The creationists are BACK

a Muslim student should be covered to call their classmates to prayer.

Would you be equally accepting of that? Umm asked and answered....
Is she going to say the words "Let us pray"?

Originally she was, but that is not what she ended up saying.

I would have objected to any prayer in this light. Until I read that the court of appeals had sided with the young woman, I would have thought the law was on my side.

As this was overturned from a previous ruling against this individual, I would assume there is at least some room for debate on this issue (at least legally).

However, as it stands, the courts have spoken.

Where is the "establishment of religion"?
I have posted twice the establishment clause form the US Constitution and as of yet you've been unable to state where said establishment is to take place.
BTW, this is also a Freedom of Speech issue as well. The Judge with his ruling has in effect suppressed the girl's right to free speech.

And he was overturned.

DO you see where this is going? One silly agnostic individual has decided to be a pain in the ass by using the courts to allow him to be a pain in the ass, and the whole community is being turned upside down.

The rule of law is in place to prevent the rule of mob. In other words, simply because something is popular doesn't make it legal or right.

The agnostic's son's rights are not being violated. He is free to ignore the prayer. He may use ear plugs. He can read. He can sing to himself. He can endure a 30 second prayer.

Their argument had nothing to do with being inconvenienced.

This is much ado about nothing. This agnostic person will move forward to his next idiotic crusade where he will become offended because he views religion as offensive and he will find another judge sympathetic to his pathetic need to be recognized.
I see however ,he's got people like you on his side.
Merry Christmas!!!! Does that offend you? Good....Happy Easter.

You mistake me for an agnostic or an athiest.

I am neither.
The same thing can be said in reverse. Why must you have organized prayer in schools. What EDUCATINAL purpose does it serve? YOU belive that prayer is a good thing. Many do not. Why must our children be paraded through organized prayer to the benefit of your children?

The fact is, church does not belong in school in any form. It has no purpose there. I cannot understand this irrational NEED to take your personal belief in prayer into a public forum where there are children from all stripes. Is your time at home not enough? There is nothing to stop a student from praying. There is only laws that prevent them from being put in that situation without their consent or choice.

Nor can we understand the left's irrational need to teach condoms, homosexuality and other entirely personal things to school children.

You really can see the parallel and you STILL support prayer in school or am I incorrect on that assumption.

Yes, that is essentially the same issue on the other side. NONE of it should be in school. However, I would argue against excluding basic sexual education courses but I do not think that is what you were referring to when you said ‘teaching condoms.’

Oh, please tell us how you want to teach sex ed without religion? Is that: you cannot control your own body (but diet control is a must, and exercise regularly, on your own), so here are the methods of birth control because you will never be anything more than someone's sexual toy. ? Religion is the moral compass that people desire and will impose (on others) if given none.
a Muslim student should be covered to call their classmates to prayer.

Would you be equally accepting of that? Umm asked and answered....
Is she going to say the words "Let us pray"?
Where is the "establishment of religion"?
I have posted twice the establishment clause form the US Constitution and as of yet you've been unable to state where said establishment is to take place.
BTW, this is also a Freedom of Speech issue as well. The Judge with his ruling has in effect suppressed the girl's right to free speech.
DO you see where this is going? One silly agnostic individual has decided to be a pain in the ass by using the courts to allow him to be a pain in the ass, and the whole community is being turned upside down.
The agnostic's son's rights are not being violated. He is free to ignore the prayer. He may use ear plugs. He can read. He can sing to himself. He can endure a 30 second prayer.
This is much ado about nothing. This agnostic person will move forward to his next idiotic crusade where he will become offended because he views religion as offensive and he will find another judge sympathetic to his pathetic need to be recognized.
I see however ,he's got people like you on his side.
Merry Christmas!!!! Does that offend you? Good....Happy Easter.

Do you know the difference in school led prayer and individual prayer?
My kids prayed at home. They prayed to themselves many times at school.
School is for learning, not for allowing every religion everywhere there is to have prayer groups.
Bow towards Mecca all you want but do it at your own home.
This Christian victim mentality is a crock of shit. No one stops anyone from practicing their religion at home. Pray there. You are there 3/4s of the day. Prayer and religion is a personal matter. Do triple duty on Saturday and Sunday to get it all out. Leave it at home.
Yeah...One is when a faculty member or a student directed by a faculty member to state a prayer to a captive audience.
This is not going to happen. Case closed.
Ahh see, you want to live in a nation free of the inconvenience religion obviously causes you. Well too bad.....
What's next? A law requiring Churches be rendered invisible? A ban on Christmas lights or Manger Scenes on private property which is visible from the street?
You people have so very little respect for our nation's traditions and values. What is it you hate so much about your own country?
Well sunshine, there is no constitutional right to not be inconvenienced.

Religion does not inconvenience me. My life has been full of tradition, values, hard work, success, achievement and reward. My relationship with God is my business. I have 3 kids all very hard working and 2 college grads. I own 3 corporations and was an athlete.
All of your other assumptions are wrong also.
I do not have to wear a T shirt and hat to have faith like you do.
That is your religous belief. The church I go to does not believe that. We accept everyone and do not judge them.
Are you claiming we should go by your way and teach that in the schools?
You keep your business to yourself with your religous beliefs. They have no place in the public schools.
If you want your kids to be taught that there is something wrong with gays then that is okay. But I am there to fight you on that if you carry that over into the public schools. You can't do it and it will not be allowed.
Get used to it. You may not like that but tough. That is the way it is. Either you go by the rules and teach your kids to go by the rules or suffer the consequences.

Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

So supporting equal rights is a "religion"?
I say what I want, when I want to and do not answer to any religous zealot. Much less a milk weak nothing like you.
Get used to it. There is nothing you or anyone can do about it.

What's a milk weak, you freak?

you're not supporting equal rights, you lying fascist (and ignoramus). You're supporting suppression of faith.

In direct conflict with our constitution.

You can say anything you like. Everybody on this site recognizes you as an idiot. But when you start talking about marching on schools and taking children to task for their faith..of course something can (and will) be done about it.
You target children in school because you are too much of a coward to tell adults where they can and can't pray.
Oh, please tell us how you want to teach sex ed without religion? Is that: you cannot control your own body (but diet control is a must, and exercise regularly, on your own), so here are the methods of birth control because you will never be anything more than someone's sexual toy. ? Religion is the moral compass that people desire and will impose (on others) if given none.

More pragmatically, maybe you should tell us how you can teach sex ed with religion.

I thought you respected the laws?

If this young woman chooses to thumb her nose at a Federal Judge's ruling that was specifically against her, I have no sympathy for the consequences she faces.

If this were any other issue, no one would support a person intentionally ignoring a legal ruling that was not in her favor.

Somehow, it's supposed to all be different because religion is involved?

Biery’s order, released Tuesday, was in response to a lawsuit filed by Christa and Danny Schultz on behalf of their son, Corwin, to block use of prayer. The judge says speakers cannot call on audience members to bow their heads, join in prayer or say "amen."
Texas judge: No prayer at high school graduation | Houston

Once again, the issue isn't that this student wants to exercise her religion privately, but rather she wants to lead the whole assembly in prayer.

Isn't that the point of being a speaker, you get to speak, to your audience? If you are successful and they want you to tell them why, why are you successful, shouldn't you be honest?

I thought you respected the laws?

If this young woman chooses to thumb her nose at a Federal Judge's ruling that was specifically against her, I have no sympathy for the consequences she faces.

If this were any other issue, no one would support a person intentionally ignoring a legal ruling that was not in her favor.

Somehow, it's supposed to all be different because religion is involved?

Biery’s order, released Tuesday, was in response to a lawsuit filed by Christa and Danny Schultz on behalf of their son, Corwin, to block use of prayer. The judge says speakers cannot call on audience members to bow their heads, join in prayer or say "amen."
Texas judge: No prayer at high school graduation | Houston

Once again, the issue isn't that this student wants to exercise her religion privately, but rather she wants to lead the whole assembly in prayer.

Isn't that the point of being a speaker, you get to speak, to your audience? If you are successful and they want you to tell them why, why are you successful, shouldn't you be honest?

There is a quantitative difference in saying "I thank God for my successes" and leading a prayer.

That being said, the judges opinion was appealed and this young woman won and said her prayer.

You can get the details here:

If you care.
Should a student be permitted to stand up at graduation start chanting the Adhan, the Muslim call to prayer?

YouTube - ‪Adhan - Islamic call to prayer‬‏

Because that is equally illegal/egregious in my book.

Did they earn the right to speak at graduation? Yes, if they want to 'chant' as part of their speech, they should be able to do so.

Fair enough.

I would disagree, but the law is not on my side in this matter.

Thanks for answering the question.
Do you know the difference in school led prayer and individual prayer?
My kids prayed at home. They prayed to themselves many times at school.
School is for learning, not for allowing every religion everywhere there is to have prayer groups.
Bow towards Mecca all you want but do it at your own home.
This Christian victim mentality is a crock of shit. No one stops anyone from practicing their religion at home. Pray there. You are there 3/4s of the day. Prayer and religion is a personal matter. Do triple duty on Saturday and Sunday to get it all out. Leave it at home.
Yeah...One is when a faculty member or a student directed by a faculty member to state a prayer to a captive audience.
This is not going to happen. Case closed.
Ahh see, you want to live in a nation free of the inconvenience religion obviously causes you. Well too bad.....
What's next? A law requiring Churches be rendered invisible? A ban on Christmas lights or Manger Scenes on private property which is visible from the street?
You people have so very little respect for our nation's traditions and values. What is it you hate so much about your own country?
Well sunshine, there is no constitutional right to not be inconvenienced.

Religion does not inconvenience me. My life has been full of tradition, values, hard work, success, achievement and reward. My relationship with God is my business. I have 3 kids all very hard working and 2 college grads. I own 3 corporations and was an athlete.
All of your other assumptions are wrong also.
I do not have to wear a T shirt and hat to have faith like you do.

So you're a repressed coward..therefore we must all fall in line and be like you?

You have no right to tell other people where they may pray. They can pray and reference their faith wherever they happen to be, and the Constitution will protect them from backwards idiots like you. Just as it protects us from all other tyrants and tyrannical philosophies. I can stand on the street across from your house and scream Hail Mary all day long...if I have the correct permit. I can sing gospel hymns in the middle of a busy state park, and you can't touch me. I can paste the pages of the bible to every inch of my body and march past you as you're strolling Saturday Market. You can piss and moan..but you cannot stop me.

Likewise, you can't stop my children from including a line about their faith in every single assignment they are required to read aloud. You cannot and will not stop them from sharing special stories and artifacts pertaining to their religion at show and tell, and you won't stop them from taking a knee and praying on the ball field before, after, and during every single game.

You don't have to like it. You can complain! You can piss and moan and pull your hair out, gnash your teeth and dump ashes over your head. And you will be more offensive in doing that than the people you are complaining against, and with far less justification or support.

Because what you propose is tyranny, and oppression, and the very persecution you claim isn't taking place in the US. And that puts you down there with every other idiot that has ever supported tyranny or fascism based on their own perception of their superiority. You aren't superior, far from it. And you don't get to dictate where, when and how people worship. As long as they aren't stopping you from leaving, complaining, or requiring you to go along in order to buy bread and school your kids.

That's the shit you're proposing. You're on the wrong, wrong, wrong side. No big surprise.
Fuck off and fucking die. There are no consequences, and if you try to visit consequences upon people for their faith, in the US, you will go to prison. If you survive.

Our constitution does not provide that people must hide away to practice their religion. Quite the opposite. Move to North Korea, you piece of shit. And stay the fuck away from other people's children.

So supporting equal rights is a "religion"?
I say what I want, when I want to and do not answer to any religous zealot. Much less a milk weak nothing like you.
Get used to it. There is nothing you or anyone can do about it.

What's a milk weak, you freak?

you're not supporting equal rights, you lying fascist (and ignoramus). You're supporting suppression of faith.

In direct conflict with our constitution.

You can say anything you like. Everybody on this site recognizes you as an idiot. But when you start talking about marching on schools and taking children to task for their faith..of course something can (and will) be done about it.
You target children in school because you are too much of a coward to tell adults where they can and can't pray.

I target the LAW.
I, unlike you, could care less what anyone thinks about me. That is how you operate, band wagon rah rah chants. Immature and undisciplined. That is why you can only get a government job.
I never said anything about "marching on schools". Don't have to.
We have THE LAW on our side. You have nothing but hot air.
Everyone knows you are a very undisciplined buffoon. You would not last 10 minutes in anything I have ever done for the last 40 years.
Yeah...One is when a faculty member or a student directed by a faculty member to state a prayer to a captive audience.
This is not going to happen. Case closed.
Ahh see, you want to live in a nation free of the inconvenience religion obviously causes you. Well too bad.....
What's next? A law requiring Churches be rendered invisible? A ban on Christmas lights or Manger Scenes on private property which is visible from the street?
You people have so very little respect for our nation's traditions and values. What is it you hate so much about your own country?
Well sunshine, there is no constitutional right to not be inconvenienced.

Religion does not inconvenience me. My life has been full of tradition, values, hard work, success, achievement and reward. My relationship with God is my business. I have 3 kids all very hard working and 2 college grads. I own 3 corporations and was an athlete.
All of your other assumptions are wrong also.
I do not have to wear a T shirt and hat to have faith like you do.

So you're a repressed coward..therefore we must all fall in line and be like you?

You have no right to tell other people where they may pray. They can pray and reference their faith wherever they happen to be, and the Constitution will protect them from backwards idiots like you. Just as it protects us from all other tyrants and tyrannical philosophies. I can stand on the street across from your house and scream Hail Mary all day long...if I have the correct permit. I can sing gospel hymns in the middle of a busy state park, and you can't touch me. I can paste the pages of the bible to every inch of my body and march past you as you're strolling Saturday Market. You can piss and moan..but you cannot stop me.

Likewise, you can't stop my children from including a line about their faith in every single assignment they are required to read aloud. You cannot and will not stop them from sharing special stories and artifacts pertaining to their religion at show and tell, and you won't stop them from taking a knee and praying on the ball field before, after, and during every single game.

You don't have to like it. You can complain! You can piss and moan and pull your hair out, gnash your teeth and dump ashes over your head. And you will be more offensive in doing that than the people you are complaining against, and with far less justification or support.

Because what you propose is tyranny, and oppression, and the very persecution you claim isn't taking place in the US. And that puts you down there with every other idiot that has ever supported tyranny or fascism based on their own perception of their superiority. You aren't superior, far from it. And you don't get to dictate where, when and how people worship. As long as they aren't stopping you from leaving, complaining, or requiring you to go along in order to buy bread and school your kids.

That's the shit you're proposing. You're on the wrong, wrong, wrong side. No big surprise.

I am always surprised at how vicious self professed Christians can be.
Religion does not inconvenience me. My life has been full of tradition, values, hard work, success, achievement and reward. My relationship with God is my business. I have 3 kids all very hard working and 2 college grads. I own 3 corporations and was an athlete.
All of your other assumptions are wrong also.
I do not have to wear a T shirt and hat to have faith like you do.

So you're a repressed coward..therefore we must all fall in line and be like you?

You have no right to tell other people where they may pray. They can pray and reference their faith wherever they happen to be, and the Constitution will protect them from backwards idiots like you. Just as it protects us from all other tyrants and tyrannical philosophies. I can stand on the street across from your house and scream Hail Mary all day long...if I have the correct permit. I can sing gospel hymns in the middle of a busy state park, and you can't touch me. I can paste the pages of the bible to every inch of my body and march past you as you're strolling Saturday Market. You can piss and moan..but you cannot stop me.

Likewise, you can't stop my children from including a line about their faith in every single assignment they are required to read aloud. You cannot and will not stop them from sharing special stories and artifacts pertaining to their religion at show and tell, and you won't stop them from taking a knee and praying on the ball field before, after, and during every single game.

You don't have to like it. You can complain! You can piss and moan and pull your hair out, gnash your teeth and dump ashes over your head. And you will be more offensive in doing that than the people you are complaining against, and with far less justification or support.

Because what you propose is tyranny, and oppression, and the very persecution you claim isn't taking place in the US. And that puts you down there with every other idiot that has ever supported tyranny or fascism based on their own perception of their superiority. You aren't superior, far from it. And you don't get to dictate where, when and how people worship. As long as they aren't stopping you from leaving, complaining, or requiring you to go along in order to buy bread and school your kids.

That's the shit you're proposing. You're on the wrong, wrong, wrong side. No big surprise.

I am always surprised at how vicious self professed Christians can be.

If you really are a follower of Jesus you never have to tell anyone.
Everyone will know it by your actions.
But at age 56, having played 15 seasons of football and 30 years as a private detective, Allie is the furthest thing from vicious I have ever seen.
Her milk is WEAK.
I didn't say you have to tell anyone. But if I think I need to, you cannot stop me. You are not the person who tells people how they must worship.

Omg, you're mentally ill. I knew it. Stop with the milk imagery, it's fucking revolting, deviant.
Oh, please tell us how you want to teach sex ed without religion? Is that: you cannot control your own body (but diet control is a must, and exercise regularly, on your own), so here are the methods of birth control because you will never be anything more than someone's sexual toy. ? Religion is the moral compass that people desire and will impose (on others) if given none.

More pragmatically, maybe you should tell us how you can teach sex ed with religion.

How about: you are special. There is not another person in the world, just like you. When you want have a sexual partner choose wisely, and act honorably, by marrying them, first! Your responsiblity to your future children is to bring them into the world, healthy. This means that you do not take unecessary risks of multiple sexual partners that can disease your body and your future children. If you are female, you are born with the eggs of your children inside of you and anything you put in your body can affect those eggs and the health of your future children. If you do not want children, you need to protect those that want children by not having sex as a child and spreading disease. If you wait to have sex, until you are an adult of average life span you will be able to have sex for 50 years, plus. Be a child and enjoy childhood pleasures, because once you are an adult, you will need those memories to keep your sanity from the silly people that think you should be able to act sexually as an adult starting in kindergarden. Now here are the facts on how the body works: .....
I thought you respected the laws?

If this young woman chooses to thumb her nose at a Federal Judge's ruling that was specifically against her, I have no sympathy for the consequences she faces.

If this were any other issue, no one would support a person intentionally ignoring a legal ruling that was not in her favor.

Somehow, it's supposed to all be different because religion is involved?

Texas judge: No prayer at high school graduation | Houston

Once again, the issue isn't that this student wants to exercise her religion privately, but rather she wants to lead the whole assembly in prayer.

Isn't that the point of being a speaker, you get to speak, to your audience? If you are successful and they want you to tell them why, why are you successful, shouldn't you be honest?

There is a quantitative difference in saying "I thank God for my successes" and leading a prayer.

That being said, the judges opinion was appealed and this young woman won and said her prayer.

You can get the details here:

If you care.

Was that prayer her strength? Did it help her to achieve?
So supporting equal rights is a "religion"?
I say what I want, when I want to and do not answer to any religous zealot. Much less a milk weak nothing like you.
Get used to it. There is nothing you or anyone can do about it.

What's a milk weak, you freak?

you're not supporting equal rights, you lying fascist (and ignoramus). You're supporting suppression of faith.

In direct conflict with our constitution.

You can say anything you like. Everybody on this site recognizes you as an idiot. But when you start talking about marching on schools and taking children to task for their faith..of course something can (and will) be done about it.
You target children in school because you are too much of a coward to tell adults where they can and can't pray.

I target the LAW.
I, unlike you, could care less what anyone thinks about me. That is how you operate, band wagon rah rah chants. Immature and undisciplined. That is why you can only get a government job.
I never said anything about "marching on schools". Don't have to.
We have THE LAW on our side. You have nothing but hot air.
Everyone knows you are a very undisciplined buffoon. You would not last 10 minutes in anything I have ever done for the last 40 years.

Oh, that's right, you're the *alleged* PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who helped to write the PI Guide for Dummies and wait, aren't you a renowned expert on wolf behavior, physics and Everything Else as well? I forgot how incredibly important you are...I'm so glad you reminded me. Again. I'm not sure how that jibes with your (repeated) assertion that you don't have to prove yourself.

But that relates directly to dick size. The smaller your dick, the less logical and more likely to constantly make things up about yourself to make yourself seem more prepossessing.

Anyway, that's all quite entertaining...except for the law part. You know even less about the law than you do about physics, religion, and the nature of the snowy plover. The law does not support requiring people to hide in their homes to worship. If you have one, trot it out. Meanwhile, please show me where in the Constitution it says you have the right to dictate to others how to worship, or to prevent them from worshiping as they please.

I'll wait with my Weak Milk.
a Muslim student should be covered to call their classmates to prayer.

Would you be equally accepting of that? Umm asked and answered....
Is she going to say the words "Let us pray"?

Originally she was, but that is not what she ended up saying.

I would have objected to any prayer in this light. Until I read that the court of appeals had sided with the young woman, I would have thought the law was on my side.

As this was overturned from a previous ruling against this individual, I would assume there is at least some room for debate on this issue (at least legally).

However, as it stands, the courts have spoken.

Where is the "establishment of religion"?
I have posted twice the establishment clause form the US Constitution and as of yet you've been unable to state where said establishment is to take place.
BTW, this is also a Freedom of Speech issue as well. The Judge with his ruling has in effect suppressed the girl's right to free speech.

And he was overturned.

The rule of law is in place to prevent the rule of mob. In other words, simply because something is popular doesn't make it legal or right.

The agnostic's son's rights are not being violated. He is free to ignore the prayer. He may use ear plugs. He can read. He can sing to himself. He can endure a 30 second prayer.

Their argument had nothing to do with being inconvenienced.

This is much ado about nothing. This agnostic person will move forward to his next idiotic crusade where he will become offended because he views religion as offensive and he will find another judge sympathetic to his pathetic need to be recognized.
I see however ,he's got people like you on his side.
Merry Christmas!!!! Does that offend you? Good....Happy Easter.

You mistake me for an agnostic or an athiest.

I am neither.
Your reply says nothing.
You haven't provided any facts on which to base your claim.
You merely have an opinion and you keep insisting this is the rule of law. Sorry, but this judge rendered an opinion based on his interpretation of the First Amendment and a personal bias.
I am with the people on this. They say they want the girl to have her chance. She deserves it. She's not harming anyone.
You mention mob rule..Where?....Would you refer to people in a town who wish to allow the display of a Manger Scene in their town square in a state where a judge ruled these were Unconstitutional as a "mob"?
Bad law is bad law no matter where it takes place. And this ruling is not only bad law, it was unjust. We have the right to demonstrate through civil disobedience when we think a law or ruling is unjust.
People in a community have rights too. 3,000 against one does not make it right for the one to make the 3,000 suffer.
This judge if elected should be run out of office. He was dead wrong.
If you think this is going away, think again. People want what they want. If the town thinks it's a good idea to let a kid say a short prayer before a graduation ceremony, so what. No one got hurt.
People like you make a big deal out things like this because you think you are being anti-establishment. Your not.
What's a milk weak, you freak?

you're not supporting equal rights, you lying fascist (and ignoramus). You're supporting suppression of faith.

In direct conflict with our constitution.

You can say anything you like. Everybody on this site recognizes you as an idiot. But when you start talking about marching on schools and taking children to task for their faith..of course something can (and will) be done about it.
You target children in school because you are too much of a coward to tell adults where they can and can't pray.

I target the LAW.
I, unlike you, could care less what anyone thinks about me. That is how you operate, band wagon rah rah chants. Immature and undisciplined. That is why you can only get a government job.
I never said anything about "marching on schools". Don't have to.
We have THE LAW on our side. You have nothing but hot air.
Everyone knows you are a very undisciplined buffoon. You would not last 10 minutes in anything I have ever done for the last 40 years.

Oh, that's right, you're the *alleged* PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR who helped to write the PI Guide for Dummies and wait, aren't you a renowned expert on wolf behavior, physics and Everything Else as well? I forgot how incredibly important you are...I'm so glad you reminded me. Again. I'm not sure how that jibes with your (repeated) assertion that you don't have to prove yourself.

But that relates directly to dick size. The smaller your dick, the less logical and more likely to constantly make things up about yourself to make yourself seem more prepossessing.

Anyway, that's all quite entertaining...except for the law part. You know even less about the law than you do about physics, religion, and the nature of the snowy plover. The law does not support requiring people to hide in their homes to worship. If you have one, trot it out. Meanwhile, please show me where in the Constitution it says you have the right to dictate to others how to worship, or to prevent them from worshiping as they please.

I'll wait with my Weak Milk.
These people who always have to give their resume as part of their debate are usually full of shit. They have to display their alleged accomplishments to cover their inability to present a substantive rebuttal.
I pay them no mind.
These fucking libs think they have a whole bunch of rights no one else has. And they think their rights can be used to suppress the rights of others. They play the game of lowest common denominator. Libs are successful only when they can dumb down society.
This judge's ruling is an example of that dumbing down.
Religion does not inconvenience me. My life has been full of tradition, values, hard work, success, achievement and reward. My relationship with God is my business. I have 3 kids all very hard working and 2 college grads. I own 3 corporations and was an athlete.
All of your other assumptions are wrong also.
I do not have to wear a T shirt and hat to have faith like you do.

So you're a repressed coward..therefore we must all fall in line and be like you?

You have no right to tell other people where they may pray. They can pray and reference their faith wherever they happen to be, and the Constitution will protect them from backwards idiots like you. Just as it protects us from all other tyrants and tyrannical philosophies. I can stand on the street across from your house and scream Hail Mary all day long...if I have the correct permit. I can sing gospel hymns in the middle of a busy state park, and you can't touch me. I can paste the pages of the bible to every inch of my body and march past you as you're strolling Saturday Market. You can piss and moan..but you cannot stop me.

Likewise, you can't stop my children from including a line about their faith in every single assignment they are required to read aloud. You cannot and will not stop them from sharing special stories and artifacts pertaining to their religion at show and tell, and you won't stop them from taking a knee and praying on the ball field before, after, and during every single game.

You don't have to like it. You can complain! You can piss and moan and pull your hair out, gnash your teeth and dump ashes over your head. And you will be more offensive in doing that than the people you are complaining against, and with far less justification or support.

Because what you propose is tyranny, and oppression, and the very persecution you claim isn't taking place in the US. And that puts you down there with every other idiot that has ever supported tyranny or fascism based on their own perception of their superiority. You aren't superior, far from it. And you don't get to dictate where, when and how people worship. As long as they aren't stopping you from leaving, complaining, or requiring you to go along in order to buy bread and school your kids.

That's the shit you're proposing. You're on the wrong, wrong, wrong side. No big surprise.

I am always surprised at how vicious self professed Christians can be.

Those are the radical Christians the left keeps telling us about.

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