The creationists are BACK

You're not very bright are you? She wasn't saying that at all, but I'm guessing by this point, it's not worth explaining to you.

It's quite obvious that the author of that book of the bible was describing a living animal. So the question remains, did the author of that particular book of the bible live with dinosaurs, or rather, do you believe they did?

I hate the Steelers!

It doesn't matter for the purpose of this question. The premise was that there's no reference to brachio whateverus in the bible.

I proved that there are references to dinosaurs in the bible. If the Bible was written by God or under his guidance, one presumes he actually created those creatures, so I guess yes, he did see them.


No, no you didn't prove there are references to dinosaurs. Most biblical scholars view those as references to hippos or elephants, which would make perfect sense as those are large animals that lived in the area.
It's quite obvious that the author of that book of the bible was describing a living animal. So the question remains, did the author of that particular book of the bible live with dinosaurs, or rather, do you believe they did?

I hate the Steelers!

It doesn't matter for the purpose of this question. The premise was that there's no reference to brachio whateverus in the bible.

I proved that there are references to dinosaurs in the bible. If the Bible was written by God or under his guidance, one presumes he actually created those creatures, so I guess yes, he did see them.


No, no you didn't prove there are references to dinosaurs. Most biblical scholars view those as references to hippos or elephants, which would make perfect sense as those are large animals that lived in the area.

You believe what you want. As usual, the truth holds no sway over Christian haters.

PS...the mistaken belief that the bible-referenced creatures are hippos or elephants was addressed already.
It doesn't matter for the purpose of this question. The premise was that there's no reference to brachio whateverus in the bible.

I proved that there are references to dinosaurs in the bible. If the Bible was written by God or under his guidance, one presumes he actually created those creatures, so I guess yes, he did see them.


No, no you didn't prove there are references to dinosaurs. Most biblical scholars view those as references to hippos or elephants, which would make perfect sense as those are large animals that lived in the area.

You believe what you want. As usual, the truth holds no sway over Christian haters.

PS...the mistaken belief that the bible-referenced creatures are hippos or elephants was addressed already.

Lol, god I love how you pull that christian victim card Allie.

I say that I take the opinion of the majority of biblical scholars over yours, and that makes me a christian hater.

Oh and that's why I have quotes from Jesus, MLK Jr and Ron Paul as my signature.

Because I hate them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunni, have you ever heard of the scientific method?
The theory of evolution has held up to EVERY test under the scientific method. The same as the theory of gravity.
So could you please inform us how the theory of evolution differs, under what scientific method trials it has not been proven fact and what verifiable facts the theory of gravity has that the theory of evolution does not have.
Evolution is a theory and creationism is a belief.
Science is a bitch ain't it?
Even Darwin said you can't prove evolution without the missing link. Flash; the missing link is still missing! Evolutyion is a theory forwarded by Darwin because he belonged to a group of swinging adulterers and didn't want to be held to any standards. So just deny God and it is all fine? IDiots.
No, no you didn't prove there are references to dinosaurs. Most biblical scholars view those as references to hippos or elephants, which would make perfect sense as those are large animals that lived in the area.

You believe what you want. As usual, the truth holds no sway over Christian haters.

PS...the mistaken belief that the bible-referenced creatures are hippos or elephants was addressed already.

Lol, god I love how you pull that christian victim card Allie.

I say that I take the opinion of the majority of biblical scholars over yours, and that makes me a christian hater.


Not exactly, but go ahead and make another unrelated argument. That's the way haters roll.
No, no you didn't prove there are references to dinosaurs. Most biblical scholars view those as references to hippos or elephants, which would make perfect sense as those are large animals that lived in the area.

You believe what you want. As usual, the truth holds no sway over Christian haters.

PS...the mistaken belief that the bible-referenced creatures are hippos or elephants was addressed already.

Lol, god I love how you pull that christian victim card Allie.

I say that I take the opinion of the majority of biblical scholars over yours, and that makes me a christian hater.


That's right, there are no Christian victims! It's all a farce!

75 out of 100 people killed for their faith are Christian. And there are a lot killed every year.
Sunni, have you ever heard of the scientific method?
The theory of evolution has held up to EVERY test under the scientific method. The same as the theory of gravity.
So could you please inform us how the theory of evolution differs, under what scientific method trials it has not been proven fact and what verifiable facts the theory of gravity has that the theory of evolution does not have.
Evolution is a theory and creationism is a belief.
Science is a bitch ain't it?
Even Darwin said you can't prove evolution without the missing link. Flash; the missing link is still missing! Evolutyion is a theory forwarded by Darwin because he belonged to a group of swinging adulterers and didn't want to be held to any standards. So just deny God and it is all fine? IDiots.

Was it a swinging cruise to the Galapagos Islands?
Where have I ever denied God?
My faith, unlike yours, is so strong that I do not have to make up lies, testify in open court and lie and get run out of town for those lies like the creation/ID is science crowd has at every turn.
I do not need to lie to prove my faith. Align yourself with those that do if you like but do not look to us other Christians to back you up when you do.
You believe what you want. As usual, the truth holds no sway over Christian haters.

PS...the mistaken belief that the bible-referenced creatures are hippos or elephants was addressed already.

Lol, god I love how you pull that christian victim card Allie.

I say that I take the opinion of the majority of biblical scholars over yours, and that makes me a christian hater.


That's right, there are no Christian victims! It's all a farce!

75 out of 100 people killed for their faith are Christian. And there are a lot killed every year.

Dumbass, Muslims kill each other 100 times more than Christians are killed for their faith.
But maybe you are talking about the witch trials or the Inquisition and in that case you are right.
But it was Christians killing Christians then.
How far did you get in school Allie?
So far we have:
Evolution is taught as fact in 99% of all universities and colleges as fact.
Creationism was attempted to be taught as scientific fact but was ruled nothing scientific about is as it is religion only.
Religion can not be taught as science as religion is NOT science.
The ID "theories" have all been proven as re-packaged creationism in every setting and court case.
So we still stand with creationism and ID are not science.
Nothing else to prove otherwise here in 900 posts.
Next topic.
You're not very bright are you? She wasn't saying that at all, but I'm guessing by this point, it's not worth explaining to you.

It's quite obvious that the author of that book of the bible was describing a living animal. So the question remains, did the author of that particular book of the bible live with dinosaurs, or rather, do you believe they did?

I hate the Steelers!

It doesn't matter for the purpose of this question. The premise was that there's no reference to brachio whateverus in the bible.

I proved that there are references to dinosaurs in the bible. If the Bible was written by God or under his guidance, one presumes he actually created those creatures, so I guess yes, he did see them.


No I'm afraid you did not prove that the creature being described was a dinosaur.
So far we have:
Evolution is taught as fact in 99% of all universities and colleges as fact.
Creationism was attempted to be taught as scientific fact but was ruled nothing scientific about is as it is religion only.
Religion can not be taught as science as religion is NOT science.
The ID "theories" have all been proven as re-packaged creationism in every setting and court case.
So we still stand with creationism and ID are not science.
Nothing else to prove otherwise here in 900 posts.
Next topic.

Sums it up very well. Thanks.
You believe what you want. As usual, the truth holds no sway over Christian haters.

PS...the mistaken belief that the bible-referenced creatures are hippos or elephants was addressed already.

Lol, god I love how you pull that christian victim card Allie.

I say that I take the opinion of the majority of biblical scholars over yours, and that makes me a christian hater.


That's right, there are no Christian victims! It's all a farce!

75 out of 100 people killed for their faith are Christian. And there are a lot killed every year.

God I'd love to see a link showing that happening over modern times, sounds like pure lunacy.

And it's pathetic that you equate christians being killed with you being outdebated by me and having to stoop to playing the christian victim card.

There are christian victims in the world just like there is of every religious background, you aren't one of them no matter how hard you pretend to be.

I bring logic, you bring emotion, very different debating styles.
I think this is sufficiently dumbed down for you to comprehend:

"What is interesting is that this extensive list includes three animals that we no longer recognize. These three are (in the original Hebrew language) tanniyn, b@hemowth (yes, it’s spelled correctly—at least as close as we can get in Roman characters), and livyathan.
Although we alter the spelling of behemoth and Leviathan slightly, we still use those same words in bibles today. However, tanniyn is always translated into another word when we write it in English. Tanniyn occurs 28 times in the Bible and is normally translated “dragon.” It is also translated “serpent,” “sea monster,” “dinosaur,” “great creature,” and “reptile.” Behemoth and Leviathan are relatively specific creatures, perhaps each was a single kind of animal. Tanniyn is a more general term, and it can be thought of as the original version of the word “dinosaur.” The word “dinosaur” was originally coined in 1841, more than three thousand years after the Bible first referred to “Tanniyn.” To make things clearer, we constructed the following table comparing the scientific names with the Biblical names tanniyn, behemoth, and Leviathan.

“Dinosaur” Names,
Then and NowName and date first written in the Bible
Scientific Name (best estimate) and date the name appeared:
Tanniyn (dragon)before 1400 BC
Dinosaur 1841 AD
Behemothbefore 1400 BC
Brachiosaurus 1903 AD
Leviathan: before 1400 BC
Kronosaurus 1901 AD

How we got these new names is interesting. In 1822, Mary Ann Mantell became the first person to discover and correctly identify a strange bone as part of a large, unknown reptile. Her husband, Dr. Gideon Mantell, later named this creature an “Iguanodon.” From that time forward, these forgotten animals were given names chosen by the people who rediscovered them. Of course, the Bible, written between approximately 1450 BC and 95 AD, does not include any of these names."
Dinosaurs and the Bible

WTF does "mentioning" have to do with MAN WALKING WITH DINOSAURS 6000 YEARS AGO?
Are you that stupid? Do you believe man walked with dinosaurs 6000 years ago or not?
Which is it? All you do is beat around the bush with BS.
The creation/ID side AND YOU fully support the teaching school kids that man walked with dinosaurs 6000 years ago. And that is FRAUD.
You may support fraud but stay STAY AWAY from any children with your fraud.

What "scientific" evidence or any evidence do you have that man did not walk with dinosaurs?

There's plenty of scientific evidence. The oldest human skeleton found........

Israeli archaeologists have discovered human remains dating from 400,000 years ago, challenging conventional wisdom that Homo sapiens originated in Africa, the leader of excavations in Israel said on Tuesday.

Avi Gopher, of Tel Aviv University's Institute of Archaeology, said testing of stalagmites, stalactites and other material found in a cave east of Tel Aviv indicates that eight teeth uncovered there could be the earliest traces so far of our species.

"Our cave was used for a period of about 250,000 years -- from about 400,000 years ago to about 200,000 years ago," he told AFP.

"The teeth are scattered through the layers of the cave, some in the deeper part, that is to say from 400,000 years and through all kinds of other layers that can be up to 200,000 years. The oldest are 400,000 years old," he added."

World's Oldest Human Remains? : Discovery News

Combine that with the carbon dating of the fossils of dinosaurs, and you'd see that mankind DID NOT walk with dinosaurs.
Sunni, have you ever heard of the scientific method?
The theory of evolution has held up to EVERY test under the scientific method. The same as the theory of gravity.
So could you please inform us how the theory of evolution differs, under what scientific method trials it has not been proven fact and what verifiable facts the theory of gravity has that the theory of evolution does not have.
Evolution is a theory and creationism is a belief.
Science is a bitch ain't it?
I am well versed in the scientific method.

Both my wife and I have B.S. degrees.

Her's is in zoology.

Neither of us believe in the quack theory of evolution.

You are living proof that a BS degree means nothing. And it is certainly nothing to brag about
Sunni, have you ever heard of the scientific method?
The theory of evolution has held up to EVERY test under the scientific method. The same as the theory of gravity.
So could you please inform us how the theory of evolution differs, under what scientific method trials it has not been proven fact and what verifiable facts the theory of gravity has that the theory of evolution does not have.
Evolution is a theory and creationism is a belief.
Science is a bitch ain't it?
I am well versed in the scientific method.

Both my wife and I have B.S. degrees.

Her's is in zoology.

Neither of us believe in the quack theory of evolution.

You are living proof that a BS degree means nothing. And it is certainly nothing to brag about

No, just proof that anyone can say anything on the internet.
Sunni, have you ever heard of the scientific method?
The theory of evolution has held up to EVERY test under the scientific method. The same as the theory of gravity.
So could you please inform us how the theory of evolution differs, under what scientific method trials it has not been proven fact and what verifiable facts the theory of gravity has that the theory of evolution does not have.
Evolution is a theory and creationism is a belief.
Science is a bitch ain't it?
I am well versed in the scientific method.

Both my wife and I have B.S. degrees.

Her's is in zoology.

Neither of us believe in the quack theory of evolution.

You are living proof that a BS degree means nothing. And it is certainly nothing to brag about

Hey......maybe Sunnidiot has a BS degree in something that has ZIP POINT SQUAT to do in science.

I mean.......can you legitimately expect a liberal arts major to know anything about evolution?

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