CDZ The Dallas Shooter

The shooter also had military training, so next up the Loons will start labeling all veterans as a terror threat....oops, they already did.

Homeland Security on guard for ‘right-wing extremists’

WND? lol...what happened to you Bodie?

However, good. Right wing extremists are in this country in greater numbers than ISIS and are a far greater threat.

Clearly, your powers of observation are rather faulty.

I am not bodecea. She is my evil bearded twin from the anti-matter universe.

I was here first. or the both of you should change your names....I made that mistake last week or is a shame don't deserve to be confused with that .......person.....

I was here first. :)

And really, anyone paying attention should easily be able to tell us apart.

yeah....but after the Boe....things just get confusing....

I'm boe with a "e".
The conservatives here are clueless about firearms. As with most subjects you cannot have a discussion WITH them as the fake narrative in their mind cannot be penetrated with fact. Some of them believe in a magic talking snake so what follows that should come as no surprise.
Is this what you run to when your remarks are exposed as BS?

Cant defend your position simply declare the other guys are 'clueless.'
How is it stopped when studies like this have continued to be done...the only thing the CDC is prohibited from doing is biased research.....

When epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came to this city, they were not here to track an outbreak of meningitis or study the effectiveness of a particular vaccine.

They were here to examine gun violence.

This city of about 70,000 had a 45 percent jump in shootings from 2011 to 2013, and the violence has remained stubbornly high; 25 shooting deaths have been reported this year, slightly more than last year, according to the mayor’s office

The final report, which has been submitted to the state, reached a conclusion that many here said they already knew: that there are certain patterns in the lives of many who commit gun violence.

For whatever pages you read from that study, the first page must not have been among them:

Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.​
You have repeated this statement a few times. Why?

The fact that the CDC does not take an 'official' position on the studies that they are undertaking concerning guns has absolutely nothing to do with your original assertion at all - the assertion that they are barred from performing studies on gun violence.

Pointing out the above is nothing more than deflecting from the fact that such studies are done.
How is it stopped when studies like this have continued to be done...the only thing the CDC is prohibited from doing is biased research.....

When epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came to this city, they were not here to track an outbreak of meningitis or study the effectiveness of a particular vaccine.

They were here to examine gun violence.

This city of about 70,000 had a 45 percent jump in shootings from 2011 to 2013, and the violence has remained stubbornly high; 25 shooting deaths have been reported this year, slightly more than last year, according to the mayor’s office

The final report, which has been submitted to the state, reached a conclusion that many here said they already knew: that there are certain patterns in the lives of many who commit gun violence.

For whatever pages you read from that study, the first page must not have been among them:

Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.​

Did the CDC pay for this study or not? The claim is that the CDC isn't allowed to do gun research...that is untrue.......did the CDC pay for this gun research study?
Yeah...its the guns fault.

How convenient that is. It relieves Obama and Black Lives Matter of their responsibility for the killings.
Couple thoughts.

Why was the shooter mad? Was it because 365 blacks are murdered by cops every year? Same reason blm exists. I won't blame the gun for that guys anger. Blame the cops. And not the cops he shot stupid! And no I'm not defending the shooter. If you go there then there is no talking to you because then you're just a fool for suggesting such a thing. I'm talking about all the cops we've seen acting badly on tape. I can probably think of ten bad cops caught on tape this year alone. So you can no longer deny blacks are being discriminated against. How many times weren't caught on tape.

Second point. I think it's funny you guys deny fox rush and bill O'Reilly are responsible for abortion clinic shootings, Gabby Gifford or that white guy who shot up the black church but you have no problem blaming Obama and blm. At least it tells me you understand how Rush's words do rile up right wing crazies
Yeah...its the guns fault.

How convenient that is. It relieves Obama and Black Lives Matter of their responsibility for the killings.
Couple thoughts.

Why was the shooter mad? Was it because 365 blacks are murdered by cops every year? Same reason blm exists. I won't blame the gun for that guys anger. Blame the cops. And not the cops he shot stupid! And no I'm not defending the shooter. If you go there then there is no talking to you because then you're just a fool for suggesting such a thing. I'm talking about all the cops we've seen acting badly on tape. I can probably think of ten bad cops caught on tape this year alone. So you can no longer deny blacks are being discriminated against. How many times weren't caught on tape.

Second point. I think it's funny you guys deny fox rush and bill O'Reilly are responsible for abortion clinic shootings, Gabby Gifford or that white guy who shot up the black church but you have no problem blaming Obama and blm. At least it tells me you understand how Rush's words do rile up right wing crazies

More whites are,killed by cops........

We are following the example you anti gun nuts started...blame everyone except the shooter.....the Orlando shooter said he did it for guys blamed guns, the NRA, Christians and republicans..,,,

This tactic is all yours....we are just following your example...if you tell the truth we will stop connecting legitimate dots to your shooters....
Yeah...its the guns fault.

How convenient that is. It relieves Obama and Black Lives Matter of their responsibility for the killings.
Couple thoughts.

Why was the shooter mad? Was it because 365 blacks are murdered by cops every year? Same reason blm exists. I won't blame the gun for that guys anger. Blame the cops. And not the cops he shot stupid! And no I'm not defending the shooter. If you go there then there is no talking to you because then you're just a fool for suggesting such a thing. I'm talking about all the cops we've seen acting badly on tape. I can probably think of ten bad cops caught on tape this year alone. So you can no longer deny blacks are being discriminated against. How many times weren't caught on tape.

Second point. I think it's funny you guys deny fox rush and bill O'Reilly are responsible for abortion clinic shootings, Gabby Gifford or that white guy who shot up the black church but you have no problem blaming Obama and blm. At least it tells me you understand how Rush's words do rile up right wing crazies

You do realize that police interactions each year are about 3 million a day.......right....sooooo

3,000,000 a day to maybe 10 this year.....right?
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........[/QUOTE]

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

I have posted in other threads the list of mass public shootings from Mother goes back to 1982 all the way up to 2016...I read the details of the mass shootings, looking for the weapon used....I used any rifle with a detachable magazine....I will link to that....AR-15s and other rifles only really became popular recently for mass shooters......

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

the increase......the attempt to ban AR-15s made them look deadly and attractive to mass shooters.......the attempt to ban them gave them street cred with mass shooters........
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

Here are some more stats from the FBI expanded homicide table 8...

AR-15s are used in fewer crimes than knives or hands and feet....far fewer...keep in mind....the rifle number is all rifles...not just rifles with detachable magazines.....

Here you go...the updated table....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

For 2014 included......

All rifles: 248 ------------(2013....285 (that means AR-15s kill even fewer than that))

Knives: 1,567-------------( 2013....1,490)

Hands and feet: 660----( 2013 .......687 )

Blunt objects: 435------ ( 2013....428)

And gun murders by rifle...been going down....

Rifle murder....

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How is it stopped when studies like this have continued to be done...the only thing the CDC is prohibited from doing is biased research.....

When epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention came to this city, they were not here to track an outbreak of meningitis or study the effectiveness of a particular vaccine.

They were here to examine gun violence.

This city of about 70,000 had a 45 percent jump in shootings from 2011 to 2013, and the violence has remained stubbornly high; 25 shooting deaths have been reported this year, slightly more than last year, according to the mayor’s office

The final report, which has been submitted to the state, reached a conclusion that many here said they already knew: that there are certain patterns in the lives of many who commit gun violence.

For whatever pages you read from that study, the first page must not have been among them:

Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.​
You have repeated this statement a few times. Why?

The fact that the CDC does not take an 'official' position on the studies that they are undertaking concerning guns has absolutely nothing to do with your original assertion at all - the assertion that they are barred from performing studies on gun violence.

Pointing out the above is nothing more than deflecting from the fact that such studies are done.

If you study something, and then you write about what you found, do you agree with the conclusion of your study?

Or do you study something, write about what you found, and then say, "I studied XYZ to out 'such and such,' and what I found is ABC; therefore I conclude PQR, but my conclusion does not represent my point of view on the matter I studied."?
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

For a little perspective on weapons and death rates....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

murder by knife......


Rifle murder....

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There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

If you look at the rifle stats for murder...all notice up to 2014, a downward trend......but sales of rifles have been going there is no connection between legally purchased rifles and murder with those rifles.....

Rifle murder....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2009

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - Crime in the United States 2008

There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

Looking at mass shootings with rifles for 2015......from the Mother Jones list.....nowhere near 55 in 2015.......

and they are even using obama's new standard for mass public shootings of 3 dead, instead of the previous standard of 4 dead.......

The total I have for 2015 from Mother Jones is 17 people......
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay

Looking at mass shootings with rifles for 2015......from the Mother Jones list.....nowhere near 55 in 2015.......

and they are even using obama's new standard for mass public shootings of 3 dead, instead of the previous standard of 4 dead.......

The total I have for 2015 from Mother Jones is 17 people.....

Can you point out in your article that you cited that gives the number at 55 for 2015? They list shootings going back to 2012........
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

also...the article is inaccurate....they state the AR-15 was designed for our armed forces..that isn't true.....sloppy journalism....

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay

The AR-15—a semi-automatic rifle that one of its makers, Colt,describes as being produced for “our Armed Forces”—has played an outsized role in America’s gun massacres, as CBS Newssummarized on Friday:
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

I have looked through your link.......I couldn't find their 55 number anywhere in the link? Can you point it out....?
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay[/QUOTE]

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

I see what happened...the Mother Jones list is crimped.....and the umpquaa shooting listed 5 pistols and the Rifle was kind of hidden...that brings 2015 total to 26 people....but still not 55 in mass shootings......
There is no need to ban 8,000,000 when they have only been used in mass shootings to kill 154 people in 34 years.

knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014, and over 1,500 people every year....that is over 6 times the rate of all rifle types.....

Rifles are not a guys are just fixated on them........

Where did you get that number? I can't find long term statistics but the following article lists the deaths using just an AR-15 in 2015. There are 55 of them. This year, there were 49 killed in Orlando in addition to the 5 policemen killed in Dallas. The total for the last 2 years then was 109. Are you telling me that there were only 45 killed with these weapons in the 32 years preceding 2015. If so, what is the cause of the enormous increase in the last 2 years?

Gun Used in the San Bernardino Massacre Is a Mass Shooting Mainstay

I have posted in other threads the list of mass public shootings from Mother goes back to 1982 all the way up to 2016...I read the details of the mass shootings, looking for the weapon used....I used any rifle with a detachable magazine....I will link to that....AR-15s and other rifles only really became popular recently for mass shooters......

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

the increase......the attempt to ban AR-15s made them look deadly and attractive to mass shooters.......the attempt to ban them gave them street cred with mass shooters........[/QUOTE]

And you don't think that the fact that these weapons are more readily available now than they were 20 years ago has had any influence on the fact that almost 80% of these deaths have occurred in the last 4 years?

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