The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

There is hope that the mRNA will disintegrate after awhile. For the dam to break on the "vaccines," it will require building a foundation of knowledge about this mRNA that the cells are forced to produce.

For what period of time is the spike mRNA produced in the "vaccinee," and how long is it detectable? Dr. Malone says 60 days in the lymph nodes, a Danish report says circulation in the blood up to 28 days.

Badger2 is among those who will point to ways to neutralize (and by default, disintegrate) what mRNA is already circulating in the victim-scapegoat.
It's good to know that Thailand is now convening a tribunal in accordance with international laws to examine the facts and sue hell out of Pfizer.

Also good to know that it appears likely that Switzerland, home of Davos, is in the process of bringing certain Swiss bureaucrats to trial for crimes against humanity.
There is hope that the mRNA will disintegrate after awhile. For the dam to break on the "vaccines," it will require building a foundation of knowledge about this mRNA that the cells are forced to produce.

For what period of time is the spike mRNA produced in the "vaccinee," and how long is it detectable? Dr. Malone says 60 days in the lymph nodes, a Danish report says circulation in the blood up to 28 days.

Badger2 is among those who will point to ways to neutralize (and by default, disintegrate) what mRNA is already circulating in the victim-scapegoat.
Personally, I followed a 100% effective method of avoiding the rapidly mounting effects of the "vaccine". I refuse to take it and have not had the disease or any sign of it. So side effects either.
Personally, I followed a 100% effective method of avoiding the rapidly mounting effects of the "vaccine". I refuse to take it and have not had the disease or any sign of it. So side effects either.
At the earliest possible opportunity, my wife and I've taken the Moderna dose 1 and 2, Moderna booster, dose 1 and 2 and Moderna's bivalent booster. Both my children got the same shots when available to them. Aside from upper arms sore for a day, we've had NO ill effects from the injections and neither has ANYONE I know and neither have the vast, vast, vast majority of people who get the vaccine. I lost two friends and a cousin from the disease before the vaccines were released. The risk of illness or death is orders of magnitude greater without the vaccine than with it. I also wear a mask in all enclosed public places. I have never had the disease. The statistics indicate that my odds of getting the disease are a tiny, tiny fraction of your chances of getting the disease. But that doesn't bother you, eh?
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Children are not allowed to participate in clinical trials and never have been.

An Ohio mother is speaking out about her 12-year-old daughter suffering extreme reactions and nearly dying after volunteering for the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine trial.

You can certainly feel free to post where this is false.
An Ohio mother is speaking out about her 12-year-old daughter suffering extreme reactions and nearly dying after volunteering for the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine trial.

You can certainly feel free to post where this is false.
I was wrong on this. Clinical trials specifically for children are conducted. My apologies.
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It's good to know that Thailand is now convening a tribunal in accordance with international laws to examine the facts and sue hell out of Pfizer.

Also good to know that it appears likely that Switzerland, home of Davos, is in the process of bringing certain Swiss bureaucrats to trial for crimes against humanity.
But we haven't seen any current reports about the Princess, which we should be demanding, because it links Montagnier's mycoplasma and HIV/AIDS: the Princess herself has pre/post-jab mycoplasma.
At the earliest possible opportunity, my wife and I've taken the Moderna dose 1 and 2, Moderna booster, dose 1 and 2 and Moderna's bivalent booster. Both my children got the same shots when available to them. Aside from upper arms sore for a day, we've had NO ill effects from the injections and neither has ANYONE I know and neither have the vast, vast, vast majority of people who get the vaccine. I lost two friends and a cousin from the disease before the vaccines were released. The risk of illness or death is orders of magnitude greater without the vaccine than with it. I also wear a mask in all enclosed public places. I have never had the disease. The statistics indicate that my odds of getting the disease are a tiny, tiny fraction of your chances of getting the disease. But that doesn't bother you, eh?
Your post is meaningless to me as I had my son die a month after getting his shot. His heart was affected and he died. I do know other that have died or had violent reactions to these supposed life saving shots. As with all dictates by the government in areas that they don't belong, I say BS to them.
Your post is meaningless to me as I had my son die a month after getting his shot. His heart was affected and he died. I do know other that have died or had violent reactions to these supposed life saving shots. As with all dictates by the government in areas that they don't belong, I say BS to them.
You have the right, then, to learn about natural coronavirus infections causing sudden death and heart failure. Two viruses of note are rabbit coronavirus studied by Ralph Baric (UNC) and pig coronavirus, PEDV. There are hidden clues within these two viruses.
You have the right, then, to learn about natural coronavirus infections causing sudden death and heart failure. Two viruses of note are rabbit coronavirus studied by Ralph Baric (UNC) and pig coronavirus, PEDV. There are hidden clues within these two viruses.
I have learned about these and it did not change my mind.
At the earliest possible opportunity, my wife and I've taken the Moderna dose 1 and 2, Moderna booster, dose 1 and 2 and Moderna's bivalent booster. Both my children got the same shots when available to them. Aside from upper arms sore for a day, we've had NO ill effects from the injections and neither has ANYONE I know and neither have the vast, vast, vast majority of people who get the vaccine. I lost two friends and a cousin from the disease before the vaccines were released. The risk of illness or death is orders of magnitude greater without the vaccine than with it. I also wear a mask in all enclosed public places. I have never had the disease. The statistics indicate that my odds of getting the disease are a tiny, tiny fraction of your chances of getting the disease. But that doesn't bother you, eh?
Natural infection or not, the jury (rightly) is still out on the spike of the virus, identically reproduced by mRNA "vaccine." No need to concentrate on the successes. We're interested in the failures, because the failures hold the clues to origins.
I have learned about these and it did not change my mind.
It should not have changed your mind. The investigation of rabbit or pig coronaviruses is far from being concluded in relation to the mRNA "vaccines."

Please list some of the points that stood out in learning about these?
It should not have changed your mind. The investigation of rabbit or pig coronaviruses is far from being concluded in relation to the mRNA "vaccines."

Please list some of the points that stood out in learning about these?
They are not fully tested or tested over time. The powers that be just want further to insist that they are to be believed just because they say so. Also the claims of efficacy come from the same sou rces that have been wrong so many times.
They are not fully tested or tested over time. The powers that be just want further to insist that they are to be believed just because they say so. Also the claims of efficacy come from the same sou rces that have been wrong so many times.
One can bypass much of the authoritarianism by studying the science. Heart failure in rabbits and sudden death in pigs will be the mascots that mesh with the science, as in this example, proven by biopsy, post "vaccination":

Germany / A Post-Vaxx, Biopsy Proven Case
They are not fully tested or tested over time. The powers that be just want further to insist that they are to be believed just because they say so. Also the claims of efficacy come from the same sou rces that have been wrong so many times.
There are at least two time factors to consider:

1. Length of time circulating in the bloodstream. One Danish report says SARS2 mRNA circulates for up to 28 days.

2. Length of time for sequestering any SARS2 mRNA in the body. Dr. Malone says up to two months in the lymph nodes.

2. has implications for cancer, 1. would imply heart damage (even before the cytokine storm* [italics]).
* inflammatory reaction to a pathogen.
We are especially interested in pre-cytokine storm evidence in rabbit and pig corona.

1. seems the time window to use for investigating post-vaxx deaths, as long as the decedent's date of vaccination idocumented.

Being told that by government agencies is a prime reason to worry.
You can go here to Dr. McCullough, who documents one study if one scrolls the Twitter page far enough. That corresponding study was found at Pubmed:

In Feb of 2005, many Marine recruits came down with group A streptococcus. This was treated with azithromycin. At Jikkyleaks, there is already a hashtag for azithromycin relating to SARS2 pneumonia. Azithromycin to use as prophylaxis against SARS2 was taken away from American citizens while a "vaccine" was being developed.

U.S. Marine Training Camp / Streptococcus A / Azithromycin

So what? So, we point out the stealth mechanism used by Streptococcus. Ralph Baric and his bat virus lab, who studied heart failure and myocarditis in rabbit coronavirus infection would know this:

'....The histopathic changes were demonstrable in some animals within 24 hours after inoculation, apparently maximal at 72 hours after induction of infection (at which time they were seen in the hearts of all nine rabbits), and thereafter healed in the course of the following two weeks....In none of the lesions in rabbits subjected to single or multiple streptococcal infections were bacteria demonstrable, either in histologic sections or in cultures of myocardial tissue.'

So the lymphocytic myocarditis links to spontaneous myocarditis in rabbits and this original report from 1924:

Sep 1924 Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research / Spontaneous Myocarditis in Rabbits

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