The creationists are BACK

You keep saying that, but have yet to show where this has happened with any kind of solid evidence.

You say there's no solid evidence, but reject any evidence out-of-hand because it doesn't fit The Book. That's not using the brain God gave you. I think He'd be very disappointed.

Can't reject evidence that's never been offered.

What evidence is there? Care to list it?

Nope, you won't. Because it doesn't exist. Instead you'll post another vapidism that talks about how this so-called evidence is dismissed...again, without ever identifying the proof.

No evidence of evolution has been offered?

That's the new argument?

Evolution: Humans: Humankind

Timeline of human evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How far back would you like me to start in terms of us evolving from another species?[/QUOTE]

Until you tell me what species we supposedly evolved from. Name me one animal in existance throughout scientific discovery that has been shown to evolve from another animal.

Why is that the bottom line? We have all sorts of evidence that show changes over the eons. You ask for one when any quick search would show hundreds, if not thousands, of examples. This isn't about jumping through your arbitratry hoops, but using our brains to inductively and deductively derive how life came to this point.

I've asked for proof of evolution between species. Evolution within species does not debunk the idea of a creator. The only way you debunk the creator theory via evolution is to prove that humans evolved from an entirely different species. That has not happened.

I have no interest in debunking the ID Creator theory. Like any other religion it is base on a belief. The problem is when creationist insist on teaching their particular creation myth in science class as a viable branch of science. It's not. It belongs in a comparitive religion class(or a Science Fiction writting class). Doesn't really matter if it's Christian Mythology, Greek/Roman Mythology, Spaghetti Monster Mythology.....
Looking back at the OP, it would be because people in GA were trying to get ID/Creationism discussed in a science class alongside evolution. That sounds like it would be the religious (assuming you accept the OP premise) who are tying evolution to creation.

Just sayin'. :)

Yeah, except that's never the way they word it.

I cannot fathom why the left, who claims to be so open to new ideas, who claims to be all about education, and higher thinking, and great concepts, and deep always trying to keep us from teaching something.

For example, they didn't want anyone to teach children not to have sex. They said sex was natural and good, hell, they taught that to our very young children, starting in the 70s. I can remember reading books that openly discussed how normal and wonderful it was for a 3 year old girl to masturbate herself (innocently) in public. And everybody was supposed to act as if acceptance of such behavior was normal, good, right...after all, there were STUDIES that said children were sexual and suffered terribly if forced to repress or control it....

I kid you not. But while they were spoonfeeding everybody this garbage, continuing to sexualize children, opening peoples' minds to the wonderful freedom that abortion could bring, trashing the institutions of marriage, fidelity, honor, self control, religion...they were at the same time creating the illusion that teaching self-control, honor, love, committment was BACKWARD and WRONG. And finding ways to keep mainstream America from teaching their own children their own value doing things like refusing to share information about breaking the law and counseling and performing medical procedures on children who were still in their parents' homes and under their care. By religiously (!) identifying and erasing all references to morals, religion, strength of character, and often even truth, if the truth was not convenient to them, from the vocabulary of our (then) youth.

This is nothing new. This is exactly what every depraved, debased, foul tyranny does. They create a villain that people feel justified in despising, and the lower the bar little by little...these people have no value, look at them, they can't take care of their own children, they have issues, we should just get rid of them. Let's prevent them from doing let's stop lets have them move here.....let's take their kids.......let's kill them. That's the way oppressive regimes operate. We see (per usual) world wide that the Christians are made to be the *enemy*. That's as it has been since the time of Christ, however. Christians know they suffer and die, the bible tells us so, and the bible gives us story after story after story of suffering, death, horror....What is alarming is that our own countrymen are so blatant. Perhaps they are so ignorant they just don't know what they are doing...but when people claim that it would just be better for everyone if we made it illegal for christians to pray on the street, in school, on television, those people are exactly in the shoes of German citizens in early Nazi Germany who swallowed what they were being told about Jews, and who were convinced that it was the right, intelligent thing to do.....and in fact if you embrace that sort of ideology you are, in fact, embracing the essence of Nazism.

Wowsers, that's quite the victim card you're trying to pull. Quite the stretch from "don't teach creationism as science" to "make it illegal for Christians to pray anywhere." Nazis? Really?


You think it should be illegal for Christians to pray publicly?
Do you think it should be illegal for Christian politicians to discuss their faith publicly?
Do you think churches should enjoy tax exempt status?

There are many who do.

And that is EXACTLY the way the Nazis commenced with marginalization of the Jews.

You don't have to admit it, you won't. But everybody can see it. You are a hated minority, thank goodnes...though quite vocal. You cannot force your world view upon others, unless you eliminate them illegally. Which is the motivating factor behind shutting down biblical references in school, on the street, and everywhere else. Right now our right to practice our religion is protected and the attempts to eliminate all public references to it is unconstitutional. But the first thing the Nazis did, and what the left in this country is attempting to do, was to change the law, to make the oppression more palatable to the world and to the people they count on to carry out the persecution.
You say there's no solid evidence, but reject any evidence out-of-hand because it doesn't fit The Book. That's not using the brain God gave you. I think He'd be very disappointed.

Can't reject evidence that's never been offered.

What evidence is there? Care to list it?

Nope, you won't. Because it doesn't exist. Instead you'll post another vapidism that talks about how this so-called evidence is dismissed...again, without ever identifying the proof.

No evidence of evolution has been offered?

That's the new argument?


Nope, didn't say that. Again, you're arguing to a premise that was never made.
The links show you the species we evolved from, I can't force you to use your mouse and click on them.

Wikipedia is not a scholarly site. College professors will not accept a paper with Wiki listed as the source. That is from the founder of Wikipeida.

True, but that's only if you do surface research. Wikipedia itself has references from which you can get additional info and WOULD be aceptable to a professor. Merely rejecting something out-of-hand because it comes from Wiki is sheer laziness, IMO.
Yeah, except that's never the way they word it.

I cannot fathom why the left, who claims to be so open to new ideas, who claims to be all about education, and higher thinking, and great concepts, and deep always trying to keep us from teaching something.

For example, they didn't want anyone to teach children not to have sex. They said sex was natural and good, hell, they taught that to our very young children, starting in the 70s. I can remember reading books that openly discussed how normal and wonderful it was for a 3 year old girl to masturbate herself (innocently) in public. And everybody was supposed to act as if acceptance of such behavior was normal, good, right...after all, there were STUDIES that said children were sexual and suffered terribly if forced to repress or control it....

I kid you not. But while they were spoonfeeding everybody this garbage, continuing to sexualize children, opening peoples' minds to the wonderful freedom that abortion could bring, trashing the institutions of marriage, fidelity, honor, self control, religion...they were at the same time creating the illusion that teaching self-control, honor, love, committment was BACKWARD and WRONG. And finding ways to keep mainstream America from teaching their own children their own value doing things like refusing to share information about breaking the law and counseling and performing medical procedures on children who were still in their parents' homes and under their care. By religiously (!) identifying and erasing all references to morals, religion, strength of character, and often even truth, if the truth was not convenient to them, from the vocabulary of our (then) youth.

This is nothing new. This is exactly what every depraved, debased, foul tyranny does. They create a villain that people feel justified in despising, and the lower the bar little by little...these people have no value, look at them, they can't take care of their own children, they have issues, we should just get rid of them. Let's prevent them from doing let's stop lets have them move here.....let's take their kids.......let's kill them. That's the way oppressive regimes operate. We see (per usual) world wide that the Christians are made to be the *enemy*. That's as it has been since the time of Christ, however. Christians know they suffer and die, the bible tells us so, and the bible gives us story after story after story of suffering, death, horror....What is alarming is that our own countrymen are so blatant. Perhaps they are so ignorant they just don't know what they are doing...but when people claim that it would just be better for everyone if we made it illegal for christians to pray on the street, in school, on television, those people are exactly in the shoes of German citizens in early Nazi Germany who swallowed what they were being told about Jews, and who were convinced that it was the right, intelligent thing to do.....and in fact if you embrace that sort of ideology you are, in fact, embracing the essence of Nazism.

Wowsers, that's quite the victim card you're trying to pull. Quite the stretch from "don't teach creationism as science" to "make it illegal for Christians to pray anywhere." Nazis? Really?


You think it should be illegal for Christians to pray publicly?
Do you think it should be illegal for Christian politicians to discuss their faith publicly?
Do you think churches should enjoy tax exempt status?

There are many who do.

And that is EXACTLY the way the Nazis commenced with marginalization of the Jews.

You don't have to admit it, you won't. But everybody can see it. You are a hated minority, thank goodnes...though quite vocal. You cannot force your world view upon others, unless you eliminate them illegally. Which is the motivating factor behind shutting down biblical references in school, on the street, and everywhere else. Right now our right to practice our religion is protected and the attempts to eliminate all public references to it is unconstitutional. But the first thing the Nazis did, and what the left in this country is attempting to do, was to change the law, to make the oppression more palatable to the world and to the people they count on to carry out the persecution.

Making sure science stays in the science classes and relgion in religion classes is persecution, that's Constitutional Law. You're just whining because creationism/ID doesn't fit the basic definition of a scientific discipline, but want to shove it down our throats anyway.
We have always been human, period. Every species has been shown to change throughout the millenium to adapt to different surroundings within their own species. I have said nothing that is untrue, I've simply uncovered the lie that's being perpetuated that it has been proven that man has supposedly evolved from some other animal. This is what is implied to supposedly debunk the existance of God and the truth of the Bible. So, many thanks for clearing that up for us all.

That's right we're doing all this to debunk God and the Bible!!! Then who gave us the brain that would look at the fossil record and come up with the theory? Is God playing with our heads? Where did the fossils that show changes over the eons come from? Why is the Bible considered a science text and not a book with allegories and moral lessons? I have said nothing about not believing in God. Why do you make that a basic assumption? It would seem to be fear, rather than proper use of the brain we were given.

No one is arguing that species haven't changed over the millenium, no one is claiming the Bible is a scientific text. And just because you haven't said anything about not believing in God doesn't mean that many, many people believe that the Theory of Evolution debunks the idea of God, when it clearly does not. If the Theory of Evolution can be taught in schools, then the different theories on the origins of human life should also be allowed to be taught.

They are not scientific theories, they ARE RELIGOUS BELIEFS.
ID has been proven to be nothing more than creationsim and that is religous belief.
God, whether someone believes in him or not, has absolutely nothing to do with the theory of evolution.
I believe in God and Evolution.
Faith is a belief and has nothing to do with science.
Yeah, except that's never the way they word it.

I cannot fathom why the left, who claims to be so open to new ideas, who claims to be all about education, and higher thinking, and great concepts, and deep always trying to keep us from teaching something.

For example, they didn't want anyone to teach children not to have sex. They said sex was natural and good, hell, they taught that to our very young children, starting in the 70s. I can remember reading books that openly discussed how normal and wonderful it was for a 3 year old girl to masturbate herself (innocently) in public. And everybody was supposed to act as if acceptance of such behavior was normal, good, right...after all, there were STUDIES that said children were sexual and suffered terribly if forced to repress or control it....

I kid you not. But while they were spoonfeeding everybody this garbage, continuing to sexualize children, opening peoples' minds to the wonderful freedom that abortion could bring, trashing the institutions of marriage, fidelity, honor, self control, religion...they were at the same time creating the illusion that teaching self-control, honor, love, committment was BACKWARD and WRONG. And finding ways to keep mainstream America from teaching their own children their own value doing things like refusing to share information about breaking the law and counseling and performing medical procedures on children who were still in their parents' homes and under their care. By religiously (!) identifying and erasing all references to morals, religion, strength of character, and often even truth, if the truth was not convenient to them, from the vocabulary of our (then) youth.

This is nothing new. This is exactly what every depraved, debased, foul tyranny does. They create a villain that people feel justified in despising, and the lower the bar little by little...these people have no value, look at them, they can't take care of their own children, they have issues, we should just get rid of them. Let's prevent them from doing let's stop lets have them move here.....let's take their kids.......let's kill them. That's the way oppressive regimes operate. We see (per usual) world wide that the Christians are made to be the *enemy*. That's as it has been since the time of Christ, however. Christians know they suffer and die, the bible tells us so, and the bible gives us story after story after story of suffering, death, horror....What is alarming is that our own countrymen are so blatant. Perhaps they are so ignorant they just don't know what they are doing...but when people claim that it would just be better for everyone if we made it illegal for christians to pray on the street, in school, on television, those people are exactly in the shoes of German citizens in early Nazi Germany who swallowed what they were being told about Jews, and who were convinced that it was the right, intelligent thing to do.....and in fact if you embrace that sort of ideology you are, in fact, embracing the essence of Nazism.

Wowsers, that's quite the victim card you're trying to pull. Quite the stretch from "don't teach creationism as science" to "make it illegal for Christians to pray anywhere." Nazis? Really?


You think it should be illegal for Christians to pray publicly?
Do you think it should be illegal for Christian politicians to discuss their faith publicly?
Do you think churches should enjoy tax exempt status?

There are many who do.

And that is EXACTLY the way the Nazis commenced with marginalization of the Jews.

You don't have to admit it, you won't. But everybody can see it. You are a hated minority, thank goodnes...though quite vocal. You cannot force your world view upon others, unless you eliminate them illegally. Which is the motivating factor behind shutting down biblical references in school, on the street, and everywhere else. Right now our right to practice our religion is protected and the attempts to eliminate all public references to it is unconstitutional. But the first thing the Nazis did, and what the left in this country is attempting to do, was to change the law, to make the oppression more palatable to the world and to the people they count on to carry out the persecution.

This guy is comparing the wrong side of the political spectrum with the Nazis. It should not be illegal to pray in public, but no one, including children, should be forced to pray in public. The same goes with saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Making children do such things is akin to the Nazis or Communist regimes, pure brainwashing and indoctrination
Yeah, except that's never the way they word it.

I cannot fathom why the left, who claims to be so open to new ideas, who claims to be all about education, and higher thinking, and great concepts, and deep always trying to keep us from teaching something.

For example, they didn't want anyone to teach children not to have sex. They said sex was natural and good, hell, they taught that to our very young children, starting in the 70s. I can remember reading books that openly discussed how normal and wonderful it was for a 3 year old girl to masturbate herself (innocently) in public. And everybody was supposed to act as if acceptance of such behavior was normal, good, right...after all, there were STUDIES that said children were sexual and suffered terribly if forced to repress or control it....

I kid you not. But while they were spoonfeeding everybody this garbage, continuing to sexualize children, opening peoples' minds to the wonderful freedom that abortion could bring, trashing the institutions of marriage, fidelity, honor, self control, religion...they were at the same time creating the illusion that teaching self-control, honor, love, committment was BACKWARD and WRONG. And finding ways to keep mainstream America from teaching their own children their own value doing things like refusing to share information about breaking the law and counseling and performing medical procedures on children who were still in their parents' homes and under their care. By religiously (!) identifying and erasing all references to morals, religion, strength of character, and often even truth, if the truth was not convenient to them, from the vocabulary of our (then) youth.

This is nothing new. This is exactly what every depraved, debased, foul tyranny does. They create a villain that people feel justified in despising, and the lower the bar little by little...these people have no value, look at them, they can't take care of their own children, they have issues, we should just get rid of them. Let's prevent them from doing let's stop lets have them move here.....let's take their kids.......let's kill them. That's the way oppressive regimes operate. We see (per usual) world wide that the Christians are made to be the *enemy*. That's as it has been since the time of Christ, however. Christians know they suffer and die, the bible tells us so, and the bible gives us story after story after story of suffering, death, horror....What is alarming is that our own countrymen are so blatant. Perhaps they are so ignorant they just don't know what they are doing...but when people claim that it would just be better for everyone if we made it illegal for christians to pray on the street, in school, on television, those people are exactly in the shoes of German citizens in early Nazi Germany who swallowed what they were being told about Jews, and who were convinced that it was the right, intelligent thing to do.....and in fact if you embrace that sort of ideology you are, in fact, embracing the essence of Nazism.

Wowsers, that's quite the victim card you're trying to pull. Quite the stretch from "don't teach creationism as science" to "make it illegal for Christians to pray anywhere." Nazis? Really?


You think it should be illegal for Christians to pray publicly?
Do you think it should be illegal for Christian politicians to discuss their faith publicly?
Do you think churches should enjoy tax exempt status?

There are many who do.

And that is EXACTLY the way the Nazis commenced with marginalization of the Jews.

You don't have to admit it, you won't. But everybody can see it. You are a hated minority, thank goodnes...though quite vocal. You cannot force your world view upon others, unless you eliminate them illegally. Which is the motivating factor behind shutting down biblical references in school, on the street, and everywhere else. Right now our right to practice our religion is protected and the attempts to eliminate all public references to it is unconstitutional. But the first thing the Nazis did, and what the left in this country is attempting to do, was to change the law, to make the oppression more palatable to the world and to the people they count on to carry out the persecution.

No, no, and no.

I cannot vouch for people I don't know. Who?

There are no parallels to the Nazi demonizion and percecution of the Jews and not wanting Creation Mythology taught as science in public schools.

I do not feel like a hated minority.
This guy is comparing the wrong side of the political spectrum with the Nazis.

Allie is a girl (woman) and was comparing the fascist democrats to the Nazis - that would be the correct side of the spectrum.

Fascism and Nazism are kinda close on the political spectrum, however, you're wrong in calling the democrats fascist nazis...........

fas·cist   /ˈfæʃɪst/ Show Spelled
[fash-ist] Show IPA

1. a person who believes in or sympathizes with fascism.
2. ( often initial capital letter ) a member of a fascist movement or party.
3. a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing views.

Fascist | Define Fascist at

Considering how the right wing is working against gay marriage, abortion, drug testing welfare recepients, defense of marriage act, etc. I'd say you'd be more accurate calling the republicans fascist nazis.
It is probably true that you think anyone who opposes teaching Creation Mythology in science class is a fascist democrat.

I understand that paying attention is very difficult for you - but go back and read my post on the Dingo and the kitchen trash.

Evolution is fact, creationism is not science. If someone wants to believe that god directed evolution, that's fine with me - but the mechanism of evolution IS indisputable.

What you don't grasp is that I'm a civil libertarian, I support liberty. That support is not dependent on whether I agree with the person exercising their rights or not. I support the right of people to pray at the flag pole, to pray at football games and to have a nativity scene on sacred government ground - because government ain't my god. As an agnostic, I don't share their faith, as a Libertarian, I defend their rights.
It is probably true that you think anyone who opposes teaching Creation Mythology in science class is a fascist democrat.

I understand that paying attention is very difficult for you - but go back and read my post on the Dingo and the kitchen trash.

Evolution is fact, creationism is not science. If someone wants to believe that god directed evolution, that's fine with me - but the mechanism of evolution IS indisputable.

What you don't grasp is that I'm a civil libertarian, I support liberty. That support is not dependent on whether I agree with the person exercising their rights or not. I support the right of people to pray at the flag pole, to pray at football games and to have a nativity scene on sacred government ground - because government ain't my god. As an agnostic, I don't share their faith, as a Libertarian, I defend their rights.

I agree with all that except the nativity scene, that's an example of government endorsing religion.
Fascism and Nazism are kinda close on the political spectrum, however, you're wrong in calling the democrats fascist nazis...........

Well, let's test that - shall we?

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Benito Mussolini (and he really should know!)

Merge corporations and government?

{The Obama Administration has engineered a prepackaged bankruptcy in which the government will provide an additional $30 billion in financing in exchange for 60 percent ownership of the company.}

Government Ownership of GM Sets Dangerous Precedent (June 2009)

{It’s obvious that government ownership of General Motors and Chrysler is going to bring up all kinds of thorny issues and unwanted pressure on how the companies will be run. But the feds haven’t even acquired their shares yet and already the two companies are getting heat from Washington.}

Government ownership gets thorny, already - BusinessWeek

Well shit - that is a merger of government and corporate power - just like Benito said...

Hmmm, what ELSE has Chumpy Obamalini promoted?

{A new analysis by the Joint Economic Committee and the House Ways & Means Committee minority staff estimates up to 16,500 new IRS personnel will be needed to collect, examine and audit new tax information mandated on families and small businesses in the ‘reconciliation’ bill being taken up by the U.S. House of Representatives this weekend. ...

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Well fucking A - government agents forcing people to buy corporate products?

Doesn't get more fascist than that - does it?

The appropriate name for the party of Obama is the "fascist-democrats," as it IS a fascist party led by a fascist - Chumpy Obamalini.

It is probably true that you think anyone who opposes teaching Creation Mythology in science class is a fascist democrat.

I understand that paying attention is very difficult for you - but go back and read my post on the Dingo and the kitchen trash.

Evolution is fact, creationism is not science. If someone wants to believe that god directed evolution, that's fine with me - but the mechanism of evolution IS indisputable.

What you don't grasp is that I'm a civil libertarian, I support liberty. That support is not dependent on whether I agree with the person exercising their rights or not. I support the right of people to pray at the flag pole, to pray at football games and to have a nativity scene on sacred government ground - because government ain't my god. As an agnostic, I don't share their faith, as a Libertarian, I defend their rights.

:eusa_eh: Does empirical evidence ring any bells? There is none that unequivocally supports your statement therefore from a scientific standpoint your statement is incorrect.
That's right we're doing all this to debunk God and the Bible!!! Then who gave us the brain that would look at the fossil record and come up with the theory? Is God playing with our heads? Where did the fossils that show changes over the eons come from? Why is the Bible considered a science text and not a book with allegories and moral lessons? I have said nothing about not believing in God. Why do you make that a basic assumption? It would seem to be fear, rather than proper use of the brain we were given.

No one is arguing that species haven't changed over the millenium, no one is claiming the Bible is a scientific text. And just because you haven't said anything about not believing in God doesn't mean that many, many people believe that the Theory of Evolution debunks the idea of God, when it clearly does not. If the Theory of Evolution can be taught in schools, then the different theories on the origins of human life should also be allowed to be taught.

They are not scientific theories, they ARE RELIGOUS BELIEFS.
ID has been proven to be nothing more than creationsim and that is religous belief.
God, whether someone believes in him or not, has absolutely nothing to do with the theory of evolution.
I believe in God and Evolution.
Faith is a belief and has nothing to do with science.

I never said that it had anything to do with science. No one has said it should be taught specifically in science class. What humankind understands about our own existance and its origins is just a grain of sand in the oceans, if want to put all of your 'faith' in that, more power to you.

I also noted that you said you *believed* in evolution, and that's because you would have to believe, since it's never been proven.

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