The creationists are BACK

What did we evolve from?

Does it matter?

I went in the kitchen the other night and found the trash knocked over, several chicken bones were on the floor and a few were chewed.

I formulated a hypothesis that the Dingo did it. Checking around, I found paw prints in spilled coffee grounds. My hypothesis was now a full blow theory - the theory of the Dingo did it! I looked at the available facts and contrasted them with my Theory - the bird doesn't have paws, neither does my wife - but the Dingo does. The bird doesn't like chicken bones, neither does my wife - but the Dingo does. While still a theory, I soon stated as fact that the Dingo did it. Did it answer questions about where the coffee grounds came from, or when the chicken was born? No, but it did answer the question of who got into the trash. (For such brilliance, my wife handed me a broom, to clean up after my dog!)

Evolution fits the facts. When the available facts are examined against evolution, they fit. Does evolution explain the origins of life? Nope - who cares? It offers a cohesive and logical explanation of the development of diverse species that meshes with observable data.
A little background. We have had many school boards in Georgia cave in to the religous whackos in the last decade over putting labels on all Biology books concerning evolution.
"Evolution is a theory only and there are other theories that are in the scientific community concerning the origins of life" type BS was on all Biology in many school districts.
I know, this stuff is so crazy but remember we are in Georgia where folks would believe the Spaghetti Monster is to be worshipped first and foremost if their preacher or Republican representative told them so. Science be damned.
Well sports fans, the creationists are backagain under the disguise of "intelligent design" claiming that there beliefs are science.
Now anyone with just a high school education knows full well, yet many will not publicly admit it because of worrying about getting the business in Sunday school, that creationism and intelligent design is not science but they keep plowing forward even if it is with a one legged mule after the Dover Pa. case.
Yesterday our Governor Sonny "Doesn't" Perdue announced that he, and his power house Republican buddies in the Legislature, want to make the State School Superintendent an appointed position. The religous right is behind it. Evolution is and has been their main target.
More to come folks.

Well color me confused.

On one hand we have people saying "you don't know what evolution is! It has nothing to do with creation!"

Yet on the other hand we have an OP and numerous, subsequent pages of posts, that clearly show that the anti-Christian crowd sees some sort of connection between the Creationist theory of creation, and evolution.

Please clear this up.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

No one said there is no God.
No one has stated they are anti Christian.
Everyone agrees you are puzzled.
A little background. We have had many school boards in Georgia cave in to the religous whackos in the last decade over putting labels on all Biology books concerning evolution.
"Evolution is a theory only and there are other theories that are in the scientific community concerning the origins of life" type BS was on all Biology in many school districts.
I know, this stuff is so crazy but remember we are in Georgia where folks would believe the Spaghetti Monster is to be worshipped first and foremost if their preacher or Republican representative told them so. Science be damned.
Well sports fans, the creationists are backagain under the disguise of "intelligent design" claiming that there beliefs are science.
Now anyone with just a high school education knows full well, yet many will not publicly admit it because of worrying about getting the business in Sunday school, that creationism and intelligent design is not science but they keep plowing forward even if it is with a one legged mule after the Dover Pa. case.
Yesterday our Governor Sonny "Doesn't" Perdue announced that he, and his power house Republican buddies in the Legislature, want to make the State School Superintendent an appointed position. The religous right is behind it. Evolution is and has been their main target.
More to come folks.

Well color me confused.

On one hand we have people saying "you don't know what evolution is! It has nothing to do with creation!"

Yet on the other hand we have an OP and numerous, subsequent pages of posts, that clearly show that the anti-Christian crowd sees some sort of connection between the Creationist theory of creation, and evolution.

Please clear this up.

How can one be "anti Christian crowd" when they attend church weekly?
On both hands we have a fool named Allie as a stooge for the ignorant and uninformed.

But hey, let's teach kids debunked Global Warming nonsense...

Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

No one said there is no God.
No one has stated they are anti Christian.
Everyone agrees you are puzzled.

The evidence for evolution is simply overwhelming. From the rocks beneath our feet to the genes in our cells, it all points to the fact that we are the product of the evolution of life from very simple forms to that which we see today.

The process of abogenisis suffers from a wealth of possible paths, not from a paucity of possibilities. From proto-cells to deep sea vents, there are so many plausible paths by the chemistry of organic life that it is not a matter of finding a possible path for abiogenisis, but which path it took here on earth.

When we finally get to the point of exploring other solar systems, it will be most fascinating to see what paths were taken there, and what kind of differance that has made in the end result in their evolutionary development.

Evolution and abiogenisis are neither a proof of, or a denial of, the existance of a Diety. Lack of recognition of what is obvious to anyone that has explored the subject is proof of a mind that remains willfully ignorant.

But hey, let's teach kids debunked Global Warming nonsense...

Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

But hey, let's teach kids debunked Global Warming nonsense...

Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

Yes. There is a cycle that goes around.

However...........mankind dumping crap into the environment tips the balance.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

No one said there is no God.
No one has stated they are anti Christian.
Everyone agrees you are puzzled.

The evidence for evolution is simply overwhelming. From the rocks beneath our feet to the genes in our cells, it all points to the fact that we are the product of the evolution of life from very simple forms to that which we see today.

The process of abogenisis suffers from a wealth of possible paths, not from a paucity of possibilities. From proto-cells to deep sea vents, there are so many plausible paths by the chemistry of organic life that it is not a matter of finding a possible path for abiogenisis, but which path it took here on earth.

When we finally get to the point of exploring other solar systems, it will be most fascinating to see what paths were taken there, and what kind of differance that has made in the end result in their evolutionary development.

Evolution and abiogenisis are neither a proof of, or a denial of, the existance of a Diety. Lack of recognition of what is obvious to anyone that has explored the subject is proof of a mind that remains willfully ignorant.

so why, and this is the third or fourth time I've asked this, do anti-Christians insist on joining the two concepts as if belief in (or against) evolution has ANYTHING TO DO WITH CREATION????

The OP is a great example...why did gadawg start a thread about evolution/creation, if he knows the two don't have anything to do with each other?

It looks to me like it's your side that treats them as two sides of Creation Theory...not the other way around.
Creation starts evolution you dumb bitch.

Still using circumcision as a way to tell animals from humans?

You must have had a few. I can tell cuz you're looking to start fights with women. You're such a champ!

Anyway, I'll continue to wait for an intelligible response, rather than the foul spew you puke up.
BTW, have you managed to compile a list of our cousins in the animal kingdom who practice circumcision?
No one said there is no God.
No one has stated they are anti Christian.
Everyone agrees you are puzzled.

The evidence for evolution is simply overwhelming. From the rocks beneath our feet to the genes in our cells, it all points to the fact that we are the product of the evolution of life from very simple forms to that which we see today.

The process of abogenisis suffers from a wealth of possible paths, not from a paucity of possibilities. From proto-cells to deep sea vents, there are so many plausible paths by the chemistry of organic life that it is not a matter of finding a possible path for abiogenisis, but which path it took here on earth.

When we finally get to the point of exploring other solar systems, it will be most fascinating to see what paths were taken there, and what kind of differance that has made in the end result in their evolutionary development.

Evolution and abiogenisis are neither a proof of, or a denial of, the existance of a Diety. Lack of recognition of what is obvious to anyone that has explored the subject is proof of a mind that remains willfully ignorant.

so why, and this is the third or fourth time I've asked this, do anti-Christians insist on joining the two concepts as if belief in (or against) evolution has ANYTHING TO DO WITH CREATION????

The OP is a great example...why did gadawg start a thread about evolution/creation, if he knows the two don't have anything to do with each other?

It looks to me like it's your side that treats them as two sides of Creation Theory...not the other way around.

Looking back at the OP, it would be because people in GA were trying to get ID/Creationism discussed in a science class alongside evolution. That sounds like it would be the religious (assuming you accept the OP premise) who are tying evolution to creation.

Just sayin'. :)
The evidence for evolution is simply overwhelming. From the rocks beneath our feet to the genes in our cells, it all points to the fact that we are the product of the evolution of life from very simple forms to that which we see today.

The process of abogenisis suffers from a wealth of possible paths, not from a paucity of possibilities. From proto-cells to deep sea vents, there are so many plausible paths by the chemistry of organic life that it is not a matter of finding a possible path for abiogenisis, but which path it took here on earth.

When we finally get to the point of exploring other solar systems, it will be most fascinating to see what paths were taken there, and what kind of differance that has made in the end result in their evolutionary development.

Evolution and abiogenisis are neither a proof of, or a denial of, the existance of a Diety. Lack of recognition of what is obvious to anyone that has explored the subject is proof of a mind that remains willfully ignorant.

so why, and this is the third or fourth time I've asked this, do anti-Christians insist on joining the two concepts as if belief in (or against) evolution has ANYTHING TO DO WITH CREATION????

The OP is a great example...why did gadawg start a thread about evolution/creation, if he knows the two don't have anything to do with each other?

It looks to me like it's your side that treats them as two sides of Creation Theory...not the other way around.

Looking back at the OP, it would be because people in GA were trying to get ID/Creationism discussed in a science class alongside evolution. That sounds like it would be the religious (assuming you accept the OP premise) who are tying evolution to creation.

Just sayin'. :)

Yeah, except that's never the way they word it.

I cannot fathom why the left, who claims to be so open to new ideas, who claims to be all about education, and higher thinking, and great concepts, and deep always trying to keep us from teaching something.

For example, they didn't want anyone to teach children not to have sex. They said sex was natural and good, hell, they taught that to our very young children, starting in the 70s. I can remember reading books that openly discussed how normal and wonderful it was for a 3 year old girl to masturbate herself (innocently) in public. And everybody was supposed to act as if acceptance of such behavior was normal, good, right...after all, there were STUDIES that said children were sexual and suffered terribly if forced to repress or control it....

I kid you not. But while they were spoonfeeding everybody this garbage, continuing to sexualize children, opening peoples' minds to the wonderful freedom that abortion could bring, trashing the institutions of marriage, fidelity, honor, self control, religion...they were at the same time creating the illusion that teaching self-control, honor, love, committment was BACKWARD and WRONG. And finding ways to keep mainstream America from teaching their own children their own value doing things like refusing to share information about breaking the law and counseling and performing medical procedures on children who were still in their parents' homes and under their care. By religiously (!) identifying and erasing all references to morals, religion, strength of character, and often even truth, if the truth was not convenient to them, from the vocabulary of our (then) youth.

This is nothing new. This is exactly what every depraved, debased, foul tyranny does. They create a villain that people feel justified in despising, and the lower the bar little by little...these people have no value, look at them, they can't take care of their own children, they have issues, we should just get rid of them. Let's prevent them from doing let's stop lets have them move here.....let's take their kids.......let's kill them. That's the way oppressive regimes operate. We see (per usual) world wide that the Christians are made to be the *enemy*. That's as it has been since the time of Christ, however. Christians know they suffer and die, the bible tells us so, and the bible gives us story after story after story of suffering, death, horror....What is alarming is that our own countrymen are so blatant. Perhaps they are so ignorant they just don't know what they are doing...but when people claim that it would just be better for everyone if we made it illegal for christians to pray on the street, in school, on television, those people are exactly in the shoes of German citizens in early Nazi Germany who swallowed what they were being told about Jews, and who were convinced that it was the right, intelligent thing to do.....and in fact if you embrace that sort of ideology you are, in fact, embracing the essence of Nazism.
Creation starts evolution you dumb bitch.

Still using circumcision as a way to tell animals from humans?

You must have had a few. I can tell cuz you're looking to start fights with women. You're such a champ!

Anyway, I'll continue to wait for an intelligible response, rather than the foul spew you puke up.

Allie, if you want to play on this field, don't pull the sex card again
Creation starts evolution you dumb bitch.

Still using circumcision as a way to tell animals from humans?

You must have had a few. I can tell cuz you're looking to start fights with women. You're such a champ!

Anyway, I'll continue to wait for an intelligible response, rather than the foul spew you puke up.

Allie, if you want to play on this field, don't pull the sex card again

Excuse and fuck you? You have no fucking idea what the fuck you're talking about, so put your head back up your ass and share your ridiculous posturing for somebody who will be impressed.

I'm not playing any sex card. Gaybiker is a piece of shit who has admitted to hitting women, and is about as disgusting an individual as there is on this board. So I will go ahead and call him on that and remind him of that every time he brings his stinking, revolting ass to any discussion I'm involved in. Particularly if he's stupid enough to try to speak to me. And don't presume to think I need your advice about what I can and can't discuss when I'm "playing" on this field. I promise you, I'm comfortable on this field and have played it a lot and across many venues and years.

If you have anything else to say to me, I would appreciate it if you would take it up with my personal assistant and towel girls, Riva and Luissa. I do not usually speak with the rabble.

Well with rabble other than...

Oh never mind.
You must have had a few. I can tell cuz you're looking to start fights with women. You're such a champ!

Anyway, I'll continue to wait for an intelligible response, rather than the foul spew you puke up.

Allie, if you want to play on this field, don't pull the sex card again

Excuse and fuck you? You have no fucking idea what the fuck you're talking about, so put your head back up your ass and share your ridiculous posturing for somebody who will be impressed.

I'm not playing any sex card. Gaybiker is a piece of shit who has admitted to hitting women, and is about as disgusting an individual as there is on this board. So I will go ahead and call him on that and remind him of that every time he brings his stinking, revolting ass to any discussion I'm involved in. Particularly if he's stupid enough to try to speak to me. And don't presume to think I need your advice about what I can and can't discuss when I'm "playing" on this field. I promise you, I'm comfortable on this field and have played it a lot and across many venues and years.

If you have anything else to say to me, I would appreciate it if you would take it up with my personal assistant and towel girls, Riva and Luissa. I do not usually speak with the rabble.

Well with rabble other than...

Oh never mind.

Okay, okay... Oh whoops. Hey 'Riva and Luissa' tell Allie I say "Okay, Okay." Thanks!

But hey, let's teach kids debunked Global Warming nonsense...

Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

The vast majority of scientists in the world believe that man is contributing to climate change. That works for me.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

Well we've got 63 pages to this thread, if you can find one single post where someone said evolution proves there is no God I'd love to see it.

Just one post, thanks.

But hey, let's teach kids debunked Global Warming nonsense...

Since every single Scientific Society in the world, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger, show us where global warming has been debunked, and by whom.
About 5 years ago the National Climatic Data Center in conjunction with NASA completed a study on the earth's climate.
The data in the study concluded that in the last 100 years the Earth's average temperature rose about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, the scientists in no way could make any conclusions as to why the temperature increase.
Those with the pro global warming agenda, took that to mean it just HAD to be man made.
There's no proof of that. Because of thew lack of solid evidence that this small rise in temperature is man made, the Left has now labeled the issue "climate change"....
Those on the Left and the environmental lobby refuse to accept the fact that the Earth's climate is cyclical.
Now, a bit of common sense. We should always strive to look for ways to enjoy a clean environment. However this must be done in such a way so as to keep a balance between important environmental needs and those of commerce.
Neither component need be sacrificed. The all or nothing straw man argument is non -applicable and is rejected.

The climate changed so what else does one call it?
climate unchanged?
There is plenty of proof that man's pollution has played a role in that change. Ever heard of soot on ice and snow? What does black on white do in the sun even in temperatures where the ice and snow are a little under the freezing point?
They melt due to the black soot and that is bad and the soot is man made.
I fish and hunt and every older guide I know on earth will tell you the climate has changed over the last 50 years. Pollution has changed the climate on the earth.
That doesn't mean that natural causes also change it as I believe that but pollution has caused this change more rapidly than the natural cycles of change.
To most in the know this is not a political thing. Rush and Sean make it one for ad revenue.

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