The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Pharmaceutical companies have earned their distrust. Maybe you should blame them?

Do you still believe opioids aren't addictive?
here we go again

You believe you know something. Yet you cannot back up what you believe is factual. Why?
Purdue Pharmaceuticals.
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you claimed they said opioids are not addictive

shame on you
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you claimed they said opioids are not addictive

shame on you
the end -- thread should be closed

Scientists blame 12 to 20% of asthma on gas cooking. 20% in cities

No one has ever said opiods are not addictive. You need to stop posting harmful info before you help to kill somebody

I have no desire to discuss things with those unwilling to discuss things honestly.

Purdue also instructed its pharmaceutical representatives all over the country to tell physicians that oxycontin was not addictive primarily because of its slow-release properties.

Sacklers Sacked But Purdue Still Caused Opioid Epidemic
And another of your continuous lies. Many of those who got the shot got the disease a second or third time.

You just have to lie all of the time to make yourself feel relevant which you are not. Speaking of morons and losers, just look in the mirror.
Yes, but almost none of them were hospitalized or died, as a opposed to Republicans who are dying three times as fast. 80% of Democrats are vaccinated, 40% of Republicans. Can you figure that out, dunce. Oops brainwashed functional dunce? In the beginning transmission was stopped 94% of the time by the vaccine, now it's down to 40% or something but still helpful and definitely makes the cases much milder. Try Googling any of this stuff meathead, the only place you can find your crap is on conspiracy nut job Internet and possibly fox....
Yes, but almost none of them were hospitalized or died, as a opposed to Republicans who are dying three times as fast. 80% of Democrats are vaccinated, 40% of Republicans. Can you figure that out, dunce. Oops brainwashed functional dunce? In the beginning transmission was stopped 94% of the time by the vaccine, now it's down to 40% or something but still helpful and definitely makes the cases much milder. Try Googling any of this stuff meathead, the only place you can find your crap is on conspiracy nut job Internet and possibly fox....
Look at all of the failures of the vax. Multiple infections, miscounting the cases and lying about the efficacy of the vax. Try to spin it all you want, the truth is as I stated and all you want is to lie about it to try to scare people. Just like the government. Dumbass.
I don't believe anything. I am not sure. Past vaccines' you weren't asked to take them over and over and over.

Big Pharma has richly deserved people's mistrust.
Now it's once a year. Why, were you around for all these other vaccines when they first came out? I don't care, man, all the scientists and respected journalists and respected people say get vaccinated and stop listening to crap period end of story. Stop supporting Internet conspiracy nutjob cottage industries. What did big pharma do? If you're talking about opioids or anything else, those were about making money. Nobody is making a bonanza on the vaccines period end of story Jesus Christ everybody I know got vaccinated and no one has had any problem whatsoever. Republican media is totally Fos end of story they lie about everything and are a long running catastrophe.

Every time they get in they have a deregulation bubble and bust after seven years. They started the Great Depression of 1929 and the one of 2008. They screwed the League of Nations, the Treaty of Versailles, isolationism, and all the covert action against Latin American countries in Iran and all their stupid wars. I don't understand how people can be so stupid and vote for them. They're very clean and they are great at lying end of story forever. The silent majority is now the loudmouth brainwashed majority.
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Look at all of the failures of the vax. Multiple infections, miscounting the cases and lying about the efficacy of the vax. Try to spin it all you want, the truth is as I stated and all you want is to lie about it to try to scare people. Just like the government. Dumbass.
You are out of your tiny little mind. Change the channel read something not published by scumbags. Jesus Poor America...
Now it's once a year.

And one will have to make a determination off that. That wasn't the case before.

Why, were you around for all these other vaccines when they first came out? I don't care, man, all the scientists and respected journalists and respected people say get vaccinated and stop listening to crap period end of story. Stop supporting Internet conspiracy nutjob cottage industries. What did big pharma do? If you're talking about opioids or anything else, those were about making money. Nobody is making a bonanza on the vaccines period end of story Jesus Christ everybody I know got vaccinated and no one has had any problem whatsoever. Republican media is totally Fos end of story they lie about everything and are a long running catastrophe.

Pharmaceutical companies are making a ton of money off the vaccines. A ton of money.

Pfizer to become $100B behemoth next year thanks to COVID-19 drug and vaccine: analyst

Pfizer accused of pandemic profiteering as profits double

Why be dishonest here?

Every time they get in they have a deregulation bubble and bust after seven years. They started the Great Depression of 1929 and the one of 2008. They screwed the League of Nations, the Treaty of Versailles, isolationism, and all the covert action against Latin American countries in Iran and all their stupid wars. I don't understand how people can be so stupid and vote for them. They're very clean and they are great at lying end of story forever. The silent majority is now the loudmouth brainwashed majority.

I didn't vote for either party but as is so often the case, your argument is based upon your politics.
Look at all of the failures of the vax. Multiple infections, miscounting the cases and lying about the efficacy of the vax. Try to spin it all you want, the truth is as I stated and all you want is to lie about it to try to scare people. Just like the government. Dumbass.
No more problems than the measles smallpox or polio vaccines, the only difference is your garbage propaganda machine has obsessed over every single possible exception to the rules that it is a safe and effective and everyone should get vaccinated period end of story, brainwashed functional moron. You really need a hobby. Try Turner Classic Movies lol
And one will have to make a determination off that. That wasn't the case before.

Pharmaceutical companies are making a ton of money off the vaccines. A ton of money.

Pfizer to become $100B behemoth next year thanks to COVID-19 drug and vaccine: analyst

Pfizer accused of pandemic profiteering as profits double

Why be dishonest here?

I didn't vote for either party but as is so often the case, your argument is based upon your politics.

BS. I have a masters in history and it's all about the 20th century. Do you have any actual argument or just stupid insults? You you don't think the Republicans screwed that League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles and started the world depression? You are mistaken. I am also a socialist like every Socialist Party in every democracy ever and I certainly wouldn't mind the nationalization of pharmaceuticals. Medicine and health should have nothing to do with profit. At any rate, everyone in the world who I respect and the world respects say get vaccinated and stop listening to crap. And that's what it is of course,,,, you don't know you're not paid to know, they are. And they are not the orange clown trump either. The worst pandemic response ever anywhere by that clown and the whole GOP and its media and it's doops.
Nobody is being dishonest here at least not me. They aren't making anything like the money they made off of opioids and there is no bad effect. Vaccines are wonderful they work great everybody who hasn't been paid off by scumbags says so.
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