The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

I've never heard of anyone having any problem with the vaccines and I know lots of people that have taken it sorry about your luck.
Well that’s scientific proof the vax is safe and effective.


Brought to you by Pfizer.
The CDC is simply reporting rumors but the European CDC says there has been no such thing in Europe so it's almost undoubtedly not true. But obviously anything is enough for you.

Actually I believe children don't do badly with COVID, which was a surprise

Seems you believe the science except where you don't want to believe the science.
BS. I have a masters in history and it's all about the 20th century. Do you have any actual argument or just stupid insults? You you don't think the Republicans screwed that League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles and started the world depression? You are mistaken. I am also a socialist like every Socialist Party in every democracy ever and I certainly wouldn't mind the nationalization of pharmaceuticals. Medicine and health should have nothing to do with profit. At any rate, everyone in the world who I respect and the world respects say get vaccinated and stop listening to crap. And that's what it is of course,,,, you don't know you're not paid to know, they are. And they are not the orange clown trump either. The worst pandemic response ever anywhere by that clown and the whole GOP and its media and it's doops.
Nobody is being dishonest here at least not me. They aren't making anything like the money they made off of opioids and there is no bad effect. Vaccines are wonderful they work great everybody who hasn't been paid off by scumbags says so.
I would use the BS emoji on this, but a liar such as you doesn't deserve the effort.

A master's in history? History of what, lying? Or in being an idiot? Or perhaps baiting?

What you do have is an inflated sense of yourself in spite of your lack of intelligence.
I follow fox and your Internet crap closely, it's 72% trump people around here. They are great people but they know nothing about politics and they were perfect for this brainwashing. Just like you
And there is part of your problem, "you follow". Never even attempting original or independent thought as proven by virtually all of your lying posts. Beyond pitiful.

That is why you always attempt to attack me, you recognize an intellect that you can never achieve and a truthfulness you are in fear of, since it shows your true self, a whimpering moron.
And there is part of your problem, "you follow". Never even attempting original or independent thought as proven by virtually all of your lying posts. Beyond pitiful.

That is why you always attempt to attack me, you recognize an intellect that you can never achieve and a truthfulness you are in fear of, since it shows your true self, a whimpering moron.
I looked at it from both sides and of course as always, the republican propaganda machine and conspiracy nut jobs are wrong again. Change the channel sometime and look into it yourself instead of stupid insults.... I'm done trying to explain to you why your brainwash is total BS. Everyone in the real world thinks you're nuts along with the rest of the GOP base and election fraud, vaccine and global warming hoaxes etcetera etcetera. You're the only people in the world that believe such garbage based on nothing but scumbag pundits repeating it endlessly.... Later much
I looked at it from both sides and of course as always, the republican propaganda machine and conspiracy nut jobs are wrong again. Change the channel sometime and look into it yourself instead of stupid insults.... I'm done trying to explain to you why your brainwash is total BS. Everyone in the real world thinks you're nuts along with the rest of the GOP base and election fraud, vaccine and global warming hoaxes etcetera etcetera. You're the only people in the world that believe such garbage based on nothing but scumbag pundits repeating it endlessly.... Later much
Once again, citing the whole world. Liar and moron.

BTW, I note that you lack the intelligence to respond in other than emojis. Can't think of a response by yourself or how to form it into words. The sure sign of an inferior mind, or lack of a mind at all.

You continue to think that only you could be correct about anything, in spite of zero support on your self claimed positions. It should be getting lonely in the prison that you claim to be your mind. Loser.
Of course, predictions don't always come true DUHHH. How do you predict that children will do better than everyone else?
Then how do YOU predict the outcome of this bogus injection? Do you claim to know better than anyone else? False claim.
I posted a link explaining that to you earlier. If you aren't going to read what is posted, I can not help you.
thanks, but I need no help from morons like you. nice dodge though, well played. But the fact remains, we will never know if the covid vax played a role in Hamlin's heart episode, and lefties like you don't care, why is that?
thanks, but I need no help from morons like you. nice dodge though, well played. But the fact remains, we will never know if the covid vax played a role in Hamlin's heart episode, and lefties like you don't care, why is that?

His episode was explained and it doesn't cause me to freak out over it.

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