The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

LOL, I am NOT here arguing for Republicans. I have never done that. My positions have nothing to do with politics.

But I'm not suppose to have a problem with their insane profits?

My daughter has auto immune issues. She had a bad reaction before to getting a flu vaccine. With all of that in mind we along with her decided she wouldn't get the shot.

A very rational educated decision.
their profits have nothing to do with the efficiency and safety of the vaccines, if you want to socialize big pharma or regulate them more strongly that sounds like a great idea. In fact the Democrats have already started...
their profits have nothing to do with the efficiency and safety of the vaccines, if you want to socialize big pharma or regulate them more strongly that sounds like a great idea. In fact the Democrats have already started...

If you say so.
do you want proof or are you just being a smart *** now?


Pharmaceutical and medical companies have done great under Republican and Democrat leadership.

A few years ago we tried to allow people to buy less expensive drugs out of Canada. Cory Booker led the opposition to that.

Do I need to provide verification of that?
Pharmaceutical and medical companies have done great under Republican and Democrat leadership.

A few years ago we tried to allow people to buy less expensive drugs out of Canada. Cory Booker led the opposition to that.

Do I need to provide verification of that?
Democrats just passed Medicare negotiating on prices and other regulations on prices and would do a hell of a lot more if they weren't obstructed by the big money big pharma GOP. If you can't tell the difference between the two parties you are clueless. Corey is an idiot if he joined the Republicans on that one.
Democrats just passed Medicare negotiating on prices and other regulations on prices and would do a hell of a lot more if they weren't obstructed by the big money big pharma GOP. If you can't tell the difference between the two parties you are clueless. Corey is an idiot if he joined the Republicans on that one.

Nobody forced Booker to make the choice he did. Pharmaceutical money did.
a problem which almost undoubtedly does not exist at all, based on a system of rumor mongering, actually. How bad was your daughter's reaction? I'm so sorry. Of course that is completely different. Isn't a coronavirus vaccine different from a flu vaccine.

You don't trust the CDC?

Vaccines are vaccines. We felt since she was young the risks weren't worth it.

She like me did get covid. Neither had it very bad. I had it before I had my one shot.
The mother reached out to multiple doctors who said the vaccine was not the cause...and what? The vaccine is not the cause.

Anyone claiming the mRNA vaccine could not have caused this is a liar.

First of all, the mRNA is just instruction to reprogram ribosomes to grow spike proteins.
So any cell these instruction get to, will grow spike proteins and then be attacked and destroyed by the immune system.
If these mRNA instructions get to the brain or heart, you die.
If they get to extremity capillaries, you could require amputations.
How serious the response depends on where the spike protein instructions get to.
Almost anything is possible.

Second is that the 2nd Moderna shot almost killed me.
I was sicker than ever in my life, for throwing up every 4 hours, for days.
And being unable to get out of bed for weeks.
You don't trust the CDC?

Vaccines are vaccines. We felt since she was young the risks weren't worth it.

She like me did get covid. Neither had it very bad. I had it before I had my one shot.
The CDC is simply reporting rumors but the European CDC says there has been no such thing in Europe so it's almost undoubtedly not true. But obviously anything is enough for you.

Actually I believe children don't do badly with COVID, which was a surprise
Anyone claiming the mRNA vaccine could not have caused this is a liar.

First of all, the mRNA is just instruction to reprogram ribosomes to grow spike proteins.
So any cell these instruction get to, will grow spike proteins and then be attacked and destroyed by the immune system.
If these mRNA instructions get to the brain or heart, you die.
If they get to extremity capillaries, you could require amputations.
How serious the response depends on where the spike protein instructions get to.
Almost anything is possible.

Second is that the 2nd Moderna shot almost killed me.
I was sicker than ever in my life, for throwing up every 4 hours, for days.
And being unable to get out of bed for weeks.
I've never heard of anyone having any problem with the vaccines and I know lots of people that have taken it sorry about your luck.
You don't trust the CDC?

Vaccines are vaccines. We felt since she was young the risks weren't worth it.

She like me did get covid. Neither had it very bad. I had it before I had my one shot.

The covid mRNA vaccines are totally and completely unlike any real vaccine.
A read vaccine is where you take real pathogens, and kill or render them harmless somehow.
Then the immune system learns how to identify and react to them.
The mRNA vaccines just contain instructions to reprogram the ribosomes in your cells, to start growing spike proteins.
That is horrendously stupid and dangerous because it would have been much safer to control dose by growing the spike proteins ahead of time, in the lab.
Our immune system will attack and kill any cell that has been reprogrammed to grow spike proteins.
So it is extremely dangerous.
And while most of the mRNA instruction stay in the arm muscle, it sometimes escapes anywhere in the body.
And what is really stupid about mRNA vaccines, is that the whole point of coronaviruses is they are mimicking the spike protein of our own exosomes.
Our exosomes use their single spike protein to be identified and let into our cells.
By mimicking our exosome spike protein, the coronaviruses are let in also.
But that means getting our immune system to attack spike proteins, risks our immune system attacking our own exosomes, which would be fatal.
The CDC is simply reporting rumors but the European CDC says there has been no such thing in Europe so it's almost undoubtedly not true. But obviously anything is enough for you.

Actually I believe children don't do badly with COVID, which was a surprise

No other country with any of their own resources, went with mRNA.
Most countries produced a real vaccine that had actual dead viruses.
I've never heard of anyone having any problem with the vaccines and I know lots of people that have taken it sorry about your luck.

Had no problem with the first Moderna.
The 2nd one started about 12 hours after injection.
Body temperature suddenly dropped, started shaking and shivering so badly I could not stand up.
Hands and feet were ice cold.
I've never heard of anyone having any problem with the vaccines and I know lots of people that have taken it sorry about your luck.

Here is the initial study:

In total, 52,805 participants responded to a symptom survey following their first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The surveys were conducted via text, email, phone calls, and smartphone applications over the 3 days following each vaccination.
The team used the health records of the employees to identify anaphylaxis.

‘Extremely low’ reactions​

The researchers found that 2.1%, or 1,365, of the employees had experienced an acute allergic reaction and that 0.025%, or 16, had experienced anaphylaxis.

While only 2% sounds low, the reality is there should not be ANY anaphylaxis, which is swelling of the heart.
A vaccine should not get to the heart, and if it does, should not cause the immune system to attack the heart.
They are calling it an allergic response, but the reality is that means the immune system started attacking the heart and killing cells.
That means the mRNA instructions did not stay in the arm muscle as they claimed would happen.
And with a potential of 300 million people to vaccinate, that means 6 million people are going to get this dangerous anaphylaxis.
That is not at all acceptible.
The risk from covid is much lower than that, since it only has a lethality of 0.02%.
So the mRNA vax is 100 times more risky then covid, if you are under 70 years of age.
Here is the initial study:

In total, 52,805 participants responded to a symptom survey following their first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The surveys were conducted via text, email, phone calls, and smartphone applications over the 3 days following each vaccination.
The team used the health records of the employees to identify anaphylaxis.

‘Extremely low’ reactions​

The researchers found that 2.1%, or 1,365, of the employees had experienced an acute allergic reaction and that 0.025%, or 16, had experienced anaphylaxis.

While only 2% sounds low, the reality is there should not be ANY anaphylaxis, which is swelling of the heart.
A vaccine should not get to the heart, and if it does, should not cause the immune system to attack the heart.
They are calling it an allergic response, but the reality is that means the immune system started attacking the heart and killing cells.
That means the mRNA instructions did not stay in the arm muscle as they claimed would happen.
And with a potential of 300 million people to vaccinate, that means 6 million people are going to get this dangerous anaphylaxis.
That is not at all acceptible.
The risk from covid is much lower than that, since it only has a lethality of 0.02%.
So the mRNA vax is 100 times more risky then covid, if you are under 70 years of age.
The point is these things are extremely rare. And they recover and that this is garbage lol...
Here is the initial study:

In total, 52,805 participants responded to a symptom survey following their first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The surveys were conducted via text, email, phone calls, and smartphone applications over the 3 days following each vaccination.
The team used the health records of the employees to identify anaphylaxis.

‘Extremely low’ reactions​

The researchers found that 2.1%, or 1,365, of the employees had experienced an acute allergic reaction and that 0.025%, or 16, had experienced anaphylaxis.

While only 2% sounds low, the reality is there should not be ANY anaphylaxis, which is swelling of the heart.
A vaccine should not get to the heart, and if it does, should not cause the immune system to attack the heart.
They are calling it an allergic response, but the reality is that means the immune system started attacking the heart and killing cells.
That means the mRNA instructions did not stay in the arm muscle as they claimed would happen.
And with a potential of 300 million people to vaccinate, that means 6 million people are going to get this dangerous anaphylaxis.
That is not at all acceptible.
The risk from covid is much lower than that, since it only has a lethality of 0.02%.
So the mRNA vax is 100 times more risky then covid, if you are under 70 years of age.

extremely low risk of allergy reaction
Let's argue they said very few. Even that was a lie and they knew it was a lie. That's why they have lost over and over and over in the courts.
But they never said what you first said they said. lol

I'm not defending them against your raves and rants . I'm defending truth

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