The Criminal in the White House

The Epoch Times. If not for fake news sources, you would have any sources.

You have no proof Epoch Times is a "fake" news source.
However, there is plenty evidence available that your "trusted" sources such as CNN and MSNBC are frequently caught pushing fake news.

Barr and Durham have NOTHING, on anyone in the Obama Administration. We’ve been hearing about these things for three years now and not a shred of evidence, while a steady stream of Trump Campaign workers and staffers are perp marched off to prison.

The only thing you have shown is that there is a grave imbalance of power and that the Left has succeeded in corrupting our system. In Tyrannical Regimes, the "guilty" are they whom those in power decide are guilty. Unfortunately, we have allowed the Dems to bring our system down to that level. While it is certainly true that some Republicans have committed crimes, the glaring lack of prosecutions for the Left is proof positive that there is a serous problem.

Republicans keep telling us that Trump is clean and the Dems are crooks, but not one Clinton Advisor or Obama staffer is awaiting sentencing.

Again, crimes were committed and admitted. Obama stood bold faced before the American people on National television and claimed "not even a smidgen of corruption at the IRS". That was later proven false beyond any argument. Your support of the injustice will ultimately be to your own demise. Your unjustified persecution of your opposition may eventually lead to the rise of an extremist group seizing power that will have ZERO tolerance for your kind. At that point, look back and accept it is what you begged for.

And all of Trump’s investigations into Hillary’s emails, completely exonerated Clinton.

Yes. One of the greatest injustices in the history of American politics. This is what happens when corrupt politicians are allowed to gain unlawful power over the Justice System and laws. Again, should the tide turn one day, and you become the unjustly persecuted, just remember how much you supported tyranny and injustice, rather than true and honest Justice For All.
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The Epoch Times. If not for fake news sources, you would have any sources.
Barr and Durham have NOTHING, on anyone in the Obama Administration. We’ve been hearing about these things for three years now and not a shred of evidence, while a steady stream of Trump Campaign workers and staffers are perp marched off to prison.
What a laugh. Liberals are the kings of fake news. Have some patience, Barr and Durham will have Democrats and Deep Staters involved in the original investigation doing the perp walk.
I'll be on the hate Trump train too.....but first.....
Can anyone produce even ONE SHRED of evidence to back the criminal claims?
You see, in over 30,000 posts so far claiming his guilt, not ONE has produced ANY evidence.
Barr and Durham are looking into it now. Read the Epoch Times story about Obama illegally spying on Trump.

If there was even a hint that a Republican president spied on a Dem presidential candidate all hell would break loose.

Instead we have a Republican president who asked a FOREIGN COUNTRY to spy on a Democratic candidate in exchange for military aid.
And you GOP fuckers just roll over and go back to sleep.

That's a lie, its all you Trump haters have. :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Instead we have a Republican president who..............

......who has given us the lowest unemployment in 50 years, a booming economy, and has Made America Great Again. So just say Thank You and then shut your bitch mouth

.........asked a FOREIGN COUNTRY to spy on a Democratic candidate...........

Hey you stupid faggot bitch, it was your Crooked Hillary who got foreign help from Russia to spy on Trump, and Obama helped her. So again, shut your faggot ass mouth

I don’t care What false claims you make about the economy. Obama did all that. Trump is riding his coattails and giving us much slower growth and job creation than Obama, along with much higher deficits.

Plus 10 million people have lost health insurance, and soy bean farmers are going bankrupt in record numbers.
I'll be on the hate Trump train too.....but first.....
Can anyone produce even ONE SHRED of evidence to back the criminal claims?
You see, in over 30,000 posts so far claiming his guilt, not ONE has produced ANY evidence.
Barr and Durham are looking into it now. Read the Epoch Times story about Obama illegally spying on Trump.

If there was even a hint that a Republican president spied on a Dem presidential candidate all hell would break loose.

Apparently - Trump just got impeached for it!
Many democrats are criminals, but they are above the law so nothing happens.

So what you're explanation?

Are all Republican investigators & prosecutors incompetent?

You've trying to get something on the Clintons since the 1990s - and all you got was a sleazy sex story.

Epic fail!
Imagine someone that is, like, really smart

He sits down and just spends years thinking about various solutions to problems that we're facing, and then he runs for president based on that.

that's Trump, my friends!
The more Dems act like Donald Trump is the cause of all of our problems, the more Americans lose trust that we can actually see what’s going on in our communities and solve those problems,
The Epoch Times. If not for fake news sources, you would have any sources.
Barr and Durham have NOTHING, on anyone in the Obama Administration. We’ve been hearing about these things for three years now and not a shred of evidence, while a steady stream of Trump Campaign workers and staffers are perp marched off to prison.
What a laugh. Liberals are the kings of fake news. Have some patience, Barr and Durham will have Democrats and Deep Staters involved in the original investigation doing the perp walk.

Conservative clowns keep suing the mainstream media and losing. Whereas InfoWars has been sued into irrelevance for their fake news, and Breitbart has most of their advertizing. FOX News is in the embarassing position of fighting lawsuits over a Sean Hannity's pack on lies on Seth Rich, and taking Hannity's side in court, after they publically apoligized for the false reporting in the story, sent Hannit on vacation, and apologized to the Rich Family.

The mainstream media is mostly owned by publically traded corporations, which have to answer to directors and shareholders for their coverage. FOX News, the Sinclair Group, Breitbart, the Wall Street Journal, are all owned by right wing conservative billionaires, who are using their platforms to push for conservative policies which benefit THEM.

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