The creationists are BACK

Creationists keep trying their little loopholes and tricks and whining and victim card-playing...

stop. please just stop.
Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.

Anthropogenic Global Warming has far less scientific fact backing it than does the Creation Museum in Kentucky.

Two types spout off on AGW, morons and frauds. Sadly, AGW demonstrates the utter lack of integrity in the scientific community, showing that we are no different than the dark ages, with learned men spouting religious nonsense in pursuit of funding by the church.

I you are too stupid to comprehend that AGW has been fully debunked, you're far too stupid to bother with.

But hey, let's teach kids debunked Global Warming nonsense...

Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

The part in BOLD is completely untrue. Climate scientists know the earth has gone through cycles. Who are you trying to fool, anyway? The contention is totally ludicrous and part of a the denier meme, i.e. "scientists don't know what they're talking about". What we REALLY have are skeptics/deniers that don't realize you can't use the past as a template for the future, if underlying conditions have changed, such as humans emitting more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year. If there's an all-or-nothing strawman argument going on, it's the skeptics/deniers and their "faith" that we can't possibly be doing anything to the climate of something as large as earth. And they have the nerve to call "Warmism" a religion?!?! :cuckoo:
Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

Yes. There is a cycle that goes around.

However...........mankind dumping crap into the environment tips the balance.
Umm. Our pollution issues were far worse in the mid part of the 20th century than they are now. That's a fact.
Oh, and how is the mini ice age of the 1800's explained? Or how about the unusually warm period as documented by the Europeans in the 13th century?
Dumping crap...and the alternative is what? Government mandated draconian measures that would absolutely guarantee a whole bunch more of our manufacturing goes to other countries?
All this bullshit from the enviro-nazi's and uninformed people such as yourself ends up in the same bin...."Just fix it" you say. How? "Slam these industries with new taxes", you scream.
"Congress to enviro- lobby: "oh we've found a way to fix the problem...."
Enviro lobby: "What's that?"\
Congress: "We can make up a new tax that will make you happy. Then we can make a up a system where a big polluter can buy pollution credits. You guys get your satisfaction in seeing the corporations pay more taxes, we get to look like we're helping the environment and we get to stay in office longer. Sound like a plan?"
Enviro-lobby: "Well, what about the pollution"?
Congress: "This is politics. You guys get to look good and besides, without us, you have to deal with the pro business republicans. You need US to stay in office".
Enviro-lobby: "Sounds like a plan"
That's called Cap and Trade...Which is really Cap and TAX.
There is ZERO scientific evidence that the earth's climate cycles can be changed one iota by human activity.
The most glaring evidence of that vs the beliefs of the environmentalist wing of the democrat party and the scientists they hire to do their bidding is they cannot explain how it is there are temperature spikes and dips that have occurred long before mankind invented the internal combustion engine. As a matter of fact those people don't even want to touch it.
This is the cleanest country on the planet. Canada is right with us.
You want to be an environmental crusader, hike your ass to China. That place is a filthy shit hole. See if you can convince the Chi-Comm government to stop their industries from dumping shit on to the ground and in the water/air.
Because the theory is itself evolving. With each new hypothesis, experiment, conclusion it grows. The problem with ID is there very little in the way of hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion. Creationists begin with a preferred explanation and attempt to create a defense around it.

Debate Between Evolution And Creationism |

When you can explain to me with proof and facts where and how life first started, maybe I'll listen to you, until then your theory is no different than any other out there.

Evolution isn't about how life started.

This is an instance where the creationists who believe in God's guiding hand in evolution sound so much smarter than the creationists who just scoff their nose at all basic science like evolution.

Isn't the title of this thread, 'The Creationists are back'??? So, why are we talking about evolution then? When you can tell me what we evolved from and show the fossil that is the so called 'missing link' that proves that humans 'evolved' from some other animal, then perhaps you'll have my attention. Until then, your scientific theory is no better than any other. They have yet to prove ANY evolution from ANY animal into another animal, let alone a human being. Evolution within species, yes, evolution between species, NO.
Yes the links show that evolution is a fact, it also shows that the theory of evolution is backed by facts.

The theory of evolution is just as strong as the theory of gravity, thank goodness there's no religious motivation to deny gravity or the streets by tall buildings would be awfully messy.

What did we evolve from?


That's better than a higher being created the universe??? Okay. :lol:
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

Yep... things that make you go 'hmmm'...
What did we evolve from?

Does it matter?

I went in the kitchen the other night and found the trash knocked over, several chicken bones were on the floor and a few were chewed.

I formulated a hypothesis that the Dingo did it. Checking around, I found paw prints in spilled coffee grounds. My hypothesis was now a full blow theory - the theory of the Dingo did it! I looked at the available facts and contrasted them with my Theory - the bird doesn't have paws, neither does my wife - but the Dingo does. The bird doesn't like chicken bones, neither does my wife - but the Dingo does. While still a theory, I soon stated as fact that the Dingo did it. Did it answer questions about where the coffee grounds came from, or when the chicken was born? No, but it did answer the question of who got into the trash. (For such brilliance, my wife handed me a broom, to clean up after my dog!)

Evolution fits the facts. When the available facts are examined against evolution, they fit. Does evolution explain the origins of life? Nope - who cares? It offers a cohesive and logical explanation of the development of diverse species that meshes with observable data.

Yes, it absolutely matters. Until we are able to show what we supposedly 'evolved' from, it's pure speculation.
Creationists keep trying their little loopholes and tricks and whining and victim card-playing...

stop. please just stop.

Wow, that's nice and vague. Imagine that, no specific complaint.

Because of course telling Christians to shut up and working towards making the practice of their faith in public (or anywhere) illegal is in direct conflict with the Constitution. So it makes sense that the anti-Christian comments are vague and sneering. You know you're advocating to eliminate freedom of religion....
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Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.


The volcano god DEMANDS sacrifice - GIVE US YOUR WEALTH..

I have a policy to only mock you cultists - debating your scriptures only serves to legitimize your idiocy.

BUT I will break that rule, this once.

Tell me sparky, how much have ocean levels risen? I mean, it's catastrophic and all, so how many feet have the Atlantic and Pacific risen, from the melting caps?






Cultists - stupidity defined.
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When you can explain to me with proof and facts where and how life first started, maybe I'll listen to you, until then your theory is no different than any other out there.

Evolution isn't about how life started.

This is an instance where the creationists who believe in God's guiding hand in evolution sound so much smarter than the creationists who just scoff their nose at all basic science like evolution.

Isn't the title of this thread, 'The Creationists are back'??? So, why are we talking about evolution then? When you can tell me what we evolved from and show the fossil that is the so called 'missing link' that proves that humans 'evolved' from some other animal, then perhaps you'll have my attention. Until then, your scientific theory is no better than any other. They have yet to prove ANY evolution from ANY animal into another animal, let alone a human being. Evolution within species, yes, evolution between species, NO.

Evolution: Humans: Humankind

Timeline of human evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How far back would you like me to start in terms of us evolving from another species?
Allie glad you're back.

You claimed this;

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

and I responded with this

Well we've got 63 pages to this thread, if you can find one single post where someone said evolution proves there is no God I'd love to see it.

Just one post, thanks.

Is this another instance of you creating a story in your head in order to sound victimized or is this based on real life?
The climate changed so what else does one call it?
climate unchanged?

Is this your first time on Earth? Where are you originally from?

Since you're new here, let me clue you in - Earth has a volatile climate. Over the last 4.5 billion years, the climate has been in a state of constant change.

Check out the visitors center on your way out.
Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

The part in BOLD is completely untrue. Climate scientists know the earth has gone through cycles. Who are you trying to fool, anyway? The contention is totally ludicrous and part of a the denier meme, i.e. "scientists don't know what they're talking about". What we REALLY have are skeptics/deniers that don't realize you can't use the past as a template for the future, if underlying conditions have changed, such as humans emitting more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year. If there's an all-or-nothing strawman argument going on, it's the skeptics/deniers and their "faith" that we can't possibly be doing anything to the climate of something as large as earth. And they have the nerve to call "Warmism" a religion?!?! :cuckoo:
What is untrue?..You have nothing but the term "denier"....The rest of your post is just bitching and whining.
You state you believe there is man made global warming because you need it to be true. It' is the only way you can keep believing in your political agenda.
What the fuck is "warmism"? Is this another made up term by the enviro lobby to replace "climate change"?
No one said "scientists don't know what they're talking about"..They do. The problem here is most climate studies were commissioned by people with a particular political agenda.
These people were paid to come up with the predetermined conclusion.
It was only after the NCDC study was published did those on the pro global warming side had to make changes in their strategy. It was shortly after that the term global warming left the media lexicon and was replaced by "climate change"..
We just got through experiencing one of the coldest winters on record. Now this is amusing....There were news reports allegedly from scientists that global warming causes cold winters..REALLY?!!!!! Where's the proof? We're still waiting.
This global warming climate change fiasco is part of a political agenda. It's design is to increase consumer costs, drive business to the point where it can no longer operate profitably. The government will gladly extend the hand of assistance. After that it's all over.
Dependency. That is the goal of this administration.
Creationists keep trying their little loopholes and tricks and whining and victim card-playing...

stop. please just stop.

Oh yes, only the left are able to do so.
Waaaaa. We want the right to be silent again.
Only the left have rights,only they are victims.
When you can explain to me with proof and facts where and how life first started, maybe I'll listen to you, until then your theory is no different than any other out there.

Evolution isn't about how life started.

This is an instance where the creationists who believe in God's guiding hand in evolution sound so much smarter than the creationists who just scoff their nose at all basic science like evolution.

Isn't the title of this thread, 'The Creationists are back'??? So, why are we talking about evolution then? When you can tell me what we evolved from and show the fossil that is the so called 'missing link' that proves that humans 'evolved' from some other animal, then perhaps you'll have my attention. Until then, your scientific theory is no better than any other. They have yet to prove ANY evolution from ANY animal into another animal, let alone a human being. Evolution within species, yes, evolution between species, NO.

Show us where evolutionists have claimed evolution between species. ALL evolution is within a species. You're creating a controversy where none exists and all you're doing is showing your ignorance of the theory. Like my HS bio teacher said, "you don't have to believe it, but you do have to understand it". I think you should take that advice before commenting and saying things that are patently untrue. Evolution is based on DIVERGENCE, so all along the evolutionary path an individual was of the same species as their parents and their offspring, but that may not be the case when going back or forth several thousand generations.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

The part in BOLD is completely untrue. Climate scientists know the earth has gone through cycles. Who are you trying to fool, anyway? The contention is totally ludicrous and part of a the denier meme, i.e. "scientists don't know what they're talking about". What we REALLY have are skeptics/deniers that don't realize you can't use the past as a template for the future, if underlying conditions have changed, such as humans emitting more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year. If there's an all-or-nothing strawman argument going on, it's the skeptics/deniers and their "faith" that we can't possibly be doing anything to the climate of something as large as earth. And they have the nerve to call "Warmism" a religion?!?! :cuckoo:
What is untrue?..You have nothing but the term "denier"....The rest of your post is just bitching and whining.
You state you believe there is man made global warming because you need it to be true. It' is the only way you can keep believing in your political agenda.
What the fuck is "warmism"? Is this another made up term by the enviro lobby to replace "climate change"?
No one said "scientists don't know what they're talking about"..They do. The problem here is most climate studies were commissioned by people with a particular political agenda.
These people were paid to come up with the predetermined conclusion.
It was only after the NCDC study was published did those on the pro global warming side had to make changes in their strategy. It was shortly after that the term global warming left the media lexicon and was replaced by "climate change"..
We just got through experiencing one of the coldest winters on record. Now this is amusing....There were news reports allegedly from scientists that global warming causes cold winters..REALLY?!!!!! Where's the proof? We're still waiting.
This global warming climate change fiasco is part of a political agenda. It's design is to increase consumer costs, drive business to the point where it can no longer operate profitably. The government will gladly extend the hand of assistance. After that it's all over.
Dependency. That is the goal of this administration.

Yep! They are also trying to bankrupt this counrty, so that they can get rid of our constitution and get a (new and improved) one. :evil:
Evolution isn't about how life started.

This is an instance where the creationists who believe in God's guiding hand in evolution sound so much smarter than the creationists who just scoff their nose at all basic science like evolution.

Isn't the title of this thread, 'The Creationists are back'??? So, why are we talking about evolution then? When you can tell me what we evolved from and show the fossil that is the so called 'missing link' that proves that humans 'evolved' from some other animal, then perhaps you'll have my attention. Until then, your scientific theory is no better than any other. They have yet to prove ANY evolution from ANY animal into another animal, let alone a human being. Evolution within species, yes, evolution between species, NO.

Evolution: Humans: Humankind

Timeline of human evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How far back would you like me to start in terms of us evolving from another species?

Uh, those links to PBS and wiki in no way verify that evolution has anything to do with the *branching* of species (new species creation).

But do carry on.
Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

The part in BOLD is completely untrue. Climate scientists know the earth has gone through cycles. Who are you trying to fool, anyway? The contention is totally ludicrous and part of a the denier meme, i.e. "scientists don't know what they're talking about". What we REALLY have are skeptics/deniers that don't realize you can't use the past as a template for the future, if underlying conditions have changed, such as humans emitting more CO2 in DAYS than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year. If there's an all-or-nothing strawman argument going on, it's the skeptics/deniers and their "faith" that we can't possibly be doing anything to the climate of something as large as earth. And they have the nerve to call "Warmism" a religion?!?! :cuckoo:

And when we go into the next cooling period, what will you use as a reason then? CO2 can't be used as a reason for both, altho I'm sure the enivro's will turn themselves inside out trying to come up with something.:cuckoo:
Evolution isn't about how life started.

This is an instance where the creationists who believe in God's guiding hand in evolution sound so much smarter than the creationists who just scoff their nose at all basic science like evolution.

Isn't the title of this thread, 'The Creationists are back'??? So, why are we talking about evolution then? When you can tell me what we evolved from and show the fossil that is the so called 'missing link' that proves that humans 'evolved' from some other animal, then perhaps you'll have my attention. Until then, your scientific theory is no better than any other. They have yet to prove ANY evolution from ANY animal into another animal, let alone a human being. Evolution within species, yes, evolution between species, NO.

Evolution: Humans: Humankind

Timeline of human evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How far back would you like me to start in terms of us evolving from another species?[/QUOTE]

Until you tell me what species we supposedly evolved from. Name me one animal in existance throughout scientific discovery that has been shown to evolve from another animal.

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