The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Notice all the sheep that took the clot shot coming here to claim it wasn't the vaccines?

Deep down, they know they made a huge mistake when they trusted that evil little troll Fauxi but their own ego won't let them admit it.
They know we know the clot shots are killing people so at this point they are just trying to convince themselves
The clot shot! Wow. I never heard that one.
What you claim here all day every day is just your opinion which can be discarded since it has no proven truths to your chicken little interpretations.
Sure, you can discard her opinion (and mine), why not? This is just a place for free expression of who we are. It's not a place where we can trap you and drag you forcibly into our reality.
In order to realize you've been fooled on something you would need actual evidence of this happening. Do you have it? Every time I've asked for this information, the other poster will either slink away quietly without ever answering or in the case of Catman, simply deflect ad nauseum because this is how he deals with unpleasant facts since he can't live in reality. Does this describe you as well?
It describes yourself very well, but I'm still new here. Maybe time will show you post honestly.

Neither you nor Anthony Fauci nor any member of the MSM have proved a single element of the official covid narrative. And now 3 years on, from the Twitter files and elsewhere, the facts show the official covid narrative to be nothing but fear mongering and falsehoods.
Sure, you can discard her opinion (and mine), why not? This is just a place for free expression of who we are. It's not a place where we can trap you and drag you forcibly into our reality.
Indeed, an opinion is just an opinion it is not fact.
How can I be wrong about something when you can't even name what it is I'm wrong about, despite being asked numerous times? :auiqs.jpg:

I attack my own positions? When did this happen? :auiqs.jpg:


You are unwell even for an antivaxxer, and that's really saying something. You've firmly thrown in your lot with every other wack job of the last few decades, who thought the earth was flat, who believed democrats were running a pedophile ring out of a pizza shop, to ppl who think aliens had sex with them, etc. This is you, and it's sad.
You are wrong about everything so it is easy for you to be wrong when claiming to not know what you are wrong about.

Again you refuse to admit that have no ide3a what your actual position is, except false as it always has been.

You show how you fail to comprehend the written word in favor of your own dementia. I have said that I am not an anti vaxxer, yet you continue to insist that I am. Thus providing further proof that you do not know what you are talking about.

Take another two day break from posting and have someone tell you what to say next. It is your pattern and obviously what you do since you cannot come up with anything original or intelligent on your own.
badger , inasmuch as i (we) appreciate your offerings , it takes a bit to digest......~S~
It is very important that the information first gets posted, digestion comes after according to each reader's ability.

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