The Curse Lives On


Sep 23, 2010
The Democrat party has been the party of liars since Woodrow Wilson. But it was Alger Hiss (1904 - 1996) that branded Democrats for all times. Hiss is still the biggest fish to ever see the inside of a jail cell. He went to jail for lying.

Say what you will about Richard Nixon, but say this as well; Nixon did not brand all Republicans as liars in the way Hiss did to Democrats. Most young Democrats probably never heard of Alger Hiss even though his stink permeates the Democrat party they vote for.

Today, the media is asking “Did Eric Holder lie?” The answer is obvious:

Scandal: Before he lied to Congress while under oath about what he knew about targeting reporters, he lied about Fast and Furious. As early as the New Black Panthers case, Eric Holder had a problem with the truth.

Eric Holder's Long History Of Lying To Congress
Mon, Jun 03 2013 00:00:00 E A18_ISSUES
Posted 05/31/2013 07:09 PM ET

Attorney General Eric Holder Has Lied To Congress Many Times -

Questioning Holder’s reluctance to tell the truth is superfluous. Of course he lied; he’s a Democrat.

On the plus side, Holder’s lies dredged up the Hiss Curse after it was all but forgotten. Add Holder’s lies to all of the other lies Hussein’s surrogates are telling, and there is a good chance Democrats will finally lose the authority to lie without fear of being punished as they’ve done so often in the past. There’s even a chance a few will face jail time although the liar in chief will probably pardon them as soon as they are convicted. Of course, they could be brought to trial after Hussein leaves office.
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FDR’s top aide, Harry Hopkins, shines yet another penetrating light on Democrat liars:

. . . Hopkins died in 1946, before investigations of Communist subversion and espionage exposed traitors like State Department official Alger Hiss and atomic spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Top FDR Aide Hopkins Was Soviet Agent; Book Examines ‘Betrayal’
Robert Stacy McCain 11 hours ago

ViralRead » Top FDR Aide Hopkins Was Soviet Agent; Book Examines ?Betrayal?

NOTE: I don’t want to turn this thread into a debate on the FDR - Pearl Harbor Conspiracy Theory, but I must say that Harry Hopkins’ determination to save Soviet communism should be factored in. In Short: Force America into the war in Europe on the Soviet Union’s side.

In order for freedom to survive in America a whole lot of Americans must begin to understand that every act of treason FDR’s nest of traitors committed was done before the United Nations succeeded the League of Nations. Here’s why that fact is so important:

In addition to the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945, the sneaks who got this country into the UN knew what they were doing when they designed a foundation that was a masterpiece of betrayal. A foundation that would withstand every challenge when their descendants carried on. Treason became legal the minute the US became a member of an underhanded organization that was, and is, determined to tear down America. Membership in the UN meant that no American official betraying this country on the UN’s behalf could be prosecuted for treason.

Hiss, Hopkins, and the rest of the traitors named in Robert Stacy McCain’s article would be shielded today just as US membership in the UN allows today’s Democrat traitors to betray the country with impunity.

The linked article is a must read in order to understand the Democrat party’s reliance on lies then and now. Perhaps one or two readers will be moved to buy American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character by Diana West.

I’ll close with a few words from Ms. West:

“There is also an urgent relevance in terms of current national security,” West said. “The lies about Communism and Communist influence operations then and the lies about Islam and Islamic influence operations now are striking, as I note throughout the book. The most frightening aspects of this are not due to the challenges posed by staving off threats to liberty from another collectivist totalitarian ideology, but rather by the greater threat posed by the spectacle of the U.S. government lying to the American people about Islam today as it once lied about Communism.”
Nope. Holder lied under oath. Will he be removed? Not a chance. This is the one person Obama cannot afford to sacrifice. Holder is the Queen on Obama admin chess board. Without him, Obama will never be able to navigate through this mess. He won't sacrifice him. - Jeri
Conspiracy theory^

To Snookie: American Communists have been engaging in treason since the 1930s. That’s conspiracy not theory.

This misunderstanding of Communism is the result of a dishonesty that entered American discourse after 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt extended diplomatic recognition to Josef Stalin’s totalitarian Russian regime and, as West says, “we as a society learned to tell lies.”


Even while we were allies with the USSR, the Stalinist regime and its American agents were “engaged in a secret war against us,” West says, and when witnesses like Bentley and Chambers came forward to tell the truth, they were vilified and maligned in much of the press. Not only were these ex-Communists smeared, but officials who sought to investigate Russian espionage and subversion (including both Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy) were also smeared and, in many cases, these smears originated as Soviet propaganda funneled through Communist-controlled organizations and disseminated by sympathetic liberals. So powerful was the counter-attack that, nearly six decades after Joe McCarthy’s death and more than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, popular understanding of Cold War history is still hopelessly confused. Many Americans have been taught to think of anti-Communism — mocked as a hysterical “Red Scare,” and condemned as “McCarthyism” — as more dangerous than Communism itself.

Agents of Influence
By Robert Stacy McCain on 6.6.13 @ 6:06AM
Diana West’s new book unravels the lies Americans have been told about Cold War history.

The American Spectator : Agents of Influence

Nope. Holder lied under oath. Will he be removed? Not a chance. This is the one person Obama cannot afford to sacrifice. Holder is the Queen on Obama admin chess board. Without him, Obama will never be able to navigate through this mess. He won't sacrifice him. - Jeri

To Jeri: Probably not removed unless congressional Democrats fearing the midterms insist he resign “to spend more time with his family” or some other face-saving cover story. Let’s face it, how much trouble is Holder in when Bozo the Clown comes off as the voice of reason:

Al Gore calls Obama administration’s collection of phone records ‘obscenely outrageous’
By Aaron Blake, Published: June 5, 2013 at 10:39 pm

Al Gore calls Obama administration?s collection of phone records ?obscenely outrageous?
Conspiracy theory^

To Snookie: American Communists have been engaging in treason since the 1930s. That’s conspiracy not theory.

This misunderstanding of Communism is the result of a dishonesty that entered American discourse after 1933, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt extended diplomatic recognition to Josef Stalin’s totalitarian Russian regime and, as West says, “we as a society learned to tell lies.”


Even while we were allies with the USSR, the Stalinist regime and its American agents were “engaged in a secret war against us,” West says, and when witnesses like Bentley and Chambers came forward to tell the truth, they were vilified and maligned in much of the press. Not only were these ex-Communists smeared, but officials who sought to investigate Russian espionage and subversion (including both Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy) were also smeared and, in many cases, these smears originated as Soviet propaganda funneled through Communist-controlled organizations and disseminated by sympathetic liberals. So powerful was the counter-attack that, nearly six decades after Joe McCarthy’s death and more than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, popular understanding of Cold War history is still hopelessly confused. Many Americans have been taught to think of anti-Communism — mocked as a hysterical “Red Scare,” and condemned as “McCarthyism” — as more dangerous than Communism itself.

Agents of Influence
By Robert Stacy McCain on 6.6.13 @ 6:06AM
Diana West’s new book unravels the lies Americans have been told about Cold War history.

The American Spectator : Agents of Influence

Nope. Holder lied under oath. Will he be removed? Not a chance. This is the one person Obama cannot afford to sacrifice. Holder is the Queen on Obama admin chess board. Without him, Obama will never be able to navigate through this mess. He won't sacrifice him. - Jeri

To Jeri: Probably not removed unless congressional Democrats fearing the midterms insist he resign “to spend more time with his family” or some other face-saving cover story. Let’s face it, how much trouble is Holder in when Bozo the Clown comes off as the voice of reason:

Al Gore calls Obama administration’s collection of phone records ‘obscenely outrageous’
By Aaron Blake, Published: June 5, 2013 at 10:39 pm

Al Gore calls Obama administration?s collection of phone records ?obscenely outrageous?

Did you realize that this was started under the , blame bush, ush administration and has continued under obama.

We must burn the bush library. It was Barbra bush's idea to start with, imo.:evil:
Did you realize that this was started under the , blame bush, ush administration and has continued under obama.

We must burn the bush library. It was Barbra bush's idea to start with, imo.:evil:

To Snookie: If you are referring to AL Gore’s comments, I’d like to see some links giving the details behind your allegations. Note that I always try to provide reputable links to support my comments.

In any event, Eric Holder went from the bench to the Department of Justice in 1997. Throughout those years the First and Second Amendments went steadily downhill to where they are at today. Blaming Bush excuses Holder for doing nothing about the decay. Nor does it explain his total aversion to defending the Constitution.
Did you realize that this was started under the , blame bush, ush administration and has continued under obama.

We must burn the bush library. It was Barbra bush's idea to start with, imo.:evil:

To Snookie: If you are referring to AL Gore’s comments, I’d like to see some links giving the details behind your allegations. Note that I always try to provide reputable links to support my comments.

In any event, Eric Holder went from the bench to the Department of Justice in 1997. Throughout those years the First and Second Amendments went steadily downhill to where they are at today. Blaming Bush excuses Holder for doing nothing about the decay. Nor does it explain his total aversion to defending the Constitution.

Obama's Verizon phone records collection carries on Bush's work | Richard Seymour | Comment is free |

Here it is, as per request.

To Snookie: I was expecting details that would exonerate Holder. We were talking about Holder weren’t we? Hell, I read many more articles than your two. Neither your links nor the several dozen others that I’ve read exonerates Holder. They all imply “Bush did it; so that lets Holder off the hook.” Get real. Blame Bush went out with High Button Shoes.

To Snookie: I was expecting details that would exonerate Holder. We were talking about Holder weren’t we? Hell, I read many more articles than your two. Neither your links nor the several dozen others that I’ve read exonerates Holder. They all imply “Bush did it; so that lets Holder off the hook.” Get real. Blame Bush went out with High Button Shoes.

Exonerate Holder? He needs to be charged and convicted before he is exonerated.

Right now it's only partisan make believe.
Exonerate Holder? He needs to be charged and convicted before he is exonerated.

Right now it's only partisan make believe.

To Snookie: Oh really!

exonerate (verb, transitive)

1. To free from blame.

2. To free from a responsibility, obligation, or task.

— exoneration (noun)
— exonerative (adjective)
Exonerate Holder? He needs to be charged and convicted before he is exonerated.

Right now it's only partisan make believe.

To Snookie: Oh really!

exonerate (verb, transitive)

1. To free from blame.

2. To free from a responsibility, obligation, or task.

— exoneration (noun)
— exonerative (adjective)

There is not a human being in the world that is not blamed for something. There are also multiple definitions of it.
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There is not a human being in the world that is not blamed for something. There are also multiple definitions of it.

To Snookie: Damn few human beings govern. Those who govern deserve blame; especially when they deliberately do wrong then lie about it.

Anyone living under a totalitarian government who blames those who “govern” invites a bullet or imprisonment. Allowing Holder and the rest of them to get away with it is one step shy of eliminating blame. That possibility is extremely dangerous in light of the people Hussein is trying to make blameless:

An old adage says that "personnel is policy." Clearly, President Obama's political appointees are burrowing into the government agencies to implement their far-left, radical ideology; they are quite literally transforming America, just as the President promised he would do.

June 7, 2013
Transforming America One Political Appointee at a Time
By Janice Shaw Crouse

Articles: Transforming America One Political Appointee at a Time
Valerie Jarrett has come out with a statement that Holder is staying. I guess she told Obama she has exonerated Eric Holder. There. It is all settled now. Valerie Jarrett says so.

Better agree with her. The Washington Insider who outed Obama Admin said during 2nd election wrote Jarrett has promised there will be hell to pay afterwards for anyone who is not with them. The lady has a temper.

Valerie Jarrett has come out with a statement that Holder is staying. I guess she told Obama she has exonerated Eric Holder. There. It is all settled now. Valerie Jarrett says so.

Better agree with her. The Washington Insider who outed Obama Admin said during 2nd election wrote Jarrett has promised there will be hell to pay afterwards for anyone who is not with them. The lady has a temper.


To Jeri: No creature is more dangerous than a diseased cornered rat.
Geoffrey P. Hunt’s devastating piece over at the American Thinker lists the crème de la crème of Hussein’s liars along with the lies they told:

Jay Carney
Hillary Clinton
Susan Rice
Douglas Schulman
James Clapper
Lisa Jackson
Kathleen Sebelius
Arnie Duncan
Janet Napolitano
Nancy Pelosi
Harry Reid
Ken Salazar

Mr. Hunt goes on to say:

Yet none of Obama's apprentices can match the master. Obama is an incontinent bladder of lies, deceptions, and red herrings gushing virtually non-stop whether in press conferences, campaign speeches, the State of the Union addresses, or remarks to foreign dignitaries.

June 12, 2013
Obama's Bodyguard of Lies
By Geoffrey P. Hunt

Articles: Obama's Bodyguard of Lies

As I said in the OP “The Democrat party has been the party of liars since Woodrow Wilson.” That has been a fact for so long it has fallen off the radar screen. On the other hand nobody seems to notice that Hussein singlehandedly implemented Islam’s justification for lying ——Taqiyya, (telling an outright lie) and —— Kitman (lies of omission):

I’m pretty sure Hussein does not include Taqiyya and Kitman when he says everybody should know about Islam and Muslims.

Finally, I have to wonder if all of the liars in Hussein’s Administration know they are lying for Islam? Or is it that the Socialist religion has adopted Taqiyya and Kitman ?
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Conspiracy theory^

To Snookie: American Communists have been engaging in treason since the 1930s. That’s conspiracy not theory.

To Jeri: Probably not removed unless congressional Democrats fearing the midterms insist he resign “to spend more time with his family” or some other face-saving cover story. Let’s face it, how much trouble is Holder in when Bozo the Clown comes off as the voice of reason:

Al Gore calls Obama administration’s collection of phone records ‘obscenely outrageous’
By Aaron Blake, Published: June 5, 2013 at 10:39 pm

Al Gore calls Obama administration?s collection of phone records ?obscenely outrageous?

Did you realize that this was started under the , blame bush, ush administration and has continued under obama.

We must burn the bush library. It was Barbra bush's idea to start with, imo.:evil:

The Bush Library that contains original papers that refute the omissions made by Convicted Criminal Document thief Sandy Berger, President Clinton's right hand man, who was caught stealing information from the National Archives that would remove evidence of Clinton's international doings?

And you want all that burned in the way that Sandy Berger wanted to deep-six the reality of what Clinton did that makes him complicit in spreading the story that Saddam Hussein had WOMDs? Awwwwww. I'm so tawwy.

Valerie Jarrett has come out with a statement that Holder is staying. I guess she told Obama she has exonerated Eric Holder. There. It is all settled now. Valerie Jarrett says so.

Better agree with her. The Washington Insider who outed Obama Admin said during 2nd election wrote Jarrett has promised there will be hell to pay afterwards for anyone who is not with them. The lady has a temper.


To Jeri: No creature is more dangerous than a diseased cornered rat.

Judging by your posts on this thread, I'd say that YOU appear to be pretty damn dangerous.

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