The creationists are BACK

I am well versed in the scientific method.

Both my wife and I have B.S. degrees.

Her's is in zoology.

Neither of us believe in the quack theory of evolution.

You are living proof that a BS degree means nothing. And it is certainly nothing to brag about

Hey......maybe Sunnidiot has a BS degree in something that has ZIP POINT SQUAT to do in science.

I mean.......can you legitimately expect a liberal arts major to know anything about evolution?

I teach college, know zip about evolution, and would certainly not be attempting to get into a discussion about it as if I did. Guess this type of intelligence comes with education.
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I teach college, know zip about evolution, and would certainly not be attempting to get into a discussion about it as if I did. Guess this type of intelligence comes with education.

How can you teach college if you know zip about evolution?

I would imagine that even liberal arts majors would have a requirement to pass biology.
I teach college, know zip about evolution, and would certainly not be attempting to get into a discussion about it as if I did. Guess this type of intelligence comes with education.

How can you teach college if you know zip about evolution?

I would imagine that even liberal arts majors would have a requirement to pass biology.

I know very little about evolution other than basics, and I have not studied Biology since high school. This does not qualify me to be in a serious discussion about evolution.
I know very little about evolution other than basics, and I have not studied Biology since high school. This does not qualify me to be in a serious discussion about evolution.

No worries, I've seen no serious discussion on the subject in this thread.

Selective reading, nothing new.

Links with proof were posted over and over again, but as the creationists do whenever they face new evidence, they close their eyes and plug their ears while shouting "LALALALALALALA."
I teach college, know zip about evolution, and would certainly not be attempting to get into a discussion about it as if I did. Guess this type of intelligence comes with education.

How can you teach college if you know zip about evolution?

I would imagine that even liberal arts majors would have a requirement to pass biology.

I doubt an Accounting professor needs much knowledge of the Theory of Evolution to teach consolidations and mergers, or taxation, or auditing, or accounting information systems, or QMBE, or managerial accounting, or cost accounting.....
I know very little about evolution other than basics, and I have not studied Biology since high school. This does not qualify me to be in a serious discussion about evolution.

No worries, I've seen no serious discussion on the subject in this thread.

Selective reading, nothing new.

Links with proof were posted over and over again, but as the creationists do whenever they face new evidence, they close their eyes and plug their ears while shouting "LALALALALALALA."

So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?
No worries, I've seen no serious discussion on the subject in this thread.

Selective reading, nothing new.

Links with proof were posted over and over again, but as the creationists do whenever they face new evidence, they close their eyes and plug their ears while shouting "LALALALALALALA."

So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?

Yes the links show that evolution is a fact, it also shows that the theory of evolution is backed by facts.

The theory of evolution is just as strong as the theory of gravity, thank goodness there's no religious motivation to deny gravity or the streets by tall buildings would be awfully messy.
Selective reading, nothing new.

Links with proof were posted over and over again, but as the creationists do whenever they face new evidence, they close their eyes and plug their ears while shouting "LALALALALALALA."

So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?

Yes the links show that evolution is a fact, it also shows that the theory of evolution is backed by facts.

The theory of evolution is just as strong as the theory of gravity, thank goodness there's no religious motivation to deny gravity or the streets by tall buildings would be awfully messy.

What did we evolve from?
No worries, I've seen no serious discussion on the subject in this thread.

Selective reading, nothing new.

Links with proof were posted over and over again, but as the creationists do whenever they face new evidence, they close their eyes and plug their ears while shouting "LALALALALALALA."

So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?

Because the theory is itself evolving. With each new hypothesis, experiment, conclusion it grows. The problem with ID is there very little in the way of hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion. Creationists begin with a preferred explanation and attempt to create a defense around it.

Debate Between Evolution And Creationism |
Selective reading, nothing new.

Links with proof were posted over and over again, but as the creationists do whenever they face new evidence, they close their eyes and plug their ears while shouting "LALALALALALALA."

So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?

Because the theory is itself evolving. With each new hypothesis, experiment, conclusion it grows. The problem with ID is there very little in the way of hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion. Creationists begin with a preferred explanation and attempt to create a defense around it.

Debate Between Evolution And Creationism |

When you can explain to me with proof and facts where and how life first started, maybe I'll listen to you, until then your theory is no different than any other out there.
So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?

Yes the links show that evolution is a fact, it also shows that the theory of evolution is backed by facts.

The theory of evolution is just as strong as the theory of gravity, thank goodness there's no religious motivation to deny gravity or the streets by tall buildings would be awfully messy.

What did we evolve from?

So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?

Because the theory is itself evolving. With each new hypothesis, experiment, conclusion it grows. The problem with ID is there very little in the way of hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion. Creationists begin with a preferred explanation and attempt to create a defense around it.

Debate Between Evolution And Creationism |

When you can explain to me with proof and facts where and how life first started, maybe I'll listen to you, until then your theory is no different than any other out there.

First of all it's not "my" theory. It's is one held by the majority of scientist. Secondly, Evolution does not attempt to explain how life began.
So links that have been placed in this thread prove that the theory of evolution is 100% fact? What did we evolve from? If it's fact, that should be easy enough to answer and to show proof, no?

Because the theory is itself evolving. With each new hypothesis, experiment, conclusion it grows. The problem with ID is there very little in the way of hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion. Creationists begin with a preferred explanation and attempt to create a defense around it.

Debate Between Evolution And Creationism |

When you can explain to me with proof and facts where and how life first started, maybe I'll listen to you, until then your theory is no different than any other out there.

Evolution isn't about how life started.

This is an instance where the creationists who believe in God's guiding hand in evolution sound so much smarter than the creationists who just scoff their nose at all basic science like evolution.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

I don't know that Newbie is anti-Christian.

I thought the debate was if I.D. (Creationism) should be taught in a science class as a scientific rebuttal to the theory of evolution?

Perhaps it is proof that the creationist simply do not understand what the Theory of Evolution actually is.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

I don't know that Newbie is anti-Christian.

I thought the debate was if I.D. (Creationism) should be taught in a science class as a scientific rebuttal to the theory of evolution?

Perhaps it is proof that the creationist simply do not understand what the Theory of Evolution actually is.

I know what the theory of evolution is. Which is why I'm confused that you and others argue it as if it puts the lie to creationism. You guys won't quit dragging it into discussions about the creation, or about the establishment of separate species.
Of course it isn't about how life started.

So why do the anti-Christians always bring it up as some sort of evidence that there is no God? Kinda weird, it has always puzzled me.

I don't know that Newbie is anti-Christian.

I thought the debate was if I.D. (Creationism) should be taught in a science class as a scientific rebuttal to the theory of evolution?

Perhaps it is proof that the creationist simply do not understand what the Theory of Evolution actually is.

I know what the theory of evolution is. Which is why I'm confused that you and others argue it as if it puts the lie to creationism. You guys won't quit dragging it into discussions about the creation, or about the establishment of separate species.

What lie to creationism? I don't care about creationism. I don't care if you or anyone else believes in creationism. I believe creationism is based on faith not scientific observation, hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion (often starting another observation, hypothesis,.....). It has no business being taught in science class because it is simply not science anymore than the book of Genesis is a book of science.
I doubt an Accounting professor needs much knowledge of the Theory of Evolution to teach consolidations and mergers, or taxation, or auditing, or accounting information systems, or QMBE, or managerial accounting, or cost accounting.....

Most quality Universities push for a well-rounded education. What does an MBA need with Trig? But I had to take it when I got mine. (It actually helped in some of the finance classes!)

I would expect anyone with an undergrad degree to understand the concepts behind evolution, regardless of major.

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