you do about physics, religion, and the nature of the snowy plover. The law does not support requiring people to hide in their homes to worship. If you have one, trot it out. Meanwhile, please show me where in the Constitution it says you have the right to dictate to others how to worship, or to prevent them from worshiping as they please.

I'll wait with my Weak Milk.
These people who always have to give their resume as part of their debate are usually full of shit. They have to display their alleged accomplishments to cover their inability to present a substantive rebuttal.
I pay them no mind.
These fucking libs think they have a whole bunch of rights no one else has. And they think their rights can be used to suppress the rights of others. They play the game of lowest common denominator. Libs are successful only when they can dumb down society.
This judge's ruling is an example of that dumbing down.

I was an ambassador to Mozasmbique during the Ford administration and then worked with the CIA in a secret mission of international importance concerning stolen nuclear weapons in 1984 under the Reagan administration, but you don't see me bragging about it on the internet.

Irony at its finest lol.

"I'm bragging on the internet but you don't see me bragging on the internet."
What's a milk weak, you freak?

you're not supporting equal rights, you lying fascist (and ignoramus). You're supporting suppression of faith.

In direct conflict with our constitution.

You can say anything you like. Everybody on this site recognizes you as an idiot. But when you start talking about marching on schools and taking children to task for their faith..of course something can (and will) be done about it.
You target children in school because you are too much of a coward to tell adults where they can and can't pray.

I target the LAW.
I, unlike you, could care less what anyone thinks about me. That is how you operate, band wagon rah rah chants. Immature and undisciplined. That is why you can only get a government job.
I never said anything about "marching on schools". Don't have to.
We have THE LAW on our side. You have nothing but hot air.
Everyone knows you are a very undisciplined buffoon. You would not last 10 minutes in anything I have ever done for the last 40 years.

Oh, that's right, you're the *alleged* PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who helped to write the PI Guide for Dummies and wait, aren't you a renowned expert on wolf behavior, physics and Everything Else as well? I forgot how incredibly important you are...I'm so glad you reminded me. Again. I'm not sure how that jibes with your (repeated) assertion that you don't have to prove yourself.

But that relates directly to dick size. The smaller your dick, the less logical and more likely to constantly make things up about yourself to make yourself seem more prepossessing.

Anyway, that's all quite entertaining...except for the law part. You know even less about the law than you do about physics, religion, and the nature of the snowy plover. The law does not support requiring people to hide in their homes to worship. If you have one, trot it out. Meanwhile, please show me where in the Constitution it says you have the right to dictate to others how to worship, or to prevent them from worshiping as they please.

I'll wait with my Weak Milk.

I offered you a 50K bet concerning my credentials before and you wimped out.
50K and you can contact the Georgia Secretary of State Professional Licensing Division and see my license first issued in 1982 and I was one of 5 in 2009 that Governor Perdue had write the new agency license test here.
50K was offered as the bet before and you backed out. You never even responded. You never even listed your qualifications when you questioned mine.
1982 Licensed Georgia Private Detective
I target the LAW.
I, unlike you, could care less what anyone thinks about me. That is how you operate, band wagon rah rah chants. Immature and undisciplined. That is why you can only get a government job.
I never said anything about "marching on schools". Don't have to.
We have THE LAW on our side. You have nothing but hot air.
Everyone knows you are a very undisciplined buffoon. You would not last 10 minutes in anything I have ever done for the last 40 years.

Oh, that's right, you're the *alleged* PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who helped to write the PI Guide for Dummies and wait, aren't you a renowned expert on wolf behavior, physics and Everything Else as well? I forgot how incredibly important you are...I'm so glad you reminded me. Again. I'm not sure how that jibes with your (repeated) assertion that you don't have to prove yourself.

But that relates directly to dick size. The smaller your dick, the less logical and more likely to constantly make things up about yourself to make yourself seem more prepossessing.

Anyway, that's all quite entertaining...except for the law part. You know even less about the law than you do about physics, religion, and the nature of the snowy plover. The law does not support requiring people to hide in their homes to worship. If you have one, trot it out. Meanwhile, please show me where in the Constitution it says you have the right to dictate to others how to worship, or to prevent them from worshiping as they please.

I'll wait with my Weak Milk.
These people who always have to give their resume as part of their debate are usually full of shit. They have to display their alleged accomplishments to cover their inability to present a substantive rebuttal.
I pay them no mind.
These fucking libs think they have a whole bunch of rights no one else has. And they think their rights can be used to suppress the rights of others. They play the game of lowest common denominator. Libs are successful only when they can dumb down society.
This judge's ruling is an example of that dumbing down.

Usually does not count in my world.
And you are one that also knows that I have put up 50K before.
How about it?
And I vote Republican 40 years so your "libs" argument is a joke.
If you pay me no mind then what about all of your posts?
That is your religous belief. The church I go to does not believe that. We accept everyone and do not judge them.
Are you claiming we should go by your way and teach that in the schools?
You keep your business to yourself with your religous beliefs. They have no place in the public schools.
If you want your kids to be taught that there is something wrong with gays then that is okay. But I am there to fight you on that if you carry that over into the public schools. You can't do it and it will not be allowed.
Get used to it. You may not like that but tough. That is the way it is. Either you go by the rules and teach your kids to go by the rules or suffer the consequences.

Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

Her behavior is learned.
And this woman conducts work for children's services for the government.
Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

Her behavior is learned.
And this woman conducts work for children's services for the government.

I PM'd her once to try and talk sense to her, and she admitted her childish name-calling was just a message board shtick and that she doesn't do it in the real world.

This board is like her outlet to take out the daily anger she accumulates from reality and unleash on anyone who dare think differently than she does.
Gravity is just a theory too
Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

Beg to differ...the experiments with fruit flies clearly show genetic mutation with subsequent changes do in fact happen. How do you explain no mention of Dinosaurs running around with Moses?

Is that a serious question?? :lol: I really hope not. Uh, maybe because dinosaurs were already extinct by the time Moses inhabited the planet? :cuckoo:
Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

Her behavior is learned.
And this woman conducts work for children's services for the government.

I PM'd her once to try and talk sense to her, and she admitted her childish name-calling was just a message board shtick and that she doesn't do it in the real world.

This board is like her outlet to take out the daily anger she accumulates from reality and unleash on anyone who dare think differently than she does.

As someone that tries to seek the best of people I believe that.
Her behavior is learned.
And this woman conducts work for children's services for the government.

I PM'd her once to try and talk sense to her, and she admitted her childish name-calling was just a message board shtick and that she doesn't do it in the real world.

This board is like her outlet to take out the daily anger she accumulates from reality and unleash on anyone who dare think differently than she does.

As someone that tries to seek the best of people I believe that.

Yeah I'll bet if you talked to her in real life, prior to knowing her from here, she'd probably end up being nice and we'd all be shocked by how she conducts herself on here and how she treats everyone she disagrees with.
That is your religous belief. The church I go to does not believe that. We accept everyone and do not judge them.
Are you claiming we should go by your way and teach that in the schools?
You keep your business to yourself with your religous beliefs. They have no place in the public schools.
If you want your kids to be taught that there is something wrong with gays then that is okay. But I am there to fight you on that if you carry that over into the public schools. You can't do it and it will not be allowed.
Get used to it. You may not like that but tough. That is the way it is. Either you go by the rules and teach your kids to go by the rules or suffer the consequences.

Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

That's fine, but your opinion is not constitutional law.
Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

That's fine, but your opinion is not constitutional law.

breathtaking insight

Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

That's fine, but your opinion is not constitutional law.

breathtaking insight


I dumbed it down just for you. So what's on your feeble little mind today? A couple of hairs? Having fun taking crying requests from you butt buddies and banning people?
Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

That's fine, but your opinion is not constitutional law.

I've already stated that religion and aspects of religion SHOULD be taught in school, I dunno why that isn't good enough for you guys.

But in a fact-based class like science, let's keep it scientific fact-only.
Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

Beg to differ...the experiments with fruit flies clearly show genetic mutation with subsequent changes do in fact happen. How do you explain no mention of Dinosaurs running around with Moses?

Is that a serious question?? :lol: I really hope not. Uh, maybe because dinosaurs were already extinct by the time Moses inhabited the planet? :cuckoo:

How come the authors of the Bible never mention the millions of years worth of life that existed on the planet, including the dinosaurs, before the current interglacial warming period we find ourselve in right now?

Because they, the authors of the Bible, simply were not aware they existed. So God must not have been the author or it didn't create the dinosaurs.
Beg to differ...the experiments with fruit flies clearly show genetic mutation with subsequent changes do in fact happen. How do you explain no mention of Dinosaurs running around with Moses?

Is that a serious question?? :lol: I really hope not. Uh, maybe because dinosaurs were already extinct by the time Moses inhabited the planet? :cuckoo:

How come the authors of the Bible never mention the millions of years worth of life that existed on the planet, including the dinosaurs, before the current interglacial warming period we find ourselve in right now?

Because they, the authors of the Bible, simply were not aware they existed. So God must not have been the author or it didn't create the dinosaurs.


If they had, the Bible would be like, I dunno, 3,000,000,000 pages long?

I hope you are joking.
Is that a serious question?? :lol: I really hope not. Uh, maybe because dinosaurs were already extinct by the time Moses inhabited the planet? :cuckoo:

How come the authors of the Bible never mention the millions of years worth of life that existed on the planet, including the dinosaurs, before the current interglacial warming period we find ourselve in right now?

Because they, the authors of the Bible, simply were not aware they existed. So God must not have been the author or it didn't create the dinosaurs.


If they had, the Bible would be like, I dunno, 3,000,000,000 pages long?

I hope you are joking.

One mention of that enormous time period would make it that long?

That excuse doesn't sound like a good one, especially when these people only thought the earth was a few thousand years old anyways.
Allie is an amazing individual, she really does her best to pretend to take Jesus's teachings seriously when she's on this board then talks to people like this.

I think the christian God is nonsense (and all other man made gods for that matter) and I'm a better christian than her.

That's fine, but your opinion is not constitutional law.

I've already stated that religion and aspects of religion SHOULD be taught in school, I dunno why that isn't good enough for you guys.

But in a fact-based class like science, let's keep it scientific fact-only.

The only "facts" you have are the ones you believe, which keep changing because we keep learning. You don't have all the facts, and until you do then ID should be taught right along with what you call scientific fact. If it's good enough for Einstein, it's good enough for our children.
That's fine, but your opinion is not constitutional law.

I've already stated that religion and aspects of religion SHOULD be taught in school, I dunno why that isn't good enough for you guys.

But in a fact-based class like science, let's keep it scientific fact-only.

The only "facts" you have are the ones you believe, which keep changing because we keep learning. You don't have all the facts, and until you do then ID should be taught right along with what you call scientific fact. If it's good enough for Einstein, it's good enough for our children.

No, the facts I know are the ones that have been proven. Not a single shred of creationism has been.

Einstein's having a religious view or not doesn't mean it was proven by science.

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